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Last active February 28, 2022 14:19
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Get month to which a calendar week belongs (calculated by mode)
#' Get the month (or all days) of a calendar week
#' @param week Atomic character vector. Specify the calendar week you want \cr
#' to have parsed. Must be of format 'YYYY-WW' (e.g., '2020-03').
#' @param .df Logical. Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, the function does not \cr
#' return a single integer vector with the month information but a \cr
#' data.frame with all days and dates of the chosen calendar week, including \cr
#' information on which month each day belongs to.
#' @return Atomic integer vector containing the month to which the calendar week \cr
#' belongs or (if .df = TRUE) a data.frame with all the days and dates in the \cr
#' week. If .df = FALSE, the function returns the month to which the majority of \cr
#' the days in the specified calendar week belongs (computed as the mode).
create_isoweek <- function(week,
.df = FALSE) {
if(missing(week)) stop("You have to specify a 'week' parameter in format 'YYYY-WW'.", call. = FALSE)
if(!grepl("-", week)) stop("'week' has to be of format 'YYYY-WW'.", call. = FALSE)
if(nchar(week) != 7) stop("'week' has to be of format 'YYYY-WW'.", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.character(week)) stop("'week' has to be a character string.")
pattern = "[:digit:][:digit:][:digit:][:digit:]-[:digit:][:digit:]"))) {
stop("'week' has to be of format 'YYYY-WW'.")
# Define a function to calculate mode
get_mode <- function(x) {
unique_x <- unique(x)
tabulate_x <- tabulate(match(x, unique_x))
unique_x[tabulate_x == max(tabulate_x)]
## Parse the input to match format required by {isoWeek}
weeknr <- stringi::stri_sub(week, 6, 7) %>% as.numeric()
week_start <- week %>%
from = 6,
to = 5,
replacement = "W") %>%
paste0(., "-1")
week_end <- week %>%
from = 6,
to = 5,
replacement = "W") %>%
paste0(., "-7")
# Create vector with days of each calendar week
week_long <- lubridate::as_date(
# Create tibble that contains the extented information
result_df <- tibble::tibble(date = week_long,
year = lubridate::year(as_date(date)),
month = lubridate::month(as_date(date)),
weeknr = weeknr,
isoweek = week)
# Calculate month of calendar week based on mode
vector <- result_df %>% dplyr::group_by(isoweek) %>%
dplyr::summarise(month = get_mode(month)) %>%
dplyr::select(-isoweek) %>%
# Return results
if (isTRUE(.df)) {
} else {
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