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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Reduces size of images in posts using bfi_thumb
add_filter( 'the_content', 'itc_the_content_img_filter', 999 );
* Reduces size of images in posts using bfi_thumb
function itc_the_content_img_filter( $content ) {
/* Add here the width you prefer (max width of your posts) */
$max_width = 600;
preg_match_all("{<img.*src=\"(.*?)\".*width=\"([0-9]*)\"\s*height=\"([0-9]*)\".*/>}",$content, $images);
foreach($images[1] as $key => $image){
$new = $images[0][$key];
if($images[2][$key] > $max_width){
$params = array('width' => $max_width);
$new = str_replace('src="'.$image.'"', 'src="'.bfi_thumb( $image, $params ).'"', $new);
$new = str_replace('width="'.$images[2][$key].'"', 'width="'.$max_width.'"', $new);
$new_height = round($images[3][$key]*$max_width/$images[2][$key]);
$new = str_replace('height="'.$images[3][$key].'"', 'height="'.$new_height.'"', $new);
} else {
$params = array('width' => $images[2][$key]);
$new = str_replace('src="'.$image.'"', 'src="'.bfi_thumb( $image, $params ).'"', $new);
$content = str_replace($images[0][$key], $new ,$content);
return $content;
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