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Last active January 8, 2021 20:45
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pragma solidity >=0.5.12;
interface CatLike {
function bite(bytes32 ilk, address urn) external;
interface VatLike {
function urns(bytes32 ilk, address u) external view returns (uint ink, uint art);
contract BiteRebate {
address vat;
// TODO - read from regitery
address cat;
// TODO - make configurable, and also use dai instead of art
uint public maxArtForRebate = 1500e18; // a bit more than 1500 dai
// TODO - make configurable, and also use dai instead of art
uint public minArtForRebate = 200e18; // a bit more than 200 dai
// TODO - make configurable
uint fixedRebateInEth = 0.01 ether;
// TODO - make configurable
uint gasCostNum = 2;
uint gasCostDen = 3;
constructor(address _vat, address _cat) public {
vat = _vat;
cat = _cat;
// TODO - let DAO withdraw remaining ETH
function deposit() public payable {}
function biteWithRebate(bytes32 ilk, address urn) external {
uint gasLeftBefore = gasleft();
(, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn);
require(art >= minArtForRebate, "urn-too-small");
require(art <= maxArtForRebate, "urn-too-big");
CatLike(cat).bite(ilk, urn);
uint gasLeftAfter = gasleft();
// consider having a cap on gas cost to avoid attacks with gas token burning
uint gasCost = (gasLeftBefore - gasLeftAfter) * tx.gasprice;
// TODO - send dai instead of ETH ?
(bool succ, ) = * gasCostNum / gasCostDen + fixedRebateInEth)("");
require(succ, "eth-transfer-failed");
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