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Last active September 15, 2023 07:11
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Swift: Handling actor reentrancy correctly
// Code from:
import Foundation
actor ActivitiesStorage {
var cache = [UUID: Task<Data?, Never>]()
func retrieveHeavyData(for id: UUID) async -> Data? {
if let task = cache[id] {
return await task.value
// ...
let task = Task {
await requestDataFromDatabase(for: id)
// Notice that it is set before `await`
// So, the following calls will have this task available
cache[id] = task
return await task.value // suspension
private func requestDataFromDatabase(for id: UUID) async -> Data? {
print("Performing heavy data loading!")
try! await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
// ...
return nil
let id = UUID()
let storage = ActivitiesStorage()
Task {
let data = await storage.retrieveHeavyData(for: id)
Task {
let data = await storage.retrieveHeavyData(for: id)
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