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Drone strike communications transcript

On Feb. 21, 2010, a con­voy of vehicles car­ry­ing ci­vil­ians headed down a moun­tain in cent­ral Afgh­anistan. Amer­ic­an eyes were watch­ing. For more than four hours, the U.S. mil­it­ary — in­clud­ing a Pred­at­or drone crew in Nevada, video screen­ers in Flor­ida, an AC-130 air­plane crew in the sky and an Amer­ic­an spe­cial op­er­a­tions unit on the ground nearby — tracked the con­voy, try­ing to de­cide wheth­er it was friend or foe. This is the of­fi­cial U.S. mil­it­ary tran­script of the ra­dio trans­mis­sions and cock­pit con­ver­sa­tions that day, ob­tained by the Los Angeles Times through a Free­dom of In­form­a­tion Act re­quest.

This is a cleaned up copy of the transcript obtained by the LA Times, retrieved from

I downloaded the PDF, ran pdf2txt on it, ran the following Python program to clean it up, then did manual edits.

import sys

import regex

def convert(s):
    flags = regex.MULTILINE | regex.UNICODE | regex.IGNORECASE
    # Convert non-breaking spaces to regular spaces.
    s = s.replace(u'\u00A0', ' ')
    # Remove form-feeds.
    s = s.replace(u'\x0C', '')
    # Single space around e.g. "*radio chatter*".
    s = regex.sub(r' *\*([a-z ]+)\* *', r' *\1* ', s, flags=flags)
    # Remove trailing spaces.
    s = regex.sub(r' +\n', r'\n', s, flags=flags)
    # Fill paragraphs.
    s = regex.sub(r'(\S)\n(\S)', r'\1 \2', s, flags=flags)
    # One space after colon.
    s = regex.sub(r'\): +', r'): ', s, flags=flags)
    # Strip out inline "CLASSIFIED" tags.
    s = regex.sub(r'\s*CLASSIFIED\s*([^0-9 \n])', r' \1', s, flags=flags)
    # 3 or more \n becomes 2 \n
    s = regex.sub(r'\n{3,}', r'\n\n', s, flags=flags)
    # Condense multiple spaces into one.
    s = regex.sub(r'  +', r' ', s, flags=flags)
    # Merge other split lines
    #s = regex.sub(r'([\p{P}\p{L}]+)\n+ *([\p{P}\p{L}]+)',
    #              r'\1 \2',
    #              s,
    #              flags=flags)
    # If a transcript line ends without punctuation, add a period.
    s = regex.sub(ur'(^[0-9]+.*[^\p{P}\n])\n', ur'\1.\n', s, flags=flags)
    return s

def main():
    s =
    s = unicode(s, 'utf8')
    s = convert(s)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Entire compiled Chat Log for KIRK97
All times in GMT/Zulu
MIC: Mission Intelligence Coordinator, a crew position
SO: Sensor Operator
Safety Observer: additional pilot to back up checklists/procedures in case of kinetic strike
JAG25: Joint Terminal Attack Controller
Slasher03: AC-130 Gunship
Bam Bam41: Helo Air Weapons Team
Highlighted areas are radio communications
00:23 (Pilot): If you’re still talking to him or whatever, just tell him they got us you know watching a pretty important compound just for movement while their working with the gunships so it would make sense for us to stay.
00:23 (MC): Yep… Copies.
00:23 (JAG25): Kirk97, Kirk97, JAG25.
00:23 (Pilot): JAG25 go for Kirk97.
00:23 (JAG25): Just giving you a heads up we’re increasing *Broken Radio Comms* maneuvering on all four sides *garbled radio* so any kind of movement you see, possible link ups or any signs of this starting to reconsolidate just give me a heads up.
00:23 (Pilot): And Kirk copies you broken from Jaguar, understand you’re experiencing movement all around we are currently on the compound last known location of our four group of four… no movement here at this time we will keep you updated thanks.
00:24 (JAG25): Roger for JAG25.
00:24 (JAG25): Roger those two vehicles they appear to be moving south to the left are they staying close to the green zone or are they moving out in to the open?
00:24 (Slasher03): We are now tracking three vehicles and standby we will give you an update.
00:25 (JAG25): Copy.
00:25 (JAG25): *Broken Radio Comms* Slasher03, Jag25 yeah those vehicles are bad we’re gonna have to get a work on trying to get enough to engage from what we are hearing on ICOM traffic a QRF is coming in for a *Broken Radio Chatter*
00:25 (Slasher03): 03 Roger that again 3 vehicles all seem to be predominately moving west bound off in the green space we have our eyes on *Broken Radio Comms* appears to be *unlawful* personnel in the back.
00:25 (JAG25): Estimate between the 3 vehicles over.
00:25 (Slasher03): Again they're all on the move and we will try to get you the distance between them.
00:26 (Pilot): Gonna take missile power off.
00:26 (Sensor): Copy.
00:26 (Pilot): Just let it cool down.
00:26 (Sensor): Verify the missile is on the left correct, that the one that is coded, Skynet says on the right again.
00:26 (Pilot): It is on the left and we’re coded and set for the left first.
00:26 (Slasher03): Slasher03, JAG25.
00:27 (JAG25): Jaguar go for Slasher.
00:27 *Radio Static*
00:28 (JAG25): Copy that we can hold off.
00:28 (JAG25): Slasher03, JAG25 roger thanks for the word on that *Broken Radio Comms*.
00:29 (Slasher03): Roger that again, have no problem with hand-held flare, we’re okay.
00:30 (Slasher03): Jaguar25, Slasher03 apologize for the delay on this we’re trying to get our SA on these vehicles. The third vehicle we were tracking appeared to have gone…it doesn’t appear to be a factor right now. Additionally you have the other two vehicles, one is on the east side of the river, one’s on the west side of the river. Their approximately 3 to 4 miles north of your position and they are separated about a klick.
00:30 (MC): Looks like they want us to move now. I’ll tell Slasher that we got retasked.
00:30 (Pilot): Okay, let me coordinate first. Who uh? Okay SOTF South.
00:30 (MC): Yes.
00:31 (Pilot): JAG25, Kirk97.
*Radio Static*
00:31 (Pilot): JAG25, Kirk97.
00:31 (JAG25): Kirk97, JAG25.
00:31 (Pilot): JAG25, Kirk97 be advised we just received a retasking, we’ve try to hold it off for as long as possible, looks like they’re sending us down to the Marjah area. We still have eyes on your compound no movement here at this time we will try to hold out as long as possible but it looks like we will have to leave pretty soon.
00:32 (Slasher03): 3 the vehicle on the east side of the river stopped momentarily appeared to have dropped off one pax off he’s dismount walking towards the objective and vehicle proceeding east bound now… toward a compound.
00:32 (Slasher03): That dismounted individual is now meeting up with another individual who came out of the compound.
00:32 (JAG25): Roger, say again they’re linking up with somebody who came out of the compound, over.
00:33 (JAG25): Slasher03, JAG25.
*Radio Static*
00:33 (JAG25): JAG25 roger thinking about the situation, I’m pretty sure we are covered Demonstration of hostile intent tactical maneuvering in conjunction with the ICOM chatter it would appear that they are maneuvering on our location and setting themselves up for an attack *radio comm. is stepped on by crew on intercomm*.
00:34 (Slasher03): Copy that *Broken Radio Chatter* up to 3 additional pax.
00:34 (Slasher03): Again that compound with the rendezvous there’s an additional pickup truck appears hot and we’re tracking multiple personnel throughout.
00:34 (JAG25): Slasher03, JAG25 roger.
00:34 (Pilot): Is that a dude outside?
00:35 (Sensor): Yeah.
00:35 (Pilot): Alright.
00:35 (Pilot): JAG25 / Kirk97.
00:35 UNK: In the south *Radio Static*
00:35 (Pilot): Pass that to SOTF South that this guy is back outside of his house and off in the field to the south.
00:35 (MC): Roger.
00:35 (Slasher03): Jaguar, Slasher that vehicle on the west side of the river that we were tracking is now dismounting all personnel. We are tracking up to 12 pax.
00:35 (JAG25): Roger is that 12 pax in both locations or on the one side of the river over.
00:35 (Slasher03): Slasher03 this is just the one location at the west side of the river again we were tracking both vehicles. They came to a stop we were giving you SA on the one that made a rendezvous at the compound we have now shifted over to the west side of the river and that vehicle has dismounted 12 or more pax and they are currently moving right now standby for some more words.
00:36 (JAG25): When able I would like you to engage with (containment) fires forward of their line of movement in between their position and friendlies over.
00:36 (Slasher03): 03 if Kirk97 hasn’t departed yet is it at all possible to get them to take a look at these people.
00:36 (JAG25): That’s affirmative. Break, break, Kirk97, JAG25.
00:37 (JAG25): Slasher03 request you pass coordinates to Kirk97 we will have them go over to see if they can PID any weapons over.
00:37 (Slasher03): 5 Slasher03 roger that break, break.
00:37 (MC): Alright I got the coords.
00:37 (Sensor): They passed in mIRC already?
00:37 (MC): Yep, Slasher did, ready?
00:37 (Slasher03): Kirk97, Kirk97, Slasher03 say when read to copy 8 digit grid.
00:37 (Pilot): And Slasher, Kirk97 has your coords VIA mIRC we’re moving eyes at this time standby one.
00:38 (Slasher03): 03 request permission to sparkle if they can’t get eyes on the coords.
00:38 (JAG25): We are going to hold on containment fires and try to attempt PID, we would really like to take out those trucks.
00:38 (Slasher03): Copy that. Break, break, Slasher, we passed you coords for the vehicle on the west side of the river again you have multiple dismounts in the open break. On the east side of the river there’s an additional vehicle majority of the dismounts are inside a compound located just to the north of that vehicle if you get eyes on that compound. Compound has multiple movers as well as one pickup truck hot.
00:38 (Slasher03): Kirk97, Slasher in addition if you’re able to pick up illumination it appears the two vehicles are flashing lights signaling between.
00:39 (Pilot): Kirk97 copy that standby one for our eyes and can you confirm that is on the east side of the river?
00:39 (Slasher03): Kirk97, Slasher negative the coords we passed are going to be on the west side in order to expedite we can put down the sparkle.
00:39 (Sensor): Going to fused. (reference to MTS settings)
00:39 (MC): I see them right there.
00:39 (Pilot): Kirk97 we are eyes on the west side of the river, we are in fused if you want to go ahead and throw down your sparkle.
00:39 (Sensor): Ok, I see a vehicle with flashing lights on.
00:39 (Slasher03): Sparkle on, sparkle on, call contact.
00:40 (Pilot): Kirk97 contact sparkle.
00:40 (Slasher03): broken unreadable say again.
00:40 (Pilot): Kirk97 contact sparkle, we are eyes on a vehicle flashing lights and it looks like about 7 personnel to the east of that vehicle; how copy.
00:40 (Slasher03): Broken unreadable; please pass via mirc, once you get contact this first set, we’ll move over to the second, let us know if you can PID.
00:40 (Pilot): Are you still in mirc with them?
00:40 (MC): They fell out of mirc, hang on
00:41 (Pilot): Kirk97 is contact, we are also sending via mirc.
00:41 (Slasher03): That again, I have the multiple dismounts in the open outside of the vehicle, looking to see if you can PID; once you get a good look at them, we’ll talk you on to the next set.
00:41 (Pilot): Kirk97, good copy, we are eyes on the first vehicle; observing to try and PID on the pax in the open; standby for movement for the second.
00:41 (Slasher03): to expedite this talk on, however we only got about 20 mikes.
00:41 Slasher03/Jag25.
00:41 (Pilot): Does he have a weapon?
00:41 (Sensor): Can’t tell yet.
00:41 (MC): Can’t tell.
00:42 (Kirk97): Jag25/Slasher03/Kirk97 we are eyes on a vehicle, personnel in the open, definite tactical movement, cannot PID weapons at this time, how copy?
00:42 (Jag25): Kirk97/Jag25 copies.
00:42 (Pilot): What altitude is Slasher at?
00:42Z (Sensor): They should be below us.
00:42 (Pilot):
00:42 (Sensor): Yep.
00:42 (Pilot): ‘kay just making sure because they’re probably gonna clear him on this, I bet; DGS is not calling anything for us, right?
00:42 (MC): Not yet.
00:43 (Pilot): Can you tell whoever is expecting us down in Marjeh, that we are part of a tactical engagement right now and we can’t move.
00:43 (Jag25): Kirk97/Jag25.
00:43 (MC): Will do.
00:42 (Pilot): Jag25 go for Kirk97.
00:43 (Sensor): possible mortars (reference to what the JTAC is trying to PID)
00:43 (Pilot): Kirk97, good copy on that, be advised personnel in the open, by the vehicles moving tactically definitely carrying objects at this time we cannot PID what they are however we’ve got eyes on and we are working our best.
00:43 (Sensor): agree with all that, I’m not going to go low-light right now for the screener we’ve already determined that we’ve uhh.
00:43 (Slasher): Jag25, how’s your imagery looking?
00:43 (Pilot): Was he talk’n to us.
00:44 (MC): He was talking to Jag.
00:44 (Sensor): and Slasher.
00:43 (Pilot): DGS have anything for us?
00:44 (MC): I told them, we just want to know about these pax.
00:44 (Slasher03): Slasher/Jag.
00:44 (Pilot): just keep looking, maybe we’ll see something.
00:44 (Slasher03): Ok we’re all set up, up here; standby your intentions for fire mission.
00:44 (Jag25): Jag25, roger, ground force commander’s intent is to destroy the vehicles and the personnel, right now Kirk97 is showing that the individuals egressed the trucks holding cylindrical objects in their hands *radio static*
00:44 (Sensor): check these guys out down here.
00:44 *Radio static*
00:44 (Pilot): Be ready for a lot of (exploitive deleted) squirters dude.
00:44 (Pilot): These guys look to be lookouts, man.
00:44 (Sensor): Agreed.
00:45 (Pilot): All players; Kirk97, just to the east of our vehicle we have a group of eight individuals, just to the east of those eight individuals, we have what looks to be 2 lookouts, near the river, how copy?
00:45 (Slasher03): You came in broken unreadable, we copied *radio static*
00:45 (Pilot): go back to that guy down here.
00:45 (MC): See if you can zoom in on that guy, ‘cause he’s kind of like.
00:45 (Pilot): what did he just leave there.
00:45 (Pilot): Is that a *expletive* rifle?
00:45 (Sensor): Maybe just a warm spot from where he was sitting; can’t really tell right now, but it does look like an object.
00:45 (Pilot): I was hoping we could make a rifle out, never mind.
00:45 (Sensor): The only way I’ve ever been able to see a rifle is if they move them around, when their holding them, with muzzle flashes out or slinging them across their shoulders.
00:46 (Jag25): *radio static* from ground force commander *radio static*
00:46 (Slasher): That uh, approximately 15 mikes remaining.
*Radio static* broken radio chatter*
00:46 (Jag25): 97/Jag25.
00:46 (Sensor): Jag25 go for kirk97 (SO makes this radio call)
00:47 (Jag25): slasher, get eyes there.
*broken radio chatter*
00:47 (Sensor): He called for us but didn’t answer back, probably can’t hear us?
00:47 (Jag25): Slasher03/Jag25.
00:47 (Slasher03): 3, uh, that last 2 pax were individuals.
00:47 (Slasher03): Remember that is where you have kirk97 tracking; our intention is to engage first on the east side, the individuals on the east side of the river are closer to compounds and uhh have to ability to get away; with Kirk97 tracking individuals on the west side we feel comfortable to keep chain of custody.
00:48 (Jag25): Do you have on the west side of the river at this time *broken radio* to our location over.
00:48 (Pilot): Just stay on that truck if nothing else, I’m gonna try and get you closer man.
00:48 (Sensor): Copy.
00:48 (Pilot): There we go, that’s a little better huh?
00:48 (Slasher03): jaguar25, slasher03 again, on the west side you have 10 pax that are dismounts that appear to be huddled down, hunkered down, holding position they are all static on the east side, you have the original vehicle with 2 dismounts waiting outside, believe you had up to two to three to four that are still inside the vehicle, then just north of that position you have the compound where our 1 individual exited the vehicle and rendezvous, you have multiple movers within that compound as well as a hot pickup truck.
00:49 (Jag25): Jag25 copies… distance of that vehicle on the east side of that vehicle to our main objective.
00:49 (Slasher03): The vehicle on the east side of the river is approximately 7,800 meters.
00:49 (Jag25): roger.
00:50 (Slasher03): that pickup truck we noted earlier entered the compound is now exited and currently static, you have 6 pax all moving around that pickup now, you have 2 dismounts.
00:51 (Sensor): gunship back in mirc, yet?
00:51 (MC): They are back.
00:51 (Pilot): Tell him that we are contact their sparkle their vehicle and we got 8 pax in a group and 2 lookouts just to the east of that vehicle.
00:51 (MC): Alright, I’ll let them know that we are eyes on those individuals.
00:51 (Slasher03): Position approximately 7,800meters.
00:52 (Jag25): station but with the distance they are away from our objective*crew comm overpowers the radio*
00:52 (Slasher03): Slasher03, roger that.
00:52 (Jag25): Jag25, getting ICOM traffic, and the maneuvering of these personnel and we believe their ultimate intent is to come down in this area and engage friendlies at this point, the current rules of engagement don’t fit *radio static/broken chatter*
00:53 (Slasher03): Jag, this compound is just unloading right now, we have up to 15 pax maybe more, all moving in vicinity of the hilux, then again just east of this compound is our original vehicle up to 6 pax there, then on the other side of the river on the west side you have 12 pax associated with the other vehicle.
00:53 (Slasher03): Slasher, this time appears that their trying to load up on the hilux all those that exited the building there’s definitely a lot of movement around it; standby we’ll update.
00:53 (Jag25): roger.
00:53 (Sensor): That’s about the best picture we’re get’n.
00:53 (Pilot): Do me a favor and take a look at the other 2 guys and the truck real quick too, see if anybody else has anything interesting.
************END OF 0023z VIDEO SEGMENT********BEGINNING OF 0054z VIDEO SEGMENT*******
00:54 (Pilot): They are all just hunkered down there waiting.
00:54 (Sensor): except for mr. sitting duck standing up there.
00:54 (Slasher03) 3 just for your SA, best count for both positions is anywhere between 35 to 40 PAX.
00:54 (MC): what kind of truck is that?
00:54 (Jag25): Roger, good copy, we’re receiving icom traffic *broken radio chatter* from higher commander directing everybody to continue movement towards the bazaar break *radio static* What we’re looking at is a QRF; we believe we may have a high level Taliban commander *radio static*
00:54 (Pilot): that is definitely not a hummer right?
00:54 (Sensor): No just a regular SUV it’s got a roof rack, kind of bulky and boxy, maybe a Toyota.
00:54 (Slasher03) we have all those pax, looks like the majority of them have tried to offload onto the hilux. Still have about 6 that weren’t able to fit, may be moving over to the other vehicle.
00:55 (Pilot): wouldn’t surprise me if this was one of their important guys, just watching from a distance, you know what I mean?
00:55 (Sensor): yea he’s got his security detail.
*broken radio chatter*
00:55 (JAG): Kirk 97 Kirk97 Jag 25.
00:55 (Pilot): Jag25 go for Kirk97.
00:55 (JAG): Kirk97 Jag25 Roger, request you pull your sensor over on the east side of the river at the target that Slasher03’s looking at noticing a lot of people getting on a bridge and we’d like to try and… *muffled due to radio bleed over*
00:55 (Pilot): copy that, we are moving to the east side to take a look. Be advised on the west side of the river we still have one vehicle with ten pax, two lookouts, could be definite tactical movement with a commander over watching, definitely suspicious how copy?
00:56 (Sensor): can we get grids possibly from Slasher?
00:56 (JAG): roger good copy, due to distance from friendlies we are trying to work on justification, we’re gonna need PID.
00:56 (Pilot): Good copy on that, no PID on weapons at this time only tactical movements on the west side, can you pass coords for the east please?
00:56 (Slasher): sparkle down, sparkle coming on, sparkle on. We have a Hilux west bound have multiple personnel in the bed meeting up with an additional vehicle; again, multiple personnel in vicinity.
00:56 (JAG): jag25 copies.
00:56 (Sensor): Try to clean this up a bit.
00:57 (Jag25): Slasher03, Jag25 *broken radio* additional ICOMM traffic that they are getting on the vehicles and moving to our location, sounded like it was in conjunction with what you are looking at.
00:57 (Pilot): Seeing anything?
00:57 (Sensor): No, that is about as wide as I can go in low light. Oh is that something?
00:57 (Slasher03): That looks like you have individuals all loaded up in the two vehicles, they have stopped at a rendezvous, have about 4 of them outside talking, and those that couldn’t fit in the vehicle are trailing on foot.
00:57 (Sensor): it’s not a sparkle, it’s their own headlights on this vehicle.
00:57 (Slasher03): total personnel looking at 22 or so, on the east side.
00:57 (MC):
00:57 (Pilot):
00:58 (Sensor): yea we are there.
00:58 (Slasher03): need you to call contact or give words over mIRC.
00:58 (Pilot): And all players, KIRK97, if you can hear us, we are contact truck on the east side you can cease sparkle at this time.
00:58 (MC): Told ‘em via mIRC too.
00:58 (Sensor): 1 four-door pickup 1 SUV multiple personnel, try to get a count. Looks like people in the back of the pickup, one, two, three at least five dudes so far.
00:58 (Pilot): and KIRK97 is contact 1 SUV, 1 hilux pickup, lights on pax around both and pax in the bed of the truck.
00:58 (Sensor): ISARC says we are good huh?
00:58 (Pilot): good to stay.
00:59 (MC): yep, good to stay.
00:59 (Pilot): Nice, Good work man, thank you.
00:59 (Sensor): not sure what compound they came from or what we are apparently dealing with.
00:59 (MC): six minutes for gunship.
00:59 (Sensor): apparently these guys are closer in proximity to friendlies so they are trying to get some justification, that’s what I’m gathering from it.
00:59 (Pilot): Can you zoom in a little bit man, let em take a look.
00:59 (Sensor): at least 4 in the back of the pickup.
00:59 (Pilot): what about the guy under the north arrow, does it look like he is hold’n something across his chest.
00:59 (Sensor): yea it’s kind of weird how they all have a cold spot on their chest.
00:59 (Pilot): It’s what they’ve been doing here lately, they wrap their *expletive* up in their man dresses so you can’t PID it.
00:59 (Sensor): yeah, just like that one, there was a shot a couple of weeks ago they were on those guys for hours and never saw them like sling a rifle but pictures we got of them blown up on the ground had all sorts of *expletive*
1:00(Sensor): maybe five in the back of the bed.
1:00 *broken radio chatter*
1:00 (Jag25): Jag25 have you loud and clear.
1:00 (Slasher03): again looks like all vehicles loaded on the east side of the river here, they’re still doing a little rendezvous meeting. On the west side you have the other pickup truck with all the dismounts arranged as Kirk passed.
1:00 (Jag25): roger good copy, and we are still working on our end over.
01:00 (Pilot): DGS doesn’t have anything interesting for us do they.
01:00 (MC): I don’t think so.
1:00 (Jag25): and slasher03, ground force commander is looking for your playtime remaining, and your.
01:00 (Sensor): Do we have that friendly grid they keep referencing your location as in JAG’s.
01:01 (MC): No, I don’t have that.
01:01 (Pilot): alright, so everything I said still applies man, if he bugs out.
1:01 (Slasher): and JAG25 from higher right now matching our fuel state, we can only give you another 3 or 5 minutes without a fire mission, we are right at the outer limit of our fuel level.
1:01 (Jag25): roger, good copy.
1:01 (Sensor): he seems to be looking northeast and everyone in the SUV almost like they are kind of almost like their behind it. What’s that guy got, the pickup lookout?
1:01 (Pilot): Yeah, I think he does have something.
1:01 (Sensor): I think so.
1:01 (Pilot): Jag25, Slasher03, Kirk97 it looks like the dismounted pax on the hilux pickup on the east side is carrying something, but we cannot PID what it is at this time but he is carrying something.
1:02 (Sensor): He slung it on his shoulder whatever it was, just switched arms with it or something, and is getting in the truck.
1:02 (Jag25): JAG25 copies.
1:02 (Sensor): pickup truck started up the exhaust there.
1:02 (Pilot): Alright…so if the C-130 bugs out and we get a chance, dude you’re pretty experienced do what you think is right, stay with whoever you think has the best opportunity to find something on them or follow the biggest group or do whatever you want to do.
01:03 (Sensor): the screener is reviewing, they think something is up with that dude as well. I’ll take a quick look at the SUV guys, sorry.
1:03 (JAG25): Slasher03 JAG25.
1:03 (Sensor): what do these dudes got, yeah I think that dude had a rifle.
1:03 (Pilot): I do too.
1:03 (JAG25): Slasher03 Jag25.
1:03 (JAG25): Slasher03 Jag25.
1:03 (Slasher03): JAGUAR25 go for SLASHER.
1:03 (JAG25): Roger, given the distance and the lack of weapons PID we are having a hard time (garble, garble) and also the same with fires, (garble) to bring them in so we can engage but we really need that PID to (garble, garble, garble) start dropping.
1:04 (Sensor): yeah they called a possible weapon on the MAM mounted in the back of the truck.
1:04 (MC): the MAM that mounted the bed of the truck had possible weapon.
1:04 (Pilot): All players, all Players from KIRK97, from our DGS the MAM that just mounted the back of the hilux had a possible weapon, read back possible rifle.
1:04 (JAG25): again the other two on the east side of the river are also static with all folks loading.
1:04 (JAG25): Kirk we notice that, but you know how it is with ROEs, so we have to be careful with those, ROE’s *broken radio chatter*
1:04 (Sensor): sounds like they need more than possible.
1:04 (Pilot): Yeah.
1:04 (MC): Do you want to see if we can go white hot.
1:04 (Slasher03): garble, we appreciate the work out there guys uh stay safe and uh, and we will try to send one of ours back out here for you tomorrow night.
1:05 (Pilot): alright so it’s us.
1:05 *broken radio chatter*
1:05 (Sensor): white hot is not going to give us anything better.
1:05 (Slasher): believe we got most of that message but energy bled on a lot of it again we appreciate working with you guys and have a safe, have a safe day.
1:05 (JAG25): copy, slasher03.
1:05 (Sensor): that truck would make a beautiful target, ok that’s a Chevy suburban.
1:05 (Pilot): yeah, (Sensor): yeah.
1:05 (Sensor): well maybe it’s not quite as long it’s got barn doors in the back, I want to say it’s a suburban, well, It almost doesn’t look long enough, could be a barn door Tahoe, it’s definitely full size, and I don’t see many full size out here other than Chevys.
1:05 (JAG25): KIRK97 JAG25.
1:06 (Pilot): JAG25 go for KIRK97.
1:06 (JAG25): KIRK97 JAG25 roger, uh (broken comms)
1:06 (Sensor& Pilot): *expletive deleted* radio.
1:06 (JAG25): ID uh sun as the suns coming up hopefully you guys get a little(garble, garble)
1:06 (Sensor): understands if it gets light we’ll get better ID.
1:06 (Pilot): JAG25/ KIRK97, your comms are weak and extremely broken uh understand we are still looking for PID, we are still eyes on the east side working on PID, we have possible weapons but no PID yet, we’ll keep you updated.
1:07 (MC): screener said at least one child near SUV.
1:07 (Sensor): bull (expletive deleted)…where!?
1:07 (Sensor): send me a (expletive deleted) still, I don’t think they have kids out at this hour, I know they’re shady but come on.
1:07 (Pilot): at least one child… Really? Listing the MAM, uh, that means he’s guilty.
1:07 (Sensor): well maybe a teenager but I haven’t seen anything that looked that short, granted they’re all grouped up here, but.
1:07 (MC): They’re reviewing.
1:07 (Pilot): Yeah review that (expletive deleted)…why didn’t he say possible child, why are they so quick to call (expletive deleted) kids but not to call (expletive deleted) a rifle.
1:08 (MC): two children were at the rear of the SUV… I haven’t seen two children.
1:08 (Sensor): The SUV just started, CLASSIFIED.
1:08 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 be advised our DGS is calling possible rifle in the hilux and two possible children near the SUV how copy.
1:08 (JAG25): KIRK97 JAG25 roger, ground force commander intent is to monitor the situation, what we’d like to do is keep tracking them and bring them in as close as we can until we also have CCA up and we want to take out the whole lot of them, over.
1:09 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 good copy on that, will continue to monitor and keep you updated, sounds like a good plan, thanks.
1:09 (Sensor): so not likely to get any type of shot until they have other asset to take the squirters or you know somehow divide and conquer these vehicles.
1:09 (MC): If we had two missiles,
01:09 (Pilot): course now we only have one.
1:09 (Sensor): little bit of movement by the SUV. I really doubt that children call, man I really (expletive deleted) hate that.
1:09 (MC): I also got told to remind you about, in case they do get a clear hostile, and they’re children, to remove our meta-data so they can get a snap of it.
1:09 (Sensor): copy.
01:09 (MC): but I haven’t seen a kid yet, so…
1:10 (MC): is this the child entering the rear of the SUV?
1:10 (Sensor): they’re moving, I’ll stay with the pickup truck.
1:10 (Pilot): yeah stay with it, I think that’ll be your best bet.
1:10 (Sensor): a few more of the MAMs from the SUV went to the pickup truck, looked like they were carrying something. they should follow here, but I think we’ll go with the pickup as a primary unless we get directed otherwise.
1:10 (Pilot): yeah, sounds good to me.
1:10 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 be advised your hilux and your SUV are on the move, slowly moving to the west at this time and a couple more MAMs have gotten into the bed of the truck.
1:11 (JAG25): KIRK97 JAG25 good copy work the situation *broken radio* got an accurate count of what appears to be *garbled*
1:11 (Sensor): what are they doing, wrestling?
1:11 (Pilot): you see that?
1:11 (Sensor): what’s that?
1:11 (Pilot): they just threw someone into the back of that truck, and were like, wrestling with somebody did you see that?
1:11 (Senor):Yeah I saw those two dudes wrestling.
1:11 (Pilot): they probably are really using (expletive deleted) human shields here, that’s probably what that is.
1:11 (Sensor): let’s see if the SUV’s in tow here.
1:11 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK 96 be advised there was a brief scuffle in the bed of the highlux, prior to its departure, looks to be potential use of human shields, but definite suspicious movement, and definite tactical movement.
1:12 (Sensor): the SUV is a trail, just a little bit behind…yup SUV’s bringing up the rear still.
1:12 (Pilot): that’s why they won’t let, like, locals leave once they move in.
1:12 (Sensor): crossing the river….come on, meet up with our other guys, that’ll be great. They’re saying one got ran up to, oh you’re reading it.
1:12 (Pilot):I almost guarantee it that’s what that is. Is JAG25 qualified?
1:13 (MC): I’ll check.
1:13 (Pilot): Thanks dude, I don’t think he’s gonna let us shoot, ‘cause they wanna get all these guys, but still.
1:13 (MC): maybe on a squirter.
1:13 (Pilot): yeah.
1:13 (Sensor): if we get this vehicle alone, maybe but, no, SUV’s still trailing.
1:13 (MC): I think that truck, well, it’s got everyone in the open, so a HELLFIRE would do dandy.
1:14 (Sensor): A gas tank makes for a good secondary too, hit a vehicle once before and it was a big black cloud.
1:14 (Pilot): Yeah, I think I saw that.
1:14 (MC): let’s see, what was it, JAG what?
1:14 (Pilot+Sensor): JAG25.
1:14 (Pilot):He should be, but we just wanna make sure. Did they say how long they were gonna let us hang here? Or did they just nix that last 8-line?
1:14 (MC): ah, they just told us to stay here until told otherwise.
1:14 (Pilot):works for me.
1:14 (Sensor): so I wonder who the next CCA available is gonna be? It’d be nice if we had someone like HAMMER or SLASHER in mIRC, ‘cause we could coordinate, “okay we’ll take this vehicle”
1:15 (Pilot): Had the radios not been so broken, we could have had some good coordination going on with them.
1:15 (Sensor): cause they could fire once they see our splash, they could go ahead and start firing 60 degrees, head north yeah, gonna be fine.
1:15 (Pilot): He’s gonna be passed your 39 here in just one sec, gonna be turning around him and then I’ll recenter ya on him. JAG25 KIRK97 confirmed you copied my last from the departure.
!:15 (JAG25): KIRK97 JAG25 roger, are you referring to the scuffle and bringing along the bystanders
1:15 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 affirm, we just reviewed it with our screeners and they said there was a definite scuffle, just FYI, I know it was near the bed of the truck.
1:15 (JAG25): roger good copy, right now, we’ve opened an air check and we’re going to get additional air assets on scene break.
1:16 (Pilot): KIRK97 JAG25 copies that, sounds good we’re gonna be hard altitude 14 thousand for the duration and we’ll keep our ears open for the next asset.
1:16 (MC): SOTF SOTS called the little small guys midgets.
1:16 (Pilot): Um, so this is gonna be an air TIC.
1:16 (MC): Air TIC?
1:16 (Pilot):Yup.
1:16 (MC): Okay.
1:16 (Sensor): SUV’s still on the way behind, think he’s crossing the river.
1:18 (Sensor): Well, this seems like an obvious stopping point. They got to go from here. Let’s probably pass this grid ‘cause they’re not going forward anymore, this may be a point to attack from.
1:18 (Pilot) :JAG25 KIRK97 looks like our SUV and highlux reached a stopping point on the river, would you like us to send cords?
1:19 (JAG25): roger, standby and also, if you could give me a range from friendly location.
1:19 (Pilot): Okay, KIRK97 sounds good, standby. Do we know where friendlies are?
1:19 (MC): I’ll see if I can find it.
1:19 (Pilot):Yeah, see if you can find that out in mIRC, ‘cause he’s gonna end up wanting a distance.
1:19 (Sensor):Maybe SLASHER still has it, if you got him?
1:19 (MC): uh, task force south.
1:19 (Pilot): Yeah, either one.
1:19 (Sensor): What the (expletive deleted)?
1:19 (Pilot): They’re gonna get stuck.
1:19 (Sensor): a pretty wide gap in the river here, but they’re trying it.
1:19 (Pilot): Maybe it’s not very deep, we’ll see.
1:19 (Sensor): the (expletive deleted) are they doing, honestly?
1:19 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 looks like both vehicles are trying to slowly traverse this river.
1:20 (Sensor): (expletive deleted) it’s up to the doors. They’re getting their feet wet.
1:20 (Pilot): I hope they (expletive deleted) drown them out, man. Drown your (expletive deleted) out and wait to get shot.
1:20 (Sensor): it’s getting up to the wheel wells.
1:20 (Pilot): Alright, so, 1,2,3,4:30-5 in the morning, trying to drive through a river with two vehicles and pax everywhere, dude, call it.
1:21 (Sensor): I think they’re gonna make it.
1:21 (MC:) I hope they get out and dry off, and show us all their weapons.
1:21 (Pilot):yeah, exactly man. So what’s the, we passed him potential children and potential shields, and I think those are both pretty accurate now, what’s the ROE on that?
1:21 (Sensor): Ground commander assessing proportionality, distinction.
1:21 (Pilot): Is that part of CDE, is that part of ground command? I’m not worried from our stand point so much, but that’s a (expletive deleted) for them.
1:21 (Sensor): I think if that’s the case and that’s what their confident with then they’re gonna have to wait until they start firing, ‘cause then it essentially puts any possible civilian casualties on the enemy but if we’ve got friendlies taking effective fire from that position, then we’ve gotta do what we gotta do.
1:22 (Sensor): Another wet attempt and there’s some tracks already crossing this point you can see in the dry spot so they should have no issue crossing this portion here. Already pre-established tracks there, *radio garble* not looking for us, but. Just visually, fuel checks have been good, I haven’t been able to record one in over an hour.
1:23 (Pilot): Was that him trying to call me?
1:23 (Sensor): Think so.
1:23 (Pilot): JAG25 you are broken, say again.
1:23 (JAG25): KIRK97 JAG25 roger.
1:23 (Sensor): if it comes down to it, and they start doing something, we can take a shot and keep track until CCA gets onboard, you know what I mean? Get as many as we can that’re hostile, hopefully track them still in the open.
1:24 (JAG25): KIRK97 JAG25.
1:24 (Pilot): JAG25 go for KIRK97.
1:24 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 currently tracked both vehicles to the north and west at this time, go ahead.
1:24 (Sensor): Ops Sup says set your emergency mission under 12k in Kandahar due to weather.
01:24 (MC): Alright, I have the location of Blue Forces...
01:25 (Sensor): Sweet.
01:25 (Pilot): OK.
01:25 (MC): Uh, so, when you’re ready…
01:25 (Sensor): Ready.
01:25 (MC): [Radio Static] CLASSIFIED.
01:25 (Pilot):
01:25 (MC):
01:25 (Pilot):
01:25 (Pilot): ‘K.
01:25 (Pilot): ‘K.
01:25 (Sensor): Down, uh, toward the main raid area.
01:25 (MC): Correct. Just east of…[Interrupted]
01:25 (Sensor): Where we were before... basically. So that’s…[Interrupted]
01:25 (Pilot): Just keep an eye on it…so we can tell him in a little bit.
01:26 (Sensor): Ok, I got it plotted.
01:26 (Sensor): The south side of our orbit which is when we’re the closest to them as far as radio comms go, is probably one of the main issues. We need to get this JTAC in mIRC.
01:26 (MC): Do they have their headlights on?
01:26 (Sensor): T.
01:26 (MC): I was saying, if they’re rolling around in the dark with no headlights on…that’s kind of shady.
01:27 (Sensor): Well, since they were parked out there with headlights on, I’m not so sure how concerned they are with that… let’s see its… almost six in the morning now.
01:27 (MC): Oh, ok.
01:27 (Sensor): Um, they might start getting enough light. Based on that, I’ll see if I can go full Day TV.
01:27 (MC): And I just got a heads-up… The place we’re supposed to be going, the weather’s supposed to get bad here soon. So…
01:27 (Sensor): The weather’s getting bad here or the place we’re supposed to be going?
01:27 (MC): The place we’re going to be going. Yeah.
01:27 (Pilot): Marjeh’s [breathing covers dialogue] weather right now.
01:27 (MC): So we might not have even made it anyway.
01:27 (Pilot): Yeah.
01:27 (Sensor): I want this pickup truck full of dudes.
01:27 (MC):Oh yeah. Then we have pictures.
01:27 (Pilot): I don’t think I can put my emergency mission that low, man.
01:28 (MC):We have mountains in the way, don’t we.
01:28 (Pilot): Yeah.
01:28 (Sensor): Can you make it descends at a certain point or?
01:28 (Pilot): Yeah, but that kind of defeats the purpose. Their telling us to go low to avoid the weather. If I, like, could stay high and descend right before Kandahar its kind of, you know…
01:28 (Sensor):Yeah. Yeah, I…
01:28 (Pilot):Like a work-around.
01:28 (Sensor): Yeah, be lost link cutting through the weather.
01:28 (Pilot): Yeah.
01:28 (Sensor): Yeah.
01:29 (MC): Yeah, looks like they’re going into a compound. See what this area looks like.
01:29 (Sensor): They’ve done kind of a weird loop…
01:29 (MC): Yep.
01:29 (Sensor): …cause they’re coming back towards, closer to where they started but actually closer to where we picked up the other vehicle, and we’re gonna get close here on Nadir, Sir, with our current flight path.
01:29 (Pilot): Yeah, I’ll reset ya… you’ll be alright on this one.
01:30 (Sensor): I honestly think they had to take a round about path to get to the first group of…the first SUV and those ten guys, ‘cause they’re headed right toward it.
01:30 (MC): That suspected, we think, leader.
01:30 (Sensor): Yeah, yeah they’re…they’re just north of it now and I think they just probably couldn’t cross the river right at that point, ‘cause they were right across the river. But they might be meeting right up with them or maybe taking over their position or something.
01:30 (Pilot): Yeah, sorry about that. Uh, I was with that emergency mission and let you get close there, but I’ll, I’ll re-center you here and you’ll be good.
01:30 (Sensor): No worries.
01:30 (Jag25): Kirk97, Kirk97, Jag25.
01:30 (Pilot): Jag25, go for Kirk97.
01:30 (Jag25): Roger. Looking for a grid for southern most trace of the vehicles and additional movement. Over.
01:31 (Pilot): And Jag25, Kirk97. Uh, vehicles still moving. Uh, they moved northwest. Now they’re kind of moving southwest at this time.
01:31 (Jag25): Roger, good copy.
01:31 (Sensor): It’s like that south end of our orbit is the only time he can hear us.
01:31 (Pilot): Yeah. Alright, I’m going to re-center you. Um, he’s moving [Radio Static] basically west.
01:31 (Jag25): Jag25.
01:31 (Pilot): Er, yeah.
01:31 (Sensor): Heard Jag25, but…nothing else.
01:32 (Pilot): Alright, you’re re-centered on this dude. I’m going to go with the emergency mission so we don’t crash.
01:32 (Jag25): Kirk97, Kirk97, Jag25.
01:32 (Pilot): And Jag, go ahead for Kirk97.
01:32 (Unknown): C-V compound and [unk adjective] compound.
01:32 (Jag25): Roger. Request your ROVER freq and band. Over.
01:32 (Sensor): ‘K, they’re looking for ROVER.
01:32 (Pilot): Can you get us a ROVER code?
01:32 (MC):Well, I do see we have one already.
01:32 (Pilot):And Jag25, uh, good copy on that. Standby one, we’re requesting a ROVER freq right now.
01:32 (Sensor): And band…it’s going to be C-band for us, but…
01:32 (MC): I’m just going to get a analog ‘cause it usually works best.
01:32 (Sensor): Wonder what these other dudes at this compound are doing. Picked-up at third vehicle on their train.
01:33 (MC): Guilty by association.
01:33 (Sensor): Well they briefly stopped. Nobody got in or got out and, uh, there were some active, uh, persons active at the compound and then this SUV just joined the, uh, the train here. That looks like a, uh, grouping of forces.
01:34 (MC):Yep.
01:34 (Pilot): We still waiting from the WOC?
01:34 (MC): Yeah we’re still on stand by.
01:34 (Pilot): We have coords send it to, or you want me to ask him on the radio
01:34 (Sensor): Probably their friendly location right? I would assume.
01:34 (MC): Yeah, you can ask, but, probably their location.
01:34 (Pilot): If you can convert that to coords for me.
01:34 (Sensor):
01:35 (Pilot): Sendin’. JAG25 KIRK97. *garbled* JAG25 KIRK97 ROVER code currently pushing to the friendly location, how copy? we are.
01:35 (Jag25): Roger good copy, if you could push that feed to Cobra Base, that’s probably serve us best.
01:36 (Sensor): Cobra Base?
01:36 (Pilot):KIRK97 good copy on that, do you have MGRS for Cobra Base?
01:36 (Sensor): Well, we gave our best guess a shot, right?
01:36 (Pilot): Yeah.
01:36 (MC): I’m asking task force. Our car is still lead car, right?
01:36 (Sensor): Yes.
01:37 (Jag25): KIRK97 ready for grids.
01:37 (Pilot):KIRK97 ready to copy.
01:37 (Sensor): They’re bringing in helos.
01:37 (Jag25): Roger,
01:37 (Pilot): KIRK97 we are pushing, please advise on handshake.
01:37 (Jag25): By, I’m gonna pass you a ROVER feed band and freq, over.
01:38 (Sensor): Alright, where the hell did that plot?
01:38 (Pilot):It’s directly south of us.
01:38 (Sensor): That’s pretty far.
01:38 (Pilot):Yeah, which kinda sucks ‘cause it means they’re getting further away from us, probably.
01:38 (Sensor): Well, there’s that friendly location in the area that the whole raid’s supposed to be for, so.
01:39 (MC): Yeah, plot that river down, east *mumbles* . Keypad away from the south.
01:39 (Sensor): Yeah, still should be fine, I mean fifteen miles.
01:39 (MC): Yeah we should be fine.
01:39 (Sensor):Certainly explains the radios. Tell you when we get to the south side again, I don’t think we passed them that the 3rd vehicle has joined.
01:39 (Pilot): No we haven’t, I meant to and I forgot.
01:41 (Sensor): They’re going south now, and keep pressing toward the village where this raid is supposed to happen where there are blue forces that could certainly have things escalate, so they’re.
getting a pair of OH-58’s, BAMBAM callsign, stand by for ETA. Those guys should have HELLFIRES as well. Though I highly doubt they have mIRC.
01:41 (MC): I don’t think they do.
01:42 (Sensor): The farther south they go the better our radios should be.
01:42 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97.
01:42 (Jag25): KIRK97 JAG25.
01:42 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 be advised no one has exited our vehicles but we have picked up a 3rd vehicle now traveling, so now we have 2 SUV’s and a pickup truck all currently heading south.
01:43 (Jag25): Copy and also icom traffic states that the enemy has enough fighters to make sure we don’t leave *garble*
01:43 (Pilot): KIRK97 good copy on that, we’ll continue to follow.
01:43 (Sensor): Well they certainly have, let’s see, 2 SUVs and a pickup truck with at least 5 dudes in the back, maybe 6. If the 4 door pickup truck is full, we’re talking about maybe 10 guys in the pickup truck, probably 6-7 in each SUV, upwards of 25 guys possibly.
01:43 (Jag25): KIRK97 JAG25 can you confirm if they’ve crossed the river at this point or are they on both sides.
01:43 (Sensor): They crossed the river.
01:43 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 that is affirm, they did cross the river, they crossed currently on the west side of the river, heading south.
01:44 (Jag25): Roger, good copy. Are they still continuing to pick up additional pax as they go?
01:44 (Sensor): Just the SUV.
01:44 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 that’s a negative on picking up additional pax, although we did pick up an additional SUV in the convoy. No pax have entered, but we have picked up a 3rd vehicle.
01:44 (Jag25): Roger good copy, SLASHER had mentioned that they were linking up with dismounts and the dismounts were trailing the vehicles. Is that still happening?
01:44 (Pilot): And that’s a negative from KIRK97. The last people to enter by foot or to mount up were the people that were thrown into the hilux on the east side of the river, just driving since then. How copy?
01:45 (Sensor): Dismounting.
01:45 (Jag25): Roger good copy.
01:45 (Pilot): And JAG25 KIRK97 all 3 vehicles have just stopped, everybody is dismounting at this time.
01:45 (Sensor): I’m not counting, DGS you count.
01:45 (Jag25): Roger good copy, and if you could give me a distance from friendly location associated with that grid.
01:45 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 we have 18 pax dismounted and spreading out at this time near the coords previously passed, standby for distance to friendlies.
01:45 (Sensor): Oh we’re going to the river.
01:45 (MC): 3.6 NM.
01:46 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 we are currently observing the movement 3.6 NM from the closest friendlies, how copy?
01:46 (Sensor): Standby on that zoomout and drop metadata, I just wanted to scan everybody, I’ll get them a picture. I’m going to freeze it here for about 10 seconds then I’m going back.
01:47 (MC): They say good to go.
01:47 (Pilot): MD back on.
01:47 (MC): Looks kinda like blankets, they were praying, they had like…
01:47 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97We get a good count, not yet?
01:47 (Sensor): They’re praying, they are praying.
01:47 (Jag25): KIRK97 JAG25.
01:48 (Pilot): JAG25 just want to confirm that you copied we have about 20 pax dismounted, they are outside the trucks praying at this time and we’re 3 ½ miles from the friendly location.
01:48 (Jag25): Roger good copy, from SOTF, we should have A-10’s and OH-58’s that are on standby… *garbled*
01:48 (Sensor): A-10’s as well, that’s consistent with the vehicle capacity, 24-25 people. This is definitely it, this is their force. Praying? I mean seriously, that’s what they do.
01:48 (MC): They’re gonna do something nefarious.
01:48 (Pilot): Did they say OH-58’s?
01:49 (Sensor+MIC): Yes, OH58’s and A-10’s. BAMBAMS, but I can only guess Hogs.
01:49 (MC): Maybe they’ll let us have one vehicle since we tracked them for so long. Look at that IR spot in the back of that truck.
01:49 (Sensor): It’s all their guns.
01:49 (Pilot): Alright, you got the LRD on I’d say when these guys come in, be ready to switch to the LTM and sparkle if we need to get them on quickly.
01:50 (Sensor): Roger.
01:50 (Pilot): I’ll pass them the coords, I don’t know if he’s got our rover which may or may not be a factor right now. And I think we’ll probably just watch and be in squirter patrol.
01:50 (Sensor): Agreed, starting to load up.
01:50 (MC): Adolescent near the rear of the SUV.
01:50 (Sensor): Well, teenagers can fight.
01:50 (MC): Pick up a weapon and you’re a combatant, it’s how that works.
01:51 (Pilot): Will you tell the screener that we have passed that, so he doesn’t freak out when the A- 10’s strafe these guys or something. Just to keep him in the loop.
01:51 (MC): Yeah, I let him know. Yeah, we get a good shot of that adolescent metadata off real quick, so I can tell…
01:51 (Sensor):He already got in the vehicle they said.
01:51 (MC): Yeah, as soon as they get out and we can see them again.
01:52 (Sensor): One guy still praying at the front of the truck.
01:52 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 be advised, all pax are finishing up praying and rallying up near all 3 vehicles at this time.
01:52 (Sensor): Oh sweet target. I’d try to go through the bed, put it right dead center of the bed.
01:53 (MC): Oh that’d be perfect.
01:52 (Sensor): Like more of them from the other vehicles are around this one right now.
01:53 (MC): They’re all around their one leader, except for those guys. Missile’s on the left right?
01:53 (Sensor): Correct, on the left.
01:53 (Pilot): BAMBAM 2441 will loiter south of Cobra until blue forces are ready to get them.
01:54 (Sensor): Copy.
01:54 (Pilot): JAG25 confirm you copied my last all pax are starting to rally up at this point.
01:54 (Jag25): KIRK97 KIRK97 JAG25 roger, I did copy the last.
01:54 (Pilot): JAG25 KIRK97 sounds good, and did you ever get a good handshake with our rover?
01:54 (Sensor): MAM near SUV appear to be holding a weapon.
01:54 (Jag25): Roger, still awaiting confirmation.
01:54 (Pilot): JAG25 be advised, our screener just called 1 MAM near the SUV in the line of 3, appears to be holding a weapon.
01:54 (Jag25): Copy.
01:54 (Sensor): Drivers are getting in, they’re gonna leave. Here comes a little bit of haze.
01:54 (Pilot):I’m so glad we didn’t leave and try to go fight the weather.
01:55 (MC): Yeah, the supporting unit was understanding.
01:55 (Sensor): CLASSIFIED.
01:55 (Pilot): Yeah, I would try it.
01:55 (Sensor): If we start getting it bouncing back and forth too much, you know.
01:55 (Pilot): Like you were saying if we do get a chance to shoot.
01:55 (Pilot): CLASSIFIED.
01:56 (Sensor): we’ll get all 3 vehicles. I’m confident they are still hanging around.
01:56 (MC) :one weapon on ground may have picked it up and walking around the pickup.
01:56 (Sensor): I didn’t quite catch that but I believe it.
01:56z (Pilot) :JAG25, KIRK97.
01:56z (Jag25): JAG25.
01:56z (Pilot) :JAG25, KIRK97, update, our screener just called out one additional weapon. Was laying on the ground, where praying, picked it up and now has entered the highlux truck. How copy?
01:57z (Jag25): *broken comms* …close so we can engage and ensure that they do not leave.
01:57z (Pilot): and Jag25, you were broken. I only caught the last part of that. Please say again.
01:57z (Jag35): Kirk97, Jag25 roger, ground forces commander intent is to let the situation develop permit the enemy to close, and we’ll engage them closer when they’ve all consolidated. Over.
01:57z (Pilot): Kirk97 copy that, sounds good. Be advised, all three vehicles have rallied up. The truck is taking the lead. All MAMs on board departing south.
01:58 (Sensor): so it sounds like they don’t want them to close in on the village too far.
01:58 (Sensor): Squirters; I’ll try and stay with the largest group. But I imagine they’re gonna run like hell all over the place.
01:58 (Pilot): like I said, do whatever makes most sense to you. Don’t wait for me to tell you what to do. You can do it as well as I can. So whatever you think makes sense, I’m with you. So just follow whoever gives you the best opportunity to do something and ends with us shooting.
01:58 (Sensor): if they’re not in their position, if they obviously know there’s blue forces in the village, if they’re not near enough to there where they think they can put up a fight, I doubt they’ll actually run with any weapons. If they start getting strafed, they’re probably gonna run free of weapons, but if they are still declared hostile we may get a chance.
01:59 (Pilot): true, true.
01:59 (MC): we haven’t heard an ETA for the A-10s yet have we?
01:59 (Pilot/Sensor): negative, no.
01:59 (MC): gotcha.
02:00z (Jag25): Jag25.
02:00 (Pilot): Jag25, you were broken. Was that for Kirk?
02:00 (Jag25): Kirk97, Jag25 *broken* …cobra base has good handshake, Jag28 at cobra base has good handshake.
02:01 (Pilot): Jag25, if you can hear me, Kirk97 good copy on that. Good handshake at Cobra, thanks.
02:02 (Sensor): Do something. Actually show them something. C’mon, dude. What are they getting out to do now?
02:02 (MC): I don’t know.
02:02 (Sensor): Got this location TRB’d just in case. Looks like the one vehicle is moving on around them.
02:02 (MC): Looks like they parked it too. Yeah. What are they doing? They sweeping for IEDs too?
02:02 (Sensor): They break down?
02:02 (MC): Could be. The engine is really hot.
02:03 (Sensor): Gonna stay with this pickup truck. But they probably want us to follow the vehicle.
02:03 (MC): they’re all running to that…
02:03 (Sensor): where’s the SUV going.
02:03 (MC): took off.
02:03 (Sensor): Yeah he did. He is moving. Staying with the largest group of people. I’ll tell you in a second here if that was the third SUV or the original cause based on the size the original was a little shorter and stockier. Now they’re moving on foot. C’mon…weather.
02:04 (MC): That one SUV just took off. They’re all running.
02:04 (Sensor): A-10s get here or something that we don’t know about it?
02:04 (Pilot): I actually checked to see if anyone is on station.
02:04 (Sensor): The pickups moving again. Ok, no ones left behind except for this SUV. Everyone has remounted except for the 5 or 6 pax that are walking down the road. 6.
02:05 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97.
02:05 (Sensor): ok other vehicles are on the move. Don’t know what that was all about.
02:05 (Jag25): *broken* …25.
02:05 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97 be advised we are experiencing some weather but we are still tracking. All three vehicles have spread out. Some of the pax have dismounted, at least 6 pax are walking to the southwest in front of our highlux truck, still tracking. How copy?
02:05 (Sensor): Truck just passed the people on foot.
02:05 (Jag25): If you can continue to update me on total numbers, we’d appreciate it. We have some personnel moving up from the south as well.
02:06 (Pilot): Kirk97 good copy on that. Total number seems to be approximately 20. There are 6 dismounted at this time. And the rest are slowly regrouping in the convoy of 3 vehicles. How copy.
02:06 (Sensor): I see the third vehicle with 3 outside that vehicle.
02:06 (Jag25): Roger, good copy.
02:06 (Sensor): Why would they all dismount there.
02:06 (Pilot): I bet they made them get out cause they couldn’t climb that hill. Too heavy.
02:06 (Pilot): And Jag 25, Kirk97, looks like all three vehicles have just made up a small embankment . That seems to be why the pax dismounted. And it looks like they are going to regroup and mount back up. Currently about 6 to the east walking to catch up. 3 dismounted, and all 3 vehicles have regrouped.
02:07 (Jag25): Roger, good copy.
02:07 (Pilot): Us and the screeners are kinda on the same page now.
02:07 (Sensor): I’m impressed with the screeners.
02:07 (Pilot): Everything’s been pretty right on. I’ll make a radio call and I’ll look over and they will have said the same thing.
02:07 (MC): 4 individuals, same individuals from the north that were walking, going north east.
02:09 (MC): Can’t see crap. They’re they are.
02:09 (Sensor): Appears that the 6 pax have remounted the pickup truck. Pickups taken the lead again. Can only assume they are all still here.
02:09 (MC): Also Dude01 is going to be a player in the south.
02:10 (Sensor): Ok do not physically see it, but I believe the 6 guys got back in the pickup because it’s all jumbled up back there.
02:10 (MC): I saw’em all kinda like huddling around it right before we lost vis.
02:10 (Sensor): Oh yeah they’re in there.
02:10 (Pilot): Which way are they heading?
02:10 (Sensor): Kinda west. Just kinda the way the road makes them go but relatively west. We’ll see if it turns south here again.
02:10z (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97 looks like all of our pax have mounted back up and continuing on their way. Currently following a ridgeline to the west.
02:10z (Pilot): Can you see if we can get another update on distance?
02:11 (MC): Dude will be on station.
02:11 (Pilot): Dude01 is being pushed. Is holding at cobra, ETA 4 minutes. Jag25, Kirk 97. Jag25, Kirk 97.
02:11 (Jag25): *broken* …tracking.
02:11 (Pilot): He said tracking. And Jag25, Kirk97 with a relay please be advised Dude01 is being pushed to this as well. Currently loitering south of Tinsely. 40 minutes until yo-yo. And ETA to this point 4 minutes. How copy.
02:12 (Jag25): Roger, copy Dude07?
02:12 (Pilot): Negative, Dude01, holding in Tinsley.
02:12 (Jag25): Roger, Dude01.
02:14 (Jag25): Kirk97.
02:14 (Pilot): go ahead for Kirk.
02:14 (Jag25): *broken* …25, roger, say altitude.
02:14 (Pilot): Jag you were broken, confirm you’re looking for the altitude for Dude.
02:14 (Jag25): That’s negative, looking for your altitude for confirmation. Over.
02:14 (Pilot): Kirk97 we are hard altitude 140, fourteen thousand. We will remain here.
02:14 (Jag25): Kirk97 roger, good copy.
02:15 (MC): Looks like our TIC information finally came out in the ASOC room. TIC A01. They have the wrong JTAC but.
02:15 (Sensor): Who do they have as the JTAC?
02:15 (MC): 28.
02:16 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97.
02:16 (Jag25): Kirk97, Jag25.
02:16 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97 if I can I’d like to pass you current grids in case this weather continues to obscure our picture. Call when ready to copy.
02:17 (Jag25): Jag25 Roger.
02:18 (Pilot): Ok grids for kirk97.
02:18 (Sensor): should be able to get it from our feed now that he has good handshake.
02:18 (Jag): Kirk97, roger, confirm that grid is the forward trace of the convoy? Over.
02:18 (Pilot): That is affirm for Kirk97. All 3 still moving together. Highlux truck leading the way.
02:18 (Sensor): They should definitely get these guys while they are in their vehicles instead of letting them to dismount and run into a village.
02:18 (Pilot): I was hoping if I told him, hey we need to pass this to you before the weather takes us out that he would start getting the point. That they need to not wait much longer.
02:19 (Sensor): From Miser, request to descend to 130, have Dude above you in support of TIC A01. We are also in support of that TIC.
02:19 (Pilot): Yeah we can go down to 13 that might help us actually.
02:19(Sensor): Or put us right in the middle of it, unless we are at the bottom of it now. Probably the case actually. Must’ve been putting it in at 14 5, I don’t know for sure.
02:20(Sensor): TRBd on the lead vehicle.
02:20 (Pilot): I got you going around it. We’re good.
02:20(MC): We should let JAG know we moved down to 130.
02:20 (Pilot): Let me get us in the descent first, and then I will.
02:21 (Pilot): JAG25, KIRK97.
02:21 (Jag25): KIRK97, JAG25.
02:21 (Pilot): Jag25, Be advised Miser is pushing us down to 130, 13,000 to make way for DUDE01.
02:21 (Jag25): Approved as requested 130.
02:21 (Pilot): Sounds good, KIRK97 in the descent down to 130 and that should help with the weather as well thankyou.
02:21 (Sensor): I wonder if Dude will even be able to see the targets.
02:22 (Sensor): 135 and the picture looks better already.
02:22 (Pilot): Good, good.
02:22 (Sensor): I count 1 2 3 Vehicles. Ok Cool.
02:23(Sensor): Deconflictor is updated.
02:23 (Pilot): Thank you.
02:23 (Sensor): With this terrain I have seen our HAT everywhere from 12 now we are down to 8, well 9 more.
02:23 (Pilot): We can’t go much lower than we are right now.
02:24 (Sensor): In that ROZ Rundown, MC, did they at least have the same frequency we are on, because I haven’t heard Dude or anybody on it.
02:24 (MC): Let’s see, I think it was a rundown earlier that I saw, that was in the ASOC room. The frequency they had was CLASSIFIED which is not what we are on.
02:24 (Sensor): That’s right, maybe they are workin with another JTAC.
02:25 (MC): I guess they might be workin with him.
02:25 (Jag25): KIRK97, JAG 25.
02:25 (Pilot): Go ahead for KIRK97.
02:25 (Jag25): roger, lookin for an update on those pax, and if you had additional PID on weapons.
02:25 (Pilot): no additional PID when stopped, our screener did identify two weapons, all three vehicles still in a line, still moving to the south with the truck leading the way. CLASSIFIED
02:25 (Jag25): Roger, good Copy and we had to send Dude01 to the south, engine noise was burning the target, as soon as he showed up overhead everyone started talking about stopping movement over.
02:26 (Pilot): KIRK97, Good copy on all, one last update, all pax have remounted at this time, so all twenty of our pax are in these three vehicles.
02:26 (Jag25): Roger that, JAG25 copies.
02:26 (Sensor): that’s still *unclear* at 24, so yea I guess that ICOMM chatter is great info.
02:26 (Sensor): Get those noisy *expletive* out of here. They could still be hanging out and brought in here ya know once things kick off. That was like the perfect opportunity for a buddy laze if they have to hold out.
02:27 (Pilot): That’s true, that’s true.
02:27 (Sensor): just get target grids, make a run in, everybody play along, and….
02:27 (MC): Alright we need to relay that.
02:27 (Pilot): Jag that Serpent12 can hear Fox24 on sat in (muffled) flying.
02:27 (Pilot): Jag25, kirk97.
02:27 (Unknown): ..Low thirties, I don’t care if you burn it.
02:27 (Sensor): “I don’t care if you burn it”? That really must have been the other guys talking.
02:27 (JAG25): Kirk97, Jag25.
02:28 (Pilot): Kirk97, go ahead.
02:28 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97.
02:28 (JAG25): (static) Are you trying to contact me, over?
0228 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97, affirm, have a relay from SOTF KAF fires, he wants you to know that he uhh cannot talk on SAT 102. Serpent12 can hear Fox24 on SATCOM, and is trying to reply. Also, the AWT is spooling up, and ready for the engagement. How copy?
02:28 (JAG25): Jag copies all.
02:28 (Pilot): K. Good.
02:29 (Pilot): Can’t wait till this actually happens, with all this coordination and *expletive* (agreement noises from crew)
02:29 (Pilot): Thanks for the help, you’re doing a good job relaying everything in (muffled), MC. Appreciate it.
02:29 MIC: No problem, it’s what we’re here for. Chat monkey!
02:29 (Pilot): No, but you’d be surprised how much that helps.
02:29 (MC): Oh yeah, ‘specially when I have to write my MISREP, ha-ha.
02:30 (Sensor): That warning normal, the manual mode for the antenna?
02:30 (Pilot): Yeah, that cuz of the ROVER.
02:30 (Sensor): OK, some reason manual just sounded odd.
02:30 (Pilot): CLASSIFIED.
02:31 (Sensor): Gotcha.
02:31 (Pilot): Updated our HAT, who knows what it’s gonna be, where these guys end up, but from here (Crew copies)
02:31 (MC): Soon they’ll go past this little river to the south right there up on the screen, I don’t know if it’s dried out or not…the other one wasn’t…They got rain in country, so it’s probably full.
02:32 (Pilot): Let’s do it.
02:32 (Sensor): What’s CBA…MC? TIC Zero One Alpha CBA?
02:32 (MC): Oh an actual TIC? Uhh, CBA? Says close..
02:32 (Pilot): CFA is closed..
02:32 (MC): I mean umm..God, I forget all my acronyms…uhh.
0232 (Sensor): Should be about 7 AM now,
02:33 (Sensor): Oh yeah, we got light.
02:33 (Pilot): We can do something with that.
02:33 (Sensor): So let’s use it. Let’s uhh...We can get some color. Looks like a white pickup, surprise, surprise..
02:34 (Pilot): Don’t know what just happened, but my Pred’s got you turning outbound, so I’ll try and keep it tight and get you back in here, sorry about that.
02:33 (Sensor): Gotcha.
02:33 (Pilot): Gonna get you out to maybe it’s not ideal, but (garbled) be all right.
02:33 (MC): These guys got balls if they’re going to attack during the day.
02:33 (Pilot): That’s what they like to do, because they know that they’re *expletive* (garbled), you know?
02:33 (Sensor): Maybe white, or silver, grey on the SUVs, uhh…
02:33 (Pilot): …technologied at night, I guess, you know?
02:33 (MC): That’s true, yeah.
02:34 (Sensor): So uhh, full up day TV, sweeten up the picture a bit…Be a real tight field of view here, but…
02:34 (Sensor): Focus, treat me right….
02:34 (MC): Is he sliding out right there kinda, on that road? He’s kicking up a lot of dirt.
02:35 (MC): I asked the SMIC, he says he doesn’t know what CBA means either.
02:35 (Sensor): First SUV is blue with a white top, Kay five or something with a removable top, got a spare tire on the back. Let the third one catch up to us here…give screener some good shots to..
02:35 (JAG25): Kirk97, kirk97, Jag25.
02:35 (Sensor): blew away the roof rack.
02:35 (Pilot): Go ahead for Kirk97.
02:35 (JAG25): ...five, roger. Looking for an updated grid of convoy, over.
02:36 (Pilot): And Jag25, the south, high rate of speed at this time. All pax still mounted up. still moving to the west and to
02:36 (JAG25): Roger. Good copy.
02:36 (Sensor): Still can’t get pristine focus on this.
02:36 (Pilot):’s probably been like that all day though.
02:36 (Sensor): Trying to tighten it up a little better so we can uhh……best shot possible.
02:36 (Sensor):
02:37 (MC): You can see’em moving around back there.
02:37 (Sensor): Yeah, they’re getting a ride. I call a white SUV, that other one had a white top, I’ll show’em again.
02:37 MIC: CBA means “Close Before Air”
02:37 (Sensor): Close before air?
02:37 (MC): Yep.
02:37 (Sensor): Yeah, see that white top on that thing? Its removable…squarish front end…that’s a Suzuki, isn’t it?
02:37 (MC): Like a Trooper?
02:37 (Sensor): Little Samurai or something? Or maybe that’s a..
02:37 (MC): SUV.
02:37 (Sensor): Round headlights.
02:37 (MC): Yeah it’s too big to be a ‘Zuki.
02:37 (Sensor): Yeah…ZUKE!
02:37 (MC): Those things they weigh like 400 pounds..
02:37 (SO and MC): Whoa!
02:37 (MC): Dried out wadi.
02:38 (JAG25): Kirk97, Jag25.
02:38 (Sensor): They did correct to a dark toned with white top.
02:38 (Pilot): GO ahead for Kirk.
02:38 (JAG25): Roger. If you could let me know if those vehicles turn *south* (garbled). It appears that they’re either trying to flank us or they’re continuing to the west to avoid contact, and uh, we definitely want to, want to know where they’re headed.
02:38 (Pilot): Kay, kirk97, good copy on that, we’ll let you know. Seems to be trending primarily to the south and west at this time, can’t tell yet if they’re flanking or just trying, trying to get out of the area. I’ll let you know.
02:38 (Sensor): Think they’d go back home if they were trying to get out. Just buying time.
02:38 (MC): Yeah, I think they’re trying to go around this ridge.
02:38 (Sensor): Certainly.
02:39 (MC): Cuz they can’t cross that river again, I don’t think.
02:39 (Sensor): They get some low ground here, like a valley that goes straight to the village, it looks like.
02:39 (MC): Yeah.
02:39 (Sensor): I wouldn’t be surprised if they start turning south-east at some point.
02:39 (Sensor): Through another river…They’re hauling pretty good, I know they got a lot of ground to go over if this is the route they’re going to take.
02:39 (MC): Surprised they’re doing that well with all that uh, weight in the back.
02:39 (MC): (speaking to someone off comms) What?...Hopefully…They’re waiting for them to get closer..
02:40 (Pilot): (speaking to someone off comms): On ICOM that….(muffled)
(Someone is speaking to crew member(s) off comms)
02:41 (Sensor): Well sir, would you mind if I took a bathroom break real quick?
02:41 (Pilot): No, not at all, dude.
02:41 (Sensor): (Speaking to break SO off comms)
02:42 (Temp SO): Oh, I know what he did..Puh…The trim ahh…
02:42 (Temp SO): Don’t see much action this far north do you?
02:42 (Pilot): No not usually.
02:42 (Pilot): Not here lately at least.
02:43 (Temp SO): Did they have one guy fall out of the back of the truck before?
02:43 (Pilot): Tonight?
02:43 (MC): Like a scuffle kind of thing.
02:43 (Pilot): Yeah..They had a fight. I think they were grabbing people as like human shields.
02:43 (Temp SO): (in response to someone off comms) Why?
(muffled talking off comms)
02:46 (JAG25): Kirk97, Jag25.
02:46 (Pilot): Jag25, go ahead for Kirk.
02:46 (JAG25): Kirk25..correction, kirk97 Jag25, looking for an update and position of travel.
02:47 (Pilot): And Jag25, Kirk97, and uhh currently moving uhh west primarily, slightly to the south, looks like we’re coming up on a valley here uhh, so we’ll be able to tell if they’re turning south towards you or not, how copy?
02:47 (Sensor): This is gonna be a nice close look.
02:47 (JAG25): That’s a good copy. They’re still moving at a high rate of speed, over?
02:47 (Pilot): Kirk97, and uhh affirm, faster than the past hour, uhh fastest yet.
02:48 (Sensor): Looking to land us about 13Z, per the WOC room.
02:48 (Pilot): Okay. You throw a copy in there, MC, please?
02:48 (MC): Will do.
02:48 (Pilot): You tell which way these guys are turning yet?
02:48 (Sensor): I just wish they’d stop for a bit.
02:48 (MC): Looks there about to be coming up to a little town over here.
02:48 (Sensor): Still a sweet *expletive* target, geez….Take out the lead vehicle on the run and then uhh bring the helos in.
02:49 (Sensor):
02:49 (Pilot): Cool…Does kinda look like he’s gonna turn south here, huh, maybe?...No?( *expletive* ), I can’t tell.
02:49 (Sensor): I’ve got a great idea.
02:49 (MC): They could got spooked earlier and called it off.
02:50 (Sensor): Come on back, day-TV. I’m gonna NUC the IR cameras while we’re there. Perfect.
02:50 (Pilot): Yeah they are turning south, huh?
02:50 (MC): Yep.
02:50 (MC): There’s a road.
02:50 (Pilot): Jag25, kirk97. Be advised, it looks like the road we are following currently trending to the south, so uhh back to the south at this time.
02:50 (Sensor): Where’d that third vehicle go?
02:51 (JAG25): Roger, and also the range of it.
02:51 (Sensor): There it is.
02:51 (Pilot): Range, from uhh..can you check from them?
02:51 (MC): Yep..If I can get my tool to work…Six miles.
02:51 (Pilot): And Jag25, Kirk27. Current range from the uhh nearest friendlies now six nautical miles.
02:51 (JAG25): Roger.
02:51 (Pilot): Thanks dude.
02:51 (MC): No problem.
02:52 (Pilot): Dude I really don’t know man…Maybe he’s gonna take this valley to the south and run? Or if they’re going to go back towards our guys, or what?
02:52 (Pilot): Thirteen-hundred’s our new land time.
02:52 (Sensor): According to that drop,
02:52 (Pilot): ‘kay.
02:53 (MC): Yeah it’s still following.
02:53 (Sensor): Yeah I showed’em that two minutes ago.
02:54 (MC): Looks like they’re bringing a Reaper in.
02:54 (Sensor): You gotta be kiddin me!
02:54 (MC): As well up here.
02:54 (Sensor): Who?
02:54 (MC): Warhawk.
02:54 (Sensor): Warhawk’s a Reaper callsign?
02:54 (MC): Yep.
02:54 (Sensor): *Expletive*
02:54 (MC): 42nd Attack Squadron, *expletive*
02:54 (Sensor): *Expletive* that, man.
02:54 (MC): just claim we’re here first.
02:54 (MC): At least we know these guys have weapons.
02:55 (Muffled talking off comms, some profanity, a chuckle)
02:55 (Sensor): We got one person on the path…they’re just passing by…no interaction with any of the vehicles.
02:58 (Sensor): About a mile or so they might have a chance to turn east. I think there’s a road that cuts through these ridges and goes over the open flight area, we’ll see if that happens.
02:58 (Pilot): Copy.
02:58 (Sensor): Hey, that dude just put a weapon down right above the truck. See it?
02:59 (Pilot): See it. See if DGS will call that.
02:59 (Sensor): I think that was there when he walked by it. Come on, focus, get better.
02:59 (Pilot): Jag 25, Kirk 97. be advised all three vehicles are stopped at this time a few of the pax are dismounting it looks like they’re taking a break real quick. We’ll keep you updated. See if we can PID something.
02:59 (JAG25): Jag 25 Copies.
02:59 (Sensor): This is where I can see the most people so I’m gonna try to stay here and get some decent PID. … That’s about the best picture I’ve seen here all night.
03:00 (Sensor): The MAMs who’ve dismounted had possible. But try to get more dudes and see. More dudes more chances.
03:01 (Sensor): Aww where is he going? Just pulling off the road maybe. They probably mostly left their weapons in the vehicles. I’ll be damned, it looks like a short dude back there. He’s over the rocks.
03:01 (Pilot): I see him.
03:02 (JAG25): Kirk 97, Jag 25.
03:02 (Pilot): Jag 25, go ahead for Kirk 97.
03:02 (Sensor): Checking out the tire.
03:02 (JAG25): Roger. Those vehicles you’re looking at, is there any possibility that they’re ANP from further north?
03:02 (Sensor): I don’t think so. They may not be in uniform, but they’re at least more uniform than this when it’s ANP.
03:02 (Pilot): And uh, Jag 25. Kirk 97. It’s our assessment that they are not ANP. Nobody’s in any uniforms, none of the vehicles match. We will look into it with our screeners but we don’t think so.
03:02 (JAG25): Alright. Just wanna make sure.
03:03 (Sensor): They’re saying one MAM passed rifle to another MAM.
03:03 (Pilot): And Jag25. Yea understand. We are checking on that for you. Be advised, our screener did see one MAM pass a rifle to another MAM. Other than that nothing else PID outside the vehicles yet.
03:03 (Pilot): You think that was something right there? The one on the right hand side, now on the passenger’s side door had something big.
03:03 (Sensor): I wonder if they’re having an issue with that tire. They all seem to be pretty interested in it.
03:04 (Pilot): And Jag25, for Kirk 97. From the crew and from our DGS screeners, that’s a neg on ANP.
03:04 (JAG25): Roger, good copy. negative on ANP. And Kirk 97 also are you able to ascertain the demographic of all the occupants in the vehicle? Over.
03:05 (Pilot): Check with the screener on that.
03:05 (Pilot): Jag 25 standby one. Kirk 97, we’re checking. Looks mostly to be military aged males. We have seen approximately two children. Standby.
03:05 (Pilot): Dude the only thing I can see if this isn’t something [expletive deleted] is the locals trying to get away. You know what I mean? But I don’t think so.
03:06 (Unknown): They all look likes males at least…no females. (very feint)
03:06 (Pilot): Did he ever give you a count on how many people he thought there were.
03:06 (Sensor): 24 or 25 at the praying stop.
03:07 (Sensor): view I saw the one that looked short enough to be a child.
03:07 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk 97.
03:07 (Sensor): At least 21 in the field of view. Looking at the other vehicles real quick.
03:08 (Pilot): Jag 25, Kirk 97.
03:08 (JAG25): Jag 25.
03:08 (Pilot): And Jag 25, our screeners are currently calling 21 MAMs no females, and 2 possible children. How copy?
03:08 (JAG25): Roger. And when we say children, are we talking teenagers or toddlers?
03:08 (Sensor): I would say about twelve. Not toddlers. Something more towards adolescents or teens.
03:08 (Pilot): Yeah adolescents.
03:08 (Pilot): And Jag25, Kirk 97. Looks to be potential adolescents. We’re thinking early teens. How Copy?
03:09 (Sensor): Screener agrees. Adolescents. There’s still a couple of stragglers at the other vehicles. Still upwards at 24-25 people.
03:09 (JAG25): Kirk 97, Jag 25.
03:09 (Pilot): Go for Kirk 97.
03:09 (JAG25): Roger. That’s our main interest right now, are these vehicles and where they’re heading to. We already know we have PID (radio lost)
03:10 (Sensor): Pretty satisfied on just the weapons calls we made then.
03:10 (Pilot): And Jag 25, Kirk 97. We copied the first half of your transition. Understand you’re focused on the vehicles and have established PID please repeat the rest.
03:10 (JAG25): Kirk 97, that’s affirmative, from the weapons we’ve identified and the demographic of the individuals plus the ICOM.
03:10 (Sensor): Plus the ICOM.
03:10 (Pilot): And Kirk 97, good copy on that. We are with you. Our screener updated only one adolescent so that’s one double digit age range. How Copy?
03:10 (JAG25): We’ll pass that along to the ground force commander. But like I said, 12-13 years old with a weapon is just as dangerous.
03:11 (Sensor): Oh we agree. Yea.
03:11 (Pilot): Hey Kirk 97. Good copy on that. We understand and agree.
03:11 (JAG25): And Kirk 97, Jag 25.
03:11 (Pilot): Go for Kirk.
03:11 (JAG25): Roger. Were you able to ascertain if they had any cargo of any type? Particularly in the highlux. Is there anything in the bed?
03:11 (Sensor): Uh nothing that stands out. And there’s not much room for it with 6 guys in the back.
03:11 (Pilot): Jag 25, nothing that stands out. There’s about 6 guys riding in the back of the highlux, so they don’t have a lot of room. Potentially could carry a personal weapon on themselves. Other than that no PID. Screener did call out one gas can.
03:12 (Sensor): I don’t think there’s room for cargo in any of these vehicles. With pax maxing out at about 26 people. Not much room for cargo.
03:12 (Pilot): And jag 25, just confirm you copied our last.
03:13 (Pilot): He’s doing a good job at telling us what the ground commander is thinking or like wanting or whatever.
03:13 (Sensor): Overall this whole deal has been good. Just good on all sides.
03:13 (Pilot): They’re saying yep we got PID we just wanna see where they’re goin. Let’s see if you had 6 in the back of the bed and probably 3-4 in the back of the truck, probably three up front…
03:13 (JAG25): Kirk 97, Jag25.
03:13 (Pilot): Jag 25, go for Kirk.
03:14 (Pilot): Kirk 97, good copy on all of that. And just confirm not much to speak of in the way of cargo, a gas can, and whatever they are carrying on themselves.
03:14 (JAG25): Roger, good copy. I did get that transmission. We are looking for something like something like a mortar, or something large and fairly obvious.
03:14 (Pilot): OK Kirk 97, good copy on that. We’ll keep our eyes open but we haven’t seen it yet.
03:15 (JAG25): Roger and uh for you SA, we are trying to corroborate the movement of vehicles with ICOM chat.
03:15 (Pilot): Ok, Kirk97. sounds good.
03:15 (Sensor): Maybe they are gonna rally at this west point before they push into the village if there’s forces from the south coming as well. I wonder if any of that ICOM chatter mentions that this group has stopped for maintenance.
03:15 (Pilot): I was hoping that was what he was gonna say when he first said we got ICOM chatter; you know, I thought he was gonna say that they was fixing a tire or something, then you [expletive deleted] sit.
03:15 (Sensor): Maybe, maybe he just didn’t pass it because we assess to be these guys, you know but who knows, who knows.
03:15 (Sensor): I don’t think there’s room for much but there could be, you know, a dismantled mortar set up.
03:15 (Pilot): Well, also I mean, in the back of the SUVs, you know,
03:15 (Sensor): yeah.
03:15 (Pilot): there could be [expletive deleted] that people could be sitting on top of,
03:15 (Sensor): oh yea.
03:15 (Pilot): you know shoved it; potentially.
03:17 (Unknown): what’s the master plan fellas?
03:17 (Pilot): I don’t know, hope we get to shoot the truck with all the dudes in it.
03:17 (Sensor): yea.
03:17 (Pilot): Yea the only way I could see like a mortar or something would be like in that last SUV cause there’s not a lot of people in it, vs. the truck.
03:17 (Sensor): easily, tube could be laying down anywhere in base plate.
03:17 (Pilot): see anything in the back of that truck.
03:17 (Sensor): No, I was trying to get a look when we came around to the N side the back side of the truck; and uh can’t really tell anything other than, maybe make out some objects but uh, more like rifles if I had to make a guess.
03:18 (Pilot): yea.
03:18 (Pilot): That one with the white top kinda looks like a jeep.
03:18 (Sensor): kinda, but it’s an odd variant that’s for sure then, a lot older one or something.
03:18 (Pilot): It could be completely homemade.
03:18 (Sensor): Yea.
03:18 (Pilo)t: Or that or it’s a small pickup truck.
03:18 (Sensor): got uh, it’s definitely like a jeep type vehicle based on that cap.
03:18 (Pilot): Yea.
03:18 (Sensor): cause slightly smaller than their SUV so it’s not like a k5, it’s like a, it’s got kind of a longer bed portion, like uh, almost like it’s a.
03:18 (Pilot): Like a Tahoe.
03:18 (Sensor): Like an extended zuk, you know; if it was a jeep, it could be a like you know a scrambler.
03:18 (Pilot): Yea.
03:19 (Sensor): Bumper hanging out in front like, you know, that screams jeep, but uh; ooh, just got a good shot of the door closing, that kind of did look like a jeep.
03:19 (Pilot): I say cause the grill, did you see it? It’s got the slits.
03:19 (Sensor): yea like the seven slot grill?
03:19 (Pilot): yea.
03:19 (Sensor): These Joes are still working on that; that looks like a Toyota, which like when they say highlux, that’s actually a Toyota model name over there.
03:19 (Pilot): that SUV has got 2 running lights.
03:19 (Sensor): Yea, maybe a little bar in the middle as well, or is that just a weird shaped grill.
03:19 (Pilot): What’s that?
03:19 (Sensor): Is that a little push bar in the front.
03:19 (Pilot): I can’t, I can’t tell but I do see the headlight; the two KC light things in the center but I don’t know it has like a brush guard on it.
03:19 (Pilot): They said that when they first put eyes on this group they were loading like duffle bag sized object in the back of this SUV.
03:20 (Sensor): That guy working on taking the tire off the back of that one?
03:20 (Pilot): Looks like it.
03:20 (Sensor): If that’s a Toyota, it’s got the same type uh lug pattern.
03:20 (Sensor): Yea something is definitely up with the vehicle; that guy is underneath it ; guys looking at the front, maybe it’s just not the tire, maybe it’s something in there; maybe they busted a tire out or something.
03:20 (Pilot): They could’ve hit something when they were going over that waterway.
03:21 (Sensor): the alignment is [explicative deleted]
03:21 (Sensor): Great is he trying to talk to us?
03:21 (JAG25): KIRK97, jag25.
03:21 (Pilot): Jag25, had you broken, say again for Kirk, please.
03:21 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97, go ahead.
03:22 (Warhawk06): Jaguar25, Jaguar25, Warhawk06.
03:22 (Pilot): [expletive deleted]
03:22 (Sensor): [expletive deleted]
03:22 (JAG25): Warhawk 06, warhawk06, this is Jag25.
03:22 (JAG25): KK97, KK97, Jag25.
03:22 (Pilot): Jag25, go ahead for Kirk.
03:22 (JAG25): kk97, jag25, roger. I’m hearing Warhawk06 trying to contact me, I’m not able to reach him, request you relay.
03:23 (Pilot): okay, Kirk97, good copy on that, we can hear you both on the radio, we can either relay via radio or mirc. Go ahead.
03:23 (JAG25): Roger. Interrogative: say platform and check in altitude.
03:23 (Pilot): Well we know the platform.
03:23 (Pilot): And Kirk97, good copy. Break break, warhawk06, kirk97.
03:23 (Sensor): Looking in Warhawk’s room, it looks like they’re getting retasked.
03:23 (Pilot): They’re getting retasked?
03:23 (Sensor): I opened their room and it says CLASSIFIED.
03:24 (Pilot): (laughter) If they don’t get retasked, get a check in from them in MIRC, MC.
03:24 (MC): Will do.
03:24 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97.
03:24 (Sensor): Per multi-Pred, they’re at 15, Warhawk is.
03:24 (JAG25): Jag25.
03:24 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97. We are negative contact with Warhawk right now. Be advised, he’s gonna be an MQ-9 Reaper. Currently showing fifteen thousand, 1-5-0, on our multi-Pred feed. And we’re watching in MIRC, he may get retasked, we’ll keep you updated.
03:24 (JAG25): Roger good copy. Break Break. Warhawk06, Warhawk06, Jag25.
03:24 (Pilot): (laughter) Probably like, “Ahh, we got Kirk there already, they’re doing just fine.
03:25 (Sensor): Yeah, cuz 80… CLASSIFIED. So they might be grabbin Reaper for that
03:25 (Pilot): Uht, looks like it might be back to base defense. Copy.
03:25 (Sensor): What?
03:25 (Pilot): Warhawk.
03:25 (Sensor): Oh, Warhawk. Yep.
03:25 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97.
03:25 (JAG25): Jag25.
03:25 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97. We’re up with Warhawk via MIRC. It looks like they’re gonna get pulled to another TIC off to our south.
03:25 (JAG25): Roger, good copy, confirm you’re going to be staying on station?
03:26 (Pilot): Affirm, we’re staying with you. We’ve got about 8 hours playtime left.
03:26 (JAG25): Roger that, Kirk, sounds good to us we appreciate it.
03:26 (Pilot): Kirk97, no problem, we’re glad to help.
03:26 (Sensor): Skynet looks [expletive deleted]
03:26 (Pilot): Yeah, I just tried to update our RTB in there, and it was [expletive deleted]. It’s gonna be about 11:50.
03:26 (Sensor): Well I’m due to get a break at four.
03:26 (Pilot): I’m flying 8 straight.
03:26 (Sensor): I’m sure from this point, it’ll be fine to take the break, however, I’m always hesitant to.
03:26 (Pilot): Yeah...Yeah, I don’t know, man. I was wonderin if I should call.
03:27 (Sensor): It’s only an hour break…
03:27 (Sensor):
03:27 (MC): You mind if I call for a pee break? It’ll be the SMIC, out here for like 2 minutes.
03:27 (Pilot): Not at all dude.
03:28 (Pilot): Hey, dude, you gonna take your break, or no?
03:28 (Sensor): If it stays like this, I mean yeah, I mean…
03:28 (JAG25): Kirk97, Jag25.
03:28 (Pilot): Jag, go ahead for Kirk.
03:28 (Sensor): If they get mobile again, probably not.
03:28 (JAG25): Roger, is that veh (clip ends mid-word)
03:28 (Pilot): away. How copy? they look to be fixing a tire on the highlux pickup that was leading
03:28 (JAG25): Two five copies all.
03:30 (MC): I think they broke their truck.
03:30 (Sensor): Yeah we’ve determined that.
03:30 (MC): Yeah.
03:31 (Sensor):
03:31 (MC): Monitor the movements of helicopters within their AOR. So they’re seeing Bam Bam flying around?
03:31 (Sensor): Possibly, but Bam Bam was south of Good eight to ten miles of here still holding, last we knew and that was an hour ago.
03:31 (MC): Yeah.
03:31 (Sensor): But there was… from the JTAC there was also some chatter about another Element south of their location that may be meeting up with these guys so uh…
03:31 (MC): Yeah… that might be why they’re still chillin here huh.
03:31 (Sensor): Nah, they’re fixing that vehicle, they’ve been working around that tire for a Long time. I think it’s something underneath it, maybe they screwed up the suspension or something.
03:32 (MC): Yeah… I guess you gotta pretty much know how to fix a vehicle if you live in Afghanistan.
03:32 (Sensor): Yeah.
03:32 (MC): It’s kinda just something you’re taught probably.
03:32 (Sensor): Especially when that truck has been loaded up with about eleven guys.
03:32 (MC): Yeah… When something breaks in Afghanistan it probably breaks pretty good, I would say, with all the rough terrain and everything.
03:32 (MC): [explicative deleted] so Warhawk got all the way up here.
03:32 (Sensor): Well they didn’t quite make it all the way here.
03:32 (MC): They were close.
03:32 (Sensor): They were within radio range.
03:32 (MC): Yeah that’s still quite a distance, they’re quite a bit faster than us, aren’t they?
03:33 (Sensor): Yeah.
03:33 (MC): Looks like they could be loading back up.
03:33 (Sensor): Maybe, if they think they got it fixed.
03:35 (Sensor): They may be getting ready to leave here again, starting to kinda slowly mount up and there’s nobody under the vehicle right now.
03:36 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97.
03:36 (JAG25): Kirk97, Jag25.
03:36 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97 be advised all three vehicles still stopped at the grids previously passed but looks like they’re slowly buttoning it up and mounting back up and maybe getting ready to move out to the south again soon.
03:36 (JAG25): Roger, good copy. Need to know as soon as they turn eastbound and come back to the green zone towards the direction of Kohd…Break… Received special intelligence that that group is going to try to link up with another fighting force out of Pakitel that is moving up to Kohd to engage our positions, over.
03:37 (Sensor): Kohd is the original target area, just for your S.A.
03:37 (Pilot): Kirk97 good copy on all, we will continue to monitor and track and as soon.
as they break off to the east we will let you know.
03:37 (Sensor): Cause the GRGs for noble justice obj. Kohd. K-O-H-D.
03:37 (JAG25): Roger.
03:38 (Sensor): Yeah this vehicle here, the more I look at it, it resembles a Ford Explorer like the mid 90’s type more square boxed type, actually probably early 90’s with the more square front end. I could be wrong there, the hood doesn’t quite match up with the lines but the windows certainly do…the windows and doors look just like a Ford Explorer, and the paint pattern actually.
03:39 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97 be advised all three vehicles on the move currently moving south again, we are tracking.
03:39 (Pilot): Tire fell off.
03:39 (Sensor): He’s looking.
03:39 (Pilot): yeah he’s checking.
03:40 (JAG25): Kirk97, Jag25 I copy they are southbound again.
03:40 (Pilot): and that is affirm, all three vehicles moving south at this time.
03:41 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97 be advised all three vehicles are once again stopped and working on the highlux truck again. Something seems to be wrong with the front right side wheel.
03:41 (JAG25): Kirk97, Jag25 Roger.
03:46 (Sensor): Hey, it’s backing up.
03:47 (Sensor): I wonder if he’s got an intermittent rover feed? I wonder why he asked us if they were moving at that one point when they were stopped forever.
03:47 (Pilot): I’m wondering if he’s not sitting with the guys actually watching.
03:48 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97 be advised all three vehicles are currently on the move headed south, tracking.
03:48 (JAG25): Kirk97, Good copy. If they close distance with our location at Kohd base, and at Ground force commander’s orders we may have them come up, action those targets, and let you use your hellfire for clean-up shot.
03:49 (Pilot): Kirk97,Good copy on that, sounds good.
03:49 (Pilot): That broken part I can only assume is talking about the helos holding south of Cobra.
03:51 (Pilot): At this point the LTM is pretty much out the window.
03:59 (Pilot): Hey, thanks for the help dude.
04:01 (Sensor): Sensor is in let the party begin.
04:01 (Pilot): What’s up dude. Uh… We are just waiting man. Got one poppa sleeve on the left hand side set up to go off first cause that is all we got and their waiting for these guys to turn east and head towards the friendlies and their tracking these guys via ICOM chatter. It’s basically it man.
04:01 (Sensor) :Tell you what they could have had a whole fleet of preds up here.
04:01 (Pilot): Oh dude.
04:01 (Sensor):
04:01 (Pilot): It would have been awesome.
04:02 (Sensor) : We were talking about it. I’m like, well, what if we just. CLASSIFIED.
04:02 (Pilot) : Yeah.
04:02 (Sensor) :
04:02 (Pilot) : Dude that would be awesome.
04:02 (Sensor) : CLASSIFIED.
04:02 (Pilot) : That would be awesome.
04:02 (Sensor) : That would be bad ass. But… were not killers, we are ISR.
04:02 (Pilot) : Tell me… Still training southwest, huh.
04:02 (Sensor) : Yeah, we were looking at it. See the road on the tracker.
04:02 (Pilot) : Yeah.
04:02 (Sensor) : That their going down and it looks like it cuts over to the east quite a ways south.
04:03 Pilot) : Yeah.
04:03 (Sensor) : Well not quite a ways… yeah well actually quite a ways south.
04:03 (Sensor) : That looks like about the only place they could.
04:03 (MC) : And oh the traffic.
04:03 (MC) :
04:03 (Sensor) : Did they actually say that?
04:03 (MIC) : Yeah. CLASSIFIED.
04:04 (Pilot) : I got us new airspace so even if they do keep heading west we can track them.
04:04 *Broken Radio Chatter*
04:04 (Pilot) : JAG25 Kirk97 was that you?
04:04 (JAG25) : *Broken Radio Chatter* of those vehicles Bam Bam and is enroute to that location Bam Bam 41.
04:04 (Pilot) : 25 advise that you were broken for 97 we are still tracking these vehicles. Say again please.
04:05 (Pilot) : I wonder if they are going to do this.
04:05 (Sensor) : I think that they would.
04:05 (JAG25) : Kirk97 JAG25 roger looking for updated grids/ updated grids/ updated grids over.
04:05 (Pilot) : JAG25, Good copy. Kirk97. currently turning southwest . How copy? CLASSIFIED
04:05 (Pilot) : Well if they are sending the helo’s then its gonna have *interrupted*
04:05 (JAG25) : Roger, good copy.
04:05 (Sensor) : Well, you think if they are worried about them scattering, that they would hit them while they were on the move.
04:05 (Pilot) : Yeah. Alright, so the plan is man, uh, we’re going to watch this thing go down, the helo’s are going to take out as much as they can and when they Winchester we can play clean up. As far as the.
04:06 (Sensor) : Roger that.
04:06 (Pilot) : Aircraft data altitude.
04:06 (Sensor) : And HAT.
04:06 (Pilot) : Ok. And range.
04:06 (Sensor) : Is in meters.
04:06 (Pilot) : single fire left hand side, sound good? CLASSIFIED. And we’re going to be set up
04:06 (Sensor) : Roger that.
04:06 (Pilot) : As far as a weapons attack brief goes, man, we’re probably going to be chasing dudes scrambling in the open, uh, when it goes down, don’t worry about any guidance from me or from JAGUAR, just follow what makes the most sense to you. Stay with whoever you think gives us the best chance to shoot um at them. And I’m with you on that. So, I’ll brief you up on the launch profile, we’ll hit a weapons attack brief when we know what we’re going to shoot. CLASSIFIED
04:07 (Sensor) : We’re gonna look like we’re gonna be looking at 421.
04:07 (Pilot) : Yeah.
04:07 (Sensor) : For a hostile intent and… initial plan without seeing how they break up, follow the largest group.
04:07 (Pilot) : Yeah, sounds good. When it all comes down, if everybody is running in their separate direction, I don’t care if you just follow one guy, you know like whatever you decide to do I’m with you on it.
04:07 (Sensor) : Roger.
04:07 (Pilot) : As long as you keep somebody that we can shoot in the field of view I’m happy.
04:07 (Sensor) : Roger that. And I’ll talk it while it’s going.
04:07 (Pilot) : Ok sounds good. That’s good if you consider boom time, but these guys will already gonna know it’s coming so I’m not too concerned about that. CLASSIFIED.
04:08 (Sensor) : Okay… I’m okay with a short time of flight cause more than likely I’ll have it where I need it to be prior to rifle.
04:08 (Pilot) : Okay I’m better with that anyway. So we will go with that… that’s all set.
04:08 (MC) : Yeah their trying to confirm which vehicle has the kids in it oh the adolescents in it.
04:08 (Pilot) : Who is?
04:08 (MC) : SOTF South… Screener is talking about it right now.
04:08 (Pilot) : Okay.
04:08 (MC) : But JTAC already said that well they can grab a gun… so.
04:09 (Sensor) : Hey you know what? Those mujadeen 13 years old.
04:09 (Pilot) : Yeah, well that’s what we were talking on this. I was talking to the JTAC he said the exact same thing man. Um they called them an adolescent. We called it you know… most likely double digits age range. And he was like that’s old enough to be dangerous.
04:09 (Sensor) : Yep.
04:09 (Pilot) : Which is true.
04:09 (MC) : I mean he was helping them load stuff earlier. DGS called it out. Helping load things into a back of a truck. When we first got on station. That’s when that AC130 was like please give me PID. I was like… we can’t.
04:10 (JAG25) : Kirk 97 Jag 25.
04:10 (Pilot) : Jag 25 go ahead for Kirk.
04:10 (JAG25 ):…
04:10 (Pilot):
04:11 (Pilot): And Jag 25, Kirk 97 you’re comms are broken, please say again,
04:11 (Jaguar25): Roger, Kirk 97, Jag 25.
frequency and has tally on those vehicles over. Bam Bam 41 is on that
04:11 (Pilot): Ok Kirk97 good copy.
04:11 (Jaguar25): Roger.
04:11 (Pilot): Bam Bam, Bam Bam,
04:11 (Bam Bam41): Kirk97, Bam Bam four one has you loud and clear.
04:12 (Pilot): Ok, Bam Bam41, Kirk97 have you loud and clear as well. Understand you are tracking our three vehicles, do you need a talk on or do you have them?
04:12 (Bam Bam41): 41 has them just south side of the pass of the reported grid, white highland followed by two SUVs.
04:12 (Pilot): Kirk97, that’s a good copy. Those are your three vehicles be advised we have about twenty-one MAMs, about three rifles so far PIDed in the group and ah these are your three.
04:12 (Bam Bam 41): Jag 25, go ahead for Bam Bam.
04:13 (Sensor): As soon as they give us countdown to weapons,
04:13 (Pilot): Yeah, I’m with ya.
04:13 (Sensor): Okay.
04:13 (Sensor): I’m going to want to …
04:13 (Bam Bam 41): Jag 25, affirm. Just spoke to Kirk 97 and, uh, confirmed that these are the same vehicles.
04:13 (Sensor):
04:13 (Pilot): CLASSIFIED.
04:13 (Sensor): Yeah.
04:13 (Pilot): It’s a cool looking shot.
04:13 (Sensor): O, awesome.
04:13 (Bam Bam 41): Jag 25, Bam Bam 41, Kirk confirms that they have uh PIDed, at a minimum, three weapons, twenty-one MAMs, and have not lost PID. They are continuing to observe these vehicles as well.
04:13 (Sensor): Okay, Skynet’s being [expletive deleted], but at least I can …
04:13 (Bam Bam 41): … Bam Bam 41 (unintelligible)
04:13 (Sensor): …
04:13 (Bam Bam 41): (unintelligible) weapons and ICOM chatter with tactical maneuver. Break. Um, understand we are clear to engage.
04:13 (Pilot): Okay, he’s clear to engage so he has Type Three. I’m going to spin our missiles up as well.
04:13 (Sensor): Roger that. Uh,
04:14 (Pilot): Okay.
04:14 (Bam Bam 41): Bam Bam 41 will be uh turning in to engage, will call back with the BDA.
04:14 (Pilot): Let the SMIC know.
04:14 (MC): Okay.
04:14 (Pilot): Do you have, uh, do you have the previous freq for, uh, [expletive deleted] Jag there MC?
04:14 (Sensor): I do.
04:14 (Pilot):
04:14 (Sensor): And you might want to call for a safety observer.
04:14 (Pilot): Yeah.
04:14 (Pilot):
04:14 (Sensor): I’ve got time of flight.
04:14 (MC): Need that other freq?
04:14 (Sensor): We got it.
04:14 (MC): Alright.
04:15 (Pilot): Say what there, MC?
04:15 (MC): I was saying if you needed those freqs, that freq for Jag.
04:15 (Pilot):
04:15 (MC): That’s what I got.
04:15 (Pilot):
04:15 (Pilot): Jag 25, Kirk 97.
04:15 (Sensor): Hey MC.
04:15 (MC): Yes?
04:15 (Sensor): Remember: Killchain!
04:15 (MC): Will do.
04:15 (Sensor): (unintelligible) Killchain.
04:15 (MC): Will do. Will do, will do.
04:15 (Sensor): The only two things that ever get briefed in the, in the shot brief.
04:15 (laughter)
04:15 (Pilot): Jag 25, Kirk 97.
04:16 (Pilot): I’m going back to the other freq.
04:16 (Sensor): Roger.
04:16 (Pilot):
04:16 (Sensor):
04:16 (Pilot): Cool.
04:16 (Pilot): You’ll be alright on this pass. I’ll, uh, recenter you, and, uh …
04:16 (Sensor): Roger. And, oh … and there it goes!
04:16 (unintelligible)
04:16 (Pilot): Our engagement.
04:16 (Pilot): It was backing up.
04:16 (Sensor): Stand by.
04:16 (Sensor): Have another guy … did they get him too? Yep.
04:16 (Pilot): They took the first and uh the last out. They’re going to come back around.
04:16 (Safety Observer): I see squirters at the first one.
04:16 (Sensor): Yep.
04:16 (Pilot): Yeah.
04:16 (Sensor): Your call, sir.
04:16 (Pilot): Uh, follow what you think makes the most sense. In fact, stay on the middle truck for now …
04:16 (Sensor): I will.
04:16 (Pilot): … until they take that out or we do.
04:17 (MC): Do we want to switch back to other frequency?
04:17 (Pilot): I tried, nobody was talking to me over there.
04:17 (Sensor): Looks like they’re surrendering.
04:17 (Sensor): They’re not running.
04:17 (Pilot): [NOTE: At this point, additional voices appear on the recording – presumably those of the safety observers – and identifying which individual is speaking at any given time becomes very difficult.]
04:17 (Safety Observer): You got a mountain coming into view, keep it a turn.
04:17 (Sensor): Copy.
04:17 (Pilot): Rog. Thanks.
04:17 (Sensor): Copy the turn.
04:17 (Pilot): In the turn. (unintelligible, middle vehicle is struck by missile ) set you up … Oh!
04:17 (Sensor): Rog. There it is.
04:17 (Pilot): Alright, follow, uh, whatever you think makes sense man.
04:17 (Pilot): Jag 25, Kirk 97, on CLASSIFIED.
04:18 (Sensor): That guy’s laid down? They’re not running.
04:18 (Safety Observer): Dude, this is weird.
04:18 (Sensor): They’re just walking away.
04:18 (Sensor): I think I’ve got the bulk of whoever’s left in the field of view.
04:18 (Pilot): Yeah, I think so.
04:18 (Safety Observer): You want to see if there’s anybody at the back?
04:18 (Unknown): Yeah (unintelligible) outline.
04:18 (Safety Observer): By that third wreck.
04:18 (Sensor): A couple – two or three.
04:18 (Sensor): Yeah, they’re just chilling.
04:18 (Pilot): Zoom in on that for a second for me. The third one.
04:18 (Sensor): The third one?
04:18 Pilot(?): Yeah. Did they blow that up? They did, right?
04:18 (Safety Observer): They did, yeah.
04:18 (Sensor): No they didn’t.
04:18 (Pilot): They didn’t.
04:18 (Sensor): They didn’t.
04:18 (Sensor): No, they’re just out there.
04:18 (Pilot): Yeah, that thing looks destroyed, though, doesn’t it?
04:18 (Safety Observer): Yeah, they hit it. There’s some smoke.
04:18 (Sensor): They hit it. You (unintelligible) … These guys are just … (rocket attack on middle vehicle)
04:18 (Unknown): Oh!
04:19 (Pilot): Holy [expletive deleted]
04:19 (Sensor): I don’t know about this. This is weird.
04:19 (MC): Yeah.
04:19 (Pilot): Got nowhere to go.
04:19 (Pilot): Probably confused as [expletive deleted]
04:19 (Sensor): Oh yeah, they just got thrown from the vehicle, too.
04:19 MIC(?): We did call, we did tell them there was adolescents in the second vehicle, so I thought that was the reason they didn’t shoot the (unintelligible) second vehicle.
04:19 (Safety Observer): No.
04:19 (Pilot): No, I doubt it.
04:19 (Unknown): I know.
04:19 (Pilot): Nobody is talking to me.
04:19 (Pilot): Jag 25, Jag 25,
04:19 (Sensor): Current recommended target is … I just want to do the most veh- … either this one, the most … or the one with the guys in the front, they were in the lead vehicle.
04:19 (Pilot): There’s like a trail of like three or four (unintelligible)
04:19 (Sensor): Right.
04:19 (Pilot): … to the right of your crosshair.
04:19 (Sensor): Yeah, and those are, that’s the most, the most, most individuals, right there.
04:19 Pilot(?): Yeah, I’d say let’s do that then.
04:20 (Sensor): But I’ll keep this field of view … the previous field of view, uh, so we can maintain eyes on as many as possible.
04:20 (Bam Bam 41): Kirk 97, Bam Bam 41.
04:20 (Pilot): Bam Bam 41, go for Kirk 97.
04:20 (Bam Bam 41): Kirk 97, Bam Bam 41, confirm, uh, those were hits on the vehicles you were watching.
04:20 (Pilot): And Bam Bam, Kirk 97, that is affirm, that is uh three good hits on all three of our vehicles. We are still tracking.
04:20 (Safety Observer): 1-2-3-4 (unintelligible)
04:20 (Safety Observer): I’ve got to separate (unintelligible)
04:20 (Sensor): I’m going to zoom in on the rear vehicle again real quick. It looks … it looks like there’s a bunch of people just hanging out.
04:20 (Safety Observer):
04:20 (Bam Bam 41): And Kirk 97, Bam Bam 41, uh, we have about three or four individuals squirting to the west side of the vehicles (unintelligible) PID weapons there (unintelligible)
04:21 (Sensor): Stand by.
04:21 (Pilot): Bam Bam, Kirk 97, uh, roger that, we are eyes on your squirters to the, uh, west at this time. We are, uh, working on PID at this time.
04:21 (Sensor): See them.
04:21 (Pilot): I’ll get you closer.
04:21 (Sensor): (unintelligible) back.
04:21 (Pilot): Alright, as far as the weapons, weapons attack brief for us goes, CLASSIFIED confirm with uh Jag. else we still have to.
04:22 (Sensor): (switched to day TV) Dude, these guys are the farthest West that I saw. So we can work back in toward the road.
04:22 (Sensor): PID weapons, I don’t see any …
04:22 (Safety Observer): Got something shiny on the one at the right.
04:22 (Sensor): Right.
04:22 (Sensor): That’s weird.
04:22 (Pilot): Can’t tell what the [expletive deleted] they’re doing.
04:23 (Sensor): Probably wondering what happened.
04:23 (Safety Observer): There’s one more to the left of the screen.
04:23 (Sensor): Yeah, I see them.
04:23 (Safety Observer): Are they wearing burqas?
04:23 (Sensor): That’s what it looks like.
04:23 (Pilot): They were all PIDed as males, though. No females in the group.
04:23 (Sensor): That guy looks like he’s wearing jewelry and stuff like a girl, but he ain’t … if he’s a girl, he’s a big one.
04:23 (Pilot): Bam Bam, uh Kirk 97, we are eyes on the squirters at this time. No weapons PIDed yet.
04:24 (Safety Observer): You’re headed outbound pretty quick.
04:24 (Sensor): (unintelligible)
04:24 (Pilot): What’s that? What’d you say?
04:24 (Safety Observer): I said you just headed away from them.
04:24 (Pilot): I want to stay somewhat close to the WEZ, but …
04:24 (Sensor): Panning toward the uh, toward the road.
04:24 (Pilot): Okay, that’s fine.
04:24 (Pilot): These guys don’t have that far to go, so if you want to look around a little bit, man, I’m pretty sure …
04:24 (Sensor): I want to see, yeah, I want to get a little bit eyes on some of the others.
04:24 (MC): Those looked like rockets, too, weren’t they?
04:24 (Sensor): Oh, the second set?
04:24 (MC): Yeah.
04:24 (Unknown): Yeah.
04:24 (Unknown): First set looked like rockets too, I think.
04:24 (Sensor): They might have already been … only been carrying rockets, but …
04:25 (Safety Observer): Is that the last vehicle right there?
04:25 (Sensor): Believe so.
04:25 (Unknown): Yeah.
04:25 (Pilot): Actually no, that’s the center.
04:25 (Sensor): That’s the center.
04:25 (MC): Center one.
04:25 (Sensor): The truck’s the first one.
04:25 (Sensor): Take a look at this one.
04:25 (Sensor): Oh yes.
04:25 Original Sensor? (might have just walked back into GCS): That one’s, that one’s, yeah.
04:25 (Sensor): It was hit pretty good.
04:25 (Sensor): It’s a little toasty.
04:25 (Pilot): Jag 25, Kirk 97.
04:25 (Bam Bam 41): Jag 25, Bam Bam 41.
04:25 (Jag 25): (unintelligible) Jag 25 (unintelligible)
04:26 (Unknown): Wow.
04:26 (Sensor): (unintelligible) That truck is so dead.
04:26 (Unknown): Wow.
04:26 (Sensor) location of the rest of the guys that are hanging out.
04:26 (Pilot): Rog.
04:26 (Safety Observer): See where that middle truck …
04:26 (Bam Bam 41): Kirk 97, Bam Bam 41.
04:26 (Pilot): Bam Bam 41, go for Kirk 97.
04:26 (Bam Bam 41): (unintelligible )Jaguar 25 trying to contact you (unintelligible)
04:26 (Pilot): Confirm that’s Jag 25 trying to contact us this net?
04:26 (Bam Bam 41): Bam Bam 41, affirm.
04:26 (Pilot): Kirk 97 copies call. Thanks. Break break. Jag 25, Jag 25, Kirk 97, uh go ahead.
04:27 (Pilot): Radio, (unintelligible) [expletive deleted]
04:27 (Pilot): Bam Bam 41, Kirk 97, we are negative contact Jaguar. If you could, please relay.
04:27 (Sensor): Trying to, to PID veh-, uh, weapons, but yeah, we can scan.
04:27 (Sensor): The thing is, nobody ran.
04:27 (Safety Observer): Yeah, that was weird.
04:27 (Sensor): So, all the squirters are, have returned to the road at this point.
04:27 (Unknown): Yeah.
04:27 (Safety Observer): We need to probably let them know that.
04:27 (Safety Observer): I don’t think anybody went east.
04:27 (Sensor): No, nobody went east, they all went west, and all the guys I think, by my headcount, all the guys who went west are now back at the road. Looks like they’re trying to see what’s left of the vehicles or whatever.
04:28 (Safety Observer): Yeah.
04:28 (MC)
04:28 (Pilot): Jag 25, Jag 25,
04:28 (Pilot): [expletive deleted]. How can we have good comms for four hours straight …?
04:28 (Bam Bam 41): (unintelligible) was cut short, although it is damaged, uh estimate four, five individuals from the lead vehicle got out. Uh, a couple from the trail vehicle, although they appear to be uh not moving very much at all, and uh haven’t observed anyone around the (unintelligible ) vehicle.
04:29 (Pilot): Go check out the vehicles again.
04:29 (Bam Bam 41): Bam Bam 41, affirm, uh believe we saw weapons on the, uh, some of the individuals in the trail vehicle as they got out. Um, at this point uh don’t want to get too close to them. We only have a couple of rockets left. We followed up with a couple of rockets and uh so we’re not getting to close to them at this point.
04:29 (Sensor): Tell uh DGS that we need to get some uh …
04:29 (Pilot): See if anybody’s got uh anything …weapons.
04:29 (Bam Bam 41): Bam Bam 41, affirm.
04:29 (MC): What’d you need me to look for?
04:29 (Sensor): Bam Bam’s saying that they saw, they thought they saw weapons on guys who got out of the trail vehicle, um, so we need DGS to be looking for weapons I guess.
04:30 (MC): Trail vehicle is to the east.
04:30 (Sensor): Yeah, not the …
04:30 (Sensor): He’s right there wasn’t anyone around the lead vehicle.
04:30 (Sensor): That thing got hit hard, though…
04:30 (MC): Yeah.
04:30 (Bam Bam41): Kirk97, Bam Bam41.
04:30 (Pilot): Bam Bam41, go for Kirk97.
04:30 (Bam Bam41): Roger. Believe we had, uh, individuals with weapons getting out of that trailed vehicle. Uh, have you been able to positively identify any individuals with weapons at this point?
04:30 (Pilot): Bam Bam41, uh, Kirk97. We are still eyes on, uh, eyes on trying to PID [Positively Identify] any weapons, uh, on the remaining MAMs [Military Age Male]. Uh, we had previously PID’ed weapons in the group but, uh, nothing at this time. We’re still looking.
04:31 (Sensor): That looks like the only guy moving around near the rear vehicle.
04:31 (Safety Observer): I think there might be another one right on that ridge, to the right of him.
04:31 (Bam Bam41): Kirk97, Bam Bam41. Came in extremely broken [Broken Transmission]
04:31 (Sensor): Yeah, I see what you’re saying there’s his head.
04:31 (Pilot): Bam Bam41, Kirk97. We are still searching. Unable to PID anything at this moment. We did have stuff previously PID’d, uh, but we are, uh, eyes on right now, searching.
04:31 (Bam Bam41): Bam Bam41, affirm.
04:31 (Pilot): DGS not call anything yet, huh?
04:31 (MC): Not yet. No.
04:31 (Pilot): Want me to get you close? I can get you close.
04:31 (Safety Observer): Might be a good idea. I dunno.
04:31 (Sensor): At this point, yeah.
04:31 (Pilot): OK.
04:31 (Sensor), (Safety Observer): It’s not like we’re gonna bust–burn our target…(two talking at once)
04:32 (MC): Yeah, I wonder why we can’t talk to Jag anymore.
04:32 (Safety Observer): One of those guys up at the top left’s moving.
04:32 (Sensor): Yeah, I see him. I thought I saw him moving earlier, but I don’t know if he’s…is he moving or is he twitching?
04:32 (Safety Observer): Eh, I think he moved. Not very much, but.
04:32 (Sensor): Can’t, can’t follow them both.
04:32 (MC): There’s one guy sitting down.
04:32 (Sensor): What you playing with? (Talking to individual on ground.)
04:32 (MC): His bone.
04:33 (Sensor): Thanks, thanks SOTF-South.
04:33 Pilot: What’d he say?
04:33 (Sensor): That detection concern no, er, no longer a factor.
04:33 (Bam Bam41): Jag25, Bam Bam41. Roger. Do you have traffic for me?
04:33 (Safety Observer): Oh, shit. Yeah, you can see some blood right there, next to the…
04:33 (MC): Yeah, I seen that earlier.
04:33 (Bam Bam41): Bam Bam41, affirm. Uh, we are sitting on approximately, uh, 10 to 15 minutes of playtime at this time. Uh, still got the area in sight and, uh, continue to observe, along with Kirk.
04:34 (Pilot): *Expletive* , dude. I dunno. Yeah. You would think that one of them would have tooken his..taken his…( interrupted by radio)
04:34 (Bam Bam41): Bam Bam41, affirm. Uh, we will avoid, uh, flying into, uh, anywhere near where you guys are at right now. Break. And, uh, I will call you in a minute before we, uh, push off station.
04:34 (Sensor): Yeah, see there’s…that guy just sat up.
04:34 (Safety Observer): Yeah.
04:34 (Sensor): So, it looks like those lumps are probably all people.
04:34 (Safety Observer): Yep.
04:34 (MC): I think the most lumps are on the lead vehicle because everybody got…the Hellfire got… (interrupted by radio)
04:34 (UNKNOWN): [Broken transmission]…Can do, also: we’re talking to Wolfpack right now. There may be an AWT coming out, uh, as we depart for fuel and I’ll advise you on that.
04:35 (Safety Observer): TF-South is in route to conduct SSE on the strike.
04:35 (Pilot): What’s that?
04:35 (MC): They’re coming in, uh, to conduct a search. Take Pictures or what not.
04:35 (Sensor): Yeah, there’s definitely no weapons on the guys in the middle vehicle.
04:35 (MC):
04:35 (Pilot): What’s that?
04:35 (MC):
04:36 (Safety Observer): You want to see if that other group that was over to the west… maybe?
04:36 (Sensor): The ones by the second vehicle?
04:36 (Safety Observer): Yeah. What do you think, Mike?
04:36 (Pilot): Yeah, that’s fine. Let’s keep looking at whatever. Cause I…
04:36 (Sensor): We looked at all of them and I don’t think that any of them have weapons, but yeah, I mean…I don’t…it’s impossible to see if any of those guys do either.
04:36 (Safety Observer): Yeah.
04:36 (Sensor): They’re all laying underneath tarps and stuff.
04:36 (MC): Yeah.
04:36 (Pilot): Check all this.
04:36 (Sensor): But if we got guys coming in the area we definitely need to PID any weapons.
04:36 (MC): Is that two? One guy’s tending the other guy?
04:36 (Safety Observer): Looks like it.
04:36 (Sensor): Looks like it, yeah.
04:36 (MC): Self-Aid Buddy Care to the rescue.
04:36 (Safety Observer): I forget, how do you treat a sucking gut wound?
04:37 (Sensor): Don’t push it back in. Wrap it in a towel. That’ll work.
04:37 (Pilot): There’re guys up here to the top left.
04:37 (Safety Observer): Yeah.
04:37 (MC): He said come up on Purple26.
04:37 (Pilot): Can you look at it for me real quick?
04:37 (MC): Will do. Just now saw that. Purple…
04:37 (Sensor): What’re they doing?
04:37 (MC)
04:37 (Pilot): Yeah.
04:37 (Safety Observer): I got it written down for you.
04:37 (Pilot):
04:37 (MC): Correct.
04:37 (UNKNOWN): And Jag25.
04:37 (Pilot): Jag25, Jag25. Kirk97 on Purple26.
04:38 (Pilot): They’re trying to *explicative* surrender, right? I think.
04:38 (Sensor): That’s what it looks like to me.
04:38 (MC): Yeah. I think that’s what they’re doing.
04:38 (Pilot): Jag25, Jag25. Kirk97.
04:38 (Safety Observer): Wait who’s on Purple26, MC? Is it Jag or is it the AWT?
04:38 (MC): It should be Jag.
04:39 (Sensor): Uh, sounded like it was...TF-South coming…would be…is going to be in route.
04:39 (MC): Oh, OK.
04:39 (Sensor): cut out as soon as frickin… It’s weird that Jag just
04:39 (MC): Yeah, they shot and then he’s gone.
04:39 (Sensor): Yeah, shot and then gone.
04:39 (UNKNOWN): On those individuals. Break. CLASSIFIED. Uh, exiting from that vehicle was probably about 4 personnel. Believe possibly two of those, maybe 3, were female. They wore bright colored clothing. Uh, those remaining personnel are gathered just west of the middle vehicle. They’re standing about 20 meters to the west.
04:40 (MC): Screener said there wasn’t any women earlier.
04:40 (Sensor): Those are all people.
04:40 (MC): Yeah.
04:40 (Sensor): That’s what I was worried about.
04:40 (Safety Observer): What?
04:40 (Sensor): What are those? They were in the middle vehicle.
04:40 (MC): Women and children.
04:40 (Sensor): Looks like a kid.
04:40 (Safety Observer): Yeah. The one waving the flag.
04:40 (Bam Bam41): And Kirk97, Bam Bam41.
04:40 (Pilot): Bam Bam41 go for Kirk97.
04:40 (Bam Bam41): Roger, Kirk97. Do you have any updates on what you’re able to see at the engagement site?
04:41 (Pilot): Kirk97. Uh, negative, we are still observing at this time. Still no weapons PID, everything else matches with your assessment. Uh, still looking.
04:41 (Bam Bam41): Roger, uh, we are going to be breaking station in approximately 5 minutes, just for your SA [Situational Awareness].
04:41 (Pilot): Kirk97. Good copy on that. Uh, can you just confirm that Jag wants us on this freq [Purple26]. We are negative contact with him at this time.
04:41 (Bam Bam41): Uh, roger. Uh, believe he still wants you at this freq. We’ll reconfirm with him before we, uh, depart the area.
04:41 (Pilot): Kirk97. Thanks.
04:41 (Sensor): Nah, that guy doesn’t have a weapon…just shru, shrugged off his coat. Nothing underneath.
04:42 (Pilot): Anything on ICOM?
04:42 (MC): Nothing so far. I think the rocket hit the front of the street here.
04:42 (Pilot): He’s calling females? They said 21 males, no females.
04:42 (MC): Earlier, yeah.
04:42 (Sensor): Now they’re calling 3 females and 1 child. 1 possible child.
04:42 (MC): Called him a adolescent earlier.
04:42 (Safety Observer): Should probably pass that, while Bam’s on station. Or pass it to Jag.
04:42 (Pilot): Yeah, but I can’t get ahold of Jaguar, right now.
04:42 (Safety Observer): I’d tell him they’re waving their…
04:43 (Sensor): Yeah, at this point I wouldn’t…I personally wouldn’t be comfortable shooting at these people.
04:43 (MC): No.
04:43 (Sensor): Uh, esp…especially just on DGS’s…If I couldn’t tell with my own eyeball that they had weapons, I wouldn’t just go off of DGS’s, uh, (another crew member: Yeah.) assessment…for this reason.
04:43 (Pilot): That lady is carrying a kid, huh? Maybe.
04:43 (Safety Observer): No.
04:43 (MC): No.
04:43 (Sensor): Uh, yeah.
04:43 (MC): The baby, I think on the right. Yeah.
04:43 (Sensor): Yeah.
04:43 (Pilot): The middle.
04:43 (MC): Yeah.
04:43 (Sensor): Right there in the crosshairs.
04:43 (Safety Observer): *Explicative,* let them know, dude. Have them pass it to Jag. There’s…
04:43 (MC): Yeah.
04:43 (Safety Observer): Before Bam checks off station.
04:43 (Pilot): I will.
04:43 (JAG25): Jag25, Bam Bam go ahead.
04:43 (Sensor): Or at least ask him if…if he can ask Jag if he’s still got our ROVER. If he’s still getting our ROVER.
04:44 (Pilot): Yeah.
04:44 (Bam Bam41): Good copy for, uh, Bam Bam. And, uh, we’re going to be breaking station here in the next 5 minutes. Break. AWT should be coming out, uh, we’ll do a [broken] with them and we should be back out here in about three-zero/four-zero mikes.
04:44 (UNKNOWN): Roger, sounds good. I’ll pass along and we’ll see you in a little bit.
04:44 (Pilot): Bam Bam41, Kirk97.
04:44 (Safety Observer): Yeah, they called out the kid.
04:44 (MC): Yep.
04:44 (Sensor): I got another kid.
04:44 (Safety Observer): That’s one of the adolescents from earlier.
04:45 (Bam Bam41): That’s good for Bam Bam.
04:45 (Sensor): Yeah, sure is.
04:45 (Pilot): Bam Bam41, Kirk97. Uh, just be advised, uh, our DGS is calling out, uh, potential 3 females and, uh, 2 adolescents, uh, near the center vehicle. Uh, just want to confirm that you saw that and passed to Jag.
04:45 (Bam Bam41): Bam Bam41, roger. Uh, not sure on the adolescents. Uh, did a, uh, low pass and have, uh, 3 individuals in a brighter dress garb, supposedly females.
04:45 (Safety Observer): You got one carrying a child. They called it out.
04:45 (Pilot): And that’s affirm from Kirk97. It looks like, uh, one of those in the, uh, bright garb may be carrying a child as well. Uh, be advised, uh, DGS is calling that at this time. Uh, they did not call it prior to this.
04:45 Radio Static.
04:46 (Sensor): Younger than a adolescent to me.
04:46 (Safety Observer): Well…
04:46 (Sensor): But that’s…that’s, I mean.
04:46 (Safety Observer): No way to tell, man.
04:46 (Sensor): No way to tell from here.
04:47 (Pilot): That’s a kid there. To the left.
04:47 (MC): Yeah, that’s what they were calling the adolescent earlier.
04:47 (Sensor): Yeah. Adolescents don’t move like that.
04:47 (MC): Callsign coming in is Revenge41, Task Force South.
04:47 (Pilot): Copy.
04:47 (Safety Observer): See if you can get an ETA.
04:48 (MC): No ETA at this time.
04:48 (Sensor): These guys all need to get their asses kicked.
04:48 (MC): What’s that?
04:48 (Sensor): These dudes over here. Ones that are standing up…[Radio static]
04:48 (Broken Radio Transmission) Jag25, Bam…(static)
04:48 (Sensor): All their women are over here. Kids.
04:48 (Safety Observer): I know.
04:48 (Sensor): They’re sitting around on their ass over by the blown-up truck.
04:48 (UNKNOWN): Yeah, roger. We’re just trying to get a little more clarification on, uh, who the Taliban guys were that, uh, you heard on ICOM.
04:49 (MC):
04:49 (Sensor): We have 3...5…6, possibly 7 total, here. We’re not currently on Purple26, correct?
04:49 (Pilot): No.
04:49 (Sensor): SOTF CAFF wants to know, uh…
04:49 (Pilot):
04:49 (Sensor): Yeah, they want to know if Bam…Bam Bam is on Purple26.
04:49 (MC): W.
04:49 (Pilot):
04:49 (Bam Bam41): Good copy for, uh, Bam Bam. We should be back out here in about three- zero/four-zero mikes.
04:49 (Safety Observer): They’re leaving station right now, for refuel.
04:50 (MC): I thought they…(Interrupted by Radio)
04:50 (UNKNOWN): [Static]…they wore brightly colored clothes.
04:50 Crew speaking to each other off microphone: [Very faint]… car…
04:50 (Sensor): Switching to IR to see if there’s anybody else.
04:50 (Pilot): Cool.
04:51 (Sensor): ‘Cause I thought I counted more people over here. Spread out now. Got this group here.
04:52 (Pilot): Dude, I don’t know. ‘Cause we watched these guys stop multiple times and every time they were all wearing all black and only afterwards did we ever see any color.
04:52 (UNKNOWN): Jag, Sidewinder. Lima Charlie.
04:52 (Pilot): That’s weird.
04:52 (Safety Observer): Did you hear who that was?
04:52 (Safety Observer): It’s possible the…the women and children never got out of the car, at the stops.
04:52 (Pilot): Yeah.
04:53 (Unknown): [Unintelligible statement]
04:53 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97.
04:54 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97.
04:54 (Pilot): Jag25, Jag25, Kirk97.
04:54 (JAG25): Kirk97, Jag25.
04:55 (Pilot): Jag25, Kirk97. We are still eyes on, uh, understand Bam Bam is, uh, off station at this time and, uh just confirm you want us up on Purple26 for the remainder.
04:55 (JAG25): Uh, we can stay on Purple26. Uh, I directed Arrow30 to check in with you on. So if you need to go back to that frequency to ensure deconfliction. He’s coming in at CLASSIFIED 18,000. Over. Uh, check-in with Arrow, uh.
04:55 (Pilot): ‘K, copy that. We’re going to push back to and deconflict and if we need to, we’ll come back to Purple26 to talk to you. We do not have you on the other freq.
04:55 (Safety Observer): Confirm good handshake.
04:55 (Pilot): I will.
04:56 (JAG25): And if you need to, you can switch Arrow back to Purple26. Over.
04:56(Pilot): ‘K, Kirk97. Good copy on that. And just confirm that you have a good handshake on our ROVER.
04:56 (JAG25): [Static] mic check. Uh, Jag28 may be outside of the wire at this time and, uh, moving on his own mission…[Static]
04:56 (Pilot): ‘K, Kirk97. Good copy on that. Uh, be advised we do have what looks to be 3 women and 2 children possibly trying to surrender to the west of the engagement zone at this time.
04:56 (JAG25): Roger and confirm they are moving away from that site.
04:56 (Pilot): Um, how far away are they? Uh, they’re only like what…
04:56 (Safety Observer): 20 meters max.
04:56 (Pilot): 20 meters to the west.
04:57 (Safety Observer): Yeah.
04:57(Pilot): And, uh, Jag25 that’s a negative. They seem to be staying stationary. They’re only about 20 meters to the west of the engagement zone at this time. How copy?
04:57 (JAG25): Roger. Good copy. And can you give me an up-dated grid? Over.
04:57 (Pilot): Kirk97.
04:57 (Jag25 calls Kirk97) Roger. Good copy.
04:57 (Pilot): ‘K.
04:57 (Jag25 calls Kirk97) Kirk97, Jag25. Say again. at this time. We’ll.
04:57 (Pilot): And, uh, Kirk97, we’re gonna meet you back on Purple26.
04:58 (JAG25): [Broken Transmission] Roger.
04:58 (Pilot): Arrow, Arrow. Kirk97.
04:58 (Pilot): Yeah.
04:58 (Arrow30): Kirk97, Arrow30.
04:58 (Pilot): Arrow30, Kirk97. Uh, be advised we are on station, uh, 130 level 13,000. At this point, uh, let me know if you need a talk-on or an up-dated grid.
04:58 Arrow30 calls: Kirk97, Arrow30. We currently have eyes on a, uh, colored SUV. Uh, several MAMs just to the north of it. Uh, we believe we are at the right location. Break.
04:59 (Arrow30): We’re currently on station at flight level 180 above target. Break.
04:59 (Arrow30): Are you PAKWIN capable?
04:59 (UNKNOWN): I don’t think this was a PAKWIN bird.
04:59 (Pilot): Nope.
04:59 (Safety Observer): We can’t receive it anyway.
04:59 (Pilot): And Arrow30, Kirk97. That’s a negative on PAKWIND, uh, today. Um, say again the color of the vehicle, uh, you’re on and be advised there should be three vehicles in a line. The first and the third are definitely destroyed. The second is somewhat intact and we have, uh, multiple MAMs, uh, wandering around in the vicinity. How copy?
04:59 (Safety Observer): Well don’t forget the women and children, dude…
04:59 (Pilot): I know. I know.
04:59 (Safety Observer): OK.
05:00 (Pilot): It’s got go through a lot of shit if he expects to shoot.
05:00 (Arrow30): Arrow30 copies all and, uh, we do see three vehicles. First and third being destroyed. The second one looks like a blue, uh, SUV, similar to a Bronco, with a white top.
05:00 (Pilot): And Kirk97. That’s a good copy, uh, we are contact at you are eyes on our location at that time. Uh, be advised, uh, about 20 meters to the west of that, uh, Potential Bronco, uh, there’s what our DGS, uh, is calling as three women and two children. Uh, but you are on the right area.
05:00 (Sensor): Arrow is our manned ISR?
05:00 (MC): Yep.
05:00 (Pilot): Yeah.
05:00 (Arrow30): Arrow30 copies. Three women and children just to…20 meters to the west of this second vehicle.
05:00 (Pilot): And that is affirm for Kirk97. Since the engagement we have not been able to PID any weapons.
05:01 (Arrow30): Three-Zero.
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