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Last active March 31, 2018 08:19
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license: mit
"Time": "36:50",
"Place": 1,
"Seconds": 2210,
"Name": "Marco Pantani",
"Year": 1995,
"Nationality": "ITA",
"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1995 due to high hematocrit levels",
"URL": ""
"Time": "36:55",
"Place": 2,
"Seconds": 2215,
"Name": "Marco Pantani",
"Year": 1997,
"Nationality": "ITA",
"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1997 due to high hermatocrit levels",
"URL": ""
"Time": "37:15",
"Place": 3,
"Seconds": 2235,
"Name": "Marco Pantani",
"Year": 1994,
"Nationality": "ITA",
"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1994 due to high hermatocrit levels",
"URL": ""
"Time": "37:36",
"Place": 4,
"Seconds": 2256,
"Name": "Lance Armstrong",
"Year": 2004,
"Nationality": "USA",
"Doping": "2004 Tour de France title stripped by UCI in 2012",
"URL": ""
"Time": "37:42",
"Place": 5,
"Seconds": 2262,
"Name": "Jan Ullrich",
"Year": 1997,
"Nationality": "GER",
"Doping": "Confessed later in his career to doping",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:05",
"Place": 6,
"Seconds": 2285,
"Name": "Lance Armstrong",
"Year": 2001,
"Nationality": "USA",
"Doping": "2001 Tour de France title stripped by UCI in 2012",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:14",
"Place": 7,
"Seconds": 2294,
"Name": "Miguel Indurain",
"Year": 1995,
"Nationality": "ESP",
"Doping": "1994 Failed test for salbutemol, not a banned drug at that time",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:14",
"Place": 8,
"Seconds": 2294,
"Name": "Alex Zülle",
"Year": 1995,
"Nationality": "SUI",
"Doping": "Confessed in 1998 to taking EPO",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:16",
"Place": 9,
"Seconds": 2296,
"Name": "Bjarne Riis",
"Year": 1995,
"Nationality": "DEN",
"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1995 due to high hermatrocite levels",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:22",
"Place": 10,
"Seconds": 2302,
"Name": "Richard Virenque",
"Year": 1997,
"Nationality": "FRA",
"Doping": "In 2000 confessed to doping during his career",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:36",
"Place": 11,
"Seconds": 2316,
"Name": "Floyd Landis",
"Year": 2006,
"Nationality": "USA",
"Doping": "Stripped of 2006 Tour de France title",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:36",
"Place": 12,
"Seconds": 2316,
"Name": "Andreas Klöden",
"Year": 2006,
"Nationality": "GER",
"Doping": "Alleged use of illegal blood transfusions in 2006",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:40",
"Place": 13,
"Seconds": 2320,
"Name": "Jan Ullrich",
"Year": 2004,
"Nationality": "GER",
"Doping": "Confessed later in his career to doping",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:44",
"Place": 14,
"Seconds": 2324,
"Name": "Laurent Madouas",
"Year": 1995,
"Nationality": "FRA",
"Doping": "Tested positive for Salbutemol in 1994, suspended for 1 month",
"URL": ""
"Time": "38:55",
"Place": 15,
"Seconds": 2335,
"Name": "Richard Virenque",
"Year": 1994,
"Nationality": "FRA",
"Doping": "In 2000 confessed to doping during his career",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:01",
"Place": 16,
"Seconds": 2341,
"Name": "Carlos Sastre",
"Year": 2006,
"Nationality": "ESP",
"Doping": "",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:09",
"Place": 17,
"Seconds": 2349,
"Name": "Iban Mayo",
"Year": 2003,
"Nationality": "ESP",
"Doping": "Failed doping test in 2007 Tour de France",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:12",
"Place": 18,
"Seconds": 2352,
"Name": "Andreas Klöden",
"Year": 2004,
"Nationality": "GER",
"Doping": "Alleged doping during 2006 Tour de France",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:14",
"Place": 19,
"Seconds": 2354,
"Name": "Jose Azevedo",
"Year": 2004,
"Nationality": "POR",
"Doping": "Implicated in the Operación Puerto doping case",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:15",
"Place": 20,
"Seconds": 2355,
"Name": "Levi Leipheimer",
"Year": 2006,
"Nationality": "USA",
"Doping": "Testified in 2012 to doping during his time with US Postal Service ",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:22",
"Place": 21,
"Seconds": 2362,
"Name": "Francesco Casagrande",
"Year": 1997,
"Nationality": "ITA",
"Doping": "Positive testosterone test in 1998",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:23",
"Place": 22,
"Seconds": 2363,
"Name": "Nairo Quintana",
"Year": 2015,
"Nationality": "COL",
"Doping": "",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:23",
"Place": 23,
"Seconds": 2363,
"Name": "Bjarne Riis",
"Year": 1997,
"Nationality": "DEN",
"Doping": "Alleged drug use during 1995 due to high hermatrocite levels",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:30",
"Place": 24,
"Seconds": 2370,
"Name": "Miguel Indurain",
"Year": 1994,
"Nationality": "ESP",
"Doping": "1994 Failed test for salbutemol, not a banned drug at that time",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:30",
"Place": 25,
"Seconds": 2370,
"Name": "Luc Leblanc",
"Year": 1994,
"Nationality": "FRA",
"Doping": "Admitted to using epo and amphetimines throughout 1994 ",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:32",
"Place": 26,
"Seconds": 2372,
"Name": "Carlos Sastre",
"Year": 2008,
"Nationality": "ESP",
"Doping": "",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:37",
"Place": 27,
"Seconds": 2377,
"Name": "Vladimir Poulnikov",
"Year": 1994,
"Nationality": "UKR",
"Doping": "",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:40",
"Place": 28,
"Seconds": 2380,
"Name": "Giuseppe Guerini",
"Year": 2004,
"Nationality": "ITA",
"Doping": "",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:41",
"Place": 29,
"Seconds": 2381,
"Name": "Santos Gonzalez",
"Year": 2004,
"Nationality": "ESP",
"Doping": "High Hematocrit during 2005 season, removed by team management",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:41",
"Place": 30,
"Seconds": 2381,
"Name": "Vladimir Karpets",
"Year": 2004,
"Nationality": "RUS",
"Doping": "Made payments to Ferrari, but no charges filed",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:45",
"Place": 31,
"Seconds": 2385,
"Name": "Fernando Escartin",
"Year": 1995,
"Nationality": "ESP",
"Doping": "Implicated in Giardini Margherita Raid in 1998 as a 'victim' ",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:47",
"Place": 32,
"Seconds": 2387,
"Name": "Denis Menchov",
"Year": 2006,
"Nationality": "RUS",
"Doping": "",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:47",
"Place": 33,
"Seconds": 2387,
"Name": "Michael Rasmussen",
"Year": 2006,
"Nationality": "DEN",
"Doping": "Admitted to doping with multiple substances 1998-2010",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:47",
"Place": 34,
"Seconds": 2387,
"Name": "Pietro Caucchioli",
"Year": 2006,
"Nationality": "ITA",
"Doping": "Associated with Mantova investigation, charges dropped",
"URL": ""
"Time": "39:50",
"Place": 35,
"Seconds": 2390,
"Name": "Nairo Quintana",
"Year": 2013,
"Nationality": "COL",
"Doping": "",
"URL": ""
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<p> <button>View by year </button> </p>
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