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Created November 22, 2017 15:21
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module TraversableVec where
id : forall {k}{X : Set k} -> X -> X
id x = x
_o_ : forall {i j k}
{A : Set i}{B : A -> Set j}{C : (a : A) -> B a -> Set k} ->
(f : {a : A}(b : B a) -> C a b) ->
(g : (a : A) -> B a) ->
(a : A) -> C a (g a)
f o g = \ a -> f (g a)
infixl 2 _o_
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
suc : Nat -> Nat
data Vec (X : Set) : Nat -> Set where
<> : Vec X zero
_,_ : {n : Nat} -> X -> Vec X n -> Vec X (suc n)
record Applicative (F : Set -> Set) : Set1 where
infixl 2 _<*>_
pure : forall {X} -> X -> F X
_<*>_ : forall {S T} -> F (S -> T) -> F S -> F T
open Applicative {{...}} public
applicativeId : Applicative id
applicativeId = record
{ pure = id
; _<*>_ = \ f x -> f x
applicativeComp : forall {F G} -> Applicative F -> Applicative G -> Applicative (F o G)
applicativeComp aF aG = record
{ pure = AF.pure o AG.pure
; _<*>_ = \ fgf fgs -> (AF.pure AG._<*>_) AF.<*> fgf AF.<*> fgs
} where
module AG = Applicative aG
module AF = Applicative aF
record Traversable (F : Set -> Set) : Set1 where
traverse : forall {G S T}{{AG : Applicative G}} ->
(S -> G T) -> F S -> G (F T)
open Traversable {{...}} public
traversableVec : {n : Nat} -> Traversable \ X -> Vec X n
traversableVec = record { traverse = vtr } where
vtr : forall {n G S T}{{_ : Applicative G}} ->
(S -> G T) -> Vec S n -> G (Vec T n)
vtr {{aG}} f <> = pure {{aG}} <>
vtr {{aG}} f (s , ss) = pure {{aG}} _,_ AG.<*> f s AG.<*> vtr f ss
module AG = Applicative aG
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