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yaocw2020 /
Last active April 28, 2024 15:24
harvester design

Harvester SNAT Problem

Problem Description

Harvester leverages the Kubernetes service to provide the load balancer for the service in the Harvester virtual machines. The backend servers of the load balancer are the <VM IP>:<service port>.

cw-harv:/home/rancher # kubectl get svc
NAME                        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
default-nginx-lb-db9bdca5 LoadBalancer 80:32586/TCP 4h32m

Keep Load Balancer IP When Upgrading Harvester Cloud Provider

As the Harvester v1.2.0 releases, a new Harvester cloud provider version 0.2.2 is integrated into the RKE2 v1.27.3+rke2r1, v1.26.6+rke2r1, v1.25.11+rke2r1 and v1.24.15+rke2r1.

With Harvester v1.2.0, the new Harvester cloud provider provides more powerful load balancing for Kubernetes services. It modifies the network architecture, allowing the load balancer IP to be directly exposed in the RKE2 network. Refer to the design document for more details.

If upgrading RKE2 to the version with the new Harvester cloud provider using Rancher v2.7.6, Rancher will pass the cluster name to the Harvester cloud provider(refer to issue 4332) . The Harvester cloud provider will use the cluster name as part of the Harvester load balancer name and will create a new load balancer for th