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Created March 11, 2014 05:36
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class 를 쪼갬 역활에 맞게 class 하나는 하나의 일만 ? 일? 여튼
package com.springapp.mvc;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import static*;
import static java.lang.System.err;
public class GuavaTest1 {
private final boolean initialzed = false;
public void testForNonNullArgument(final String parameter)
final String localPrameter = checkNotNull(parameter, "null값은"
+ "허용되지 않습니다.");
public void testDivisorNotZero(final int divisor){
checkArgument(divisor != 0, "0으로 나눌 수 없습니다.");
public void testArrayElement(final String[] strArray,
final int indexNumber){
final int index = checkElementIndex(indexNumber, strArray.length,
"지정된 Array 요소 위치가 벗어났습니다.");
public void testarrayPosition(final String[] strarray, final int indexNumber){
final int index = checkPositionIndex(indexNumber, strarray.length,
"지정된 Array 요소 위치가 벗어났습니다.");
public void testState(){
checkState(this.initialzed, "초기화 되지 않았습니다.");
public static void main(String[] args) {
GuavaTest1 testInstance = new GuavaTest1();
TestRunner testRunner =new TestRunner(GuavaTest1.class);
testRunner.test("preconditions.checkNotNull", testInstance, "testArrayElement",new String[]{"Dustin", "java"}, 3);
testRunner.test("precondition.checkArgument", testInstance,"testDivisorNotZero",0);
testRunner.test("Preconditions.checkElementIndex", testInstance,"testForNonNullArgument",null);
testRunner.test("Preconditions.checkPositionIndex", testInstance,"testarrayPosition", new String[]{"Dustin", "java"}, 3);
testRunner.test("Preconditions.checkState", testInstance,"testState");
package com.springapp.mvc;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
public interface TestMethodInvoker {
void invoker(Object testInstance, String testName, Object[] parameters) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException;
package com.springapp.mvc;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import static java.lang.System.err;
public class TestRunner {
private final Class<?> testClass;
public TestRunner(Class<?> testClass) {
this.testClass = testClass ;
public void test(String message, Object testInstance, String testName,Object... parameters) {
TestMethodInvoker testcase = new TestMethodInvoker() {
public void invoker(Object testInstance, String testName, Object[] parmeters) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
for (Method each : testClass.getMethods()) {
if (
isTestMehtod(each)) {
if (each.getName().equals(testName)) {
if (null == parmeters) {
} else {
each.invoke(testInstance, parmeters);
testcase.invoker(testInstance, testName, parameters);
}catch(Exception e){
private boolean isTestMehtod(Method each) {
return each.getName().startsWith("test")
|| each.getReturnType().equals("void");
private void printHeader(final String newHeaderText){
private static void line() {
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