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Created February 26, 2016 07:06
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Python script to print Numpy arrays to LateX table
Created on 26.02.2016
Print numpy arrays to latex tables
@author: Peter Fischer
from __future__ import print_function, division
def print_to_table(avgs, stds, rows, cols,
Print data into a LateX table
The data is given as averages and stadnard deviations.
It will be printed as 'avgs' \pm 'stds'
The names of the rows are given in 'rows' and the names of the columns and
keys to the data dictionaries are given in 'cols'.
avgs : dict of numpy array with average values
each numpy array has shape (N,)
stds : dict of numpy arrays with standard deviations
each numpy array shape (N,)
rows: list of row names, length (N,)
cols: list of column names and keys to dicts, length (N,)
highlight_best: best values are printed in bold face, boolean
max_is_best: whether largest values are best (True) or smallest values, boolean
avg_format: python string format specifier for printing average values,
fill-value '!' will be replaced by \phantom{0} in LateX-code,
since spaces are not respected in LateX code
std_format: python string format specifier for printing standard deviations,
see avg_format
file: file to which the output should be written, string or None
If file is None, table is printed to stdout
# Find best values
best_avg = {}
if highlight_best:
if max_is_best:
for c in cols:
idx = np.argmax(avgs[c], axis=0)
best_avg[c] = idx
for c in cols:
idx = np.argmin(avgs[c], axis=0)
best_avg[c] = idx
# Header
print_str = '\\begin{tabular}{l' + (" "+col_orientation) * len(cols) + '} \hline\n'
for c in cols:
print_str += ' & ' + c
print_str += ' \\\\ \n \hline'
# Content
for m in range(len(rows)):
row_name = rows[m]
print_str += '\n{0}'.format(row_name)
for c in cols:
print_str += ' &\n '
print_list = [avgs[c][m]]
print_list += [stds[c][m]]
if m == best_avg.get(c, None):
print_str += ('$\mathbf{{'+ avg_format + ' \\pm ' + std_format + '}}$').format(*print_list)
print_str += ('$'+ avg_format + ' \\pm ' + std_format + '$').format(*print_list)
print_str += "\n \\vspace*{0.0mm} \\\\"
print_str = print_str.replace('!', '\\phantom{0}')
# Footer
print_str += '\n \hline \n \end{tabular}'
# Write output
if file is None:
with open(file, 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Random test case
import numpy as np
# Load results from file
cols = ['column 1', 'column 2']
signal_avg = {}
signal_std = {}
N = 10
for c in cols:
signal_avg[c] = np.random.rand(N)
signal_std[c] = np.random.rand(N) * 0.5
# print to table
names = ['row ' + str(m) for m in range(N)]
print_to_table(signal_avg, signal_std, names, cols)
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