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Created July 25, 2014 14:14
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A Parse::RecDescent implementation of JSONY
use 5.12.0;
package MyJSONY;
use Parse::RecDescent;
use JSON qw/ to_json from_json /;
use Scalar::Util qw/ looks_like_number /;
$::RD_TRACE = 0;
# skip comments too
$Parse::RecDescent::skip = qr/ ( , | \s+ | \# .*?$ )* /xms;
my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new( <<'END' );
top_level: ( hash | array )
{ $return = $item[1] }
hash: explicit_hash | implicit_hash
explicit_hash: '{' kv_pair(s) '}' { $return = { map { @$_ } @{ $item[2] } } }
implicit_hash: kv_pair_strict(s) { $return = { map { @$_ } @{ $item[1] } } }
kv_pair: word colon(?) value { [ $item[1] => $item[3] ] }
kv_pair_strict: word colon value { [ $item[1] => $item[3] ] }
array: explicit_array | yaml_array | implicit_array
yaml_array: yaml_array_entry(s)
yaml_array_entry: '-' value(s)
explicit_array: '[' implicit_array ']' { $item[2] }
implicit_array: value(s)
value: ( explicit_array | explicit_hash | word )
word: ( bare_word | quoted_word ) comma(?) { $item[1] }
bare_word: /\w+/ { Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($item[1]) ? $item[1] + 0 : $item[1] }
quoted_word: <rulevar: $quote >
quoted_word: /["']/ { $quote = $item[1] } /.*?[^\\](?=$quote)/ "$item[1]" { $item[3] }
comma: ','
colon: ':'
sub jsony_to_struct {
return $parser->top_level(shift);
sub jsony_to_json {
return to_json( jsony_to_struct( shift) , { pretty => 1, canonical => 1 } )
my @tests = (
'foo bar baz' => [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ],
'foo, bar, baz' => [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ],
'"stuff with space" baz' => [ 'stuff with space', 'baz' ],
'"stuff with \"space\"" baz' => [ 'stuff with \"space\"', 'baz' ],
"'stuff with \\'space\\'' baz" => [ "stuff with \\'space\\'", 'baz' ],
'1 2 three' => [ 1, 2, "three" ],
'{ a b c d }' => { a => 'b', c => 'd' },
'{ a, b, c, d }' => { a => 'b', c => 'd' },
'{ a: b, c: d }' => { a => 'b', c => 'd' },
'{ a: b }' => { a => 'b' },
' a: b ' => { a => 'b' },
'a [ 1 2 ]' => [ a => [1,2] ],
'a [ 1 [2] ]' => [ a => [1,[2]] ],
'a: { b: c }' => { a => {b => 'c'} },
"a # some comments\n#and more\nb" => [ 'a', 'b' ],
"- one two\n- 3 4\n 5" => [ [ qw/ one two / ], [3,4,5] ],
use Test::More;
while( my( $in, $out ) = splice @tests, 0, 2 ) {
subtest $in => sub {
my $struct = jsony_to_struct($in);
is_deeply $struct => $out, $in or diag explain $struct;
return if $in =~ /\\/; # escaping is not re-entrant for now
is_deeply jsony_to_struct( to_json($struct) ) => $struct, "re-entrant"
or diag explain $struct;
unlike jsony_to_json( "1" ), qr/"/, "not quoted numbers";
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