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Created January 31, 2014 06:16
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edx vagrant provisioning for ansibl

Baseline Vagrant Development

To develop a product from Open edX, you will want to accomplish a couple of things:

  • select a stable starting point;
  • fork to your product directory;
  • package a starting point vagrant box to ease development;
  • add product specific theme(s);
  • add product specific environment;
  • triage against a known system;
  • develop and test against branch variants;
  • ... and more;

For this, start by building an Open edX version you find works, feel comfortable with. You can build this starting point yourself.

For example, fork the Open edX repositories you plan to use. Identify a specific release or version, and build a box against it. Optionally create a branch for your product, and identify it in the build_version.json configuration file. You may choose to use some components without modification from the Open edX repositories. If so, be sure to mark their version. It's not recommended to tag repositories not under your control (e.g. Open edX ones) as HEAD or master since over time your product can potentially become unstable. Instead, select the tag or version for your repository (you can get a commit # with, e.g., git rev-list -n 1 master).

Copy build_version.json.template to build_version.json and edit the appropriate fields. You will not use all the components which you can specify repositories and versions for - omit what you don't need.

These ansible variables will override their settings in the playbooks.

See the ansible.extra_vars option of for more info.

Here is an example of variables currently used in Open edX playbooks.

A canonical theme, used as a starting point, comes from You can point your theme account to your GIT_ACCT, or some other other account, once you've confirmed that the alternate theme from Stanford builds.

	    GIT_ACCT: "Your_Github_Account_Here",
	    THEME_ACCT: "Stanford-Online",
	    OPEN_EDX: "edx",
	    edx_platform_repo: "https://{{ COMMON_GIT_MIRROR }}/{{ GIT_ACCT }}/edx-platform.git",
	    edx_platform_version: "stable/theme-2014-01-20",
	    forum_source_repo: "https://{{ COMMON_GIT_MIRROR }}/{{ GIT_ACCT }}/cs_comments_service.git",
	    forum_version: "stable/theme-2014-01-20",
	    ora_source_repo: "https://{{ COMMON_GIT_MIRROR }}/{{ OPEN_EDX }}/edx-ora.git",
	    ora_version: 'master',
	    ora_ease_source_repo: "https://{{ COMMON_GIT_MIRROR }}/{{ OPEN_EDX }}/ease.git",
	    ora_ease_version: 'master',
	    edxapp_use_custom_theme: true,
	    edxapp_theme_source_repo: 'https://{{ COMMON_GIT_MIRROR }}/{{ THEME_ACCT }}/edx-theme.git',
	    edxapp_theme_version: 'HEAD',
	    edxapp_theme_name: "stanford"
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yarko commented Jan 31, 2014

This is preliminary.

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