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MEM 5.0 Integration with RHOSP Liberty on RHEL 7 using Director

MEM 5.0 Integration with RHOSP Liberty on RHEL 7 using Director

This guide covers the basic steps for the integration of Midokura Enterprise MidoNet (MEM) 5.0 into a Director-based RHOSP Liberty OpenStack installation on RHEL 7.

It does not cover topics like BGP uplink configuration or the MEM Manager and MEM Insights components.

Please see the "Quick Start Guides" and the "Operations Guide" at the MEM Documentation web site for advanced installation and configuration instructions.

In case that you find an issue with this guide, please report it to the Midokura Customer Support.


This guide uses the following variables, which have to be replaced with the corresponding values from the target environment:

| <CONTROLLER_HOST> | The host name or IP address of the Controller node. | <NSDB-1_HOST> | The host name or IP address of the 1st NSDB server. | <NSDB-2_HOST> | The host name or IP address of the 2nd NSDB server. | <NSDB-3_HOST> | The host name or IP address of the 3rd NSDB server.

| <KEYSTONE_IP> | The IP address to rech the Keystone service.

| <HOST_NAME> | The host name of the server. | <HOST_IP> | The IP address of the server.

| <ADMIN_TOKEN> | The Keystone admin token. | <ADMIN_PASS> | The Keystone admin user's password. | <MIDONET_PASS> | The Keystone midonet user's password. | <MDP_SHARED_SECRET> | The Metadata Proxy's shared secret. | <NEUTRON_DB_PASS> | The password for the Neutron database.


Deploy the Overcloud according to the RHOSP 8 Director Installation and Usage documentation.

Note: Do not yet perform the [Tasks after Overcloud Creation] rhosp8-docs-oc-tasks, (e.g. tenant network creation). This will be done after the MidoNet integration has been completed.

This guide assumes that the Overcloud uses isolated networks on a single NIC with tagged VLANs. Depending on the used environment, the network configuration steps below may differ.

Additionally to the deployed Overcloud nodes, MidoNet requires at least one node for it's Network state Database (NSDB), a cluster of servers that utilize ZooKeeper and Cassandra to store MidoNet configuration, run-time state, and statistics data.

The NSDB is not part of the Director-based Overcloud deployment and has to be installed manually.

For production-level environments it is advised to use at least three NSDB nodes. For a small demo or PoC environment a single NSDB node may be sufficient.

Repository Configuration

NSDB Nodes

On the NSDB nodes, enable the Datastax repository:

Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/datastax.repo file and edit it to contain the following:

# DataStax (Apache Cassandra)
name = DataStax Repo for Apache Cassandra
baseurl =
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey =

Controller Node

On the Controller node, enable the RHOSP repository:

# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-openstack-8-rpms

Controller and Compute Nodes

On the Controller and Compute node, enable the MEM repository:

Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/midokura.repo file and edit it to contain the following:


name=MEM OpenStack Integration

name=MEM 3rd Party Tools and Libraries

Note: Replace username and password with the login credentials provided by Midokura.

OpenStack Installation

Deploy the Overcloud:

# openstack overcloud deploy ...

Note: Do not yet perform the [Tasks after Overcloud Creation] rhosp8-docs-oc-tasks, (e.g. tenant network creation). This will be done after the MidoNet integration has been completed.

OpenStack Integration

Open vSwitch Removal

MidoNet conflicts with the installed Open vSwitch (OVS) components. Thus they are going to be removed and the existing network configuration recreated.

Note: If you do not have physical access to the servers, ensure that you access them via a management network interface that is not controlled by OVS.

Preform the following steps on the Controller and Compute nodes.

  1. Backup existing network settings

    Create backups of the configuration files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and save the output of the following commands for later reference:

    # ifconfig -a
    # ovs-vsctl show
  2. Reconfigure VLANs

    The VLANs created by the Director deployment have to be reconfigured to not use the Open vSwitch bridge, but instead be configured directly on the physical NIC interface.

    The following examples assume a single physical interface eth0 with an Open vSwitch bridge br-ex that is used by the VLANs.

    Modify the VLAN interface configuration files: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vlan*

    Remove the following OVS-related settings from all ifcfg-vlan* files:


    And instead tie the VLANs to the physical interface:



  3. Reconfigure physical interface

    The IP settings from the OVS bridge have to be configured on the physical interface.

    Get the OVS bridge's IP configuration (from ifcfg-br-ex):


    Edit the physical interface's configuration (ifcfg-eth0) and remove the following OVS-related entries:


    Afterwards add the IP configuration entries:

  4. Remove OVS components

    Remove the OVS bridges:

    # ovs-vsctl del-br br-tun 
    # ovs-vsctl del-br br-int 
    # ovs-vsctl del-br br-ex 
    # rm /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br-ex

    Stop OVS services:

    # systemctl stop openvswitch.service
    # systemctl stop openvswitch-nonetwork.service

    Erase OVS packages:

    # yum erase openvswitch openstack-neutron-openvswitch python-openvswitch

    Apply modified configuration:

    # ifdown eth0
    # ifup eth0
    # ifup vlan10
    # ifup vlan20
    # ifup vlanXX

Keystone Integration

  1. Create MidoNet API Service

    As Keystone admin user, execute the following command:

    # openstack service create --name midonet --description "MidoNet API Service" midonet
  2. Create MidoNet Administrative User

    As Keystone admin user, execute the following commands:

    # openstack user create --project services --password-prompt midonet
    # openstack role add --project services --user midonet admin

Neutron Integration

Neutron Server Configuration

Perform the following steps on the Controller node.

  1. Install the MidoNet Plug-in

    # yum install python-networking-midonet
  2. Edit the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file and configure the following parameters:

    core_plugin = midonet.neutron.plugin_v2.MidonetPluginV2
    service_plugins = lbaas,,
    dhcp_agent_notification = False
    allow_overlapping_ips = True
  3. Edit the /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf file and configure the following parameters:

    service_provider =
  4. Create the directory for the MidoNet plugin configuration:

    # mkdir /etc/neutron/plugins/midonet
  5. Create the /etc/neutron/plugins/midonet/midonet.ini file and edit it to contain the following:

    sql_connection = mysql://neutron:<NEUTRON_DB_PASS>@<CONTROLLER_HOST>/neutron
    # MidoNet API URL
    midonet_uri = http://<CONTROLLER_HOST>:8181/midonet-api
    # MidoNet administrative user in Keystone
    username = midonet
    password = <MIDONET_PASS>
    # MidoNet administrative user's tenant
    project_id = services
  6. Update the /etc/neutron/plugin.ini symlink to point Neutron to the MidoNet configuration:

    # ln -sfn /etc/neutron/plugins/midonet/midonet.ini /etc/neutron/plugin.ini

Neutron Database Upgrade

Run the midonet-db-manage utility to upgrade the Neutron database.

  1. Stop Neutron service

    # systemctl stop neutron-server
  2. Upgrade Neutron database

    # midonet-db-manage upgrade head
  3. Restart Neutron service

    # systemctl start neutron-server

Horizon Integration

To enable firewalling in the Horizon Dashboard, change the enable_firewall option to True in the /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings file:

   'enable_firewall': True,

To enable load balancing in the Horizon Dashboard, change the enable_lb option to True in the /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings file:

   'enable_lb': True,

Libvirt Configuration

On the Compute nodes, change the Libvirt configuration as follows.

  1. Edit the /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf file to contain the following:

    user = "root"
    group = "root"
    cgroup_device_acl = [
        "/dev/null", "/dev/full", "/dev/zero",
        "/dev/random", "/dev/urandom",
        "/dev/ptmx", "/dev/kvm", "/dev/kqemu",
        "/dev/rtc","/dev/hpet", "/dev/vfio/vfio",
  2. Restart Libvirt:

    # systemctl restart libvirtd

MidoNet Installation

MidoNet Network State Database

The MidoNet Network State Database (NSDB) is a cluster of servers that utilizes ZooKeeper and Cassandra to store MidoNet configuration, run-time state, and statistics data.

The NSDB is not part of the Director-based Overcloud deployment and has to be installed manually.

For a production-level environment it is advised to use at least three NSDB nodes. For a small demo or PoC environment a single NSDB node may be sufficient.

On the NSDB nodes, perform the following steps.

ZooKeeper Installation

  1. Install ZooKeeper packages:

    # yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-headless
    # yum install zookeeper zkdump nmap-ncat
  2. Edit the /etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg file to contain the following:

  3. Create data directory:

    # mkdir /var/lib/zookeeper/data
    # chown zookeeper:zookeeper /var/lib/zookeeper/data
  4. Create the /var/lib/zookeeper/data/myid file and edit it to contain the host's ID.

    On node 1:

    # echo 1 > /var/lib/zookeeper/data/myid

    On node 2:

    # echo 2 > /var/lib/zookeeper/data/myid

    On node 3:

    # echo 3 > /var/lib/zookeeper/data/myid
  5. Create Java Symlink

    # mkdir -p /usr/java/default/bin/
    # ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk/bin/java /usr/java/default/bin/java
  6. Enable and start ZooKeeper

    # systemctl enable zookeeper
    # systemctl start zookeeper
  7. Verify ZooKeeper Operation

    A basic check can be done by executing the ruok (Are you ok?) command on each node. This will reply with imok (I am ok.) if the server is running in a non-error state:

    $ echo ruok | nc 2181

Cassandra Installation

  1. Install the Cassandra package:

    # yum install dsc22
  2. Configure the cluster.

    Edit the /etc/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml to contain the following.

    On all nodes:

    # The name of the cluster.
    cluster_name: 'midonet'
    # Addresses of hosts that are deemed contact points.
        - class_name: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider
              - seeds: "<NSDB-1_HOST>,<NSDB-2_HOST>,<NSDB-3_HOST>"

    On node 1:

    # Address to bind to and tell other Cassandra nodes to connect to.
    listen_address: <NSDB-1_HOST>
    # The address to bind the Thrift RPC service.
    rpc_address: <NSDB-1_HOST>

    On node 2:

    # Address to bind to and tell other Cassandra nodes to connect to.
    listen_address: <NSDB-2_HOST>
    # The address to bind the Thrift RPC service.
    rpc_address: <NSDB-2_HOST>

    On node 3:

    # Address to bind to and tell other Cassandra nodes to connect to.
    listen_address: <NSDB-3_HOST>
    # The address to bind the Thrift RPC service.
    rpc_address: <NSDB-3_HOST>
  3. Edit the service's init script

    On installation, the /var/run/cassandra directory is created, but in case it is located on a temporary file system it will be lost after system reboot. As a result it is not possible to stop or restart the Cassandra service anymore.

    To avoid this, edit the /etc/init.d/cassandra file to create the directory on service start:

    case "$1" in
            # Cassandra startup
            echo -n "Starting Cassandra: "
            mkdir -p /var/run/cassandra
            chown cassandra:cassandra /var/run/cassandra
            su $CASSANDRA_OWNR -c "$CASSANDRA_PROG -p $pid_file" > $log_file 2>&1
  4. Enable and start Cassandra

    # systemctl enable cassandra
    # systemctl start cassandra
  5. Verify Cassandra Operation

    A basic check can be done by executing the nodetool status command. This will reply with UN (Up / Normal) in the first column if the nodes are running in a non-error state:

    $ nodetool --host status
    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
    --  Address  Load      Tokens  Owns    Host ID  Rack
    UN  ...      46.14 KB  256     100.0%  ...      rack1
    UN  ...      46.14 KB  256     100.0%  ...      rack1
    UN  ...      46.14 KB  256     100.0%  ...      rack1

MidoNet Cluster Installation

Perform the following steps on the Controller node.

  1. Install MidoNet Cluster package

    # yum install midonet-cluster
  2. Set up mn-conf

    Edit /etc/midonet/midonet.conf to point the Cluster to ZooKeeper:

    zookeeper_hosts = <NSDB-1_HOST>:2181,<NSDB-2_HOST>:2181,<NSDB-3_HOST>:2181
  3. Configure access to the NSDB

    Run the following command to set the cloud-wide values for the ZooKeeper and Cassandra server addresses:

    # cat << EOF | mn-conf set -t default
    zookeeper {
        zookeeper_hosts = "<NSDB-1_HOST>:2181,<NSDB-2_HOST>:2181,<NSDB-3_HOST>:2181"
    cassandra {
        servers = "<NSDB-1_HOST>,<NSDB-2_HOST>,<NSDB-3_HOST>"
  4. Configure Keystone access

    Set up access to Keystone for the MidoNet Cluster node:

    # cat << EOF | mn-conf set -t default
    cat << EOF | mn-conf set -t default
    cluster.auth {
       provider_class = "org.midonet.cluster.auth.keystone.KeystoneService"
       admin_role = "admin"
       keystone.tenant_name = "admin"
       keystone.admin_token = "<ADMIN_TOKEN>" = <KEYSTONE_IP>
       keystone.port = 35357
  5. Start the MidoNet Cluster

    # systemctl enable midonet-cluster
    # systemctl start midonet-cluster

MidoNet CLI Installation

Perform the following steps on the Controller node.

  1. Install MidoNet CLI package

    # yum install python-midonetclient
  2. Configure MidoNet CLI

    Create the ~/.midonetrc file and edit it to contain the following:

    api_url = http://<CONTROLLER_HOST>:8181/midonet-api
    username = admin
    password = <ADMIN_PASS>
    project_id = admin

MidoNet Agent (Midolman) Installation

Perform the following steps on the Compute and Gateway nodes.

  1. Install Midolman package:

    # yum install midolman
  2. Set up mn-conf

    Edit /etc/midolman/midolman.conf to point the MidoNet Agent to ZooKeeper:

    zookeeper_hosts = <NSDB-1_HOST>:2181,<NSDB-2_HOST>:2181,<NSDB-3_HOST>:2181
  3. Configure MidoNet Metadata Proxy

    Run the following commands to set the cloud-wide values for the MidoNet Metadata Proxy:

    # echo "agent.openstack.metadata.nova_metadata_url : \"http://<NOVA_MDP_IP>:8775\"" | mn-conf set -t default
    # echo "agent.openstack.metadata.shared_secret : <MDP_SHARED_SECRET>" | mn-conf set -t default
    # echo "agent.openstack.metadata.enabled : true" | mn-conf set -t default

    Note: This step has to be run only once on a single node.

  4. Enable and start MidoNet Agent

    # systemctl enable midolman
    # systemctl start midolman

MidoNet Tunnel Zone Creation and Host Registration

Create a Tunnel Zone in the Midonet CLI and register the MidoNet Agents agent to it.

  1. Launch the MidoNet CLI:

    # midonet-cli
  2. Create Tunnel Zone:

    midonet> tunnel-zone create name tz type vxlan
    midonet> list tunnel-zone
    tzone tzone0 name tz type vxlan
  3. Add host to Tunnel Zone:

    midonet> list host
    host host0 name [...] alive true addresses [...] flooding-proxy-weight 1
    host host1 name [...] alive true addresses [...] flooding-proxy-weight 1
    midonet> tunnel-zone tzone0 add member host host0 address <HOST_IP>
    zone tzone0 host host0 address <HOST_IP>
    midonet> tunnel-zone tzone0 add member host host1 address <HOST_IP>
    zone tzone0 host host1 address <HOST_IP>
    midonet> exit

Initial Networks Creation

  1. Create an external network

    As Keystone admin user, execute the following commands:

    # neutron net-create ext-net --router:external
    # neutron subnet-create \
       ext-net \
       --name ext-subnet \
       --allocation-pool start=,end= \
       --disable-dhcp \
  2. Create network for the tenants:

    As Keystone tenant user, execute the following commands:

    # neutron net-create tenant-net
    # neutron subnet-create \
       tenant-net \
       --name tenant-subnet \
       --dns-nameserver \
    # neutron router-create tenant-router
    # neutron router-interface-add tenant-router tenant-subnet
    # neutron router-gateway-set tenant-router ext-net
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