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Created September 22, 2020 07:07
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Parametric higher order syntax (PHOAS) for simply typed lambda calculus
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeApplications, DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs, TypeFamilies #-}
-- 1. Parametric higher order abstract syntax (PHOAS) of untyped lambda calculus
data PTerm p = Var p | Lam (p -> PTerm p) | App (PTerm p) (PTerm p)
type Term = forall p . PTerm p
-- A semantic domain
data Dom = Embed { retract :: Dom -> Dom }
interp :: Term -> Dom
interp t = go t where
go :: PTerm Dom -> Dom
go (Var d) = d
go (Lam f) = Embed (go . f)
go (App f x) = retract (go f) (go x)
-- 2. Type safe syntax tree of simply typed lambda calculus
-- Types of a simply typed lambda calculus
data Ty = BoolTy | Arrow Ty Ty
-- 2.1 Terms with De Bruijn indices
data Env = Nil | Cons Ty Env
data Index (t :: Ty) (env :: Env) where
ZeroIdx :: Index t (Cons t Nil)
SuccIdx :: Index t env -> Index t (Cons t' env)
data TermTyped (ctx :: Env) (t :: Ty) where
VarTyped :: Index t env -> TermTyped env t
LamTyped :: TermTyped (Cons a env) t -> TermTyped env (Arrow a t)
AppTyped :: TermTyped env (Arrow a b) -> TermTyped env a -> TermTyped env b
-- 2.2 Terms in PHOAS
-- Parametric higher order syntax tree for a simply typed lambda calculus
data PTermTyped (i :: Ty -> *) (t :: Ty) where
Var' :: i t -> PTermTyped i t
Lam' :: (i a -> PTermTyped i b) -> PTermTyped i (Arrow a b)
App' :: PTermTyped i (Arrow a b) -> PTermTyped i a -> PTermTyped i b
-- Close terms
type TermTyped' t = forall (i :: Ty -> *) . PTermTyped i t
-- An example of a term
t1 :: TermTyped' (Arrow (Arrow BoolTy BoolTy) (Arrow BoolTy BoolTy))
t1 = Lam' (\f -> Lam' (\x -> Var' f `App'` (Var' f `App'` Var' x)))
type family Interp (t :: Ty) :: * where
Interp BoolTy = Bool
Interp (Arrow a b) = Interp a -> Interp b
-- Type families cannot be partially applied
newtype WrapInterp t = WrapInterp { unwrap :: Interp t }
interp' :: TermTyped' t -> Interp t
interp' t = unwrap (go t) where
go :: PTermTyped WrapInterp t -> WrapInterp t
go (Var' x) = x
go (Lam' f) = WrapInterp (unwrap . go . f . WrapInterp)
go (App' a b) = WrapInterp ((unwrap (go a)) (unwrap (go b)))
-- interp' t1 :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool -> Bool
test = interp' t1 not True
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