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Last active April 25, 2018 16:18
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d3-voronoi-map usage
license: mit

This block illustrates the use of the d3-voronoi-map plugin. This block is a remake of the's post The Costs of Being Fat, in Actual Dollars.

The d3-voronoi-map plugin produces Voronoï maps (one-level treemap). Given a convex polygon (here, a 60-gon simulating a circle for each gender) and weighted data, it tesselates/partitions the polygon in several inner cells, such that the area of a cell represents the weight of the underlying datum.

Acknowledgments to :

forked from Kcnarf's block: d3-voronoi-map usage

id composition menCost womenCost color
0 Wage Discrimination 0 1855 #b5a8d8
1 Direct Medical 1474 1474 #bfe5df
2 Short-term Disability 389 309 #a3c5cb
3 Productivity (Presenteeism) 358 358 #abb6ab
4 Sick Leave (Absenteeism) 212 674 #b7d8a9
5 Life Insurance 121 121 #ffe7a4
6 Disability Pension Insurance 69 69 #f7c098
7 Gasoline for cars 23 21 #f3a39c
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>d3-voronoi-treemap usage</title>
<meta name="description" content="d3-voronoi-map plugin to remake 'The Costs of Being Fat, in Actual Dollars'">
<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
svg {
background-color: rgb(250,250,250);
#title {
letter-spacing: 4px;
font-weight: 700;
font-size: x-large;
text.tiny {
font-size: 10pt;
text.light {
fill: lightgrey
.symbol {
fill: none;
stroke: lightgrey;
stroke-width: 14px;
.cell {
stroke: darkgrey;
stroke-width: 1px;
.cost {
text-anchor: middle;
.total-cost {
fill: lightgrey;
text-anchor: middle;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 700;
.legend-color {
stroke-width: 1px;
.highlighter {
fill: transparent;
stroke: none;
.highlight {
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 2px;
//begin: constants
var _2PI = 2*Math.PI;
//end: constants
//begin: raw data global def
var menTotalCost = 0,
womenTotalCost = 0;
//end: raw data global def
//begin: data-related utils
function menCostAccessor(d){ return d.menCost; };
function womenCostAccessor(d){ return d.womenCost; };
function highlighterGroup(d){ return "group-"};
//end: data-related utils
//begin: layout conf.
var svgWidth = 960,
svgHeight = 500,
margin = {top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10},
height = svgHeight - - margin.bottom,
width = svgWidth - margin.left - margin.right,
halfWidth = width/2,
halfHeight = height/2,
quarterWidth = width/4,
quarterHeight = height/4,
titleY = 20,
legendsMinY = height - 20,
menTreemapCenter = [300, 200],
womenTreemapCenter = [650, 200];
//end: layout conf.
//begin: treemap conf.
var baseRadius = 100;
var _voronoiMap = d3.voronoiMap();
var menRadius, womenRadius,
menCirclingPolygon, womenCirclingPolygon,
menPolygons, womenPolygons;
//end: treemap conf.
//begin: reusable d3Selection
var svg, drawingArea, menContainer;
//end: reusable d3Selection
d3.csv("costOfBeingFat.csv", csvParser, function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
menPolygons = _voronoiMap
(data.filter( function(d){ return menCostAccessor(d)>0; })).polygons;
womenPolygons = _voronoiMap
(data.filter( function(d){ return womenCostAccessor(d)>0; })).polygons;
function csvParser(d) { =;
d.composition = d.composition;
d.menCost = +d.menCost;
d.womenCost = +d.womenCost;
d.color = d.color;
menTotalCost += d.menCost;
womenTotalCost += d.womenCost;
return d;
function initData() {
menRadius = baseRadius;
womenRadius = baseRadius*Math.sqrt(womenTotalCost/menTotalCost);
menCirclingPolygon = computeCirclingPolygon(menRadius);
womenCirclingPolygon = computeCirclingPolygon(womenRadius);
function computeCirclingPolygon(radius) {
var points = 60,
increment = _2PI/points,
circlingPolygon = [];
for (var a=0, i=0; i<points; i++, a+=increment) {
[radius*Math.cos(a), radius*Math.sin(a)]
return circlingPolygon;
function initLayout() {
svg ="svg")
.attr("width", svgWidth)
.attr("height", svgHeight);
drawingArea = svg.append("g")
.classed("drawingArea", true)
.attr("transform", "translate("+[margin.left,]+")");
menContainer = drawingArea.append("g")
.classed("men-container", true)
.attr("transform", "translate("+menTreemapCenter+")");
function drawTitle() {
.attr("id", "title")
.attr("transform", "translate("+[halfWidth, titleY]+")")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.text("The Individual Costs of Being Obese in the U.S. (2010)")
function drawFooter() {
.classed("tiny light", true)
.attr("transform", "translate("+[0, height]+")")
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.text("Remake of's post 'The Costs of Being Fat, in Actual Dollars'")
.classed("tiny light", true)
.attr("transform", "translate("+[halfWidth+45, height]+")")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.text("by @_Kcnarf")
.classed("tiny light", true)
.attr("transform", "translate("+[width, height]+")")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
function drawLegends(data) {
var legendHeight = 13,
interLegend = 4,
colorWidth = legendHeight*4;
var legendContainer = drawingArea.append("g")
.classed("legend", true)
.attr("transform", "translate("+[0, legendsMinY]+")");
var legends = legendContainer.selectAll(".legend")
var legend = legends.append("g")
.classed("legend", true)
.attr("transform", function(d,i){
return "translate("+[0, -i*(legendHeight+interLegend)]+")";
.classed("legend-color", true)
.attr("y", -legendHeight)
.attr("width", colorWidth)
.attr("height", legendHeight)
.style("fill", function(d){ return d.color; });
.classed("tiny", true)
.attr("transform", "translate("+[colorWidth+5, -2]+")")
.text(function(d){ return d.composition; });
.attr("class", highlighterGroup)
.classed("highlighter", true)
.attr("y", -legendHeight)
.attr("width", colorWidth)
.attr("height", legendHeight);
.attr("transform", "translate("+[0, -data.length*(legendHeight+interLegend)-5]+")")
.text("Annual costs of being obese");
function drawTreemap(gender) {
var container, polygons, costAccessor, delta, totalCost, totalCostRotation;
if (gender==="men") {
container = menContainer;
polygons = menPolygons;
costAccessor = menCostAccessor;
delta = menRadius;
totalCost = "$"+menTotalCost;
totalCostRotation = -45;
} else {
container = womenContainer;
polygons = womenPolygons;
costAccessor = womenCostAccessor;
delta = womenRadius;
totalCost = "$"+womenTotalCost;
totalCostRotation = 45;
var cells = container.append("g")
.classed('cells', true)
.classed("cell", true)
.attr("d", function(d){ return "M"+d.join(",")+"z"; })
.style("fill", function(d){
.classed("total-cost", true)
.attr("transform", "rotate("+totalCostRotation+")translate(0,"+(-delta-6)+")")
var costs = container.append("g")
.classed('costs', true)
.classed("cost", true)
.attr("transform", function(d){
return "translate("+[,]+")"; // +6 for centering
return "$"+costAccessor(;
var higlighters = container.append("g")
.classed('highlighters', true)
.attr("class", function(d) {
return highlighterGroup(;
.classed("highlighter", true)
.attr("d", function(d){ return "M"+d.join(",")+"z"; });
Country Food Production
Afghanistan 422 342
Albania 25 0
Algeria 117 0
Angola 174 25
Antigua and Barbuda 1 NA
Argentina 364 1043
Armenia 9 NA
Australia 258 774
Austria 31 NA
Azerbaijan 19 3
Bahamas 9 NA
Bangladesh 26892 34350
Barbados 4 NA
Belarus 30 NA
Belgium 96 NA
Belize 9 14
Benin 552 138
Bermuda 0 NA
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 288 295
Bosnia and Herzegovina 7 NA
Botswana 14 NA
Brazil 6437 7843
Brunei Darussalam 32 1
Bulgaria 16 37
Burkina Faso 363 204
Cabo Verde 24 NA
Cambodia 2408 6263
Cameroon 531 129
Canada 445 NA
Central African Republic 34 25
Chad 139 220
Chile 156 87
China 109725 136873
China, Hong Kong SAR 313 0
China, Macao SAR 21 NA
China, mainland 108321 135809
China, Taiwan Province of 1070 1063
Colombia 1354 1367
Congo 73 1
Costa Rica 223 150
Côte d'Ivoire 1291 1290
Croatia 11 NA
Cuba 763 449
Cyprus 6 NA
Czechia 51 NA
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 1847 1935
Denmark 28 NA
Djibouti 38 NA
Dominica 1 NA
Dominican Republic 546 550
Ecuador 709 1011
Egypt 3264 3818
El Salvador 67 24
Estonia 3 NA
Ethiopia 212 123
Fiji 40 4
Finland 24 NA
France 314 55
French Polynesia 10 NA
Gabon 62 1
Gambia 114 46
Georgia 11 NA
Germany 277 NA
Ghana 830 380
Greece 74 156
Grenada 1 NA
Guatemala 88 21
Guinea 1141 1370
Guinea-Bissau 167 140
Guyana 61 549
Haiti 441 113
Honduras 117 33
Hungary 21 6
Iceland 1 NA
India 87006 106186
Indonesia 33637 47544
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2320 1634
Iraq 1369 301
Ireland 14 NA
Israel 130 NA
Italy 350 956
Jamaica 65 0
Japan 7609 7176
Jordan 143 NA
Kazakhstan 120 230
Kenya 574 98
Kiribati 7 NA
Kuwait 148 NA
Kyrgyzstan 41 18
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1077 2278
Latvia 5 NA
Lebanon 52 NA
Lesotho 8 NA
Liberia 407 180
Lithuania 9 NA
Luxembourg 2 NA
Madagascar 2350 2408
Malawi 78 83
Malaysia 2415 1737
Maldives 18 NA
Mali 872 1475
Malta 2 NA
Mauritania 188 135
Mauritius 57 0
Mexico 690 120
Mongolia 22 NA
Montenegro 1 NA
Morocco 36 25
Mozambique 605 234
Myanmar 7073 19188
Namibia 15 NA
Nepal 2439 3005
Netherlands 49 NA
New Caledonia 4 NA
New Zealand 41 NA
Nicaragua 263 252
Niger 235 9
Nigeria 4901 3135
Norway 22 NA
Oman 205 NA
Pakistan 2232 6767
Panama 257 192
Paraguay 33 412
Peru 1486 2035
Philippines 11752 12299
Poland 36 NA
Portugal 158 120
Republic of Korea 4196 3756
Republic of Moldova 10 NA
Romania 56 36
Russian Federation 673 624
Rwanda 102 63
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 NA
Saint Lucia 2 NA
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 0
Samoa 1 NA
Sao Tome and Principe 7 NA
Saudi Arabia 1039 0
Senegal 1022 291
Serbia 12 NA
Sierra Leone 629 837
Slovakia 16 NA
Slovenia 8 NA
Solomon Islands 36 3
South Africa 919 3
Spain 391 585
Sri Lanka 2334 3082
Sudan 48 17
Suriname 37 175
Swaziland 26 0
Sweden 57 NA
Switzerland 20 NA
Tajikistan 57 52
Thailand 7677 24054
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 6 19
Timor-Leste 73 58
Togo 177 64
Trinidad and Tobago 22 2
Tunisia 12 NA
Turkey 805 600
Turkmenistan 57 67
Uganda 174 143
Ukraine 135 97
United Arab Emirates 526 NA
United Kingdom 405 NA
United Republic of Tanzania 1035 1464
United States of America 2203 5745
Uruguay 39 907
Uzbekistan 112 227
Vanuatu 10 NA
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 711 583
Viet Nam 13253 29374
Yemen 424 NA
Zambia 44 30
Zimbabwe 143 0
Domain.Code Domain Country.Code Country Element.Code Element Item.Code Item Year.Code Year Unit Value Flag Flag.Description region region_grp
FBS Food Balance Sheets 2 Afghanistan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 342 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 2 Afghanistan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 422 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 3 Albania 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 3 Albania 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 25 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 4 Algeria 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 4 Algeria 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 117 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 7 Angola 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 25 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 7 Angola 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 174 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 8 Antigua and Barbuda 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 9 Argentina 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1043 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 9 Argentina 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 364 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 1 Armenia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 9 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 10 Australia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 774 S Standardized data Australia and New Zealand Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 10 Australia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 258 S Standardized data Australia and New Zealand Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 11 Austria 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 31 S Standardized data Western Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 52 Azerbaijan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 52 Azerbaijan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 19 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 12 Bahamas 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 9 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 16 Bangladesh 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 34350 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 16 Bangladesh 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 26892 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 14 Barbados 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 4 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 57 Belarus 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 30 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 255 Belgium 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 96 S Standardized data Western Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 23 Belize 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 14 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 23 Belize 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 9 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 53 Benin 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 138 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 53 Benin 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 552 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 17 Bermuda 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Northern America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 19 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 295 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 19 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 288 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 80 Bosnia and Herzegovina 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 7 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 20 Botswana 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 14 S Standardized data Southern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 21 Brazil 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 7843 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 21 Brazil 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 6437 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 26 Brunei Darussalam 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 26 Brunei Darussalam 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 32 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 27 Bulgaria 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 37 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 27 Bulgaria 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 16 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 233 Burkina Faso 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 204 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 233 Burkina Faso 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 363 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 35 Cabo Verde 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 24 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 115 Cambodia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 6263 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 115 Cambodia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2408 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 32 Cameroon 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 129 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 32 Cameroon 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 531 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 33 Canada 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 445 S Standardized data Northern America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 37 Central African Republic 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 25 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 37 Central African Republic 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 34 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 39 Chad 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 220 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 39 Chad 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 139 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 40 Chile 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 87 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 40 Chile 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 156 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 96 China, Hong Kong SAR 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 96 China, Hong Kong SAR 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 313 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 128 China, Macao SAR 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 21 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 41 China, mainland 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 135809 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 41 China, mainland 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 108321 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 214 China, Taiwan Province of 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1063 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 214 China, Taiwan Province of 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1070 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 44 Colombia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1367 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 44 Colombia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1354 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 46 Congo 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 46 Congo 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 73 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 48 Costa Rica 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 150 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 48 Costa Rica 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 223 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 107 Côte d'Ivoire 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1290 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 107 Côte d'Ivoire 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1291 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 98 Croatia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 11 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 49 Cuba 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 449 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 49 Cuba 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 763 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 50 Cyprus 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 6 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 167 Czechia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 51 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 116 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1935 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 116 Democratic People's Republic of Korea 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1847 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 54 Denmark 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 28 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 72 Djibouti 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 38 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 55 Dominica 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 56 Dominican Republic 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 550 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 56 Dominican Republic 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 546 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 58 Ecuador 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1011 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 58 Ecuador 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 709 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 59 Egypt 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3818 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 59 Egypt 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3264 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 60 El Salvador 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 24 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 60 El Salvador 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 67 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 63 Estonia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 238 Ethiopia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 123 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 238 Ethiopia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 212 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 66 Fiji 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 4 S Standardized data Melanesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 66 Fiji 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 40 S Standardized data Melanesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 67 Finland 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 24 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 68 France 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 55 S Standardized data Western Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 68 France 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 314 S Standardized data Western Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 70 French Polynesia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 10 S Standardized data Polynesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 74 Gabon 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 74 Gabon 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 62 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 75 Gambia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 46 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 75 Gambia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 114 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 73 Georgia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 11 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 79 Germany 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 277 S Standardized data Western Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 81 Ghana 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 380 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 81 Ghana 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 830 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 84 Greece 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 156 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 84 Greece 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 74 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 86 Grenada 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 89 Guatemala 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 21 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 89 Guatemala 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 88 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 90 Guinea 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1370 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 90 Guinea 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1141 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 175 Guinea-Bissau 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 140 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 175 Guinea-Bissau 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 167 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 91 Guyana 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 549 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 91 Guyana 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 61 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 93 Haiti 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 113 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 93 Haiti 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 441 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 95 Honduras 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 33 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 95 Honduras 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 117 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 97 Hungary 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 6 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 97 Hungary 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 21 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 99 Iceland 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 100 India 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 106186 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 100 India 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 87006 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 101 Indonesia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 47544 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 101 Indonesia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 33637 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 102 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1634 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 102 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2320 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 103 Iraq 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 301 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 103 Iraq 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1369 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 104 Ireland 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 14 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 105 Israel 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 130 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 106 Italy 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 956 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 106 Italy 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 350 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 109 Jamaica 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 109 Jamaica 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 65 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 110 Japan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 7176 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 110 Japan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 7609 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 112 Jordan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 143 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 108 Kazakhstan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 230 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 108 Kazakhstan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 120 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 114 Kenya 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 98 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 114 Kenya 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 574 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 83 Kiribati 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 7 S Standardized data Micronesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 118 Kuwait 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 148 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 113 Kyrgyzstan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 18 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 113 Kyrgyzstan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 41 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 120 Lao People's Democratic Republic 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2278 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 120 Lao People's Democratic Republic 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1077 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 119 Latvia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 5 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 121 Lebanon 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 52 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 122 Lesotho 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 8 S Standardized data Southern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 123 Liberia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 180 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 123 Liberia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 407 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 126 Lithuania 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 9 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 256 Luxembourg 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2 S Standardized data Western Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 129 Madagascar 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2408 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 129 Madagascar 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2350 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 130 Malawi 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 83 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 130 Malawi 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 78 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 131 Malaysia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1737 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 131 Malaysia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2415 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 132 Maldives 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 18 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 133 Mali 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1475 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 133 Mali 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 872 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 134 Malta 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 136 Mauritania 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 135 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 136 Mauritania 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 188 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 137 Mauritius 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 137 Mauritius 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 57 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 138 Mexico 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 120 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 138 Mexico 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 690 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 141 Mongolia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 22 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 273 Montenegro 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 143 Morocco 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 25 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 143 Morocco 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 36 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 144 Mozambique 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 234 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 144 Mozambique 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 605 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 28 Myanmar 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 19188 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 28 Myanmar 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 7073 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 147 Namibia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 15 S Standardized data Southern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 149 Nepal 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3005 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 149 Nepal 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2439 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 150 Netherlands 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 49 S Standardized data Western Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 153 New Caledonia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 4 S Standardized data Melanesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 156 New Zealand 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 41 S Standardized data Australia and New Zealand Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 157 Nicaragua 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 252 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 157 Nicaragua 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 263 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 158 Niger 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 9 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 158 Niger 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 235 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 159 Nigeria 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3135 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 159 Nigeria 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 4901 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 162 Norway 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 22 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 221 Oman 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 205 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 165 Pakistan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 6767 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 165 Pakistan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2232 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 166 Panama 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 192 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 166 Panama 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 257 S Standardized data Central America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 169 Paraguay 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 412 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 169 Paraguay 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 33 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 170 Peru 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2035 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 170 Peru 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1486 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 171 Philippines 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 12299 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 171 Philippines 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 11752 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 173 Poland 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 36 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 174 Portugal 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 120 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 174 Portugal 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 158 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 117 Republic of Korea 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3756 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 117 Republic of Korea 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 4196 S Standardized data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 146 Republic of Moldova 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 10 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 183 Romania 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 36 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 183 Romania 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 56 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 185 Russian Federation 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 624 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 185 Russian Federation 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 673 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 184 Rwanda 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 63 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 184 Rwanda 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 102 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 188 Saint Kitts and Nevis 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 189 Saint Lucia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 191 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 191 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 4 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 244 Samoa 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1 S Standardized data Polynesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 193 Sao Tome and Principe 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 7 S Standardized data Middle Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 194 Saudi Arabia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 194 Saudi Arabia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1039 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 195 Senegal 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 291 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 195 Senegal 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1022 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 272 Serbia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 12 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 197 Sierra Leone 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 837 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 197 Sierra Leone 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 629 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 199 Slovakia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 16 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 198 Slovenia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 8 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 25 Solomon Islands 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3 S Standardized data Melanesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 25 Solomon Islands 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 36 S Standardized data Melanesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 202 South Africa 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3 S Standardized data Southern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 202 South Africa 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 919 S Standardized data Southern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 203 Spain 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 585 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 203 Spain 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 391 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 38 Sri Lanka 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 3082 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 38 Sri Lanka 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2334 S Standardized data Southern Asia Southern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 276 Sudan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 17 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 276 Sudan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 48 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 207 Suriname 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 175 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 207 Suriname 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 37 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 209 Swaziland 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Southern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 209 Swaziland 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 26 S Standardized data Southern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 210 Sweden 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 57 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 211 Switzerland 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 20 S Standardized data Western Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 208 Tajikistan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 52 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 208 Tajikistan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 57 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 216 Thailand 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 24054 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 216 Thailand 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 7677 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 154 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 19 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 154 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 6 S Standardized data Southern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 176 Timor-Leste 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 58 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 176 Timor-Leste 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 73 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 217 Togo 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 64 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 217 Togo 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 177 S Standardized data Western Africa Western Africa
FBS Food Balance Sheets 220 Trinidad and Tobago 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 220 Trinidad and Tobago 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 22 S Standardized data Caribbean Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 222 Tunisia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 12 S Standardized data Northern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 223 Turkey 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 600 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 223 Turkey 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 805 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 213 Turkmenistan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 67 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 213 Turkmenistan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 57 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 226 Uganda 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 143 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 226 Uganda 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 174 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 230 Ukraine 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 97 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 230 Ukraine 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 135 S Standardized data Eastern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 225 United Arab Emirates 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 526 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 229 United Kingdom 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 405 S Standardized data Northern Europe Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 215 United Republic of Tanzania 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1464 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 215 United Republic of Tanzania 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 1035 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 231 United States of America 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 5745 S Standardized data Northern America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 231 United States of America 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 2203 S Standardized data Northern America Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 234 Uruguay 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 907 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 234 Uruguay 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 39 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 235 Uzbekistan 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 227 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 235 Uzbekistan 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 112 S Standardized data Central Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 155 Vanuatu 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 10 S Standardized data Melanesia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 236 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 583 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 236 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 711 S Standardized data South America South America
FBS Food Balance Sheets 237 Viet Nam 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 29374 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 237 Viet Nam 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 13253 S Standardized data South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 249 Yemen 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 424 S Standardized data Western Asia Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 251 Zambia 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 30 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 251 Zambia 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 44 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 181 Zimbabwe 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 0 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 181 Zimbabwe 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 143 S Standardized data Eastern Africa Other region
FBS Food Balance Sheets 351 China 5511 Production 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 136873 A Aggregate, may include official, semi-official, estimated or calculated data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
FBS Food Balance Sheets 351 China 5142 Food 2805 Rice (Milled Equivalent) 2013 2013 1000 tonnes 109725 A Aggregate, may include official, semi-official, estimated or calculated data Eastern Asia Eastern Asia
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