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Created November 2, 2020 14:36
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Different ways to get pairwise distance in cubic box with PBC in Python
Different functions to get pairwise distance in cubic box with PBC
positions: the positions of particles, shape (N, dim)
box (int or float): the size of the box
np.ndarray: the pair-wise distances, shape (N, N)
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
def get_pdist_pbc_v1(positions, box):
pos_in_pbc = positions % box
pair_distances = np.empty((N, N))
for i, p1 in enumerate(pos_in_pbc):
for j, p2 in enumerate(pos_in_pbc):
dist_nd_sq = 0
for d in range(dim):
dist_1d = abs(p2[d] - p1[d])
if dist_1d > (box / 2): # check if d_ij > box_size / 2
dist_1d = box - dist_1d
dist_nd_sq += dist_1d ** 2
pair_distances[i, j] = dist_nd_sq
return np.sqrt(pair_distances)
def get_pdist_pbc_v2(positions, box):
pos_in_pbc = positions % box
dist_nd_sq = np.zeros(N * (N - 1) // 2)
for d in range(dim):
pos_1d = pos_in_pbc[:, d][:, np.newaxis]
dist_1d = pdist(pos_1d)
dist_1d[dist_1d > box * 0.5] -= box
dist_nd_sq += dist_1d ** 2
dist_nd = squareform(np.sqrt(dist_nd_sq))
return dist_nd
def get_pdist_pbc_v3(positions, box):
pos_in_box = positions.T / box
pair_shift = pos_in_box[:, :, np.newaxis] - pos_in_box[:, np.newaxis, :]
pair_shift = pair_shift - np.rint(pair_shift)
return np.linalg.norm(pair_shift, axis=0) * box
if __name__ == "__main__":
from time import time
N, dim, box = 1000, 3, 2
positions = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (N, dim))
t0 = time()
pd1 = get_pdist_pbc_v1(positions, box)
print(f"{time() - t0:.4f} s spent by method 1")
t0 = time()
pd2 = get_pdist_pbc_v2(positions, box)
print(f"{time() - t0:.4f} s spent by method 2")
t0 = time()
pd3 = get_pdist_pbc_v3(positions, box)
print(f"{time() - t0:.4f} s spent by method 3")
eq12 = np.allclose(pd1, pd2)
eq13 = np.allclose(pd1, pd3)
print("Getting identical results?", eq12 and eq13)
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This is what I got

3.8901 s spent by method 1
0.0230 s spent by method 2
0.0747 s spent by method 3
Getting identical results? True

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