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Last active November 16, 2017 23:21
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ants_fyi <- read.table("")
colnames(ants_fyi) <- c("genus", "species")
play_guess_the_genus <- function() {
ants <- read.table("")
colnames(ants) <- c("genus", "species")
score <- 0
attempts <- 0
while ( (score > -10) & (score < 10)) {
attempts <- attempts + 1
# getting random selection
random_row_num <- sample(x = seq(from = 1, to = nrow(ants), by = 1),
size = 1)
random_species <- ants$species[random_row_num]
expected_genus <- ants$genus[random_row_num]
# asking
print(paste("The species is:", random_species))
user_guess <- readline("What is the genus? Enter your guess: ")
# evaluating
if ( user_guess == expected_genus ) {
score <- score + 1
print(paste("Good job! Your score is now: ", score))
} else {
score <- score - 0.5
print(paste("Fail. Your score is now:", score))
print(paste("I was expecting:", expected_genus))
print("Wax on, wax off. You need more practice.")
print(paste("You have ", score, "points"))
if (score > 0) {
print("Good stuff you know your ants!")
} else {
print("Shame on you.")
## let's play
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