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Last active March 14, 2023 16:21
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A simple php script to check if pimcore is build for production
#!/usr/bin/env php
* This file checks if pimcore is correctly built for production mode.
* Execute it with `php -d zend.assertions=1 check-build.php`.
* Or from the web: `wget -qO- | php -d zend.assertions=1 --`.
// Enable assertions.
ini_set('zend.assertions', 1);
ini_set('assert.exception', 1);
// Check if the build is in production mode.
assert('prod' === getenv('APP_ENV'), 'APP_ENV must be set to prod');
// Check if the environment variables are set correctly.
assert(file_exists('.env.local'), 'Missing .env.local file');
$vars = parse_envfile(file_get_contents('.env.local'));
foreach ([
'APP_DEBUG' => '0',
'PIMCORE_CLASS_DEFINITION_DIRECTORY' => 'config/pimcore/classes/',
] as $name => $value) {
assert(isset($vars[$name]) && $vars[$name] === $value, "Missing or invalid {$name} variable");
// Check if pimcore system directories are present, and writable.
foreach ([
] as $dir) {
assert(file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir), "Missing {$dir} directory");
assert(is_writable($dir), "Directory {$dir} is not writable");
// Check if var/classes/DataObject contains generated *.php files.
$files = array_filter(scandir('var/classes/DataObject'), static fn (string $file): bool => str_ends_with($file, '.php'));
assert(count($files) > 0, 'Missing generated DataObject classes');
// Check if the public/bundles/ exists and contains at least one files.
$files = array_filter(scandir('public/bundles'), static fn (string $file): bool => !in_array($file, ['.', '..'], true));
assert(count($files) > 0, 'Missing public/bundles files');
// Assert that composer autoloader is dumped and optimized.
assert(file_exists('vendor/autoload.php'), 'Consider executing `composer dump-autoload --optimize --classmap-authoritative`');
// Assert that vendor/ directory does not contain dev dependencies.
$composerJson = json_decode(file_get_contents('composer.json'), true, 512, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$devDependencies = array_keys($composerJson['require-dev'] ?? []);
foreach ($devDependencies as $devDependency) {
assert(!file_exists("vendor/{$devDependency}"), "Dev dependency {$devDependency} should not be installed in prod");
// Assert that symfony cache for prod is warmed up.
assert(file_exists('var/cache/prod'), 'Missing var/cache/prod directory');
function parse_envfile(bool|string $env): array
$lines = explode(\PHP_EOL, $env);
$vars = array_filter($lines, static fn (string $line): bool => !(empty($line) || str_starts_with($line, '#')));
$vars = array_map(static fn (string $line): array => explode('=', $line, 2), $vars);
return array_combine(array_column($vars, 0), array_column($vars, 1));
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