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Last active December 30, 2015 10:29
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(use ['clojure.string])
(defn t [actual expected]
(if (= actual expected)
(println 'sucess)
true )
(println (str 'fail!! " actual: " actual " expected " expected ))
(t 1 1)
(t 1 0)
(#(reduce %1 %2) + '(1 2 3 4 5))
(#(reduce %1 %2) + (map read-string (split "1,2,3" #",")))
(defn add [text] (#(reduce %1 %2) + (map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split text #",") )))
(map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split "1,2" #","))
(add "")
(add "1,2,4")
(add "1,2")
(defn add2
(#(reduce %1 %2) + (map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split form #",") )))
([text sep]
(#(reduce %1 %2) + (map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split text (re-pattern sep)) )))
(add2 "" ",")
(add2 "1,2,4" ",")
(add2 "1,2" ",")
(defn add3
(= "" form) 0
(.startsWith form "//")
(let [matchs (re-find (re-pattern "^//(.)\n(.*)") form)]
(add3 (last matchs) (second matchs) ) )
:else (add3 form ",") ))
([text sep]
(#(reduce %1 %2) + (map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split text (re-pattern sep)) )))
(add3 "")
(add3 "1,2,4")
(add3 "1,2")
(add3 "//:\n1")
(add3 "//:\n1:2:3")
(defn add4
(defn _reduce [text sep]
(#(reduce %1 %2) + (map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split text (re-pattern sep)) )))
(= "" form) 0
(.startsWith form "//")
(let [matchs (re-find (re-pattern "^//(.)\n(.*)") form)]
(_reduce (last matchs) (second matchs) ) )
:else (_reduce form ",") ))
(add4 "")
(add4 "1,2,4")
(add4 "1,2")
(add4 "//:\n1")
(add4 "//:\n1:2:3")
(defn add5
(defn _apply [text sep]
(#(apply %1 %2) + (map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split text (re-pattern sep)) )))
(= "" form) 0
(.startsWith form "//")
(let [matchs (re-find (re-pattern "^//(.)\n(.*)") form)]
(_apply (last matchs) (second matchs) ) )
:else (_apply form ",") ))
(add5 "")
(add5 "1,2,4")
(add5 "1,2")
(add5 "//:\n1")
(add5 "//:\n1:2:3")
(_apply "1,2,3" ",") ;;헛
(defn add6
(let [_apply (fn [text sep] (#(apply %1 %2) + (map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split text (re-pattern sep)) )))]
(cond (= "" form) 0
(.startsWith form "//") (let [matchs (re-find (re-pattern "^//(.)\n(.*)") form)] (_apply (last matchs) (second matchs) ) )
:else (_apply form ",") ))
(add6 "")
(add6 "1,2,4")
(add6 "1,2")
(add6 "//:\n1")
(add6 "//:\n1:2:3")
(re-matches #"^//(.)\n(.*)" "//:\n1:2:3")
(re-find (re-pattern #"^//(.)\n(.*)") "//:\n1:2:3")
(defn add7
(let [_apply (fn [text sep] (#(apply %1 %2) + (map #(if (empty? %) 0 (read-string %)) (split text (re-pattern sep)) )))]
(cond (= "" form) 0
(.startsWith form "//") (let [matchs (re-matches #"^//(.)\n(.*)" form)] (_apply (last matchs) (second matchs) ) )
:else (_apply form ",") ))
(add7 "")
(add7 "1,2,4")
(add7 "1,2")
(add7 "//:\n1")
(add7 "//:\n1:2:3")
(re-matcher #"^//(.)\n(.*)" "//:\n1:2:3")
(class (re-matcher #"^//(.)\n(.*)" "//:\n1:2:3"))
(.find (re-matcher #"^//(.)\n(.*)" "//:\n1:2:3"))
(-> (re-matcher #"^//(.)\n(.*)" "//:\n1:2:3").find)
(def p (re-pattern #"^//(.)\n(.*)"))
(-> (re-matcher p "//:\n1:2:3").find)
(def validate #(-> (re-matcher p %).find))
(validate "//:\n1:2:3")
(def validate #(let [_p (re-pattern #"^//(.)\n(.*)")] (-> (re-matcher _p %).find)))
(validate "//:\n1:2:3")
(defn parse [form]
(if (validate form)
(let [matches (re-matches p form)
sep (nth matches 1)
text (nth matches 2)]
(map #(read-string %) (split text (re-pattern sep))))))
(parse "//:\n1:2:3")
(apply + (parse "//:\n1:2:3"))
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