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Created February 24, 2016 20:32
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package Extensions
import dispatch._
import slick.dbio.{NoStream, Effect}
import slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend
import slick.profile.{SqlAction, SqlStreamingAction}
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
* SQL extension methods for slick.
object DbExtensions {
// SqlAction[Int, NoStream, Effect]
* Queries the db and returns a result. Use if wanting a result from the db.
* Requirements (import the db and api bits altering as needed):
* val conn = DatabaseConfig.forConfig[JdbcProfile]("db_config_here_from_application_conf")
* import conn.driver.api._
* import Extensions.DbExtensions._
* implicit val db: JdbcBackend#DatabaseDef = conn.db
* Example usage (blocking):
* def sqlQueryTest = sql"""SELECT * FROM drinks LIMIT 50""".as[Drink].foreach(drink ⇒ println(drink)
* Example usage (non-blocking):
* def sqlQueryTest = async {
* await(sql"""SELECT * FROM drinks LIMIT 50""".as[Drink].runAsync).foreach(drink ⇒ println(drink))
* }
* @param sql
* @tparam T
implicit class ActionStreamExtensions[T](sql: SqlStreamingAction[Vector[T], T, Effect]) {
* Executes a SQL statement on a db and blocks while waiting for the result.
* @param db - the db connection. Must be within the scope of the called function below.
* @return the matched db rows as a collection (even if there's only one)
def run(implicit db: JdbcBackend#DatabaseDef): Vector[T] = Await.result(, Duration.Inf)
* Executes a SQL statement on the db and asynchronously listens returns the result later.
* @param db - the db connection. Must be within the scope of the called function below.
* @return a future (task) that will return the results when finished. Use async/await or a promise/callback to get results.
def runAsync(implicit db: JdbcBackend#DatabaseDef): Future[Vector[T]] =
* Same requirements as ActionStreamExtensions.
* Executes a SQL query. Does NOT return a result other than one of the following:
* 1) Rows affected by the SQL query execution
* 2) The last inserted primary key for the executed SQL (when using the "RETURNING primary key" SQL feature).
* Example usage (blocking):
* def sqlQueryTest = sql"""INSERT INTO drinks(name, drink_size_id) VALUES ('drinkName', 1) RETURNING id""".exec
* Example usage (non-blocking):
* def sqlQueryTest = sql"""INSERT INTO drinks(name, drink_size_id) VALUES ('drinkName', 1)""".execAsync
* @param sql
* @tparam T
implicit class ActionExtensions[T](sql: SqlAction[T, NoStream, Effect]) {
def exec(implicit db: JdbcBackend#DatabaseDef): T = Await.result(, Duration.Inf)
def execAsync(implicit db: JdbcBackend#DatabaseDef): Future[T] =
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