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Last active April 1, 2020 11:48
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Agda formalisation of basic category theory
--- An exercise to get myself familiar with Agda by formalising category theory
--- to the extent that Yoneda lemma can be stated and proved.
--- (Agda version 2.6.1 and stdlib 1.3)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; trans; sym; cong; cong-app; subst; cong₂)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; _≡⟨⟩_; _∎) renaming (step-≡ to _≡⟨_⟩_)
import Function.Base as Func
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; Lift; lift; lower) renaming (suc to lsuc; zero to lzero)
import Function.Equality
open Function.Equality.Π using (_⟨$⟩_)
-- Categories
record Category {l1 l2 : Level} : Set (lsuc l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) where
obj : Set l1
hom : obj → obj → Set l2
id : ∀ {a : obj} → hom a a
_∘_ : ∀ {a b c} → hom b c → hom a b → hom a c
id-identity-r : ∀ {a b} (f : hom a b) → f ∘ id ≡ f
id-identity-l : ∀ {a b} (f : hom a b) → id ∘ f ≡ f
∘-assoc : ∀ {a b c d} {f : hom a b} {g : hom b c} {h : hom c d}
→ (h ∘ (g ∘ f)) ≡ ((h ∘ g) ∘ f)
-- As an example, Agda's Set is a category assuming extensionality
import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional as Ext
extensionality : {a b : Level} → Ext.Extensionality a b
extensionality-imp : {a b : Level} → Ext.ExtensionalityImplicit a b
𝕊et : ∀ {l : Level} → Category
𝕊et {l} = record {
obj = Set l
; hom = λ (a b : Set l) → (a → b)
; id =
; _∘_ = λ {a b c} (g : b → c) (f : a → b) → g Func.∘ f
; id-identity-r = λ f → extensionality (λ x → refl)
; id-identity-l = λ f → extensionality (λ x → refl)
; ∘-assoc = λ {f} {g} {h} → refl
-- Functors
record Functor {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
(C : Category {l1} {l2}) (D : Category {l3} {l4})
: Set (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4) where
on-obj : Category.obj C → Category.obj D
on-arrow : ∀ {a b} → Category.hom C a b
→ Category.hom D (on-obj a) (on-obj b)
id-preserve : ∀ {a} → on-arrow ( C {a}) ≡ D {on-obj a}
∘-preserve : ∀ {a b c} {f : Category.hom C b c} {g : Category.hom C a b}
→ on-arrow (Category._∘_ C f g) ≡ Category._∘_ D (on-arrow f) (on-arrow g)
open Functor
-- List is an endo-functor on 𝕊et
import Data.List as List
import Data.List.Properties as ListProp
open List using (List)
L : {l : Level} → Functor (𝕊et {l}) (𝕊et {l})
L = record {
on-obj = List
; on-arrow =
; id-preserve = extensionality
; ∘-preserve = extensionality
-- Maybe is an endo-functor on 𝕊et
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Maybe.Properties as MaybeProp
open Maybe using (Maybe)
Mb : {l : Level} → Functor (𝕊et {l}) (𝕊et {l})
Mb = record {
on-obj = Maybe
; on-arrow =
; id-preserve = extensionality
; ∘-preserve = extensionality
-- Hom functor C(a, -) : C → 𝕊et
homF : ∀ {l1 l2} {C : Category {l1} {l2}} → (a : Category.obj C) → Functor C (𝕊et {l2})
homF {C = C} a = record {
on-obj = λ x → Category.hom C a x
; on-arrow = λ x y → Category._∘_ C x y
; id-preserve = extensionality (λ x → C x)
; ∘-preserve = λ {a b c f g} → extensionality (λ x → sym (Category.∘-assoc C))
-- A functor lifting 𝕊et {l1} to higher level
𝕊etLift : ∀{l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) → Functor (𝕊et {l1}) (𝕊et {l1 ⊔ l2})
𝕊etLift {l1} l2 = record {
on-obj = Lift l2
; on-arrow = λ f (lift a) → lift (f a)
; id-preserve = refl
; ∘-preserve = refl
-- Functors can be composed
_∘-F_ : ∀ {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level} → {C : Category {l1} {l2}} → {D : Category {l3} {l4}} → {E : Category {l5} {l6}}
→ Functor D E → Functor C D → Functor C E
_∘-F_ {C = C} {D = D} {E = E} F G = record {
on-obj = λ x → on-obj F (on-obj G x)
; on-arrow = λ f → on-arrow F (on-arrow G f)
; id-preserve = λ {x} →
on-arrow F (on-arrow G ( C))
≡⟨ cong (on-arrow F) (id-preserve G) ⟩
on-arrow F ( D)
≡⟨ id-preserve F ⟩ E
; ∘-preserve = λ {a} {b} {c} {f} {g} →
on-arrow F (on-arrow G (Category._∘_ C f g))
≡⟨ cong (on-arrow F) (∘-preserve G) ⟩
on-arrow F (Category._∘_ D (on-arrow G f) (on-arrow G g))
≡⟨ ∘-preserve F ⟩
Category._∘_ E (on-arrow F (on-arrow G f)) (on-arrow F (on-arrow G g))
-- Natural Transformations
record NatTrans {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
{C : Category {l1} {l2}} {D : Category {l3} {l4}}
(F G : Functor C D) : Set (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4) where
constructor mkNatTrans
open Functor
open Category
at : (c : obj C) → hom D (on-obj F c) (on-obj G c)
naturality : ∀ {a b} (f : hom C a b) →
_∘_ D (at b) (Functor.on-arrow F f) ≡ _∘_ D (Functor.on-arrow G f) (at a)
-- Two natural transformation are the same when their components are the same
-- TODO: what's the best way to prove equality of records?
NatTrans-≡ : ∀ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
→ {C : Category {l1} {l2}} {D : Category {l3} {l4}}
→ {F G : Functor C D}
→ {σ τ : NatTrans F G}
→ σ ≡ τ
→ σ ≡ τ
NatTrans-≡ {l1} {l2} {l3} {l4} {C} {D} {F} {G} {mkNatTrans a b} {mkNatTrans (.a) d} refl
= cong (mkNatTrans a) (extensionality-imp (extensionality-imp (extensionality (λ x → eq-uni (b x) (d x)))))
where eq-uni : ∀ {l : Level} {A : Set l} {x y : A} → (a b : x ≡ y) → a ≡ b
eq-uni refl refl = refl
-- The first element of the list is extracted, if there is one
List→Maybe : NatTrans L Mb
List→Maybe = record {
at = extract
; naturality = λ f → extensionality (nat f)
where extract : (c : Set) → List c → Maybe c
extract c List.[] = Maybe.nothing
extract c (x List.∷ x₁) = Maybe.just x
nat : ∀ {a b : Set} (f : a → b) → (l : List a) →
extract b ( f l) ≡ f (extract a l)
nat f List.[] = refl
nat f (x List.∷ l) = refl
-- Identity natural transformation
Id-nat : ∀ {l1 l2 l3 l4} {C : Category {l1} {l2}} {D : Category {l3} {l4}}
→ (F : Functor C D) → NatTrans F F
Id-nat {C = C} {D = D} F = record {
at = λ c → D {(Functor.on-obj F c)}
; naturality = λ f →
trans ( D (Functor.on-arrow F f))
(sym ( D (Functor.on-arrow F f)))
-- Vertical composition of natural transformations
_∘-nat_ : ∀ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {C : Category {l1} {l2}} {D : Category {l3} {l4}}
{F G H : Functor C D}
→ NatTrans G H → NatTrans F G → NatTrans F H
_∘-nat_ {D = D} {F = F} {G = G} {H = H} τ σ = record {
at = λ c → ( τ c) ∘ ( σ c)
; naturality = λ {a} {b} f →
(( τ b ∘ σ b) ∘ Functor.on-arrow F f)
≡⟨ sym ∘-assoc ⟩ τ b ∘ (( σ b) ∘ Functor.on-arrow F f)
≡⟨ cong (_∘_ ( τ b)) (NatTrans.naturality σ f) ⟩ τ b ∘ (Functor.on-arrow G f ∘ σ a)
≡⟨ ∘-assoc ⟩
( τ b ∘ Functor.on-arrow G f) ∘ σ a
≡⟨ cong (λ f → f ∘ σ a) (NatTrans.naturality τ f) ⟩
(Functor.on-arrow H f ∘ τ a) ∘ σ a
≡⟨ sym ∘-assoc ⟩
Functor.on-arrow H f ∘ ( τ a ∘ σ a)
where open Category D
-- An arrow f : b → a induces a natural transformation from C(a, -) to C(b, -)
hom-nat : ∀ {l1 l2 : Level} {C : Category {l1} {l2}} {a b : Category.obj C}
→ (f : Category.hom C b a) → NatTrans (homF {C = C} a) (homF {C = C} b)
hom-nat {C = C} f = record {
at = λ c h → h ∘ f
; naturality = λ g → extensionality (λ x → sym (∘-assoc))
where open Category C
--- Functors from category C to D form a category with arrows natural transformations.
𝔽unctor : ∀ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (C : Category {l1} {l2}) (D : Category {l3} {l4}) → Category
𝔽unctor C D = record
{ obj = Functor C D
; hom = λ F G → NatTrans F G
; id = λ {F} → Id-nat F
; _∘_ = _∘-nat_
; id-identity-r = λ {F} {G} σ → NatTrans-≡ (extensionality (λ x → D ( σ x)))
; id-identity-l = λ {F} {G} σ → NatTrans-≡ (extensionality (λ x → D ( σ x)))
; ∘-assoc = λ {F} {G} {H} {K} {σ} {τ} {γ} → NatTrans-≡ (extensionality (λ x → Category.∘-assoc D))
--- Product category
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
_×-cat_ : ∀ {a b c d : Level} → Category {a} {b} → Category {c} {d} → Category {a ⊔ c} {b ⊔ d}
C ×-cat D = record {
obj = obj C × obj D
; hom = λ (c1 , c2) (d1 , d2) → hom C c1 d1 × hom D c2 d2
; id = (id C) , (id D)
; _∘_ = λ (f1 , f2) (g1 , g2) → Category._∘_ C f1 g1 , Category._∘_ D f2 g2
; id-identity-r = λ f → cong₂ _,_ (id-identity-r C (proj₁ f)) (id-identity-r D (proj₂ f))
; id-identity-l = λ f → cong₂ _,_ (id-identity-l C (proj₁ f)) (id-identity-l D (proj₂ f))
; ∘-assoc = λ {a} {b} {c} {d} {(f1 , f2)} {(g1 , g2)} {(h1 , h2)}
→ cong₂ _,_ (Category.∘-assoc C) (Category.∘-assoc D)
where open Category
--- Yoneda lemma:
--- For any category C and functor F : C → 𝕊et, there is a bijection
--- NatTrans(C(a, -), F) ≅ F a,
--- and this bijection is natural in a and F when viewing both sides
--- of the equation as functors from category (C × 𝔽unctor C 𝕊et) to 𝕊et.
open import Function.Bijection using (_⤖_; bijection; Bijection)
-- First comes the bijection and the naturality will be shown later
よ : ∀ {l1 l2 : Level}
→ {C : Category {l1} {l2}} {F : Functor C 𝕊et} {a : Category.obj C}
→ NatTrans (homF a) F ⤖ on-obj F a
よ {l1} {l2} {C} {F} {a} = bijection to from to-injective to-from
where open NatTrans
open Category
to : NatTrans (homF a) F → on-obj F a
to (mkNatTrans at nat) = at a (id C {a})
from : on-obj F a → NatTrans (homF a) F
from fa = mkNatTrans (λ c f → on-arrow F f fa)
(λ f → extensionality (λ g → cong-app (∘-preserve F) fa))
to-from : ∀(x : on-obj F a) → to (from x) ≡ x
to-from x rewrite id-preserve F {a} = refl
_∘-C_ : ∀ {a b c} → hom C b c → hom C a b → hom C a c
_∘-C_ = Category._∘_ C
to-injective : {τ σ : NatTrans (homF a) F} → to τ ≡ to σ → τ ≡ σ
to-injective {τ} {σ} eq = NatTrans-≡ (extensionality
(λ (c : obj C) → extensionality
(λ (f : hom C a c) →
at τ c f
≡⟨ lemma {τ} ⟩
(on-arrow F f) ((at τ a) (id C))
≡⟨ cong (on-arrow F f) eq ⟩
(on-arrow F f) ((at σ a) (id C))
≡⟨ sym (lemma {σ}) ⟩
at σ c f
∎ )))
where lemma : ∀ {τ : NatTrans (homF a) F} → {c : obj C} → {f : hom C a c}
→ at τ c f ≡ (on-arrow F f) ((at τ a) (id C))
lemma {τ} {c} {f} =
at τ c f
≡⟨ cong (at τ c) (sym (id-identity-r C f)) ⟩
at τ c (f ∘-C id C)
(Category._∘_ 𝕊et (at τ c) (_∘-C_ f)) (id C)
≡⟨ cong-app (naturality τ f) (id C)⟩
(Category._∘_ 𝕊et (on-arrow F f) (at τ a)) (id C)
(on-arrow F f) ((at τ a) (id C))
-- Before showing the naturality of よ, we need to formalise its two sides as 𝕊et-valued functors
-- The RHS of よ is the 'functor application functor'.
App : ∀{l1 l2 l3 : Level} {C : Category {l1} {l2}} → Functor ((𝔽unctor C (𝕊et {l3}) ×-cat C)) (𝕊et {l3})
App {C = C} = record {
on-obj = λ (f , c) → on-obj f c
; on-arrow = λ {(F , a)} {(G , b)} (τ , f) → Category._∘_ 𝕊et (at τ b) (on-arrow F f)
; id-preserve = λ {(F , c)} → extensionality (λ x → cong-app (id-preserve F) x)
; ∘-preserve = λ {(F , a)} {(G , b)} {(H , c)} {(τ , f)} {(σ , h)} → extensionality λ x →
cong (at τ c) (
(at σ c (on-arrow F ((C Category.∘ f) h) x))
≡⟨ cong (at σ c) (cong-app (∘-preserve F) x) ⟩
(at σ c (on-arrow F f (on-arrow F h x)))
≡⟨ cong-app (naturality σ f) (on-arrow F h x) ⟩
(on-arrow G f (at σ b (on-arrow F h x)))
where open NatTrans
-- The LHS of よ is a (bi-)functor from ((𝔽unctor C 𝕊et) ×-cat C) to 𝕊et mapping < F , c > to Nat(C(a, -), F)
YoLHS : ∀{l1 l2 : Level} {C : Category {l1} {l2}} → Functor ((𝔽unctor C (𝕊et {l2}) ×-cat C)) (𝕊et {l1 ⊔ lsuc l2})
YoLHS {l1} {l2} {C = C} = record {
on-obj = λ (F , c) → NatTrans (homF c) F
; on-arrow = λ {(F , a)} {(G , b)} (τ , f) → λ σ → τ ∘-nat (σ ∘-nat hom-nat f)
; id-preserve = λ {(F , c)} → extensionality (λ σ →
(Id-nat F ∘-nat (σ ∘-nat hom-nat (id C)))
≡⟨ id-identity-l (𝔽unctor C 𝕊et) (σ ∘-nat hom-nat (id C)) ⟩
σ ∘-nat hom-nat (id C)
≡⟨ NatTrans-≡ (extensionality (λ c → extensionality (λ f → cong (at σ c) (id-identity-r C f)))) ⟩
; ∘-preserve = λ {_} {_} {_} {(σ , f)} {(τ , h)} → extensionality (λ γ →
NatTrans-≡ (extensionality (λ c →
extensionality (λ k → cong (λ x → at σ c (at τ c (at γ c x))) (∘-assoc C {f = h} {g = f} {h = k})))))
where open NatTrans
open Functor
open Category
-- Now we are ready to prove よ is natural
よ-nat : ∀ {l1 l2 : Level} {C : Category {l1} {l2}}
→ NatTrans (YoLHS {l1} {l2} {C}) (𝕊etLift (l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) ∘-F App {l1} {l2} {l2})
よ-nat {l1} {l2} {C}=
mkNatTrans (λ (F , c) σ → lift ( よ ⟨$⟩ σ))
λ {(F , c)} {(G , d)} (τ , f) → extensionality (λ σ →
cong lift (cong (at τ d) (
at (σ ∘-nat hom-nat {C = C} f) d (id C)
((at σ d) Func.∘ (at (hom-nat {C = C} f) d)) (id C)
at σ d (at (hom-nat {C = C} f) d (id C))
≡⟨ cong (at σ d) (id-identity-l C f) ⟩
at σ d f
≡⟨ cong (at σ d) (sym (id-identity-r C f)) ⟩
at σ d (Category._∘_ C f (id C {a = c}))
≡⟨ cong-app (naturality σ f) (id C) ⟩
on-arrow F f ( よ ⟨$⟩ σ)
where open NatTrans
open Category
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