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Created November 29, 2016 03:04
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"author": "yaqinking",
{ "-------": "-------------DECLARE START----------- " },
{ "trigger": "func \t Declare function", "contents": "function $1($2) {\n $3\n}" },
{ "trigger": "func \t Declare function call super.$1(...)", "contents": "function $1($2) {\n $3\n super.$1(...);\n}" },
{ "trigger": "classExtendsWindow \t Declare Window subclass", "contents": "class $1 extends Window {\n function $1() {\n super.Window();\n $3\n }\n\n function finalize() {\n super.finalize();\n }\n}" },
{ "trigger": "classExtendsLayer \t Declare Layer subclass", "contents": "class $1 extends Layer {\n function $1(window, parent) {\n super.Layer(window, parent);\n $3\n }\n\n function finalize() {\n super.finalize();\n }\n}" },
{ "-------": "-------------DECLARE END----------- " },
{ "-------": "-------------CONDITION START----------- " },
{ "trigger": "if \t", "contents": "if ($1) {$2}" },
{ "trigger": "if else \t", "contents": "if ($1) {$2} else {$3}" },
{ "trigger": "if else if \t", "contents": "if ($1) {$2} else if ($3) {$4}" },
{ "-------": "-------------CONDITION END----------- " },
{ "-------": "-------------VARIABLE START----------- " },
{ "trigger": "var \t var $1 = $2;", "contents": "var $1 = $2;" },
{ "trigger": "va \t var $1;", "contents": "var $1;" },
{ "-------": "-------------VARIABLE END----------- " },
{ "-------": "-------------SYSTEM START----------- " },
{ "trigger": "sysinform \t System.inform();", "contents": "System.inform($1);" },
{ "trigger": "sysinput \t System.inputString();", "contents": "System.inputString(\"${1:WindowTitle}\", \"${2:Hint}\", \"\");" },
{ "-------": "-------------SYSTEM END----------- " },
{ "-------": "-------------LOOP START----------- " },
{ "trigger": "while \t ", "contents": "while ($1) {$2}" },
{ "trigger": "for \t ", "contents": "for ($1 = $2; $1 <= $3; $1++) {$4}" },
{ "-------": "-------------LOOP END----------- " },
{ "trigger": "switch \t ", "contents": "switch ($1) {\n case ${2:1}:\n $3;\n break;\n case ${4:2}:\n $5;\n break;\n default:\n $6;\n}" },
{ "trigger": " \t ", "contents": "" },
{ "trigger": " \t ", "contents": "" },
{ "trigger": " \t ", "contents": "" },
{ "trigger": "charAt \t ", "contents": "charAt($1)" },
{ "-------": "-------------OBJECT START----------- " },
{ "trigger": "date \t var $1 = new Date();", "contents": "var $1 = new Date();" },
{ "trigger": "array \t var $1 = new Array();", "contents": "var $1 = new Array();" },
{ "-------": "-------------OBJECT END----------- " },
{ "trigger": "layer \t new Layer(class, parentLayer)", "contents": "new Layer(${1:this}, ${2:null})" },
{ "trigger": "arr \t var $1 = [\"$2\",\"$3\"]", "contents": "var $1 = [\"$2\",\"$3\"];" },
{ "trigger": "add \t add(object);", "contents": "add($1);" },
{ "trigger": "remove \t Array.remove(object);", "contents": "remove($1);" },
{ "trigger": "find \t Array.find(object);", "contents": "find($1);" },
{ "trigger": "clearArray \t Array.clear();", "contents": "clear();\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "count \t Array.count", "contents": "count" },
{ "trigger": "insert \t Array.insert(index, object);", "contents": "insert($1, $2);" },
{ "-------": "-------------Methods 方法补全----------- " },
{ "-------": "-------------Methods 方法补全----------- " },
{ "-------": "-------------Methods 方法补全----------- " },
{ "trigger": "getYear \t ", "contents": "getYear();" },
{ "trigger": "getMonth \t ", "contents": "getMonth();" },
{ "trigger": "getDate \t ", "contents": "getDate();" },
{ "trigger": "getHours \t ", "contents": "getHours();" },
{ "trigger": "getMinutes \t ", "contents": "getMinutes();" },
{ "trigger": "getSeconds \t ", "contents": "getSeconds();" },
{ "trigger": " \t ", "contents": "" },
{ "trigger": "dictionary \t var $1 = new Dictionary();", "contents": "var $1 = new Dictionary();" },
{ "trigger": "dict \t var $1 = %[\"key\" => value]", "contents": "var $1 = %[\"$2\" => $3 ];" },
{ "trigger": "key value \t \"key\" => value", "contents": "\"$1\" => $2" },
{ "trigger": "clearDictionary \t Dictionary.clear incontextof $1", "contents": "(Dictionary.clear incontextof $1)();\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "three \t a ? b : c", "contents": "$1 ? $2 : $3" },
{ "trigger": "invalidate \t invalidate $1;", "contents": "invalidate $1;" },
{ "trigger": "isvalid \t $1 isvalid;", "contents": "$1 isvalid" },
{ "trigger": "getLocalName \t Storages.getLocalName($1)", "contents": "getLocalName($1)" },
{ "trigger": "extractStorageExt \t Storages.extractStorageExt($1)", "contents": "extractStorageExt($1)" },
{ "trigger": "selectFile \t Storages.selectFile(params)", "contents": "selectFile($1)" },
{ "trigger": "setSize \t setSize(width, height)", "contents": "setSize($1, $2);\n" },
{ "trigger": "setPos \t Window.setPos(left, top)", "contents": "setPos($1, $2);\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "setPos \t Layer.setPos(left, top, width, height)", "contents": "setPos(${1:0}, ${2:0}, $3, $4);\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "fillRect \t Layer.fillRect(left, top, width, height, color[0xAlphaRGB])", "contents": "fillRect(${1:0}, ${2:0}, ${3:width}, ${4:height}, ${5:0xFFC0C0FF})" },
{ "trigger": "setInnerSize \t Window.setInnerSize(width, height)", "contents": "setInnerSize($1, $2);" },
{ "trigger": "loadImages \t loadImages(\"FileName\");", "contents": "loadImages(\"$1\");\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "setSizeToImageSize \t setSizeToImageSize();", "contents": "setSizeToImageSize();\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "drawText11 \t drawText(x, y, text, color, opacity, antialias, shadowlevel, shadowcolor, shadowwidth, shadowofsx, shadowofsy)", "contents": "drawText(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:text}, ${4:color}, ${5:opacity}, ${6:antialias}, ${7:shadowlevel}, ${8:shadowcolor}, ${9:shadowwidth}, ${10:shadowofsx}, ${11:shadowofsy});" },
{ "trigger": "drawText4 \t drawText(x, y, text, color)", "contents": "drawText(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:text}, ${4:color});\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "with \t with () {}", "contents": "with ($1) {\n $2\n}" },
{ "trigger": "getTextWidth \t getTextWidth($1)", "contents": "getTextWidth($1);\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "getTextHeight \t getTextHeight($1)", "contents": "getTextHeight($1);\n$0" },
{ "trigger": " \t ", "contents": "-----------Event Handler-----------" },
{ "trigger": "onMouseUp \t Event onMouseUp", "contents": "function onMouseUp(x, y, button, shift) {\n $1\n super.onMouseUp(...);\n}" },
{ "trigger": "close \t close();", "contents": "close();\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "pluginLink \t\"plugin name\");", "contents": "\"$1.dll\");\n$0" },
{ "trigger": "trycatch \t ", "contents": "try {\n $1\n} catch (e) {\n $2\n}" },
{ "trigger": " \t ", "contents": "" },
{ "trigger": " \t ", "contents": "" },
{ "trigger": " \t ", "contents": "" },
"function","length","System", "Storages","global","void","extends","super","finalize","typeof","return","final","const","int","real","string","Window","true", "false","new","visible",
"width", "height",
"innerWidth", "innerHeight",
"1280", "720", "1920", "1080",
"left", "top", "right", "bottom",
"screenWidth", "screenHeight",
"caption", "title",
"this", "null",
"imageWidth", "imageHeight",
"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "wav",
"VK_P", "VK_S", "mbLeft", "mbRight", "mbMiddle", "ssAlt", "ssShift", "ssCtrl", "ssRepeat", "status",
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