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Last active March 6, 2021 20:03
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#lang racket
(require net/url)
(define ipv6-hex "[0-9a-fA-F:]*:[0-9a-fA-F:]*")
(define url-regexp
(pregexp (string-append
"(?:" ; / scheme-colon-opt
"([^:/?#]*)" ; | #1 = scheme-opt
":)?" ; \
"(?://" ; / slash-slash-authority-opt
"(?:" ; | / user-at-opt
"([^/?#@]*)" ; | | #2 = user-opt
"@)?" ; | \
"(?:" ;
"(?:\\[" ; | / #3 = ipv6-host-opt
"(" ipv6-hex ")" ; | | hex-addresses
"\\])|" ; | \
"([^/?#:]*)" ; | #4 = host-opt
")?" ;
"(?::" ; | / colon-port-opt
"([0-9]*)" ; | | #5 = port-opt
")?" ; | \
")?" ; \
"([^?#]*)" ; #6 = path
"(?:\\?" ; / question-query-opt
"([^#]*)" ; | #7 = query-opt
")?" ; \
"(?:#" ; / hash-fragment-opt
"(.*)" ; | #8 = fragment-opt
")?" ; \
(define urls (list
(map (curry regexp-match url-regexp) urls)
=> '(("" "https" #f #f "" #f "/foo/bar.git" #f #f) ("" "https" #f #f "" #f "/foo/bar.git" "ref=master&foo=bar" #f) ("ssh://" "ssh" "git" #f "" "22" "/foo/bar.git" #f #f) ("ssh://" "ssh" "git" #f "" "22" "/foo/bar.git" "ref=master&foo=bar" #f))
good match
(import :std/pregexp)
(define ipv6-hex "[0-9a-fA-F:]*:[0-9a-fA-F:]*")
(define url-regexp
(pregexp (string-append
"(?:" ; / scheme-colon-opt
"([^:/?#]*)" ; | #1 = scheme-opt
":)?" ; \
"(?://" ; / slash-slash-authority-opt
"(?:" ; | / user-at-opt
"([^/?#@]*)" ; | | #2 = user-opt
"@)?" ; | \
"(?:" ;
"(?:\\[" ; | / #3 = ipv6-host-opt
"(" ipv6-hex ")" ; | | hex-addresses
"\\])|" ; | \
"([^/?#:]*)" ; | #4 = host-opt
")?" ;
"(?::" ; | / colon-port-opt
"([0-9]*)" ; | | #5 = port-opt
")?" ; | \
")?" ; \
"([^?#]*)" ; #6 = path
"(?:\\?" ; / question-query-opt
"([^#]*)" ; | #7 = query-opt
")?" ; \
"(?:#" ; / hash-fragment-opt
"(.*)" ; | #8 = fragment-opt
")?" ; \
(define urls (list
(displayln (map (lambda (url) (pregexp-match url-regexp url)) urls))
=> (( https #f #f /foo/bar.git #f #f) ( https #f #f /foo/bar.git ref=master&foo=bar #f) (ssh:// ssh git #f 22 /foo/bar.git #f #f) (ssh:// ssh git #f 22 /foo/bar.git ref=master&foo=bar #f))
=> -----------
=> wrong match
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