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Last active July 25, 2019 00:29
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  • Save yanmendes/23aa7b344d0c6e7edbf29b5c761161ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yanmendes/23aa7b344d0c6e7edbf29b5c761161ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
docker exec -it bigdawg-postgres-catalog bash
\c bigdawg_schemas
CREATE TABLE port (id integer, direction integer);
curl -X POST -d "bdrel(select * from port);" http://localhost:8080/bigdawg/query/
Cannot find inputs: []; in scope: RELATIONAL
# This script does the following:
# - docker initialization: creates the "bigdawg" docker network if not already created
# - image pull: pulls postgres, scidb, and accumulo base images from dockerhub
# - container run: runs the above containers
# - data prep: download and insert data into running containers
docker rm -f bigdawg-postgres-catalog
# docker rm -f bigdawg-postgres-swift
docker rm -f bigdawg-postgres-kepler
echo "=============================================================="
echo "===== Creating the bigdawg docker network if not present ====="
echo "=============================================================="
$(docker network inspect bigdawg &>/dev/null) || { docker network create bigdawg; }
echo "========================================"
echo "===== Pulling images from Dockerhub====="
echo "========================================"
docker pull yanmendes/bigdawg-polyflow
echo "============================="
echo "===== Running containers====="
echo "============================="
docker run -d -h bigdawg-postgres-catalog --net=bigdawg -p 5400:5400 -p 8080:8080 -e "PGPORT=5400" -e "BDHOST=bigdawg-postgres-catalog" --name bigdawg-postgres-catalog yanmendes/bigdawg-polyflow
docker run -d -h bigdawg-postgres-kepler --net=bigdawg -p 5401:5401 -e "PGPORT=5401" -e "BDHOST=bigdawg-postgres-kepler" --name bigdawg-postgres-kepler yanmendes/bigdawg-polyflow
# docker run -d -h bigdawg-postgres-swift --net=bigdawg -p 5402:5402 -e "PGPORT=5402" -e "BDHOST=bigdawg-postgres-swift" --name bigdawg-postgres-swift yanmendes/bigdawg-polyflow
echo "========================"
echo "===== Loading data ====="
echo "========================"
# Download the swift dump
# if [ -f "swift.dump" ]
# then
# echo "Swift dump already exists. Skipping download"
# else
# echo "Downloading the swift dump"
# curl -L -o swift.dump
# fi
# Download the Kepler dump
if [ -f "kepler.dump" ]
echo "Kepler dump already exists. Skipping download"
echo "Downloading the kepler dump"
curl -L -o kepler.dump
# postgres-catalog
docker exec -u root bigdawg-postgres-catalog mkdir -p /src/main/resources
docker cp ../src/main/resources/PostgresParserTerms.csv bigdawg-postgres-catalog:/src/main/resources
docker cp cluster_setup/postgres-catalog/bdsetup bigdawg-postgres-catalog:/
docker exec bigdawg-postgres-catalog /bdsetup/
# postgres-swift
# docker exec -u root bigdawg-postgres-swift mkdir -p /bdsetup
# docker cp bigdawg-postgres-swift:/bdsetup/
# docker cp swift.dump bigdawg-postgres-swift:/bdsetup/
# docker exec --user=root bigdawg-postgres-swift /bdsetup/
# postgres-kepler
docker exec -u root bigdawg-postgres-kepler mkdir -p /bdsetup
docker cp bigdawg-postgres-kepler:/bdsetup/
docker cp kepler.dump bigdawg-postgres-kepler:/bdsetup/
docker exec --user=root bigdawg-postgres-kepler /bdsetup/
echo "======================================="
echo "===== Starting BigDAWG Middleware ====="
echo "======================================="
# docker exec -d bigdawg-postgres-swift java -classpath "istc.bigdawg-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar" istc.bigdawg.Main bigdawg-postgres-swift
docker exec -d bigdawg-postgres-kepler java -classpath "istc.bigdawg-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar" istc.bigdawg.Main bigdawg-postgres-kepler
docker exec -it bigdawg-postgres-catalog java -classpath "istc.bigdawg-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar" istc.bigdawg.Main bigdawg-postgres-catalog
echo "================="
echo "===== Done. ====="
echo "================="
echo "==========================="
echo "===== Updating catalog. ==="
echo "==========================="
curl -X POST -d "bdcatalog(update catalog.engines set host='bigdawg-postgres-kepler' where host='bigdawg-postgres-data1');" http://localhost:8080/bigdawg/query/
curl -X POST -d "bdcatalog(update catalog.engines set host='bigdawg-postgres-swift' where host='bigdawg-postgres-data2');" http://localhost:8080/bigdawg/query/
curl -X POST -d "bdcatalog(update catalog.databases set name='kepler' where name='mimic2');" http://localhost:8080/bigdawg/query/
curl -X POST -d "bdcatalog(update catalog.databases set name='swift' where name='mimic2_copy');" http://localhost:8080/bigdawg/query/
curl -X POST -d "bdcatalog(update catalog.objects set name = 'port', fields = 'id,direction', logical_db = 3, physical_db = 3 where oid = 1);" http://localhost:8080/bigdawg/query/
echo "================="
echo "===== Done. ====="
echo "================="
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