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Created July 6, 2015 16:50
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MySQL → MongoDB cheatsheet
# ==============
# ==============
Mongo | MySQL
database | DATABASE
collection | TABLE
document | ENTRY
# ===================
# starting the server
# ===================
# Start mongod (server) on custom db path
mongod --dbpath {path}
# Start mongod with a config file
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
# ============
# In Mongo CLI
# ============
# Show all databases
show dbs
# Use a database. This creates one implicitely if none found
# It will only be persisted when a row gets inserted
use {{dbname}}
# Delete current database
# Print out the current database name
# Show collections in current db (~= SQL tables)
show collections
# ========================================================================================
# Creating Data ⇒ db.{{collectionname}}.insert([array of documents] OR {document})
# ========================================================================================
# This creates a collection if none found.
# Entering a document
db.{{collectionname}}.insert( {
item: "ABC1",
details: {
model: "14Q3",
manufacturer: "XYZ Company"
stock: [ { size: "S", qty: 25 }, { size: "M", qty: 50 } ],
category: "clothing"
# Inserting an array of documents
db.{{collectionname}}.insert( [
name: "user1",
age: 35,
status: "A"
name: "user2",
age: 33,
status: "C"
name: "user2",
age: 33,
status: "C"
# ============================================================================================
# Query database ⇒ db.{{collectionname}}.find({ query }, { projection })
# ============================================================================================
# SELECT * FROM {{table}}
# Conditionals
# ------------
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE item = "ABC1"
db.{{collectionname}}.find({ item: "ABC1"});
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE status != "A"
db.{{collectionname}}.find({ status: {$ne: "A"}});
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE status = "A" AND age = 50
db.{{collectionname}}.find({ status: {$ne: "A"}, age: 50 });
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE status = "A" OR age = 50 ⇒ ( { $or: [ {{array of evals}} ] } )
db.{{collectionname}}.find({ $or: [ {status: "A"}, {age: 50} ]});
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE age > 40
db.{{collectionname}}.find({ age: {$gt: 40} });
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE age < 40
db.{{collectionname}}.find({ age: {$lt: 40} });
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE age > 25 AND age <= 50
db.{{collectionname}}.find({ age: { $gt: 25, $lt: 50 }})
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE item LIKE "AB%"
db.{{collectionname}}.find({item: /^AB/});
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE status = "A" SORT BY user_id ASC
db.{{collectionname}}.find({status: "A"}).sort({user_id: 1})
# SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE status = "A" SORT BY user_id DESC
db.{{collectionname}}.find({status: "A"}).sort({user_id: -1})
# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {{table}}
db.{{collectionname}}.count() OR db.{{collectionname}}.find().count()
# SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM {{table}}
db.{{collectionname}}.count({ user_id: { $exists: true}})
# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE age > 40
db.{{collectionname}}.count({age: {$gt: 40}})
# Projections (Whatever will be returned)
# ---------------------------------------
# SELECT item, details, _id FROM {{table}}
db.{{collectionname}}.find({}, { item: 1, details: 1}); # The _id is always returned unless specified as _id: 0
# SELECT item FROM {{table}}
db.{{collectionname}}.find({}, { item: 1, _id: 0});
# SELECT item, stock FROM {{table}} WHERE item LIKE "%BC%"
db.{{collectionname}}.find({item: /BC/}, { item: 1, stock: 1, _id: 0 })
# ===============================================================================================
# Altering tables ⇒ db.{{collectionname}}.update({ query }, { update method }, { options })
# ===============================================================================================
# Note: Since collections do not follow a certain schema to the bone as most
# SQL databases, there isn't really a ALTER TABLE method in mongo. If you do want to
# add fields to collections, the update method is the closest. With update you
# can set all fields to a certain value, adding the field on a row if necessary ($set).
# You can also make that field dissapear ($unset)! The multi: true argument is
# necessary if you want to ALTER TABLE. Without it only the first found document
# will be updated.
# !! WARNING don't try to set data explicitly !!
# db.{{name}}.update({}, {title: "thetitle"}, {multi: true}) WILL corrupt the entire database. (no joke)
# us {$set: {title: "theTitle"}}
# ALTER TABLE users ADD join_date DATETIME
db.users.update({}, { $set: { join_date: new Date() }}, { multi: true })
# ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN join_date
db.users.update({}, { $unset: { join_date: "" }}, { multi: true })
# Incrementing a value on a table (e.g. where the age is 32) ⇒ db.{{collectionname}}.update({query}, {$inc: { field: amount, field: amount }});
db.users.update({age: 32}, {$inc: {age: 1}})
# ==========================================================================
# Removing ⇒ db.{{collectionname}}.remove( { query }, { options } )
# ==========================================================================
# DELETE FROM users WHERE age = 32
db.users.remove({age: 32})
# DELETE FROM users WHERE age = 32 LIMIT 1
db.users.remove({age:32}, {justOne: true})
# ==========
# Variables!
# ==========
# You can declare heap variables and insert them later.
var user = { user_id: "abc123", age: 55, status: "A" }
# Editing the variable
user.user_id = "abc1234"; user.age = 21; user.status = "C";
# Adding fields to the var = "Bar";
# Inserting the variable
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