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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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YangZX's implementation of red black tree
/* yangzx's red-black tree! */
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct RBTree{
struct RBNode{
int val;
RBNode *ch[2], *p;
char color;
const static char red = -1;
const static char black = 0;
enum CHILD {L, R};
RBNode *rt;
RBNode *nil;
RBTree() {
nil = new RBNode();
nil -> color = black;
rt = nil;
delete nil;
int Dir(int a, int b)
if(a < b)
return L;
return R;
void rotateLeftSon(RBNode* z, int l, int r)
RBNode *p = z -> p;
RBNode *ls = z -> ch[l];
RBNode *lrs = ls -> ch[r];
ls -> ch[r] = z;
z -> p = ls;
z -> ch[l] = lrs;
lrs -> p = z;
ls -> p = p;
if(p == nil){
rt = ls;
}else if(p -> ch[l] == z){
p -> ch[l] = ls;
p -> ch[r] = ls;
void fixup(RBNode* z)
// Loop invariants:
// 1. z is red
// 2. if z->p is root, then z->p is black
// 3. if the tree violates any properties of the red black tree, then
// it violates at most one of them. And the violation is either "root
// is black"(z is root and z is red in this case) or "children of red
// node are black" (z and z->p is red in this case)
while(z -> p -> color == red){
int l = L, r = R;
RBNode *p, *gp;
p = z -> p;
gp = p -> p;
if(p == gp -> ch[R])
swap(l, r);
RBNode* y = gp -> ch[r];
if(y -> color == red){
y -> color = black;
p -> color = black;
gp -> color = red;
z = gp;
if(z == p -> ch[r]){
z = p;
rotateLeftSon(z, r, l);
z -> p -> color = black;
gp -> color = red;
rotateLeftSon(gp, l, r);
if(rt -> color == red)
rt -> color = black;
void insert(int z)
RBNode *y = nil;
RBNode *x = rt;
while(x != nil){
y = x;
x = y -> ch[Dir(z, y -> val)];
RBNode* nz = new RBNode;
nz -> val = z;
nz -> ch[L] = nz -> ch[R] = nil;
nz -> p = y;
nz -> color = red;
y -> ch[Dir(z, y -> val)] = nz;
if(rt == nil)
rt = nz;
void foreach(void (*f)(int))
foreachNode(rt, f);
void deleteTree(RBNode* rt)
if(rt == nil)
deleteTree(rt -> ch[L]);
deleteTree(rt -> ch[R]);
delete rt;
void foreachNode(RBNode* rt, void (*f)(int))
if(rt == nil)
foreachNode(rt -> ch[L], f);
f(rt -> val);
foreachNode(rt -> ch[R], f);
void print(int k)
printf("%d ", k);
int main()
RBTree t;
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
int k;
scanf("%d", &k);
return 0;
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