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Created July 14, 2015 15:47
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plotPCs <- function(data=pcaOnIndividualQueenSamples, pcs=c(1,2), outputToScreen=TRUE) {
print(paste("running on:", deparse(substitute(pcaOnIndividualQueenSamples))))
if (length(pcs) != 2) {
warning('must know which PCs to plot - give me 2!')
# if (outputToScreen) {
# yw$createDisplayDeviceIfNoneExists()
# }
## determine % variance
variance <- (data$sdev)^2
percentageExplainedVariance <- 100 * round(variance/sum(variance), 5)
p <- qplot( x=data$x[,pcs[1]]
, xlab=paste("pc:", pcs[1], ' % variance:', percentageExplainedVariance[ pcs[1]])
, y=data$x[,pcs[2]]
, ylab=paste("pc:", pcs[2], ' % variance:', percentageExplainedVariance[ pcs[2]])
, label = data$colony
, face = "bold"
, size = 3
, alpha=0.95
, geom = 'text'
, colour= data$category
p +opts(legend.position="none") + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Set1")
pca$x <- pca$loadings #pca$pcaResult@loadings
pca$category <- gsub(pattern = ".*shifted" , replacement="shiftedtoP", x = rownames(pca$x))
pca$category <- gsub(pattern = "_.*" , replacement="", x = pca$category)
pca$colony <- gsub(pattern = "(P|M)_([0-9]*)_.*" , replacement="\\1\\2", x = rownames(pca$x))
plotPCs(data=pca, pcs=1:2) #2:3
plotPCs(data=pca, pcs=2:3) #2:3 PC2
plotPCs(data=pca, pcs=3:4) #2:3
plotPCs(data=pca, pcs=c(2,7)) # PC7 also stands out...
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