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Last active January 9, 2020 20:05
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Powershell to download McAfee and ClamAV Patches
# Had to seperate downloading of each product files instead of providing URL list and finding all links due to laziness to handle relative and absolute linking. Perhaps one day I'll fix it.
$start_time = Get-Date
$download_folder = "D:\Anti-Virus Patches"
# Download URL list
$mcafee_page_url = ""
$mcafee_file_path = ""
$clamav_page_url = ""
$clamav_file_path = ""
$trendmicro_page_url = ""
$trendmicro_file_path = ""
$files_downloaded = 0
"Starting Download $(Get-Date)" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
# Test for download folder and create if doesn't exist
If (-Not (Test-Path "$download_folder")) {
echo "creating $download_folder " >> $download_folder\download_history.log
New-Item $download_folder -type directory
} Else {
echo "$download_folder already exists" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
# Check URL for download links, this is where you put the regex to find specific filenames
#REGEX for xdat,
$mcafee_filename_list = Split-Path -Leaf ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $mcafee_page_url).Links.Href | Where-Object {$_ -match "(^\d*xdat.exe$|^avvepo\d*$)"})
foreach ($file in $mcafee_filename_list) {
If (Test-Path "$download_folder\$file") {
echo "$download_folder\$file already exists" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
} Else {
echo "Downloading $mcafee_file_path$file to $download_folder\$file" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($mcafee_file_path+$file) -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "$download_folder\$file"
#(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(($mcafee_file_path+$file),"$download_folder\$file")
#Start-BitsTransfer -Source $mcafee_file_path$file -Destination $download_folder\$file -DisplayName $file -Priority Normal -RetryInterval 600 -RetryTimeout 86400 -Asynchronous
$files_downloaded += 1
# Check URL for download links, this is where you put the regex to find specific filenames
#REGEX for xdat,
$clam_av_filename_list = Split-Path -Leaf ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $clamav_page_url).Links.Href | Where-Object {$_ -match "([^/]+\.cvd$)"})
foreach ($file in $clam_av_filename_list) {
If (Test-Path "$download_folder\$file") {
echo "$download_folder\$file already exists" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
} Else {
echo "Downloading $clamav_file_path$file to $download_folder\$file" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($clamav_file_path+$file) -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "$download_folder\$file"
#(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(($clamav_file_path+$file),"$download_folder\$file")
#Start-BitsTransfer -Source $clamav_file_path$file -Destination $download_folder\$file -DisplayName $file -Priority Normal -RetryInterval 600 -RetryTimeout 86400 -Asynchronous
$files_downloaded += 1
# Check URL for download links, this is where you put the regex to find specific filenames
#REGEX for xdat,
$trendmicro_filename_list = Split-Path -Leaf ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $trendmicro_page_url).Links.Href | Where-Object {$_ -match "(^lpt\d*.zip$)"})
foreach ($file in $mcafee_filename_list) {
If (Test-Path "$download_folder\$file") {
echo "$download_folder\$file already exists" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
} Else {
echo "Downloading $mcafee_file_path$file to $download_folder\$file" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ($mcafee_file_path+$file) -UseBasicParsing -OutFile "$download_folder\$file"
#(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(($mcafee_file_path+$file),"$download_folder\$file")
#Start-BitsTransfer -Source $mcafee_file_path$file -Destination $download_folder\$file -DisplayName $file -Priority Normal -RetryInterval 600 -RetryTimeout 86400 -Asynchronous
$files_downloaded += 1
"$files_downloaded Files Downloaded, Time taken: $((Get-Date).Subtract($start_time).Seconds) second(s)" >> $download_folder\download_history.log
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is there a way to check integrity of downloaded files by file size and also log errors in log file?

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i want to re-download corrupted files.

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i want to re-download corrupted files.

If I remember correctly I didn't bother to check because the antivirus software would reject the file if it was corrupted upon uploading the new definitions. Also if I missed it today it would just download the next one in a few days anyways and upload. If you really wnated to you'd probably have to scrape the md5 hash and compare.

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Melvile commented Jan 9, 2020

Shouldn't the logic to check whether the download folder exists come after the alert that downloads are starting. It will throw an error if the download directory doesn't exist yet.

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