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Created July 2, 2017 09:03
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Mirakurunの設定ファイル for Blog (多分目黒区とか品川区とか渋谷区に住んでいる人はそのまま利用できる。)
- name: NHK総合・東京
type: GR
channel: '14'
- name: NHKEテレ東京
type: GR
channel: '13'
- name: tvk
type: GR
channel: '5'
- name: 日本テレビ
type: GR
channel: '12'
- name: テレビ朝日
type: GR
channel: '11'
- name: TBS
type: GR
channel: '9'
- name: テレビ東京
type: GR
channel: '10'
- name: フジテレビジョン
type: GR
channel: '8'
- name: TOKYO MX
type: GR
channel: '3'
- name: 放送大学
type: GR
channel: '15'
- name: NHK BS1
type: BS
channel: '9'
satelite: '0'
- name: NHK BS1 (Sub)
type: BS
channel: '9'
serviceId: 102
satelite: '0'
- name: NHK BS Premium
type: BS
channel: '10'
serviceId: 103
satelite: '0'
- name: NHK BS Premium (Sub)
type: BS
channel: '10'
serviceId: 104
satelite: '0'
- name: BS Nippon
type: BS
channel: '7'
serviceId: 141
satelite: '0'
- name: BS Nippon (Sub)
type: BS
channel: '7'
serviceId: 142
satelite: '0'
- name: BS Asahi
type: BS
channel: '0'
satelite: '0'
- name: BS Asahi (Sub)
type: BS
channel: '0'
serviceId: 152
satelite: '0'
- name: BS-TBS
type: BS
channel: '1'
serviceId: 161
satelite: '0'
- name: BS JAPAN
type: BS
channel: '3'
serviceId: 171
satelite: '0'
- name: BS Fuji
type: BS
channel: '8'
serviceId: 181
satelite: '0'
- name: WOWOW Prime
type: BS
channel: '2'
serviceId: 191
satelite: '0'
- name: WOWOW Live
type: BS
channel: '13'
serviceId: 192
satelite: '0'
- name: WOWOW Cinema
type: BS
channel: '14'
serviceId: 193
satelite: '0'
- name: BS11
type: BS
channel: '4'
serviceId: 211
satelite: '0'
- name: BS SPTV
type: BS
channel: '18'
serviceId: 241
satelite: '0'
- name: スター・チャンネル1
type: BS
channel: '5'
serviceId: 200
satelite: '0'
- name: スター・チャンネル2
type: BS
channel: '15'
serviceId: 201
satelite: '0'
- name: スター・チャンネル3
type: BS
channel: '15'
serviceId: 202
satelite: '0'
- name: TwellV
type: BS
channel: '6'
serviceId: 222
satelite: '0'
- name: 放送大学BS1
type: BS
channel: '19'
satelite: '0'
- name: 放送大学BS2
type: BS
channel: '19'
satelite: '0'
- name: 放送大学BS3
type: BS
channel: '19'
satelite: '0'
- name: グリーンチャンネル
channel: '20'
type: BS
serviceId: 234
satelite: '0'
- name: BSアニマックス
type: BS
channel: '16'
serviceId: 236
- name: FOX bs238
channel: '17'
type: BS
serviceId: 238
satelite: '0'
- name: J SPORTS 1
type: BS
channel: '21'
serviceId: 242
satelite: '0'
- name: J SPORTS 2
type: BS
channel: '22'
serviceId: 243
satelite: '0'
- name: J SPORTS 3
type: BS
channel: '25'
serviceId: 244
satelite: '0'
- name: J SPORTS 4
type: BS
channel: '26'
serviceId: 245
satelite: '0'
- name: BS釣りビジョン
type: BS
channel: '27'
serviceId: 251
satelite: '0'
- name: IMAGICA BS
type: BS
channel: '24'
serviceId: 252
satelite: '0'
- name: 日本映画専門チャンネル
type: BS
channel: '28'
serviceId: 255
satelite: '0'
- name: ディズニー・チャンネル
type: BS
channel: '23'
serviceId: 256
satelite: '0'
- name: D-Life
type: BS
channel: '29'
serviceId: 258
satelite: '0'
- name: ショップチャンネル
type: CS
channel: '3'
serviceId: 55
satelite: '1'
- name: スカパー!プロモ
type: CS
channel: '1'
serviceId: 100
satelite: '1'
- name: QVC
type: CS
channel: '10'
serviceId: 161
satelite: '1'
- name: 東映チャンネル
type: CS
channel: '3'
serviceId: 218
satelite: '1'
- name: 衛星劇場
type: CS
channel: '3'
serviceId: 219
satelite: '1'
- name: チャンネルNECO
type: CS
channel: '1'
serviceId: 223
satelite: '1'
- name: ザ・シネマ
type: CS
channel: '1'
serviceId: 227
satelite: '1'
- name: FOXムービー
type: CS
channel: '11'
serviceId: 229
satelite: '1'
- name: ムービープラスHD
type: CS
channel: '8'
serviceId: 240
satelite: '1'
- name: sky・Aスポーツ+
type: CS
channel: '1'
serviceId: 250
satelite: '1'
- name: GAORA
type: CS
channel: '5'
serviceId: 254
satelite: '1'
- name: 日テレG+ HD
type: CS
channel: '11'
serviceId: 257
satelite: '1'
- name: ゴルフネットHD
type: CS
channel: '8'
serviceId: 262
satelite: '1'
- name: SKY STAGE
type: CS
channel: '7'
serviceId: 290
satelite: '1'
- name: 時代劇専門chHD
type: CS
channel: '6'
serviceId: 292
satelite: '1'
- name: ファミリー劇場HD
type: CS
channel: '6'
serviceId: 293
satelite: '1'
- name: ホームドラマCH
type: CS
channel: '2'
serviceId: 294
satelite: '1'
- name: TBSチャンネル1
type: CS
channel: '0'
serviceId: 296
satelite: '1'
- name: TBSチャンネル2
type: CS
channel: '10'
serviceId: 297
satelite: '1'
- name: テレ朝チャンネル1
type: CS
channel: '0'
serviceId: 298
satelite: '1'
- name: テレ朝チャンネル2
type: CS
channel: '0'
serviceId: 299
satelite: '1'
- name: 日テレプラス
type: CS
channel: '11'
serviceId: 300
satelite: '1'
- name: チャンネル銀河
type: CS
channel: '7'
serviceId: 305
satelite: '1'
- name: フジテレビONE
type: CS
channel: '9'
serviceId: 307
satelite: '1'
- name: フジテレビTWO
type: CS
channel: '9'
serviceId: 308
satelite: '1'
- name: フジテレビNEXT
type: CS
channel: '9'
serviceId: 309
satelite: '1'
- name: スーパー!ドラマHD
type: CS
channel: '6'
serviceId: 310
satelite: '1'
- name: AXN
type: CS
channel: '7'
serviceId: 311
satelite: '1'
- name: FOX
type: CS
channel: '10'
serviceId: 312
satelite: '1'
- name: 女性ch/LaLa
type: CS
channel: '8'
serviceId: 314
satelite: '1'
- name: スペシャプラス
type: CS
channel: '11'
serviceId: 321
satelite: '1'
- name: スペースシャワーTV
type: CS
channel: '10'
serviceId: 322
satelite: '1'
- name: MTV
type: CS
channel: '2'
serviceId: 323
satelite: '1'
- name: エムオン!HD
type: CS
channel: '5'
serviceId: 325
satelite: '1'
- name: ミュージック・エア
type: CS
channel: '3'
serviceId: 326
satelite: '1'
- name: 歌謡ポップス
type: CS
channel: '2'
serviceId: 329
satelite: '1'
- name: キッズステーション
type: CS
channel: '5'
serviceId: 330
satelite: '1'
- name: カートゥーン
type: CS
channel: '10'
serviceId: 331
satelite: '1'
- name: AT-X
type: CS
channel: '7'
serviceId: 333
satelite: '1'
- name: ディズニージュニア
type: CS
channel: '3'
serviceId: 339
satelite: '1'
- name: ディスカバリー
type: CS
channel: '2'
serviceId: 340
satelite: '1'
- name: アニマルプラネット
type: CS
channel: '2'
serviceId: 341
satelite: '1'
- name: ヒストリーチャンネル
type: CS
channel: '1'
serviceId: 342
satelite: '1'
- name: ナショジオチャンネル
type: CS
channel: '7'
serviceId: 343
satelite: '1'
- name: 日テレNEWS24
type: CS
channel: '3'
serviceId: 349
satelite: '1'
- name: TBSニュースバード
type: CS
channel: '10'
serviceId: 351
satelite: '1'
- name: BBCワールド
type: CS
channel: '7'
serviceId: 353
satelite: '1'
- name: CNNj
type: CS
channel: '2'
serviceId: 354
satelite: '1'
- name: 旅チャンネル
type: CS
channel: '11'
serviceId: 362
satelite: '1'
- name: 囲碁・将棋チャンネル
type: CS
channel: '1'
serviceId: 363
satelite: '1'
- name: スカチャン0
type: CS
channel: '4'
serviceId: 800
satelite: '1'
- name: スカチャン1
type: CS
channel: '4'
serviceId: 801
satelite: '1'
- name: スカチャン2
type: CS
channel: '4'
serviceId: 802
satelite: '1'
- name: スカチャン3
type: CS
channel: '4'
serviceId: 805
satelite: '1'
# logLevel: <number>
logLevel: 2
# path: <string>
path: \\.\pipe\mirakurun
# port: <number>
# You can change this if port conflicted.
# Don't expose this port on the internet, not even with NAPT.
# Use this in LAN or VPN.
# `~` to disable TCP port listening.
port: 40772
disableIPv6: false # boolean
- name: PT3-S1
- BS
- CS
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --space <satelite> --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-S0.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-S2
- BS
- CS
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --space <satelite> --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-S1.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-S3
- BS
- CS
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --space <satelite> --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-S2.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-S4
- BS
- CS
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --space <satelite> --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-S3.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-S5
- BS
- CS
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --space <satelite> --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-S4.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-S6
- BS
- CS
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --space <satelite> --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-S5.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-T1
- GR
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-T0.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-T2
- GR
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-T1.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-T3
- GR
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-T2.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-T4
- GR
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-T3.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-T5
- GR
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-T4.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PT3-T6
- GR
command: C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver C:\soft\PT3\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PT3-T5.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
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