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Created December 2, 2016 23:24
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Nexus 6 - Failed run - Bug 1596 - Test Write
12-02 15:02:31.902 867 879 I system_server User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk
12-02 15:02:32.104 970 - I /system/bin/ks STATUS: SAHARA_HELLO: hw_info = 0x01030610, pwrup_reason = 0x00004000
12-02 15:02:32.104 970 - I /system/bin/ks STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock
12-02 15:02:32.140 970 - E /system/bin/ks ERROR: function: open_file:195 filename = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs2
12-02 15:02:32.140 970 - I /system/bin/ks STATUS: Opening file '/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs2' for writing
12-02 15:02:33.116 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Received file 'm9kefs2'
12-02 15:02:33.116 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: 950272 bytes transferred in 0.975168 seconds
12-02 15:02:33.116 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Successfully downloaded files from target
12-02 15:02:33.116 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock
12-02 15:02:33.120 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Sahara protocol completed
12-02 15:02:54.665 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:03:06.908 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:03:16.920 system_server 867 880 I ProcessStatsService Prepared write state in 24ms
12-02 15:03:16.928 system_server 867 880 I ProcessStatsService Prepared write state in 8ms
12-02 15:03:21.927 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5480170,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
12-02 15:03:32.261 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5490503,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:03:54.830 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:04:06.908 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:04:08.026 5170 5244 I PlayCommon [453] Preparing logs for uploading
12-02 15:04:08.027 5170 5244 I PlayCommon [453] No file ready to send
12-02 15:04:11.949 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: SAHARA_HELLO: hw_info = 0x01030610, pwrup_reason = 0x00004000
12-02 15:04:11.950 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock
12-02 15:04:11.979 /system/bin/ks 970 - E kickstart ERROR: function: open_file:195 filename = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs1
12-02 15:04:11.979 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Opening file '/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs1' for writing
12-02 15:04:13.133 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Received file 'm9kefs1'
12-02 15:04:13.133 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: 950272 bytes transferred in 1.154027 seconds
12-02 15:04:13.134 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Successfully downloaded files from target
12-02 15:04:13.134 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock
12-02 15:04:13.199 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Sahara protocol completed
12-02 15:04:20.745 8502 - D app_process >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
12-02 15:04:20.750 8502 - D app_process CheckJNI is OFF
12-02 15:04:20.794 8502 - D app_process No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-02 15:04:20.830 8502 - I app_process register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-02 15:04:20.850 8502 - D app_process Calling main entry
12-02 15:04:20.852 8502 - D app_process Shutting down VM
12-02 15:04:21.834 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5540076,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
12-02 15:04:32.180 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5550423,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:04:35.006 2194 8522 I EventLogChimeraService Opted in for usage reporting
12-02 15:04:35.007 2194 8522 I EventLogChimeraService Aggregate from 1480717982767 (log), 1480717982767 (data)
12-02 15:04:35.036 system_server 867 1755 D WifiService acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@9c2f431}
12-02 15:04:35.038 1899 - I Auth [AuthDelegateWrapper] Service intent: Intent { }.
12-02 15:04:35.041 1899 - I Auth [AuthDelegateWrapper] Service intent: Intent { }.
12-02 15:04:35.042 system_server 867 1324 D wifi Initialized common fields 10000, 25, 100, 10
12-02 15:04:35.043 system_server 867 1324 D wifi bucket[0] = 2:3:10000:2
12-02 15:04:35.163 2194 8522 I ServiceDumpSys dumping service [account]
12-02 15:04:35.180 1899 3867 W ContentTaskController Invalid newTask was provided to startTracking.
12-02 15:04:36.217 system_server 867 878 D WifiService releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@9c2f431}
12-02 15:04:36.239 1899 3867 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:04:36.239 1899 3867 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:04:36.291 system_server 867 1642 E LocSvc_IzatApiV02 E/virtual int izat_core::IzatApiV02::injectLocation(GpsExtLocation):857]: error! inject position failed
12-02 15:04:39.695 8533 - D app_process >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
12-02 15:04:39.701 8533 - D app_process CheckJNI is OFF
12-02 15:04:39.748 8533 - D app_process No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-02 15:04:39.822 8533 - I app_process register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-02 15:04:39.850 app_process 8533 - D AndroidRuntime Calling main entry
12-02 15:04:39.885 system_server 867 890 I ActivityManager Start proc for service
12-02 15:04:39.953 5170 - I Finsky [1] Verification requested, id = 4
12-02 15:04:49.997 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager Verification timed out for file:///data/local/tmp/com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:04:49.997 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager Continuing with installation of file:///data/local/tmp/com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:04:50.016 5170 - I Finsky [1] Verification complete: id=4, package_name=com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:04:50.031 8545 8556 D DefContainer Copying /data/local/tmp/com.test.thalitest to base.apk
12-02 15:04:50.598 5170 5269 I Finsky [459] Task 7 requested foreground
12-02 15:04:50.599 5170 5269 I Finsky [459] Not entering foreground
12-02 15:04:50.690 5170 - I Finsky [1] Verification id=4 response=0
12-02 15:04:53.870 system_server 867 876 I art Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 86087(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(2MB) LOS objects, 23% free, 52MB/68MB, paused 1.734ms total 132.299ms
12-02 15:04:54.973 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:04:55.621 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5573863,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
12-02 15:04:57.597 system_server 867 876 I art Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 344746(12MB) AllocSpace objects, 17(5MB) LOS objects, 0% free, 69MB/69MB, paused 1.649ms total 146.708ms
12-02 15:04:58.496 system_server 867 876 I art Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 127305(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(2MB) LOS objects, 14% free, 47MB/55MB, paused 1.431ms total 100.280ms
12-02 15:04:58.858 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /data/app/vmdl571772813.tmp/base.apk pkg=com.test.thalitest isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=true oatDir = /data/app/vmdl571772813.tmp/oat bootComplete=true
12-02 15:04:58.886 8567 - I /system/bin/dex2oat /system/bin/dex2oat --debuggable
12-02 15:04:59.359 8567 8571 W /system/bin/dex2oat Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
12-02 15:05:00.993 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5579236,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:05:03.024 /system/bin/dex2oat 8567 - I dex2oat dex2oat took 4.138s (threads: 4) arena alloc=1065KB java alloc=5MB native alloc=28MB free=3MB
12-02 15:05:03.071 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Force stopping com.test.thalitest appid=10000 user=-1: uninstall pkg
12-02 15:05:03.072 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Killing 8196:com.test.thalitest/u0a0 (adj 0): stop com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:05:03.186 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager Package com.test.thalitest codePath changed from /data/app/com.test.thalitest-1 to /data/app/com.test.thalitest-2; Retaining data and using new
12-02 15:05:03.188 system_server 867 890 W PackageManager Code path for com.test.thalitest changing from /data/app/com.test.thalitest-1 to /data/app/com.test.thalitest-2
12-02 15:05:03.188 system_server 867 890 W PackageManager Resource path for com.test.thalitest changing from /data/app/com.test.thalitest-1 to /data/app/com.test.thalitest-2
12-02 15:05:03.209 system_server 867 878 D ConnectivityService ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ id=14, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@cd10602)
12-02 15:05:03.209 system_server 867 1304 D WifiService Client connection lost with reason: 4
12-02 15:05:03.210 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=14, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
12-02 15:05:03.212 system_server 867 1305 E ConnectivityService RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ id=14, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
12-02 15:05:03.213 system_server 867 1288 W InputDispatcher channel '9ae7f7f com.test.thalitest/com.test.thalitest.MainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
12-02 15:05:03.214 system_server 867 1610 D GraphicsStats Buffer count: 2
12-02 15:05:03.214 system_server 867 1288 E InputDispatcher channel '9ae7f7f com.test.thalitest/com.test.thalitest.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
12-02 15:05:03.215 system_server 867 3324 I WindowState WIN DEATH: Window{9ae7f7f u0 com.test.thalitest/com.test.thalitest.MainActivity}
12-02 15:05:03.215 system_server 867 3324 W InputDispatcher Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '9ae7f7f com.test.thalitest/com.test.thalitest.MainActivity (server)'
12-02 15:05:03.219 system_server 867 1371 D ConnectivityService ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ id=15, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@c605b13)
12-02 15:05:03.222 com.example.ThaliTestApp 7018 7024 I art Ignoring second debugger -- accepting and dropping
12-02 15:05:03.222 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService releasing NetworkRequest NetworkRequest [ id=15, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
12-02 15:05:03.229 system_server 867 1305 E ConnectivityService RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ id=15, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
12-02 15:05:03.466 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Start proc 8574:com.test.thalitest/u0a0 for activity com.test.thalitest/.MainActivity
12-02 15:05:03.468 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Force finishing activity ActivityRecord{b840a89 u0 com.test.thalitest/.MainActivity t162}
12-02 15:05:03.469 8574 - I art Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
12-02 15:05:03.480 system_server 867 3303 W ActivityManager Spurious death for ProcessRecord{478c150 0:com.test.thalitest/u0a0}, curProc for 8196: null
12-02 15:05:03.482 system_server 867 890 W Settings Setting install_non_market_apps has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
12-02 15:05:03.482 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Force stopping com.test.thalitest appid=10000 user=-1: replace pkg
12-02 15:05:03.482 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Killing 8574:com.test.thalitest/u0a0 (adj -100): stop com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:05:03.483 system_server 867 890 I art Starting a blocking GC Explicit
12-02 15:05:03.486 com.example.ThaliTestApp 7018 7024 I art Ignoring second debugger -- accepting and dropping
12-02 15:05:03.550 com.example.ThaliTestApp 7018 7024 I art Ignoring second debugger -- accepting and dropping
12-02 15:05:03.554 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Force finishing activity ActivityRecord{b840a89 u0 com.test.thalitest/.MainActivity t162 f}
12-02 15:05:03.554 system_server 867 880 W ActivityManager Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{b840a89 u0 com.test.thalitest/.MainActivity t162 f}
12-02 15:05:03.560 system_server 867 1744 I ActivityManager Killing (adj 15): empty #17
12-02 15:05:03.580 system_server 867 890 I art Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 332332(19MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(4MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 31MB/46MB, paused 1.017ms total 96.474ms
12-02 15:05:03.617 system_server 867 890 W PackageManager Couldn't remove dex file for package: at location /data/app/com.test.thalitest-1/base.apk, retcode=-1
12-02 15:05:03.618 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager Observer no longer exists.
12-02 15:05:03.619 system_server 867 890 I ActivityManager Force stopping com.test.thalitest appid=10000 user=0: pkg removed
12-02 15:05:03.628 system_server 867 - D JobSchedulerService Receieved: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED
12-02 15:05:03.636 system_server 867 1289 I InputReader Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
12-02 15:05:03.647 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver onReceive
12-02 15:05:03.647 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver The removed package is: com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:05:03.663 5093 - D BuaReceiver ====== got intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.test.thalitest flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
12-02 15:05:03.685 system_server 867 1289 I InputReader Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
12-02 15:05:03.685 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver onReceive
12-02 15:05:03.685 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver The installed package is: com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:05:03.686 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_PROVIDER
12-02 15:05:03.687 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_IM_PROVIDER
12-02 15:05:03.688 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper Receive action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED
12-02 15:05:03.699 system_server 867 1289 I InputReader Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
12-02 15:05:03.736 system_server 867 1610 I ActivityManager Start proc for broadcast
12-02 15:05:03.751 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper Receive action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
12-02 15:05:03.752 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper mHandler: 3
12-02 15:05:03.752 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper Receive action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED
12-02 15:05:03.752 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper mHandler: 3
12-02 15:05:03.752 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper mHandler: 3
12-02 15:05:03.752 1701 - D CarrierConfigLoader mHandler: 9 phoneId: 0
12-02 15:05:03.798 8587 - W ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/KeyChain/lib/arm
12-02 15:05:03.807 8587 - W Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581
12-02 15:05:03.865 1899 - E NetworkScheduler.SR Invalid parameter app
12-02 15:05:03.865 1899 - E NetworkScheduler.SR Invalid package name : Perhaps you didn't include a PendingIntent in the extras?
12-02 15:05:03.875 2194 4751 E Drive.UninstallOperation Package still installed com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:05:03.903 5093 - D BuaReceiver ====== got intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.test.thalitest flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
12-02 15:05:03.990 system_server 867 1610 I BroadcastQueue Delay finish:
12-02 15:05:03.995 system_server 867 1744 I BroadcastQueue Resuming delayed broadcast
12-02 15:05:03.999 5170 - I Finsky [1] Wear auto install disabled for package com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:05:04.006 5170 - I Finsky [1]$PermissionPolicyService.onStartCommand(115): post-install permissions check for com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:05:04.007 5170 - I Finsky [1] Package state data is missing for com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:05:04.018 2994 8615 I UpdateIcingCorporaServi Updating corpora: APPS=com.test.thalitest, CONTACTS=MAYBE
12-02 15:05:04.089 1899 - E NetworkScheduler.SR Invalid parameter app
12-02 15:05:04.089 1899 - E NetworkScheduler.SR Invalid package name : Perhaps you didn't include a PendingIntent in the extras?
12-02 15:05:04.199 2194 8627 W IcingInternalCorpora getNumBytesRead when not calculated.
12-02 15:05:04.360 2194 4751 I Icing Usage reports 2 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
12-02 15:05:04.392 1899 3867 W ContentTaskController Invalid newTask was provided to startTracking.
12-02 15:05:04.530 2194 4751 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
12-02 15:05:04.539 2194 4751 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload true
12-02 15:05:04.550 2994 8615 I UpdateIcingCorporaServi UpdateCorporaTask done [took 532 ms] updated apps [took 532 ms]
12-02 15:05:04.626 2194 4437 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
12-02 15:05:04.639 2194 4437 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
12-02 15:05:05.595 2194 2438 I Icing Indexing 55009DBA463B767936F57ECBAE7133B7E6129979 from
12-02 15:05:05.779 2194 2438 I Icing Indexing 8B5219F65FD57E8C8EC301E9B9CE4A679D945918 from
12-02 15:05:05.835 2194 2438 I Icing Indexing done 55009DBA463B767936F57ECBAE7133B7E6129979
12-02 15:05:05.867 2194 2438 I Icing Indexing done 8B5219F65FD57E8C8EC301E9B9CE4A679D945918
12-02 15:05:06.906 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:05:11.145 system_server 867 877 I ActivityManager Killing (adj 15): empty #17
12-02 15:05:19.044 5170 5249 I Finsky [456] Replicating app states via AMAS.
12-02 15:05:19.076 1899 3867 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:05:19.076 1899 3867 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:05:19.289 5170 5249 I Finsky [456] Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful.
12-02 15:05:19.290 5170 - I Finsky [1] Installation state replication succeeded.
12-02 15:05:55.154 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:06:04.016 2994 - I GrammarCompilationSvcCt #startService for null, APP_NAMES.
12-02 15:06:04.036 2994 8651 I ContextCompilationHandl Compiling grammar for: en-US, type=APP_NAMES
12-02 15:06:04.097 2194 6775 I Icing Query from package restrict start 0 num 1000
12-02 15:06:04.128 2194 8653 W IcingInternalCorpora getNumBytesRead when not calculated.
12-02 15:06:04.186 2994 8651 I ContextCompilationHandl Recognition context unchanged for APP_NAMES en-US
12-02 15:06:04.205 2194 2438 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload true
12-02 15:06:04.212 2194 2438 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload true
12-02 15:06:06.908 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:06:35.311 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: SAHARA_HELLO: hw_info = 0x01030610, pwrup_reason = 0x00004000
12-02 15:06:35.312 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock
12-02 15:06:35.336 /system/bin/ks 970 - E kickstart ERROR: function: open_file:195 filename = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs2
12-02 15:06:35.336 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Opening file '/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs2' for writing
12-02 15:06:36.485 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Received file 'm9kefs2'
12-02 15:06:36.485 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: 950272 bytes transferred in 1.148343 seconds
12-02 15:06:36.485 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Successfully downloaded files from target
12-02 15:06:36.486 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock
12-02 15:06:36.562 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Sahara protocol completed
12-02 15:06:55.317 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:07:35.212 1899 3866 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:07:35.212 1899 3866 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:07:55.476 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:08:00.082 system_server 867 1282 E qti_sensors_hal waitForResponse: pthread_cond_timedwait() rc=110 (cond: 0)
12-02 15:08:00.083 system_server 867 1282 E qti_sensors_hal deactivateDpc: ERROR: No response from the request
12-02 15:08:00.090 3303 - W Binder_C type=1400 audit(0.0:292): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52319]" dev="sockfs" ino=52319 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:00.090 3303 - W Binder_C type=1400 audit(0.0:293): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52319]" dev="sockfs" ino=52319 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:00.417 1663 - W Binder_5 type=1400 audit(0.0:294): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[48922]" dev="sockfs" ino=48922 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:00.417 1663 - W Binder_5 type=1400 audit(0.0:295): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[48922]" dev="sockfs" ino=48922 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:00.429 system_server 867 887 I DisplayPowerController Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
12-02 15:08:00.429 system_server 867 887 V KeyguardServiceDelegate onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$2@2401f85)
12-02 15:08:00.431 system_server 867 885 I DisplayManagerService Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE
12-02 15:08:00.432 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D SurfaceFlinger Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0xb6ae4000
12-02 15:08:00.432 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 1 on display: 0
12-02 15:08:00.448 system_server 867 1610 V KeyguardServiceDelegate **** SHOWN CALLED ****
12-02 15:08:00.461 1708 2005 W OpenGLRenderer Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
12-02 15:08:00.516 system_server 867 887 I DisplayPowerController Unblocked screen on after 87 ms
12-02 15:08:00.518 system_server 867 887 V KeyguardServiceDelegate onScreenTurnedOn()
12-02 15:08:00.691 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 343 I qdhwcomposer handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 2
12-02 15:08:00.693 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 1 on display 0
12-02 15:08:00.696 system_server 867 1331 D SurfaceControl Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 265ms
12-02 15:08:01.923 system_server 867 1730 I PowerManagerService Waking up from dozing (uid 10024)...
12-02 15:08:01.924 system_server 867 - W InputMethodManagerService Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 8196 uid 10000
12-02 15:08:01.928 system_server 867 885 I DisplayManagerService Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
12-02 15:08:01.928 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D SurfaceFlinger Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6ae4000
12-02 15:08:01.928 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
12-02 15:08:01.938 system_server 867 887 I DreamManagerService Gently waking up from dream.
12-02 15:08:01.938 system_server 867 1743 I DreamManagerService Leaving dreamland.
12-02 15:08:01.939 system_server 867 882 I DreamController Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
12-02 15:08:01.946 system_server 867 - V KeyguardServiceDelegate onStartedWakingUp()
12-02 15:08:01.952 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 343 I qdhwcomposer handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1
12-02 15:08:01.953 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
12-02 15:08:01.961 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1312 D audio_hw_primary adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=on
12-02 15:08:01.961 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1312 D mot_vr_audio_hw adev_set_parameters: screen_state=on
12-02 15:08:01.973 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-02 15:08:01.985 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
12-02 15:08:01.985 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
12-02 15:08:01.985 1684 5197 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::commitRouting
12-02 15:08:01.985 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
12-02 15:08:01.987 system_server 867 1303 E native do suspend false
12-02 15:08:01.983 1899 3866 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:08:01.990 1899 3866 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:08:01.993 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:08:01.993 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:08:02.008 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:08:02.009 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:08:02.012 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore No blacklist allowed without epno enabled
12-02 15:08:02.025 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:08:02.025 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:08:02.038 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:08:02.038 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:08:02.045 1899 - I BeaconBle Building BLE scanner compat: 'L/M' hardware access layer is not available: Valid, but not requested.
12-02 15:08:02.045 1899 - I BeaconBle BLE 'JB+' software access layer enabled
12-02 15:08:02.056 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:08:02.056 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:08:02.056 1899 8697 D BluetoothAdapter startLeScan(): null
12-02 15:08:02.057 1899 8697 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:08:02.059 8307 8317 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=2b38412b-e204-44a0-a47d-3c9c8d4b9436
12-02 15:08:02.059 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=2b38412b-e204-44a0-a47d-3c9c8d4b9436, clientIf=5
12-02 15:08:02.059 1899 2235 D BluetoothLeScanner onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:08:02.060 8307 8318 D BtGatt.GattService start scan with filters
12-02 15:08:02.061 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager handling starting scan
12-02 15:08:02.069 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1
12-02 15:08:02.069 8307 8325 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:08:02.069 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0
12-02 15:08:02.072 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:08:02.072 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:08:02.075 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15
12-02 15:08:02.075 8307 8325 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:08:02.075 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1
12-02 15:08:02.075 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=-2147483648
12-02 15:08:02.075 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = 8000configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = 8000
12-02 15:08:02.076 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0
12-02 15:08:02.092 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:08:02.092 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:08:02.125 1365 - D PhoneStatusBar disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
12-02 15:08:02.143 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
12-02 15:08:02.144 1365 - D PhoneStatusBar disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
12-02 15:08:02.155 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
12-02 15:08:02.155 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D msm8974_platform platform_send_audio_calibration: sending audio calibration for snd_device(2) acdb_id(15)
12-02 15:08:02.155 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
12-02 15:08:02.159 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
12-02 15:08:02.177 2194 8701 I CryptAuthSync [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do
12-02 15:08:02.181 1365 - D PhoneStatusBar disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
12-02 15:08:02.187 system_server 867 1730 W InputMethodManagerService Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 8196 uid 10000
12-02 15:08:02.184 1730 - W Binder_7 type=1400 audit(0.0:296): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[38766]" dev="sockfs" ino=38766 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:02.184 1730 - W Binder_7 type=1400 audit(0.0:297): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[38766]" dev="sockfs" ino=38766 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:02.193 1899 - W ContentTaskController Invalid task was provided to stopTracking.
12-02 15:08:02.198 1684 1809 E BrcmNfcJni nfaConnectionCallback: unknown event ????
12-02 15:08:02.198 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
12-02 15:08:02.198 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
12-02 15:08:02.198 1684 1804 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::commitRouting
12-02 15:08:02.198 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
12-02 15:08:02.208 2994 3005 I AttachedClient Adding client event 2 to pending list.
12-02 15:08:02.234 2994 - I OptInState There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request.
12-02 15:08:02.237 2994 - I MicroDetectionWorker Micro detection mode: [mDetectionMode: [1]].
12-02 15:08:02.266 2994 8708 I MicroRecognitionRunner Starting detection.
12-02 15:08:02.267 2994 8709 I MicrophoneInputStream mic_starting
12-02 15:08:02.271 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1272 I SoundTriggerHwService :Module: void android::SoundTriggerHwService::Module::onCallbackEvent(const android::sp<android::SoundTriggerHwService::CallbackEvent>&) mClient == 0
12-02 15:08:02.271 2994 8707 W LocationOracle No location history returned by ContextManager
12-02 15:08:02.276 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 8711 I AudioFlinger AudioFlinger's thread 0xb1c40000 ready to run
12-02 15:08:02.278 2994 8709 I MicrophoneInputStream mic_started
12-02 15:08:02.287 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 8711 D audio_hw_primary select_devices: out_snd_device(0: none) in_snd_device(61: voice-rec-mic)
12-02 15:08:02.287 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 8711 D msm8974_platform platform_send_audio_calibration: sending audio calibration for snd_device(61) acdb_id(62)
12-02 15:08:02.288 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 8711 D audio_hw_primary enable_snd_device: snd_device(61: voice-rec-mic)
12-02 15:08:02.295 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 8711 D audio_hw_primary enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: audio-record
12-02 15:08:02.370 2994 - I MicroDetectionWorker onReady
12-02 15:08:02.376 system_server 867 1642 E LocSvc_IzatApiV02 E/virtual int izat_core::IzatApiV02::getBatchSize(int32_t):522]: Error : st = 4, ind.status = -1708118195
12-02 15:08:02.376 system_server 867 1642 E LocSvc_IzatApiV02 E/virtual int izat_core::IzatApiV02::getBatchSize(int32_t):535]: get batching size failed.Or modem does not support batching
12-02 15:08:02.436 1899 8715 I GoogleURLConnFactory Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
12-02 15:08:02.460 1663 - W Binder_5 type=1400 audit(0.0:298): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52390]" dev="sockfs" ino=52390 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:02.460 1663 - W Binder_5 type=1400 audit(0.0:299): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52390]" dev="sockfs" ino=52390 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:02.482 1899 8716 I PlaceInferenceEngine [anon] Setup for configuration 105:[]
12-02 15:08:02.482 1899 8716 I PlaceInferenceEngine [anon] Active modules after start(): 0
12-02 15:08:02.474 3303 - W Binder_C type=1400 audit(0.0:300): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52056]" dev="sockfs" ino=52056 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:02.507 1899 3866 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 3 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=0, 1, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 3 for 6, account#-517948760#
12-02 15:08:02.474 3303 - W Binder_C type=1400 audit(0.0:301): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52056]" dev="sockfs" ino=52056 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:02.546 1899 8716 I Places ?: PlacesBleScanner start() with priority 2
12-02 15:08:02.546 1899 8716 I PlaceInferenceEngine [anon] Setup for configuration 102:[BeaconScoring, CategoryScoring, DistanceScoring, GeoJournalScoring, HomeWorkScoring, HulkPersonaScoring, PopularityScoring, SpotterScoring, TimeBasedScoring, WifiScoring]
12-02 15:08:02.547 1899 8716 I PlaceInferenceEngine [anon] Active modules after start(): 10
12-02 15:08:02.581 1899 3866 E ctxmgr [ProducerStatusImpl]updateStateForNewContextData: inactive, contextName=7
12-02 15:08:02.606 1899 8715 I GoogleURLConnFactory Using platform SSLCertificateSocketFactory
12-02 15:08:02.641 1899 - I Auth [AuthDelegateWrapper] Service intent: Intent { }.
12-02 15:08:02.642 1899 - I Auth [AuthDelegateWrapper] Service intent: Intent { }.
12-02 15:08:02.663 1899 8717 I PlaceInferenceEngine No beacon scan available - ignoring candidates.
12-02 15:08:02.687 1899 - E ctxmgr [PlaceFenceHelper]NearbyBuffer is null!
12-02 15:08:02.700 1899 3866 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 3 for 18, account#-517948760#
12-02 15:08:02.708 1899 8715 W Conscrypt Could not set socket write timeout: null
12-02 15:08:02.736 1899 8715 W Conscrypt Could not set socket write timeout: null
12-02 15:08:04.071 1899 8697 D BluetoothAdapter stopLeScan()
12-02 15:08:04.073 1899 8697 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:08:04.073 8307 8318 D BtGatt.GattService stopScan() - queue size =1
12-02 15:08:04.074 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager stop scan
12-02 15:08:04.074 8307 8333 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:08:04.088 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16
12-02 15:08:04.088 8307 8325 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:08:04.088 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0
12-02 15:08:04.088 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=2
12-02 15:08:04.088 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped
12-02 15:08:04.242 1899 8697 D BluetoothAdapter startLeScan(): null
12-02 15:08:04.244 1899 8697 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:08:04.246 8307 8333 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=0ffa883c-9f05-4f34-ae75-8248ccb2e23a
12-02 15:08:04.246 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=0ffa883c-9f05-4f34-ae75-8248ccb2e23a, clientIf=5
12-02 15:08:04.247 1899 2234 D BluetoothLeScanner onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:08:04.247 8307 8358 D BtGatt.GattService start scan with filters
12-02 15:08:04.250 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager handling starting scan
12-02 15:08:04.258 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1
12-02 15:08:04.258 8307 8325 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:08:04.258 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0
12-02 15:08:04.265 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15
12-02 15:08:04.265 8307 8325 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:08:04.265 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1
12-02 15:08:04.265 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=-2147483648
12-02 15:08:04.265 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = 8000configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = 8000
12-02 15:08:04.266 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0
12-02 15:08:05.103 1899 8697 D BluetoothAdapter stopLeScan()
12-02 15:08:05.108 1899 8697 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:08:05.110 8307 8357 D BtGatt.GattService stopScan() - queue size =1
12-02 15:08:05.112 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager stop scan
12-02 15:08:05.113 8307 8317 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:08:05.115 1899 8697 I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:08:05.168 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16
12-02 15:08:05.168 8307 8325 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:08:05.168 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0
12-02 15:08:05.169 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=2
12-02 15:08:05.169 8307 8328 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped
12-02 15:08:05.626 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
12-02 15:08:05.631 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
12-02 15:08:06.912 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:08:07.000 1899 3866 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:08:07.001 1899 3866 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:08:07.167 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5765409,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
12-02 15:08:08.101 1899 8696 I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:08:10.987 1743 - W Binder_9 type=1400 audit(0.0:302): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52127]" dev="sockfs" ino=52127 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:10.987 1743 - W Binder_9 type=1400 audit(0.0:303): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52127]" dev="sockfs" ino=52127 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:08:12.588 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: SAHARA_HELLO: hw_info = 0x01030610, pwrup_reason = 0x00004000
12-02 15:08:12.591 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock
12-02 15:08:12.620 /system/bin/ks 970 - E kickstart ERROR: function: open_file:195 filename = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs1
12-02 15:08:12.620 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Opening file '/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs1' for writing
12-02 15:08:13.034 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5771276,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:08:13.119 1899 - I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:08:13.297 8734 - D AndroidRuntime >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
12-02 15:08:13.302 8734 - D AndroidRuntime CheckJNI is OFF
12-02 15:08:13.344 8734 - D ICU No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-02 15:08:13.385 8734 - I Radio-JNI register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-02 15:08:13.406 8734 - D AndroidRuntime Calling main entry
12-02 15:08:13.415 8734 - I art System.exit called, status: 0
12-02 15:08:13.415 8734 - I AndroidRuntime VM exiting with result code 0.
12-02 15:08:13.584 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Received file 'm9kefs1'
12-02 15:08:13.585 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: 950272 bytes transferred in 0.963766 seconds
12-02 15:08:13.585 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Successfully downloaded files from target
12-02 15:08:13.586 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock
12-02 15:08:13.589 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Sahara protocol completed
12-02 15:08:23.691 8750 - D app_process >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
12-02 15:08:23.696 8750 - D app_process CheckJNI is OFF
12-02 15:08:23.735 8750 - D app_process No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-02 15:08:23.772 8750 - I app_process register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-02 15:08:23.791 8750 - D app_process Calling main entry
12-02 15:08:23.793 8750 - D app_process Shutting down VM
12-02 15:08:38.015 8768 - D app_process >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
12-02 15:08:38.020 8768 - D app_process CheckJNI is OFF
12-02 15:08:38.066 8768 - D app_process No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-02 15:08:38.110 8768 - I app_process register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-02 15:08:38.132 8768 - D app_process Calling main entry
12-02 15:08:38.190 5170 - I Finsky [1] Verification requested, id = 5
12-02 15:08:48.233 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager Verification timed out for file:///data/local/tmp/com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:08:48.234 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager Continuing with installation of file:///data/local/tmp/com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:08:48.239 5170 - I Finsky [1] Verification complete: id=5, package_name=com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:08:48.279 8545 8556 D DefContainer Copying /data/local/tmp/com.test.thalitest to base.apk
12-02 15:08:49.621 5170 5255 I Finsky [458] Task 7 requested foreground
12-02 15:08:49.622 5170 5255 I Finsky [458] Not entering foreground
12-02 15:08:49.701 5170 - I Finsky [1] Verification id=5 response=0
12-02 15:08:54.633 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5812876,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
12-02 15:08:55.620 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:08:56.135 system_server 867 876 I art Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 363945(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 19% free, 54MB/67MB, paused 2.355ms total 115.357ms
12-02 15:08:56.816 system_server 867 876 I art Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 390269(23MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(9MB) LOS objects, 29% free, 38MB/54MB, paused 1.744ms total 118.521ms
12-02 15:08:57.928 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager.DexOptimizer Running dexopt (dex2oat) on: /data/app/vmdl374096112.tmp/base.apk pkg=com.test.thalitest isa=arm vmSafeMode=false debuggable=true oatDir = /data/app/vmdl374096112.tmp/oat bootComplete=true
12-02 15:08:57.957 8787 - I /system/bin/dex2oat /system/bin/dex2oat --debuggable
12-02 15:08:58.440 8787 8790 W /system/bin/dex2oat Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
12-02 15:08:59.593 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5817836,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:09:02.458 /system/bin/dex2oat 8787 - I dex2oat dex2oat took 4.501s (threads: 4) arena alloc=1211KB java alloc=5MB native alloc=28MB free=2MB
12-02 15:09:02.506 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Force stopping com.test.thalitest appid=10000 user=-1: uninstall pkg
12-02 15:09:02.628 system_server 867 890 I PackageManager Package com.test.thalitest codePath changed from /data/app/com.test.thalitest-2 to /data/app/com.test.thalitest-1; Retaining data and using new
12-02 15:09:02.629 system_server 867 890 W PackageManager Code path for com.test.thalitest changing from /data/app/com.test.thalitest-2 to /data/app/com.test.thalitest-1
12-02 15:09:02.629 system_server 867 890 W PackageManager Resource path for com.test.thalitest changing from /data/app/com.test.thalitest-2 to /data/app/com.test.thalitest-1
12-02 15:09:02.629 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Force stopping com.test.thalitest appid=10000 user=-1: replace pkg
12-02 15:09:02.906 system_server 867 890 W Settings Setting install_non_market_apps has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
12-02 15:09:02.906 system_server 867 890 I art Starting a blocking GC Explicit
12-02 15:09:02.983 system_server 867 890 I art Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 254039(16MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(4MB) LOS objects, 33% free, 31MB/47MB, paused 907us total 77.089ms
12-02 15:09:03.041 system_server 867 890 W PackageManager Couldn't remove dex file for package: at location /data/app/com.test.thalitest-2/base.apk, retcode=-1
12-02 15:09:03.042 system_server 867 890 I ActivityManager Force stopping com.test.thalitest appid=10000 user=0: pkg removed
12-02 15:09:03.048 app_process 8768 - I art System.exit called, status: 0
12-02 15:09:03.048 app_process 8768 - I AndroidRuntime VM exiting with result code 0.
12-02 15:09:03.082 system_server 867 1289 I InputReader Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
12-02 15:09:03.085 5093 - D BuaReceiver ====== got intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED dat=package:com.test.thalitest flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
12-02 15:09:03.087 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver onReceive
12-02 15:09:03.087 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver The removed package is: com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:09:03.090 system_server 867 - D JobSchedulerService Receieved: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED
12-02 15:09:03.099 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver onReceive
12-02 15:09:03.099 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver The installed package is: com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:09:03.101 system_server 867 1289 I InputReader Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
12-02 15:09:03.101 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_PROVIDER
12-02 15:09:03.103 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_IM_PROVIDER
12-02 15:09:03.136 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper Receive action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED
12-02 15:09:03.142 system_server 867 1289 I InputReader Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
12-02 15:09:03.144 8587 - W ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581
12-02 15:09:03.183 1899 - E NetworkScheduler.SR Invalid parameter app
12-02 15:09:03.183 1899 - E NetworkScheduler.SR Invalid package name : Perhaps you didn't include a PendingIntent in the extras?
12-02 15:09:03.206 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper Receive action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
12-02 15:09:03.206 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper mHandler: 3
12-02 15:09:03.206 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper Receive action: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED
12-02 15:09:03.207 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper mHandler: 3
12-02 15:09:03.207 1701 - D CarrierServiceBindHelper mHandler: 3
12-02 15:09:03.207 1701 - D CarrierConfigLoader mHandler: 9 phoneId: 0
12-02 15:09:03.228 5093 - D BuaReceiver ====== got intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.test.thalitest flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
12-02 15:09:03.258 2194 2201 W SQLiteConnectionPool A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/0/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed.
12-02 15:09:03.258 2194 2201 W SQLiteConnectionPool A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/0/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed.
12-02 15:09:03.260 2194 2201 W SQLiteConnectionPool A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/0/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed.
12-02 15:09:03.272 2194 2438 E Drive.UninstallOperation Package still installed com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:09:03.371 2994 8821 I UpdateIcingCorporaServi Updating corpora: APPS=com.test.thalitest, CONTACTS=MAYBE
12-02 15:09:03.372 5170 - I Finsky [1] Wear auto install disabled for package com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:09:03.425 5170 - I Finsky [1]$PermissionPolicyService.onStartCommand(115): post-install permissions check for com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:09:03.432 5170 - I Finsky [1] Package state data is missing for com.test.thalitest
12-02 15:09:03.449 1899 - E NetworkScheduler.SR Invalid parameter app
12-02 15:09:03.450 1899 - E NetworkScheduler.SR Invalid package name : Perhaps you didn't include a PendingIntent in the extras?
12-02 15:09:03.533 2194 8826 W IcingInternalCorpora getNumBytesRead when not calculated.
12-02 15:09:03.574 1899 1907 E DataBuffer Internal data leak within a DataBuffer object detected! Be sure to explicitly call release() on all DataBuffer extending objects when you are done with them. (internal object:
12-02 15:09:03.595 2194 2438 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload true
12-02 15:09:03.599 2194 2438 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
12-02 15:09:03.603 2194 2438 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
12-02 15:09:03.608 2994 8821 I UpdateIcingCorporaServi UpdateCorporaTask done [took 237 ms] updated apps [took 237 ms]
12-02 15:09:03.621 2194 8628 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
12-02 15:09:03.626 2194 8628 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload false
12-02 15:09:03.869 8818 - D app_process >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
12-02 15:09:03.874 8818 - D app_process CheckJNI is OFF
12-02 15:09:03.955 app_process 8818 - D ICU No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
12-02 15:09:03.992 app_process 8818 - I Radio-JNI register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
12-02 15:09:04.011 app_process 8818 - D AndroidRuntime Calling main entry
12-02 15:09:04.014 system_server 867 3323 I ActivityManager START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.test.thalitest/.MainActivity} from uid 2000 on display 0
12-02 15:09:04.051 app_process 8818 - D AndroidRuntime Shutting down VM
12-02 15:09:04.067 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
12-02 15:09:04.072 system_server 867 877 I ActivityManager Start proc 8838:com.test.thalitest/u0a0 for activity com.test.thalitest/.MainActivity
12-02 15:09:04.084 8838 8843 I com.test.thalitest Ignoring second debugger -- accepting and dropping
12-02 15:09:04.094 com.example.ThaliTestApp 7018 7024 I art Ignoring second debugger -- accepting and dropping
12-02 15:09:04.136 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Changing log level to DEBUG(3)
12-02 15:09:04.136 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Apache Cordova native platform version 6.0.0 is starting
12-02 15:09:04.136 8838 - D com.test.thalitest CordovaActivity.onCreate()
12-02 15:09:04.140 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Loading version 54.0.2840.85 (code 284008500)
12-02 15:09:04.169 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
12-02 15:09:04.170 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
12-02 15:09:04.174 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
12-02 15:09:04.174 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
12-02 15:09:04.180 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Time to load native libraries: 2 ms (timestamps 2421-2423)
12-02 15:09:04.181 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Expected native library version number "54.0.2840.85", actual native library version number "54.0.2840.85"
12-02 15:09:04.193 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Expected native library version number "54.0.2840.85", actual native library version number "54.0.2840.85"
12-02 15:09:04.193 8838 - I com.test.thalitest [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
12-02 15:09:04.200 system_server 867 1304 D WifiService New client listening to asynchronous messages
12-02 15:09:04.208 8838 - I com.test.thalitest Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true
12-02 15:09:04.230 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I Adreno QUALCOMM build : 52af4d2, I8366cd0437
12-02 15:09:04.230 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I Adreno Build Date : 10/20/15
12-02 15:09:04.230 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I Adreno OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.05.13.02
12-02 15:09:04.230 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I Adreno Local Branch : M14
12-02 15:09:04.230 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I Adreno Remote Branch :
12-02 15:09:04.230 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I Adreno Remote Branch :
12-02 15:09:04.230 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I Adreno Reconstruct Branch :
12-02 15:09:04.307 system_server 867 1730 D ConnectivityService listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10000/8838 for NetworkRequest [ id=16, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
12-02 15:09:04.307 1774 - W Binder_5 type=1400 audit(0.0:304): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[49103]" dev="sockfs" ino=49103 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.307 1774 - W Binder_5 type=1400 audit(0.0:305): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[49103]" dev="sockfs" ino=49103 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.333 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D SystemWebViewEngine CordovaWebView is running on device made by: motorola
12-02 15:09:04.338 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D PluginManager init()
12-02 15:09:04.343 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaWebViewImpl >>> loadUrl(file:///android_asset/www/index.html)
12-02 15:09:04.351 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothManagerService Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@bd791db:true
12-02 15:09:04.351 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I cr_Ime ImeThread is enabled.
12-02 15:09:04.359 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaActivity Started the activity.
12-02 15:09:04.359 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaActivity Resumed the activity.
12-02 15:09:04.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8880 D OpenGLRenderer Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
12-02 15:09:04.367 1290 - W Binder_4 type=1400 audit(0.0:306): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[49108]" dev="sockfs" ino=49108 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.367 1290 - W Binder_4 type=1400 audit(0.0:307): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[49108]" dev="sockfs" ino=49108 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.377 1739 - W Binder_8 type=1400 audit(0.0:308): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52668]" dev="sockfs" ino=52668 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.377 1739 - W Binder_8 type=1400 audit(0.0:309): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52668]" dev="sockfs" ino=52668 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.389 system_server 867 1663 D ConnectivityService listenForNetwork for Listen from uid/pid:10000/8838 for NetworkRequest [ id=17, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ]
12-02 15:09:04.416 com.test.thalitest 8838 8886 E libEGL validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
12-02 15:09:04.422 com.test.thalitest 8838 8880 I OpenGLRenderer Initialized EGL, version 1.4
12-02 15:09:04.461 com.test.thalitest 8838 8886 W VideoCapabilities Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
12-02 15:09:04.470 1739 - W Binder_8 type=1400 audit(0.0:310): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52676]" dev="sockfs" ino=52676 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.470 1739 - W Binder_8 type=1400 audit(0.0:311): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52676]" dev="sockfs" ino=52676 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.470 1663 - W Binder_5 type=1400 audit(0.0:312): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52675]" dev="sockfs" ino=52675 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.470 1663 - W Binder_5 type=1400 audit(0.0:313): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52675]" dev="sockfs" ino=52675 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:04.474 system_server 867 885 I ActivityManager Displayed com.test.thalitest/.MainActivity: +420ms
12-02 15:09:04.474 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaWebViewImpl onPageDidNavigate(file:///android_asset/www/index.html)
12-02 15:09:04.495 com.test.thalitest 8838 8886 I VideoCapabilities Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
12-02 15:09:04.531 com.test.thalitest 8838 - W cr_BindingManager Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 8838
12-02 15:09:04.608 2194 8628 I Icing Indexing 55009DBA463B767936F57ECBAE7133B7E6129979 from
12-02 15:09:04.710 2194 8628 I Icing Indexing 8B5219F65FD57E8C8EC301E9B9CE4A679D945918 from
12-02 15:09:04.734 2194 8628 I Icing Indexing done 55009DBA463B767936F57ECBAE7133B7E6129979
12-02 15:09:04.748 2194 8628 I Icing Indexing done 8B5219F65FD57E8C8EC301E9B9CE4A679D945918
12-02 15:09:04.844 2994 4730 W SearchService Abort, client detached.
12-02 15:09:04.853 2994 8704 I DeviceStateChecker DeviceStateChecker cancelled
12-02 15:09:04.856 2994 - I MicroDetector Keeping mic open: false
12-02 15:09:04.862 2994 8728 I AudioController internalShutdown
12-02 15:09:04.862 2994 8728 I MicrophoneInputStream mic_close
12-02 15:09:04.862 2994 8709 E AudioRecord-JNI Error -4 during AudioRecord native read
12-02 15:09:04.863 2994 5211 I MicroRecognitionRunner Stopping hotword detection.
12-02 15:09:04.921 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 8711 D audio_hw_primary disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: audio-record
12-02 15:09:04.923 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 8711 D audio_hw_primary disable_snd_device: snd_device(61: voice-rec-mic)
12-02 15:09:04.934 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D JsMessageQueue Set native->JS mode to EvalBridgeMode
12-02 15:09:04.942 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1272 I SoundTriggerHwService :Module: void android::SoundTriggerHwService::Module::onCallbackEvent(const android::sp<android::SoundTriggerHwService::CallbackEvent>&) mClient == 0
12-02 15:09:04.950 2994 8708 I MicroRecognitionRunner Detection finished
12-02 15:09:04.969 com.test.thalitest 8838 - E chromium [] Failed to locate a binder for interface: autofill::mojom::AutofillDriver
12-02 15:09:04.972 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaWebViewImpl onPageFinished(file:///android_asset/www/index.html)
12-02 15:09:05.000 1899 2170 E LocationClientHelper Received a data in client after calling removeLocationUpdates.
12-02 15:09:05.009 1899 2170 E LocationClientHelper Received a data in client after calling removeLocationUpdates.
12-02 15:09:05.010 1899 8716 I PlaceInferenceEngine [anon] Setup for configuration 105:[]
12-02 15:09:05.010 1899 8716 I PlaceInferenceEngine [anon] Active modules after start(): 0
12-02 15:09:05.020 1899 2170 E LocationClientHelper Received a data in client after calling removeLocationUpdates.
12-02 15:09:05.091 system_server 867 1642 E LocSvc_IzatApiV02 E/virtual int izat_core::IzatApiV02::getBatchSize(int32_t):522]: Error : st = 4, ind.status = -1708118195
12-02 15:09:05.091 system_server 867 1642 E LocSvc_IzatApiV02 E/virtual int izat_core::IzatApiV02::getBatchSize(int32_t):535]: get batching size failed.Or modem does not support batching
12-02 15:09:05.091 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 D jxcore_app_log JniHelper::setJavaVM(0xb4d3c000), pthread_self() = -1815086800
12-02 15:09:05.098 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings load:
12-02 15:09:05.098 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings - Connection timeout in milliseconds: 15000
12-02 15:09:05.098 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings - Insecure RFCOMM socket port number: -1
12-02 15:09:05.098 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings - Maximum number of connection attempt retries: 0
12-02 15:09:05.098 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings - Handshake required: true
12-02 15:09:05.098 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@77178f6 added. We now have 1 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:05.103 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setBluetoothMacAddress: 44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:05.104 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.AbstractBluetoothConnectivityAgent verifyIdentityString: One or more of the following values are invalid: Peer name: "<no peer name>", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:05.105 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector BluetoothConnector: Bluetooth name: Thali_Bluetooth, service record UUID: fa87c0d0-afac-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66
12-02 15:09:05.105 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setIdentityString:
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings load:
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Automate Bluetooth MAC address resolution: true
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Provide Bluetooth MAC address timeout in milliseconds: 40000
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Bluetooth MAC address: 44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Discovery mode: BLE
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Peer expiration time in milliseconds: 60000
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Manufacturer ID: 7413
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Beacon ad length and type: 533
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Beacon ad extra information: 40
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Advertisement data type: DO_NOT_CARE
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Advertise mode: 2
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Advertise TX power level: 3
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Scan mode: 2
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings - Scan report delay in milliseconds: 500
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@f3155cd added. We now have 1 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:05.109 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.utils.PeerModel addListener: New listener added - the number of listeners is now 1
12-02 15:09:05.111 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setDiscoveryMode: Discovery mode BLE is supported
12-02 15:09:05.112 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor start: OK
12-02 15:09:05.128 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D SystemWebChromeClient file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js: Line 36 : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of null
12-02 15:09:05.129 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I chromium [INFO:CONSOLE(36)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of null", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/index.js (36)
12-02 15:09:06.897 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:09:07.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W jxcore-log Initializing JXcore engine
12-02 15:09:07.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W jxcore-log JXcore engine is ready
12-02 15:09:07.077 8900 - W Thread-608 type=1400 audit(0.0:314): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/pmsg0" dev="tmpfs" ino=8928 ioctlcmd=5451 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:pmsg_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0
12-02 15:09:07.077 8900 - W Thread-608 type=1400 audit(0.0:315): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[12570]" dev="sockfs" ino=12570 ioctlcmd=5451 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tclass=unix_dgram_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:07.077 8900 - W Thread-608 type=1400 audit(0.0:316): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker" dev="debugfs" ino=4163 ioctlcmd=5451 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
12-02 15:09:07.096 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W jxcore-log Starting JXcore engine
12-02 15:09:07.077 8900 - W Thread-608 type=1400 audit(0.0:317): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54292]" dev="sockfs" ino=54292 ioctlcmd=5451 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:adbd:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:07.077 8900 - W Thread-608 type=1400 audit(0.0:318): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[49103]" dev="sockfs" ino=49103 ioctlcmd=5451 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:07.195 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W jxcore-log Platform android
12-02 15:09:07.195 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W jxcore-log
12-02 15:09:07.196 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W jxcore-log Process ARCH arm
12-02 15:09:07.196 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W jxcore-log
12-02 15:09:07.684 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log JXcore Cordova bridge is ready!
12-02 15:09:07.684 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:09:07.685 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W jxcore-log JXcore engine is started
12-02 15:09:07.694 com.test.thalitest 8838 8899 I org.thaliproject.p2p.ThaliPermissions execute: REQUEST_ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
12-02 15:09:07.698 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D SystemWebChromeClient file:///android_asset/www/js/thali_main.js: Line 41 : Application has the required permission.
12-02 15:09:07.699 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I chromium [INFO:CONSOLE(41)] "Application has the required permission.", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/thali_main.js (41)
12-02 15:09:08.070 5170 5244 I PlayCommon [453] Preparing logs for uploading
12-02 15:09:08.090 1899 - I Auth [AuthDelegateWrapper] Service intent: Intent { }.
12-02 15:09:08.103 1899 - I Auth [AuthDelegateWrapper] Service intent: Intent { }.
12-02 15:09:08.105 1899 - I Auth [AuthDelegateWrapper] Service intent: Intent { }.
12-02 15:09:08.157 5170 5244 I PlayCommon [453] Connecting to server:
12-02 15:09:08.233 5170 5244 I PlayCommon [453] Successfully uploaded logs.
12-02 15:09:13.180 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5831423,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
12-02 15:09:18.127 system_server 867 8392 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5836370,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:09:18.391 5170 5249 I Finsky [456] Replicating app states via AMAS.
12-02 15:09:18.564 5170 5249 I Finsky [456] Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful.
12-02 15:09:18.565 5170 - I Finsky [1] Installation state replication succeeded.
12-02 15:09:20.498 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:09:20 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'Method peerAvailabilityChanged registered to native'
12-02 15:09:20.498 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:09:20.500 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:09:20 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'Method discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP registered to native'
12-02 15:09:20.500 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: FORCED notification:
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi Direct supported: true
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth LE multiple advertisement supported: SUPPORTED
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi enabled: true
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth enabled: true
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is connected/connecting to active network: true
12-02 15:09:20.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - active network type is Wi-Fi: true
12-02 15:09:20.513 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension notifyNetworkChanged: BLE: ON, Bluetooth: ON, Wi-Fi: ON, cellular: DO_NOT_CARE, BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14, SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:20.515 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:09:20 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'Method networkChanged registered to native'
12-02 15:09:20.515 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:09:20.516 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:09:20 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'Method incomingConnectionToPortNumberFailed registered to native'
12-02 15:09:20.516 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:09:20.837 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings load: Already loaded
12-02 15:09:20.837 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@108918d added. We now have 2 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:20.838 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.AbstractBluetoothConnectivityAgent verifyIdentityString: One or more of the following values are invalid: Peer name: "<no peer name>", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:20.838 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector BluetoothConnector: Bluetooth name: Thali_Bluetooth, service record UUID: fa87c0d0-afac-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66
12-02 15:09:20.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setIdentityString:
12-02 15:09:20.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings load: Already loaded
12-02 15:09:20.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@d0d1f42 added. We now have 2 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:20.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.utils.PeerModel addListener: New listener added - the number of listeners is now 1
12-02 15:09:20.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setDiscoveryMode: Discovery mode BLE is supported
12-02 15:09:20.841 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D ExecuteNativeTests Running unit tests
12-02 15:09:20.841 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter enable(): BT is already enabled..!
12-02 15:09:20.842 system_server 867 1743 D WifiService setWifiEnabled: true pid=8838, uid=10000
12-02 15:09:20.842 system_server 867 1743 E WifiService Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
12-02 15:09:30.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I com.test.thalitest.ThaliTestRunner Running UT
12-02 15:09:30.955 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings load: Already loaded
12-02 15:09:30.955 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@969e284 added. We now have 3 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:30.956 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.AbstractBluetoothConnectivityAgent verifyIdentityString: One or more of the following values are invalid: Peer name: "<no peer name>", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:30.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector BluetoothConnector: Bluetooth name: Thali_Bluetooth, service record UUID: fa87c0d0-afac-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66
12-02 15:09:30.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setIdentityString:
12-02 15:09:30.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings load: Already loaded
12-02 15:09:30.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@b31da6d added. We now have 3 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:30.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.utils.PeerModel addListener: New listener added - the number of listeners is now 1
12-02 15:09:30.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setDiscoveryMode: Discovery mode BLE is supported
12-02 15:09:30.963 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testOnConnectionTimeout
12-02 15:09:30.963 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings setInsecureRfcommSocketPortNumber: Will use port 1 when trying to connect
12-02 15:09:30.964 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:30.964 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:30.964 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:30.965 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionTimeout: Connection attempt with peer [<no peer name> 00:11:22:33:44:55] timed out
12-02 15:09:30.965 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel removeOutgoingConnectionCallback: Callback associated with Bluetooth MAC address "00:11:22:33:44:55" removed
12-02 15:09:30.965 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings setInsecureRfcommSocketPortNumber: Will use port -1 when trying to connect
12-02 15:09:30.965 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: 1 -> -1
12-02 15:09:30.965 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: 1 -> -1
12-02 15:09:30.965 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: 1 -> -1
12-02 15:09:30.967 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testOnBluetoothMacAddressResolved
12-02 15:09:30.967 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onBluetoothMacAddressResolved: 00:11:22:33:44:55 - Bro Mode is not supported
12-02 15:09:30.969 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testHasMaximumNumberOfConnections
12-02 15:09:30.974 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testStart
12-02 15:09:30.974 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper start: Port number: 1111, start advertisements: true
12-02 15:09:30.976 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:30.977 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager initialize: My bluetooth address is 44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: FORCED notification:
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi Direct supported: true
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth LE multiple advertisement supported: SUPPORTED
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi enabled: true
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth enabled: true
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is connected/connecting to active network: true
12-02 15:09:30.991 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - active network type is Wi-Fi: true
12-02 15:09:30.993 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension notifyNetworkChanged: BLE: ON, Bluetooth: ON, Wi-Fi: ON, cellular: DO_NOT_CARE, BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14, SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:30.993 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor start: OK
12-02 15:09:30.993 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler updateBeaconAdExtraInformation: New value: 41
12-02 15:09:30.993 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setBeaconAdExtraInformation: 40 -> 41
12-02 15:09:30.994 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:30.994 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:30.994 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:30.994 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:30.995 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:30.995 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:30.995 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:30.996 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector startListeningForIncomingConnections: Starting...
12-02 15:09:31.000 8333 - W Binder_3 type=1400 audit(0.0:319): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52706]" dev="sockfs" ino=52706 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:31.000 8333 - W Binder_3 type=1400 audit(0.0:320): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52706]" dev="sockfs" ino=52706 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:30.998 com.test.thalitest 8838 8917 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Entering thread
12-02 15:09:30.998 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : true, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:30.999 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: NOT_STARTED -> RUNNING
12-02 15:09:31.000 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections: OK
12-02 15:09:31.001 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: No relevant state changes
12-02 15:09:31.001 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: true
12-02 15:09:31.001 com.test.thalitest 8838 8917 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:31.002 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:31.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:31.004 com.test.thalitest 8838 8917 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Waiting for incoming connections...
12-02 15:09:31.007 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: No relevant state changes
12-02 15:09:31.008 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: RUNNING
12-02 15:09:31.008 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer
12-02 15:09:31.009 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Received a request for permission "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", but we are expecting that all the required permissions have already been granted
12-02 15:09:31.009 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager getBlePeerDiscovererInstanceAndCheckBluetoothMacAddress: Constructing...
12-02 15:09:31.022 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.023 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings: Mode: 2, Tx power level: 3, timeout: 0, is connectable: false
12-02 15:09:31.031 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner applyAdditionalMarshmallowSettings
12-02 15:09:31.033 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setScanSettings: Mode: 2, report delay in milliseconds: 500, scan result type: 0
12-02 15:09:31.033 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer beacon extra : 41
12-02 15:09:31.038 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.038 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.039 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Starting...
12-02 15:09:31.039 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: createAdvertiseDataToServiceData
12-02 15:09:31.040 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service UUID: "b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:31.041 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service data (length is 7 bytes): 29 44 80 EB 1D 5C 5A
12-02 15:09:31.044 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Created: AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[41, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:31.044 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: created AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[41, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:31.044 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.044 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: was started = false
12-02 15:09:31.044 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: advertiseData = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[41, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:31.045 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData finished: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.045 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: state = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.045 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Starting... adv data = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[41, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.046 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:31.051 8307 8358 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=be3a2b4a-8e17-4e4c-a4e9-63ea5520a8cc
12-02 15:09:31.051 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=be3a2b4a-8e17-4e4c-a4e9-63ea5520a8cc, clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:31.052 com.test.thalitest 8838 8849 D BluetoothLeAdvertiser onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:31.052 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 0
12-02 15:09:31.054 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager starting multi advertising
12-02 15:09:31.069 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceEnabled() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:31.077 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseDataSet() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:31.078 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Started advertisment Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.078 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = NOT_STARTED, new = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.078 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from NOT_STARTED to STARTING
12-02 15:09:31.079 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged default (no call to listener). Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.079 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.079 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: return, state = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.079 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start returned: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.079 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser started = true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.079 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer: OK
12-02 15:09:31.081 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: OK
12-02 15:09:31.081 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.082 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.082 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.082 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.083 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:31.083 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser onStartSuccess : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.083 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = STARTING, new = RUNNINGCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.083 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from STARTING to RUNNING
12-02 15:09:31.084 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = true. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.084 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.084 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: trueCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.084 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.084 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:31.084 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:31.084 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.085 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [NOT_STARTED] to [ADVERTISING]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.085 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.085 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [NOT_STARTED] -> [ADVERTISING] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.085 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.085 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper start: OK
12-02 15:09:31.088 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.088 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:31.088 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.088 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.088 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:31.587 com.test.thalitest 8838 8920 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Discovery manager is running
12-02 15:09:31.589 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:31.590 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:31.590 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler processCurrentOperationStatus: Operation successfully executed
12-02 15:09:31.590 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper stop: Stopping all activities and killing connections
12-02 15:09:31.591 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 00:11:22:33:44:55]
12-02 15:09:31.591 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 10:010:010:010:010:010]
12-02 15:09:31.592 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 11:110:110:110:110:110]
12-02 15:09:31.592 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 12:210:210:210:210:210]
12-02 15:09:31.592 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 13:310:310:310:310:310]
12-02 15:09:31.593 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 14:410:410:410:410:410]
12-02 15:09:31.593 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 15:510:510:510:510:510]
12-02 15:09:31.594 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 16:610:610:610:610:610]
12-02 15:09:31.594 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 17:710:710:710:710:710]
12-02 15:09:31.594 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 18:810:810:810:810:810]
12-02 15:09:31.595 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 19:910:910:910:910:910]
12-02 15:09:31.595 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 20:1010:1010:1010:1010:1010]
12-02 15:09:31.595 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 21:1110:1110:1110:1110:1110]
12-02 15:09:31.596 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 22:1210:1210:1210:1210:1210]
12-02 15:09:31.596 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 23:1310:1310:1310:1310:1310]
12-02 15:09:31.597 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 24:1410:1410:1410:1410:1410]
12-02 15:09:31.597 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 25:1510:1510:1510:1510:1510]
12-02 15:09:31.597 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 26:1610:1610:1610:1610:1610]
12-02 15:09:31.598 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 27:1710:1710:1710:1710:1710]
12-02 15:09:31.598 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 28:1810:1810:1810:1810:1810]
12-02 15:09:31.599 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 29:1910:1910:1910:1910:1910]
12-02 15:09:31.599 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 30:2010:2010:2010:2010:2010]
12-02 15:09:31.599 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 31:2110:2110:2110:2110:2110]
12-02 15:09:31.600 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 32:2210:2210:2210:2210:2210]
12-02 15:09:31.600 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 33:2310:2310:2310:2310:2310]
12-02 15:09:31.600 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 34:2410:2410:2410:2410:2410]
12-02 15:09:31.601 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 35:2510:2510:2510:2510:2510]
12-02 15:09:31.601 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 36:2610:2610:2610:2610:2610]
12-02 15:09:31.602 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 37:2710:2710:2710:2710:2710]
12-02 15:09:31.602 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 38:2810:2810:2810:2810:2810]
12-02 15:09:31.603 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 39:2910:2910:2910:2910:2910]
12-02 15:09:31.603 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true - Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:31.604 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:31.604 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager stopListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:31.604 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector stopListeningForIncomingConnections: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:31.605 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread shutdown
12-02 15:09:31.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8917 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread closeBluetoothServerSocket: Bluetooth server socket closed
12-02 15:09:31.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8917 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Exiting thread
12-02 15:09:31.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8917 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector onServerStopped: Was explicitly stopped: true
12-02 15:09:31.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: 2 listener(s) left
12-02 15:09:31.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:31.609 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: false
12-02 15:09:31.609 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: RUNNING -> NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:31.610 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: false
12-02 15:09:31.610 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:31.610 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager cancelAllConnectionAttempts
12-02 15:09:31.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stop: Stopping peer discovery...
12-02 15:09:31.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart. RUNNING_BLE
12-02 15:09:31.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.BluetoothMacAddressResolutionHelper stopProvideBluetoothMacAddressMode
12-02 15:09:31.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScannerAndAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.614 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScanner: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.614 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.616 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:31.617 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: scan results are flushed
12-02 15:09:31.618 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:31.618 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothLeScanner could not find callback wrapper
12-02 15:09:31.618 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:31.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner set state: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop finished, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser:Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:31.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.621 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 1
12-02 15:09:31.622 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager stop advertise for client 5
12-02 15:09:31.632 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:31.633 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService Client app is not null!
12-02 15:09:31.634 8307 8333 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:31.634 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:31.634 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = RUNNING, new = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.634 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from RUNNING to NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:31.635 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = false. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.635 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.635 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop finished. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.635 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopBlePeerDiscoverer: Stopped
12-02 15:09:31.635 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:31.636 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: 1 listener(s) left
12-02 15:09:31.636 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.638 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.638 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:31.639 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.639 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.639 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:31.639 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler processCurrentOperationStatus: Operation successfully executed
12-02 15:09:31.639 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:31.639 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:31.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: falseCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:31.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:31.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [ADVERTISING] to [NOT_STARTED]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:31.641 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [ADVERTISING] -> [NOT_STARTED] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.641 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.642 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.642 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.642 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.654 com.test.thalitest 8838 8921 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Discovery manager is NOT running
12-02 15:09:31.655 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper start: Port number: 1111, start advertisements: true
12-02 15:09:31.655 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor start: Already started
12-02 15:09:31.655 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler updateBeaconAdExtraInformation: New value: 42
12-02 15:09:31.655 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setBeaconAdExtraInformation: 41 -> 42
12-02 15:09:31.655 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.655 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.656 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.656 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:31.656 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:31.656 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:31.656 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:31.657 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector startListeningForIncomingConnections: Starting...
12-02 15:09:31.657 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: true
12-02 15:09:31.657 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : true, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:31.657 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: NOT_STARTED -> RUNNING
12-02 15:09:31.657 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections: OK
12-02 15:09:31.657 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: true
12-02 15:09:31.658 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:31.658 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: RUNNING
12-02 15:09:31.658 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:31.658 com.test.thalitest 8838 8922 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Entering thread
12-02 15:09:31.659 com.test.thalitest 8838 8922 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:31.661 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer
12-02 15:09:31.661 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Received a request for permission "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", but we are expecting that all the required permissions have already been granted
12-02 15:09:31.661 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager getBlePeerDiscovererInstanceAndCheckBluetoothMacAddress: Constructing...
12-02 15:09:31.662 com.test.thalitest 8838 8922 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Waiting for incoming connections...
12-02 15:09:31.657 8317 - W Binder_1 type=1400 audit(0.0:321): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53383]" dev="sockfs" ino=53383 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:31.657 8317 - W Binder_1 type=1400 audit(0.0:322): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53383]" dev="sockfs" ino=53383 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:31.667 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.667 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings: Mode: 2, Tx power level: 3, timeout: 0, is connectable: false
12-02 15:09:31.668 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner applyAdditionalMarshmallowSettings
12-02 15:09:31.668 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setScanSettings: Mode: 2, report delay in milliseconds: 500, scan result type: 0
12-02 15:09:31.668 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer beacon extra : 42
12-02 15:09:31.670 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.671 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.671 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Starting...
12-02 15:09:31.671 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: createAdvertiseDataToServiceData
12-02 15:09:31.671 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service UUID: "b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:31.671 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service data (length is 7 bytes): 2A 44 80 EB 1D 5C 5A
12-02 15:09:31.671 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Created: AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[42, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:31.671 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: created AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[42, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:31.672 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.672 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: was started = false
12-02 15:09:31.672 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: advertiseData = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[42, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:31.672 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData finished: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.672 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: state = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.672 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Starting... adv data = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[42, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.673 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:31.677 8307 8318 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=7e452abf-c637-44fe-aacb-70731bec3b88
12-02 15:09:31.677 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=7e452abf-c637-44fe-aacb-70731bec3b88, clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:31.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8849 D BluetoothLeAdvertiser onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:31.678 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 0
12-02 15:09:31.681 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager starting multi advertising
12-02 15:09:31.695 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceEnabled() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:31.701 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseDataSet() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:31.702 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Started advertisment Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.702 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = NOT_STARTED, new = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.702 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from NOT_STARTED to STARTING
12-02 15:09:31.702 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged default (no call to listener). Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.702 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.702 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: return, state = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.703 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start returned: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.703 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser started = true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.703 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer: OK
12-02 15:09:31.705 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: OK
12-02 15:09:31.705 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.706 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.706 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.706 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:31.706 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper start: OK
12-02 15:09:31.706 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser onStartSuccess : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = STARTING, new = RUNNINGCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from STARTING to RUNNING
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = true. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: trueCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:31.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.708 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [NOT_STARTED] to [ADVERTISING]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.708 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.708 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [NOT_STARTED] -> [ADVERTISING] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.708 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.711 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.711 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:31.711 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.711 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:31.711 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:32.208 com.test.thalitest 8838 8925 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Discovery manager is running
12-02 15:09:32.212 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testStop
12-02 15:09:32.212 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:32.213 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:32.213 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper start: Port number: 1111, start advertisements: true
12-02 15:09:32.213 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler processCurrentOperationStatus: Operation successfully executed
12-02 15:09:32.213 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor start: Already started
12-02 15:09:32.214 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler updateBeaconAdExtraInformation: New value: 43
12-02 15:09:32.215 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setBeaconAdExtraInformation: 42 -> 43
12-02 15:09:32.216 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.216 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.217 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings:
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Manufacturer ID: 7413
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Beacon ad length and type: 533
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Beacon ad extra information: 43
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Advertisement data type: DO_NOT_CARE
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Advertise mode: 2
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Advertise TX power level: 3
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Scan mode: 2
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Scan report delay in milliseconds: 500
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.219 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer beacon extra : 43
12-02 15:09:32.220 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: advertiserWasStarted true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.221 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: stop advertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.221 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.225 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 1
12-02 15:09:32.226 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager stop advertise for client 5
12-02 15:09:32.236 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:32.236 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService Client app is not null!
12-02 15:09:32.237 8307 8318 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:32.238 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:32.238 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = RUNNING, new = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.238 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from RUNNING to NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:32.238 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.238 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop finished. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.238 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.238 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings: Mode: 2, Tx power level: 3, timeout: 0, is connectable: false
12-02 15:09:32.239 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: start advertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.239 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.239 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.239 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Starting...
12-02 15:09:32.239 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: createAdvertiseDataToServiceData
12-02 15:09:32.239 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service UUID: "b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:32.239 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service data (length is 7 bytes): 2B 44 80 EB 1D 5C 5A
12-02 15:09:32.240 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Created: AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[43, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:32.240 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: created AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[43, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:32.240 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.240 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: was started = false
12-02 15:09:32.240 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: advertiseData = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[43, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:32.240 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData finished: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.241 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: state = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.241 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Starting... adv data = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[43, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.243 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:32.248 8307 8317 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=8e368be7-593b-434a-9635-be5ca1c835d7
12-02 15:09:32.248 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=8e368be7-593b-434a-9635-be5ca1c835d7, clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:32.249 com.test.thalitest 8838 8852 D BluetoothLeAdvertiser onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:32.250 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 0
12-02 15:09:32.252 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager starting multi advertising
12-02 15:09:32.270 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceEnabled() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:32.279 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseDataSet() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:32.280 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser onStartSuccess : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.280 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Started advertisment Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.281 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = NOT_STARTED, new = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.281 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from NOT_STARTED to STARTING
12-02 15:09:32.281 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged default (no call to listener). Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.282 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.282 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: return, state = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.282 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start returned: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.283 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = STARTING, new = RUNNINGCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.283 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from STARTING to RUNNING
12-02 15:09:32.283 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = true. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.283 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser started = true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.283 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.283 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: trueCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.283 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.283 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: start advertiser started = true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.284 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:32.284 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:32.284 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner applyAdditionalMarshmallowSettings
12-02 15:09:32.284 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.284 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.284 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: scannerWasStarted false Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.284 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setScanSettings: Mode: 2, report delay in milliseconds: 500, scan result type: 0
12-02 15:09:32.285 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:32.285 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: The current state already matches the desired outcome of this operation, skipping...
12-02 15:09:32.285 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper start: OK
12-02 15:09:32.288 com.test.thalitest 8838 8926 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Discovery manager is running
12-02 15:09:32.288 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper stop: Stopping all activities and killing connections
12-02 15:09:32.289 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true - Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:32.289 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:32.290 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager stopListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:32.290 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector stopListeningForIncomingConnections: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:32.290 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread shutdown
12-02 15:09:32.291 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: 2 listener(s) left
12-02 15:09:32.291 com.test.thalitest 8838 8922 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread closeBluetoothServerSocket: Bluetooth server socket closed
12-02 15:09:32.291 com.test.thalitest 8838 8922 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Exiting thread
12-02 15:09:32.291 com.test.thalitest 8838 8922 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector onServerStopped: Was explicitly stopped: true
12-02 15:09:32.291 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:32.291 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: false
12-02 15:09:32.291 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: RUNNING -> NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:32.292 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: false
12-02 15:09:32.292 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:32.292 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager cancelAllConnectionAttempts
12-02 15:09:32.292 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stop: Stopping peer discovery...
12-02 15:09:32.293 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.293 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart. RUNNING_BLE
12-02 15:09:32.293 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.BluetoothMacAddressResolutionHelper stopProvideBluetoothMacAddressMode
12-02 15:09:32.294 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScannerAndAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.294 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.294 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScanner: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.295 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.297 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:32.297 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: scan results are flushed
12-02 15:09:32.299 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:32.299 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothLeScanner could not find callback wrapper
12-02 15:09:32.299 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:32.300 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner set state: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.300 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop finished, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.301 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser:Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.301 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:32.301 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.302 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 1
12-02 15:09:32.303 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager stop advertise for client 5
12-02 15:09:32.312 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:32.312 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService Client app is not null!
12-02 15:09:32.314 8307 8317 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:32.315 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:32.315 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = RUNNING, new = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.316 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from RUNNING to NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:32.316 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = false. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.316 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.317 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop finished. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.317 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopBlePeerDiscoverer: Stopped
12-02 15:09:32.318 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:32.319 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: 1 listener(s) left
12-02 15:09:32.320 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.322 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.322 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:32.322 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.322 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.323 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:32.323 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler processCurrentOperationStatus: Operation successfully executed
12-02 15:09:32.323 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:32.323 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:32.323 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: falseCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.323 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.324 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:32.324 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:32.324 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.324 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [ADVERTISING] to [NOT_STARTED]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.324 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.325 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:32.325 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [ADVERTISING] -> [NOT_STARTED] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.325 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.325 com.test.thalitest 8838 8927 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Discovery manager is NOT running
12-02 15:09:32.328 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.328 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.328 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.328 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testOnPeerReadyToProvideBluetoothMacAddress
12-02 15:09:32.328 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onPeerReadyToProvideBluetoothMacAddress: Bro Mode is not supported
12-02 15:09:32.330 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testKillAllConnections
12-02 15:09:32.330 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllIncomingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> incoming]
12-02 15:09:32.331 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testOnConnectionManagerStateChanged
12-02 15:09:32.331 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: null
12-02 15:09:32.332 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testOnPermissionCheckRequired
12-02 15:09:32.332 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Received a request for permission "randomString", but we are expecting that all the required permissions have already been granted
12-02 15:09:32.332 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testToggleBetweenSystemDecidedAndAlternativeInsecureRfcommPortNumber
12-02 15:09:32.332 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings setInsecureRfcommSocketPortNumber: Will use port 1 when trying to connect
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings setInsecureRfcommSocketPortNumber: Will use port -1 when trying to connect
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: 1 -> -1
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: 1 -> -1
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: 1 -> -1
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings setInsecureRfcommSocketPortNumber: Will use port 1 when trying to connect
12-02 15:09:32.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:32.336 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:32.336 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: -1 -> 1
12-02 15:09:32.336 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testConnect
12-02 15:09:32.337 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Trying to connect to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.354 8317 - W Binder_1 type=1400 audit(0.0:323): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[55302]" dev="sockfs" ino=55302 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:32.354 8317 - W Binder_1 type=1400 audit(0.0:324): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[55302]" dev="sockfs" ino=55302 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:32.367 8333 - W Binder_3 type=1400 audit(0.0:325): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[55305]" dev="sockfs" ino=55305 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:32.367 8333 - W Binder_3 type=1400 audit(0.0:326): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[55305]" dev="sockfs" ino=55305 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:32.337 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: We already have an outgoing connection to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.337 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 00:11:22:33:44:55]
12-02 15:09:32.343 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Trying to connect to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Maximum number of peer connections (30) reached, please try again after disconnecting a peer
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 10:010:010:010:010:010]
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 11:110:110:110:110:110]
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 12:210:210:210:210:210]
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 13:310:310:310:310:310]
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 14:410:410:410:410:410]
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 15:510:510:510:510:510]
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 16:610:610:610:610:610]
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 17:710:710:710:710:710]
12-02 15:09:32.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 18:810:810:810:810:810]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 19:910:910:910:910:910]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 20:1010:1010:1010:1010:1010]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 21:1110:1110:1110:1110:1110]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 22:1210:1210:1210:1210:1210]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 23:1310:1310:1310:1310:1310]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 24:1410:1410:1410:1410:1410]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 25:1510:1510:1510:1510:1510]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 26:1610:1610:1610:1610:1610]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 27:1710:1710:1710:1710:1710]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 28:1810:1810:1810:1810:1810]
12-02 15:09:32.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 29:1910:1910:1910:1910:1910]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 30:2010:2010:2010:2010:2010]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 31:2110:2110:2110:2110:2110]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 32:2210:2210:2210:2210:2210]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 33:2310:2310:2310:2310:2310]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 34:2410:2410:2410:2410:2410]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 35:2510:2510:2510:2510:2510]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 36:2610:2610:2610:2610:2610]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 37:2710:2710:2710:2710:2710]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 38:2810:2810:2810:2810:2810]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> 39:2910:2910:2910:2910:2910]
12-02 15:09:32.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Trying to connect to peer with ID abcd
12-02 15:09:32.347 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: The peer to connect to is not amongst the discovered peers, but trying anyway...
12-02 15:09:32.347 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Invalid Bluetooth MAC address: abcd
12-02 15:09:32.347 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Trying to connect to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.347 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: The peer to connect to is not amongst the discovered peers, but trying anyway...
12-02 15:09:32.347 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Failed to add the callback for the connection
12-02 15:09:32.347 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Trying to connect to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: The peer to connect to is not amongst the discovered peers, but trying anyway...
12-02 15:09:32.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager connect: [<no peer name> 00:11:22:33:44:55]
12-02 15:09:32.352 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector connect: Trying to start connecting to null in address 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.352 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread setInsecureRfcommSocketPortNumber: Using port 1
12-02 15:09:32.352 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread setMaxNumberOfRetries: 0
12-02 15:09:32.353 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onConnecting: null 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.353 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector connect: Started connecting to null in address 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.353 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Connection process successfully started (peer ID: 00:11:22:33:44:55)
12-02 15:09:32.354 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Trying to connect to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.354 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper connect: Callback is null
12-02 15:09:32.354 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread Trying to connect to peer with address 00:11:22:33:44:55 (thread ID: 680)
12-02 15:09:32.354 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread tryToConnect: socketConnectSucceeded = false, mIsShuttingDown = false
12-02 15:09:32.354 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread createSocketAndConnect: socket closed
12-02 15:09:32.354 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread createSocketAndConnect: given port
12-02 15:09:32.355 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothUtils createBluetoothSocketToServiceRecord: Socket created with channel/port 1
12-02 15:09:32.355 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 E org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread createSocketAndConnect: connecting
12-02 15:09:32.355 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:32.355 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testOnProvideBluetoothMacAddressRequest
12-02 15:09:32.356 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onProvideBluetoothMacAddressRequest: Request ID: 1111 - Bro Mode is not supported
12-02 15:09:32.356 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testOnDiscoveryManagerStateChanged
12-02 15:09:32.357 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: true, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:32.359 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testDisconnectOutgoingConnection
12-02 15:09:32.359 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper disconnectOutgoingConnection: Trying to close connection to peer with ID randomString
12-02 15:09:32.359 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: Failed to find an outgoing connection to peer with ID randomString
12-02 15:09:32.359 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: 1 outgoing connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:32.359 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper disconnectOutgoingConnection: Failed to disconnect (peer ID: randomString), either no such connection or failed to close the connection
12-02 15:09:32.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper disconnectOutgoingConnection: Trying to close connection to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: Closing connection, peer ID: 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: 0 outgoing connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:32.364 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper disconnectOutgoingConnection: Successfully disconnected (peer ID: 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.364 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper disconnectOutgoingConnection: Trying to close connection to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.364 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: Failed to find an outgoing connection to peer with ID 00:11:22:33:44:55
12-02 15:09:32.364 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: 0 outgoing connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:32.364 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 W io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper disconnectOutgoingConnection: Failed to disconnect (peer ID: 00:11:22:33:44:55), either no such connection or failed to close the connection
12-02 15:09:32.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testDispose
12-02 15:09:32.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper start: Port number: 1111, start advertisements: true
12-02 15:09:32.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor start: Already started
12-02 15:09:32.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler updateBeaconAdExtraInformation: New value: 44
12-02 15:09:32.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setBeaconAdExtraInformation: 43 -> 44
12-02 15:09:32.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:32.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:32.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:32.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:32.367 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector startListeningForIncomingConnections: Starting...
12-02 15:09:32.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: true
12-02 15:09:32.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : true, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:32.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: NOT_STARTED -> RUNNING
12-02 15:09:32.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections: OK
12-02 15:09:32.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: true
12-02 15:09:32.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:32.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:32.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8929 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Entering thread
12-02 15:09:32.369 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: RUNNING
12-02 15:09:32.369 com.test.thalitest 8838 8929 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:32.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer
12-02 15:09:32.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Received a request for permission "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", but we are expecting that all the required permissions have already been granted
12-02 15:09:32.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8929 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Waiting for incoming connections...
12-02 15:09:32.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager getBlePeerDiscovererInstanceAndCheckBluetoothMacAddress: Constructing...
12-02 15:09:32.375 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.375 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings: Mode: 2, Tx power level: 3, timeout: 0, is connectable: false
12-02 15:09:32.376 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner applyAdditionalMarshmallowSettings
12-02 15:09:32.376 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setScanSettings: Mode: 2, report delay in milliseconds: 500, scan result type: 0
12-02 15:09:32.376 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer beacon extra : 44
12-02 15:09:32.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Starting...
12-02 15:09:32.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: createAdvertiseDataToServiceData
12-02 15:09:32.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service UUID: "b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:32.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service data (length is 7 bytes): 2C 44 80 EB 1D 5C 5A
12-02 15:09:32.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Created: AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[44, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:32.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: created AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[44, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:32.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: was started = false
12-02 15:09:32.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: advertiseData = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[44, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:32.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData finished: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: state = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.380 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Starting... adv data = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[44, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.380 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:32.383 8307 8317 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=618ffeba-8d41-4009-8d95-5c03703b7090
12-02 15:09:32.383 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=618ffeba-8d41-4009-8d95-5c03703b7090, clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:32.384 com.test.thalitest 8838 8849 D BluetoothLeAdvertiser onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:32.385 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 0
12-02 15:09:32.387 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager starting multi advertising
12-02 15:09:32.398 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceEnabled() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:32.404 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseDataSet() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Started advertisment Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = NOT_STARTED, new = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from NOT_STARTED to STARTING
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged default (no call to listener). Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: return, state = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start returned: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser started = true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer: OK
12-02 15:09:32.410 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: OK
12-02 15:09:32.410 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.412 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.412 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.412 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.412 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper start: OK
12-02 15:09:32.412 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:32.412 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser onStartSuccess : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.413 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = STARTING, new = RUNNINGCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.413 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from STARTING to RUNNING
12-02 15:09:32.413 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = true. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.413 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.413 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: trueCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.413 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.413 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:32.413 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:32.414 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.414 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [NOT_STARTED] to [ADVERTISING]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.414 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.414 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [NOT_STARTED] -> [ADVERTISING] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.414 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.417 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.417 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:32.418 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.418 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.418 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:32.913 com.test.thalitest 8838 8920 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Discovery manager is running
12-02 15:09:32.914 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager dispose
12-02 15:09:32.915 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager stopListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:32.915 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector stopListeningForIncomingConnections: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:32.915 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread shutdown
12-02 15:09:32.916 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: 2 listener(s) left
12-02 15:09:32.917 com.test.thalitest 8838 8929 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread closeBluetoothServerSocket: Bluetooth server socket closed
12-02 15:09:32.917 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:32.917 com.test.thalitest 8838 8929 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Exiting thread
12-02 15:09:32.917 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: RUNNING -> NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:32.917 com.test.thalitest 8838 8929 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector onServerStopped: Was explicitly stopped: true
12-02 15:09:32.917 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector shutdown: Shutting down...
12-02 15:09:32.918 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:32.918 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector cancelAllConnectionAttempts: Shutting down 1 client threads
12-02 15:09:32.918 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: false
12-02 15:09:32.918 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: false
12-02 15:09:32.919 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:32.922 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings removeListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@969e284 removed from the list
12-02 15:09:32.922 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager dispose
12-02 15:09:32.922 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stop: Stopping peer discovery...
12-02 15:09:32.923 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.923 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart. RUNNING_BLE
12-02 15:09:32.924 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.BluetoothMacAddressResolutionHelper stopProvideBluetoothMacAddressMode
12-02 15:09:32.924 com.test.thalitest 8838 8934 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread shutdown: Thread ID: 680
12-02 15:09:32.924 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScannerAndAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.924 com.test.thalitest 8838 8934 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread close
12-02 15:09:32.925 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.925 com.test.thalitest 8838 8934 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread close: Trying to close the Bluetooth socket... (thread ID: 680)
12-02 15:09:32.925 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScanner: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.926 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.926 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 E org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread createSocketAndConnect: connect, read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
12-02 15:09:32.926 8307 8337 E bt_btif_sock_rfcomm btsock_rfc_signaled socket signaled for read while disconnected, slot: 8, channel: 1
12-02 15:09:32.927 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread socketConnectSucceeded false
12-02 15:09:32.927 com.test.thalitest 8838 8934 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread close: Bluetooth socket closed (thread ID: 680)
12-02 15:09:32.927 com.test.thalitest 8838 8928 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothClientThread Exiting thread (thread ID: 680)
12-02 15:09:32.930 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:32.930 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: scan results are flushed
12-02 15:09:32.932 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:32.933 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothLeScanner could not find callback wrapper
12-02 15:09:32.933 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:32.934 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner set state: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.934 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop finished, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.935 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser:Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.935 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:32.935 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.938 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 1
12-02 15:09:32.939 8307 8327 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager stop advertise for client 5
12-02 15:09:32.949 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:32.950 8307 8325 D BtGatt.GattService Client app is not null!
12-02 15:09:32.952 8307 8333 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:32.953 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:32.954 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = RUNNING, new = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.954 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from RUNNING to NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:32.954 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = false. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.954 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.954 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop finished. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.955 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopBlePeerDiscoverer: Stopped
12-02 15:09:32.955 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:32.955 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: 1 listener(s) left
12-02 15:09:32.955 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:32.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:32.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:32.957 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:32.958 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: falseCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.958 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.958 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:32.958 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:32.958 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.958 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [ADVERTISING] to [NOT_STARTED]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.958 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.958 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:32.959 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [ADVERTISING] -> [NOT_STARTED] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.959 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.960 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings removeListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@b31da6d removed from the list
12-02 15:09:32.960 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor stop
12-02 15:09:32.960 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:32.960 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.960 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:32.960 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:33.459 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:35.013 2994 8708 W GmsLocationProvider Error removing location updates: 16
12-02 15:09:37.487 8307 8334 W bt_sdp SDP - Rcvd conn cnf with error: 0x4 CID 0x40
12-02 15:09:37.487 8307 8334 E bt_btif_sock_rfcomm find_rfc_slot_by_id unable to find RFCOMM slot id: 8
12-02 15:09:37.962 com.test.thalitest 8838 8921 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Discovery manager is NOT running
12-02 15:09:37.966 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testIsRunning
12-02 15:09:37.968 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:37.969 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:37.969 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager initialize: My bluetooth address is 44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:37.975 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector startListeningForIncomingConnections: Starting...
12-02 15:09:37.980 8357 - W Binder_4 type=1400 audit(0.0:327): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52739]" dev="sockfs" ino=52739 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:37.980 8357 - W Binder_4 type=1400 audit(0.0:328): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52739]" dev="sockfs" ino=52739 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:37.977 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: true
12-02 15:09:37.978 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : true, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:37.978 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: NOT_STARTED -> RUNNING
12-02 15:09:37.978 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections: OK
12-02 15:09:37.978 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: RUNNING
12-02 15:09:37.979 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager cancelAllConnectionAttempts
12-02 15:09:37.980 com.test.thalitest 8838 8938 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Entering thread
12-02 15:09:37.981 com.test.thalitest 8838 8938 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:37.983 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testOnConnectionFailed
12-02 15:09:37.984 com.test.thalitest 8838 8938 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Waiting for incoming connections...
12-02 15:09:37.985 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionFailed: Peer properties: [<no peer name> 00:11:22:33:44:55], error message: ErrorMessage
12-02 15:09:37.985 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel removeOutgoingConnectionCallback: Callback associated with Bluetooth MAC address "00:11:22:33:44:55" removed
12-02 15:09:37.985 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings setInsecureRfcommSocketPortNumber: Will use port -1 when trying to connect
12-02 15:09:37.986 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: 1 -> -1
12-02 15:09:37.986 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setInsecureRfcommSocketPort: 1 -> -1
12-02 15:09:37.990 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testGetConnectivityMonitorGetDiscoveryManagerGetConnectionModelGetBluetoothName
12-02 15:09:38.001 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelperTest Starting test: testConstructor
12-02 15:09:38.001 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager dispose
12-02 15:09:38.001 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager stopListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:38.001 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector stopListeningForIncomingConnections: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:38.001 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread shutdown
12-02 15:09:38.002 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:38.002 com.test.thalitest 8838 8938 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread closeBluetoothServerSocket: Bluetooth server socket closed
12-02 15:09:38.002 com.test.thalitest 8838 8938 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Exiting thread
12-02 15:09:38.002 com.test.thalitest 8838 8938 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector onServerStopped: Was explicitly stopped: true
12-02 15:09:38.002 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: false
12-02 15:09:38.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: false
12-02 15:09:38.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: RUNNING -> NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:38.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: false
12-02 15:09:38.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings removeListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@969e284 not in the list
12-02 15:09:38.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager dispose
12-02 15:09:38.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:38.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stop: Stopping peer discovery...
12-02 15:09:38.004 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:38.004 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart. RUNNING_BLE
12-02 15:09:38.004 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.BluetoothMacAddressResolutionHelper stopProvideBluetoothMacAddressMode
12-02 15:09:38.004 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:38.006 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:38.006 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:38.006 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:38.006 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:38.006 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings removeListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@b31da6d not in the list
12-02 15:09:38.006 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor stop
12-02 15:09:38.006 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:38.007 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:38.007 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:38.008 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModelTest Starting test: testGetNumberOfCurrentOutgoingConnections
12-02 15:09:38.008 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: Closing connection, peer ID: outgoing
12-02 15:09:38.009 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: 1 outgoing connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:38.009 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: Failed to find an outgoing connection to peer with ID outgoing
12-02 15:09:38.009 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: 1 outgoing connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:38.009 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: Closing connection, peer ID: outgoing2
12-02 15:09:38.009 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveOutgoingConnectionThread: 0 outgoing connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:38.010 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModelTest Starting test: constructorTest
12-02 15:09:38.011 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModelTest Starting test: testHasIncomingConnection
12-02 15:09:38.012 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModelTest Starting test: testGetNumberOfCurrentConnections
12-02 15:09:38.013 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllIncomingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> incoming]
12-02 15:09:38.013 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveAllOutgoingConnections: Peer: [<no peer name> outgoing]
12-02 15:09:38.014 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModelTest Starting test: testGetNumberOfCurrentIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:38.014 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveIncomingConnectionThread: Closing and removing incoming connection thread with ID 1
12-02 15:09:38.014 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveIncomingConnectionThread: 1 incoming connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:38.014 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 E io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveIncomingConnectionThread: Failed to find an incoming connection thread with ID 1
12-02 15:09:38.014 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveIncomingConnectionThread: 1 incoming connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:38.014 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveIncomingConnectionThread: Closing and removing incoming connection thread with ID 2
12-02 15:09:38.014 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel closeAndRemoveIncomingConnectionThread: 0 incoming connection(s) left
12-02 15:09:38.015 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModelTest Starting test: testGetOutgoingConnectionCallbackByBluetoothMacAddress
12-02 15:09:38.015 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel removeOutgoingConnectionCallback: Callback associated with Bluetooth MAC address "outgoing1" removed
12-02 15:09:38.016 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel removeOutgoingConnectionCallback: Callback associated with Bluetooth MAC address "outgoing2" removed
12-02 15:09:38.016 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModelTest Starting test: testHasConnection
12-02 15:09:38.017 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel hasConnection: No connection with peer with ID id
12-02 15:09:38.017 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel hasConnection: No connection with peer with ID outgoing
12-02 15:09:38.017 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel hasConnection: We have an incoming connection with peer with ID incoming
12-02 15:09:38.017 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModel hasConnection: We have an outgoing connection with peer with ID outgoing
12-02 15:09:38.018 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionModelTest Starting test: testHasOutgoingConnection
12-02 15:09:38.018 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings load: Already loaded
12-02 15:09:38.019 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@8855b23 added. We now have 3 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:38.021 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.AbstractBluetoothConnectivityAgent verifyIdentityString: One or more of the following values are invalid: Peer name: "<no peer name>", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:38.021 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector BluetoothConnector: Bluetooth name: Thali_Bluetooth, service record UUID: fa87c0d0-afac-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66
12-02 15:09:38.021 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setIdentityString:
12-02 15:09:38.021 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings load: Already loaded
12-02 15:09:38.021 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@29ea820 added. We now have 3 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:38.021 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.utils.PeerModel addListener: New listener added - the number of listeners is now 1
12-02 15:09:38.022 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setDiscoveryMode: Discovery mode BLE is supported
12-02 15:09:38.024 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter enable(): BT is already enabled..!
12-02 15:09:38.025 system_server 867 1371 D WifiService setWifiEnabled: true pid=8838, uid=10000
12-02 15:09:38.025 system_server 867 1371 E WifiService Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
12-02 15:09:38.026 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitorTest Starting test: testIsBleMultipleAdvertisementSupported
12-02 15:09:38.029 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitorTest Starting test: testIsBluetoothSupported
12-02 15:09:38.030 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitorTest Starting test: testIsWifiDirectSupported
12-02 15:09:38.031 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitorTest Starting test: testIsBluetoothEnabled
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: State changed:
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi Direct supported: true
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth LE multiple advertisement supported: SUPPORTED
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi enabled: true
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth enabled: true
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is connected/connecting to active network: true
12-02 15:09:38.036 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - active network type is Wi-Fi: true
12-02 15:09:38.038 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: ON, message: 23
12-02 15:09:38.038 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Setting state to 13
12-02 15:09:38.038 8307 8321 I BluetoothAdapterState Bluetooth adapter state changed: 12-> 13
12-02 15:09:38.038 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension notifyNetworkChanged: BLE: ON, Bluetooth: ON, Wi-Fi: ON, cellular: DO_NOT_CARE, BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14, SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:38.039 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterProperties onBluetoothDisable()
12-02 15:09:38.041 8307 8321 I BluetoothAdapterState Entering PendingCommandState
12-02 15:09:38.042 8307 - D BluetoothMapService onReceive
12-02 15:09:38.042 8307 - D BluetoothMapService onReceive: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
12-02 15:09:38.042 8307 - D BluetoothMapService STATE_TURNING_OFF
12-02 15:09:38.042 8307 - D BluetoothMapService MAP Service closeService in
12-02 15:09:38.042 8307 - D BluetoothMapMasInstance0 MAP Service shutdown
12-02 15:09:38.042 8307 - D ObexServerSockets0 shutdown(block = true)
12-02 15:09:38.043 8307 - D ObexServerSockets0 shutdown called from another thread - interrupt().
12-02 15:09:38.043 8307 - D ObexServerSockets0 shutdown called from another thread - interrupt().
12-02 15:09:38.043 8307 8355 D ObexServerSockets0 AcceptThread ended for: ServerSocket: Type: TYPE_L2CAP Channel: 4097
12-02 15:09:38.043 8307 8354 D ObexServerSockets0 AcceptThread ended for: ServerSocket: Type: TYPE_RFCOMM Channel: 4
12-02 15:09:38.043 8307 8337 E bt_btif SOCK_LIST: free(id = 1) - NO app_fd!
12-02 15:09:38.044 8307 - I BtOppRfcommListener stopping Accept Thread
12-02 15:09:38.044 8307 8373 E BtOppRfcommListener Error accept connection read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1
12-02 15:09:38.044 8307 8373 I BtOppRfcommListener BluetoothSocket listen thread finished
12-02 15:09:38.055 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Start proc for broadcast
12-02 15:09:38.056 8307 8325 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Scan Mode:20
12-02 15:09:38.056 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 21
12-02 15:09:38.060 8307 - D HeadsetService Received stop request...Stopping profile...
12-02 15:09:38.062 system_server 867 - D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.062 system_server 867 - D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.062 1701 1725 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.062 system_server 867 - D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.062 1365 1383 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.062 8307 - D A2dpService Received stop request...Stopping profile...
12-02 15:09:38.063 8307 8348 D A2dpStateMachine Exit Disconnected: -1
12-02 15:09:38.064 system_server 867 - D BluetoothA2dp Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.064 1365 - D HeadsetProfile Bluetooth service disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.064 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=true
12-02 15:09:38.064 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.064 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.064 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:38.065 8307 - D HidService Received stop request...Stopping profile...
12-02 15:09:38.065 8307 - D HidService Stopping Bluetooth HidService
12-02 15:09:38.065 1365 - D BluetoothA2dp Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.066 1365 - D BluetoothInputDevice Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.066 1365 - D HidProfile Bluetooth service disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.066 8307 - W BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni Cleaning up Bluetooth Handsfree Interface...
12-02 15:09:38.067 8307 - W BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni Cleaning up Bluetooth Handsfree callback object
12-02 15:09:38.067 8307 8325 I bt_btif_storage btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20100008
12-02 15:09:38.067 8307 8334 D bt_bta_sys_main bta_sys_stop_timer expected alarm was not in bta alarm hash map.
12-02 15:09:38.067 8307 8334 D bt_bta_sys_main bta_sys_stop_timer expected alarm was not in bta alarm hash map.
12-02 15:09:38.067 8307 8334 D bt_bta_sys_main bta_sys_stop_timer expected alarm was not in bta alarm hash map.
12-02 15:09:38.067 8307 8325 E bt_btif btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index 99
12-02 15:09:38.069 8307 - D HealthService Received stop request...Stopping profile...
12-02 15:09:38.073 8307 - D PanService Received stop request...Stopping profile...
12-02 15:09:38.074 1365 - D BluetoothPan BluetoothPAN Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.074 1365 - D PanProfile Bluetooth service disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.074 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=true
12-02 15:09:38.074 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.074 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.074 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:38.076 8307 8334 D bt_bta_sys_main bta_sys_stop_timer expected alarm was not in bta alarm hash map.
12-02 15:09:38.076 8307 8325 I bt_btif_storage btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20100000
12-02 15:09:38.076 8307 8334 D bt_bta_sys_main bta_sys_stop_timer expected alarm was not in bta alarm hash map.
12-02 15:09:38.076 8307 8334 W bt_l2cap L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
12-02 15:09:38.076 8307 8334 W bt_l2cap L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
12-02 15:09:38.077 8307 8334 W bt_l2cap L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration
12-02 15:09:38.077 8307 8334 W bt_l2cap L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration
12-02 15:09:38.077 8307 - D BluetoothMapService Received stop request...Stopping profile...
12-02 15:09:38.077 8307 - D BluetoothMapService stop()
12-02 15:09:38.077 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver deinitObservers()
12-02 15:09:38.077 8307 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver removeReceiver()
12-02 15:09:38.078 1365 - D BluetoothMap Proxy object disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.079 1365 - D MapProfile Bluetooth service disconnected
12-02 15:09:38.079 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=true
12-02 15:09:38.079 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.079 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.079 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:38.079 8307 - W BluetoothHidServiceJni Cleaning up Bluetooth HID Interface...
12-02 15:09:38.079 8307 - W BluetoothHidServiceJni Cleaning up Bluetooth GID callback object
12-02 15:09:38.079 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=true
12-02 15:09:38.079 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.080 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.080 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:38.080 8307 - W BluetoothHealthServiceJni Cleaning up Bluetooth Health Interface...
12-02 15:09:38.080 8307 8325 I bt_btif_storage btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20000000
12-02 15:09:38.080 8307 8325 E bt_btif btif_in_execute_service_request: Unknown service being enabled
12-02 15:09:38.080 8307 - W BluetoothHealthServiceJni Cleaning up Bluetooth Health object
12-02 15:09:38.081 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=true
12-02 15:09:38.081 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.081 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.081 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:38.081 8307 - W BluetoothPanServiceJni Cleaning up Bluetooth PAN Interface...
12-02 15:09:38.081 8307 - W BluetoothPanServiceJni Cleaning up Bluetooth PAN callback object
12-02 15:09:38.082 8307 - D BluetoothMapService MAP Service closeService in
12-02 15:09:38.082 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=true
12-02 15:09:38.082 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.082 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.082 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:38.083 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 26
12-02 15:09:38.083 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Setting state to 15
12-02 15:09:38.083 8307 8321 I BluetoothAdapterState Bluetooth adapter state changed: 13-> 15
12-02 15:09:38.083 8307 8321 I BluetoothAdapterState Entering BleOnState
12-02 15:09:38.083 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.083 8307 - D BluetoothMapService cleanup()
12-02 15:09:38.084 8307 - D BluetoothMapService MAP Service closeService in
12-02 15:09:38.084 1701 1898 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.084 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.084 1365 1383 D BluetoothPan onBluetoothStateChange on: false
12-02 15:09:38.085 1365 1377 D BluetoothInputDevice onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.085 1365 1811 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.086 1365 8192 D BluetoothMap onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.086 1365 1383 D BluetoothPbap onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.087 1365 1377 D BluetoothA2dp onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.087 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothA2dp onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.087 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
12-02 15:09:38.088 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: BLE ON, message: 20
12-02 15:09:38.088 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Setting state to 16
12-02 15:09:38.088 8307 8321 I BluetoothAdapterState Bluetooth adapter state changed: 15-> 16
12-02 15:09:38.088 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterProperties onBleDisable
12-02 15:09:38.088 8307 8321 I BluetoothAdapterState Entering PendingCommandState
12-02 15:09:38.089 8307 8322 D bt_stack_manager event_shut_down_stack is bringing down the stack.
12-02 15:09:38.089 8307 8325 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Scan Mode:20
12-02 15:09:38.090 8307 8334 W bt_btif bta_dm_disable BTA_DISABLE_DELAY set to 200 ms
12-02 15:09:38.090 8307 8334 D bt_bta_sys_main bta_sys_stop_timer expected alarm was not in bta alarm hash map.
12-02 15:09:38.138 8943 - W ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/Settings/lib/arm
12-02 15:09:38.146 8943 - W Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581
12-02 15:09:38.152 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothManagerService Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@581e87c:true
12-02 15:09:38.237 8943 - D Adding local MAP profile
12-02 15:09:38.242 8943 - D Create BluetoothMap proxy object
12-02 15:09:38.252 8943 - D LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
12-02 15:09:38.268 8943 - D finishStartingService: stopping service
12-02 15:09:38.275 8943 - W ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581
12-02 15:09:38.286 8943 - D DockEventReceiver finishStartingService: stopping service
12-02 15:09:38.293 8307 8325 I bt_hci shut_down
12-02 15:09:38.295 system_server 867 1610 I ActivityManager Killing (adj 15): empty #17
12-02 15:09:38.358 8307 8329 D bt_hwcfg hw_epilog_process
12-02 15:09:38.358 8307 8329 I bt_vendor low_power_mode_cb
12-02 15:09:38.373 8307 8329 D bt_hwcfg hw_epilog_cback Opcode:0x0C03 Status: 0
12-02 15:09:38.373 8307 8329 I bt_vendor epilog_cb
12-02 15:09:38.373 8307 8329 I bt_hci epilog_finished_callback
12-02 15:09:38.377 8307 8325 I bt_hci_h4 hal_close
12-02 15:09:38.377 8307 8325 I bt_userial_vendor device fd = 51 close
12-02 15:09:38.508 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:38.509 8307 8322 D bt_stack_manager event_shut_down_stack finished.
12-02 15:09:38.510 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 24
12-02 15:09:38.516 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterState Stopping Gatt profile services that were post enabled
12-02 15:09:38.517 8307 - D BtGatt.DebugUtils handleDebugAction() action=null
12-02 15:09:38.519 8307 - D BtGatt.GattService Received stop request...Stopping profile...
12-02 15:09:38.519 8307 - D BtGatt.GattService stop()
12-02 15:09:38.519 8307 - D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager advertise clients cleared
12-02 15:09:38.524 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:38.524 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.525 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:38.525 8307 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=true
12-02 15:09:38.526 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 25
12-02 15:09:38.527 8307 8321 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Setting state to 10
12-02 15:09:38.527 8307 8321 I BluetoothAdapterState Bluetooth adapter state changed: 16-> 10
12-02 15:09:38.528 8307 8321 I BluetoothAdapterState Entering OffState
12-02 15:09:38.531 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothManagerService Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 9 receivers.
12-02 15:09:38.545 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 W org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager Checking support for multiple advertisement: Cannot do the check when the Bluetooth is disabled - will return stored value
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: State changed:
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi Direct supported: true
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth LE multiple advertisement supported: SUPPORTED
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi enabled: true
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth enabled: false
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is connected/connecting to active network: true
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - active network type is Wi-Fi: true
12-02 15:09:38.546 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 W org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager Checking support for multiple advertisement: Cannot do the check when the Bluetooth is disabled - will return stored value
12-02 15:09:38.547 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension notifyNetworkChanged: BLE: OFF, Bluetooth: OFF, Wi-Fi: ON, cellular: DO_NOT_CARE, BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14, SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:38.554 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: No relevant state changes
12-02 15:09:38.555 8307 - W BluetoothSdpJni Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface...
12-02 15:09:38.555 8307 - W BluetoothSdpJni Cleaning up Bluetooth Health object
12-02 15:09:38.556 8307 - I BluetoothServiceJni cleanupNative: return from cleanup
12-02 15:09:38.556 8307 8322 D bt_stack_manager event_clean_up_stack is cleaning up the stack.
12-02 15:09:38.560 8307 - I art System.exit called, status: 0
12-02 15:09:38.561 8307 - I AndroidRuntime VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
12-02 15:09:38.641 system_server 867 3327 I ActivityManager Process (pid 8307) has died
12-02 15:09:38.642 system_server 867 3327 W ActivityManager Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
12-02 15:09:39.694 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Start proc for service
12-02 15:09:39.839 8975 - D Adding HeadsetService
12-02 15:09:39.839 8975 - D Adding A2dpService
12-02 15:09:39.839 8975 - D Adding HidService
12-02 15:09:39.839 8975 - D Adding HealthService
12-02 15:09:39.840 8975 - D Adding PanService
12-02 15:09:39.840 8975 - D Adding GattService
12-02 15:09:39.840 8975 - D Adding BluetoothMapService
12-02 15:09:39.879 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothManagerService Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@13c9cf3:true
12-02 15:09:39.880 8975 - D make() - Creating AdapterState
12-02 15:09:39.889 8975 - I init
12-02 15:09:39.890 8975 8989 I Entering OffState
12-02 15:09:39.894 8975 8990 I bte_load_ble_conf attempt to load ble stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf
12-02 15:09:39.894 8975 8990 E config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
12-02 15:09:39.894 8975 8990 I bte_load_ble_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf< not found
12-02 15:09:39.894 8975 8990 I init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
12-02 15:09:39.895 8975 - I get_profile_interface socket
12-02 15:09:39.897 8975 - I get_profile_interface sdp
12-02 15:09:39.901 8975 8986 I config_hci_snoop_log
12-02 15:09:39.902 8975 8993 D Address is:44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:39.902 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothManagerService Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 9 receivers.
12-02 15:09:39.905 8975 8993 D Name is: Serval:Ѐ "V Ԁ
12-02 15:09:39.907 8975 8989 D Current state: OFF, message: 0
12-02 15:09:39.907 8975 8989 D Setting state to 14
12-02 15:09:39.907 8975 8989 I Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 14
12-02 15:09:39.911 8975 8989 D make
12-02 15:09:39.916 8975 8994 I StableState(): Entering Off State
12-02 15:09:39.919 8975 8989 I Entering PendingCommandState
12-02 15:09:39.920 8975 - I classInitNative(L912): classInitNative: Success!
12-02 15:09:39.922 8975 - D getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:39.923 8975 - D handleDebugAction() action=null
12-02 15:09:39.923 8975 - D Received start request. Starting profile...
12-02 15:09:39.924 8975 - D start()
12-02 15:09:39.924 8975 - I get_profile_interface gatt
12-02 15:09:39.924 8975 - D getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:39.924 8975 - D advertise manager created
12-02 15:09:39.933 8975 - V isTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:39.933 8975 - V isTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:39.933 8975 - V isBleTurningOn()=true
12-02 15:09:39.933 8975 - V isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:39.934 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 4
12-02 15:09:39.935 8975 8989 I bt_bluedroid bt_bluedroid
12-02 15:09:39.935 8975 8990 D bt_stack_manager event_start_up_stack is bringing up the stack.
12-02 15:09:39.935 8975 8990 I bt_hci start_up
12-02 15:09:39.941 8975 8990 I bt_vendor alloc value 0xb39ff9ed
12-02 15:09:39.941 8975 8990 I bt_vendor init
12-02 15:09:39.941 8975 8990 I bt_vnd_conf Attempt to load conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_vendor.conf
12-02 15:09:39.941 8975 8990 I bt_vnd_conf vnd_load_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/bt_vendor.conf< not found
12-02 15:09:40.046 8975 8990 D bt_hci start_up starting async portion
12-02 15:09:40.047 8975 8997 I bt_hci event_finish_startup
12-02 15:09:40.047 8975 8997 I bt_hci_h4 hal_open
12-02 15:09:40.047 8975 8997 I bt_userial_vendor userial vendor open: opening /dev/ttyHS0
12-02 15:09:40.050 8975 8997 I bt_userial_vendor device fd = 51 open
12-02 15:09:40.072 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 0
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue Handler (aivr) {b53fc1c} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (aivr) {b53fc1c} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at aivr.a(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at aivj.a(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at jqi.handleMessage(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at android.os.Looper.loop(
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at$
12-02 15:09:40.078 1899 - W MessageQueue at
12-02 15:09:40.089 8975 8997 I bt_hwcfg bt vendor lib: set UART baud 3000000
12-02 15:09:40.122 8975 8997 D bt_hwcfg Chipset BCM4354A2
12-02 15:09:40.122 8975 8997 D bt_hwcfg Target name = [BCM4354A2]
12-02 15:09:40.122 8975 8997 I bt_hwcfg Found patchfile: /vendor/firmware//bcm4354A2.hcd
12-02 15:09:40.581 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 0
12-02 15:09:40.807 8975 8997 I bt_hwcfg bt vendor lib: set UART baud 115200
12-02 15:09:40.809 8975 8997 D bt_hwcfg Settlement delay -- 100 ms
12-02 15:09:40.809 8975 8997 I bt_hwcfg Setting fw settlement delay to 100
12-02 15:09:40.925 8975 8997 I bt_hwcfg bt vendor lib: set UART baud 3000000
12-02 15:09:40.927 8975 8997 I bt_hwcfg Setting local bd addr to 44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:40.954 8975 8997 I bt_hwcfg vendor lib fwcfg completed
12-02 15:09:40.954 8975 8997 I bt_vendor firmware callback
12-02 15:09:40.955 8975 8997 I bt_hci firmware_config_callback
12-02 15:09:40.968 8975 9001 I bt_btu btu_task pending for preload complete event
12-02 15:09:40.968 8975 9001 I bt_btu_task Bluetooth chip preload is complete
12-02 15:09:40.968 8975 9001 I bt_btu btu_task received preload complete event
12-02 15:09:40.978 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HCI
12-02 15:09:40.979 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_L2CAP
12-02 15:09:40.979 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_RFCOMM
12-02 15:09:40.979 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVDT
12-02 15:09:40.980 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVRC
12-02 15:09:40.980 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_A2D
12-02 15:09:40.980 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BNEP
12-02 15:09:40.981 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTM
12-02 15:09:40.981 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GAP
12-02 15:09:40.981 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_PAN
12-02 15:09:40.981 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SDP
12-02 15:09:40.982 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GATT
12-02 15:09:40.982 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SMP
12-02 15:09:40.982 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTAPP
12-02 15:09:40.982 8975 9001 I BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTIF
12-02 15:09:41.089 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 0
12-02 15:09:41.120 8975 9001 I bt_btm_sec BTM_SecRegister p_cb_info->p_le_callback == 0x0xb397d591
12-02 15:09:41.120 8975 9001 I bt_btm_sec BTM_SecRegister btm_cb.api.p_le_callback = 0x0xb397d591
12-02 15:09:41.135 8975 8993 D BluetoothAdapterProperties BT_PROPERTY_LOCAL_LE_FEATURES: update from BT controller mNumOfAdvertisementInstancesSupported = 5 mRpaOffloadSupported = true mNumOfOffloadedIrkSupported = 128 mNumOfOffloadedScanFilterSupported = 16 mOffloadedScanResultStorageBytes= 1024 mIsActivityAndEnergyReporting = true mVersSupported = 96 mTotNumOfTrackableAdv = 10 mIsExtendedScanSupported = true mIsDebugLogSupported = false
12-02 15:09:41.137 8975 8993 I bt_btif_storage btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20000000
12-02 15:09:41.138 8975 8993 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Address is:44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:41.142 8975 8993 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Name is: Serval:Ѐ "V Ԁ
12-02 15:09:41.144 8975 8993 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Scan Mode:20
12-02 15:09:41.144 8975 8993 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Discoverable Timeout:120
12-02 15:09:41.145 8975 8993 D bt_hci do_postload posting postload work item
12-02 15:09:41.145 8975 8997 I bt_hci event_postload
12-02 15:09:41.145 8975 8997 I bt_vendor sco_config_cb
12-02 15:09:41.145 8975 8997 I bt_hci sco_config_callback postload finished.
12-02 15:09:41.147 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf Device ID record 1 : primary
12-02 15:09:41.147 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf vendorId = 000f
12-02 15:09:41.147 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf vendorIdSource = 0001
12-02 15:09:41.147 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf product = 1200
12-02 15:09:41.147 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf version = 1436
12-02 15:09:41.148 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf clientExecutableURL =
12-02 15:09:41.148 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf serviceDescription =
12-02 15:09:41.148 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf documentationURL =
12-02 15:09:41.148 8975 8993 D bt_bte_conf bte_load_did_conf no section named DID2.
12-02 15:09:41.148 8975 8990 D bt_stack_manager event_start_up_stack finished
12-02 15:09:41.151 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 3
12-02 15:09:41.152 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Setting state to 15
12-02 15:09:41.152 8975 8989 I BluetoothAdapterState Bluetooth adapter state changed: 14-> 15
12-02 15:09:41.153 8975 8989 I BluetoothAdapterState Entering BleOnState
12-02 15:09:41.154 8975 8997 I bt_vendor low_power_mode_cb
12-02 15:09:41.160 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: BLE ON, message: 1
12-02 15:09:41.161 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Setting state to 11
12-02 15:09:41.161 8975 8989 I BluetoothAdapterState Bluetooth adapter state changed: 15-> 11
12-02 15:09:41.179 8975 - D BluetoothAdapterService getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:41.180 8975 - D HeadsetService Received start request. Starting profile...
12-02 15:09:41.184 8975 - I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni classInitNative: succeeds
12-02 15:09:41.185 8975 - D HeadsetStateMachine make
12-02 15:09:41.191 8975 8989 I BluetoothAdapterState Entering PendingCommandState
12-02 15:09:41.192 8975 - D HeadsetStateMachine max_hf_connections = 1
12-02 15:09:41.192 8975 - I bt_bluedroid get_profile_interface handsfree
12-02 15:09:41.193 8975 8993 I bt_btif_storage btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20000040
12-02 15:09:41.194 8975 8993 E bt_btif btif_hf_upstreams_evt: Invalid index 3
12-02 15:09:41.199 8975 - D BluetoothAdapterService getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:41.199 8975 - D A2dpService Received start request. Starting profile...
12-02 15:09:41.200 8975 - I BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni classInitNative: succeeds
12-02 15:09:41.200 8975 - I bt_bluedroid get_profile_interface avrcp
12-02 15:09:41.205 8975 - E RemoteController Cannot set synchronization mode on an unregistered RemoteController
12-02 15:09:41.205 8975 - I BluetoothA2dpServiceJni classInitNative: succeeds
12-02 15:09:41.205 8975 - D A2dpStateMachine make
12-02 15:09:41.206 8975 - I bt_bluedroid get_profile_interface a2dp
12-02 15:09:41.206 8975 8993 I bt_btif_storage btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20000048
12-02 15:09:41.212 8975 - I BluetoothHidServiceJni classInitNative: succeeds
12-02 15:09:41.213 8975 - D BluetoothAdapterService getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:41.213 8975 9016 D A2dpStateMachine Enter Disconnected: -2
12-02 15:09:41.214 8975 - D HidService Received start request. Starting profile...
12-02 15:09:41.214 8975 - I bt_bluedroid get_profile_interface hidhost
12-02 15:09:41.214 8975 - D HidService setHidService(): set to: null
12-02 15:09:41.214 8975 8993 I bt_bta_hh BTA_HhEnable sec_mask:0x36 p_cback:0xb395e5f9
12-02 15:09:41.214 8975 8993 I bt_btif_storage btif_storage_get_adapter_property service_mask:0x20100048
12-02 15:09:41.215 8943 - D BluetoothInputDevice Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.215 8975 - I BluetoothHealthServiceJni classInitNative: succeeds
12-02 15:09:41.215 8943 - D HidProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.215 8975 - D BluetoothAdapterService getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:41.216 8975 - D HealthService Received start request. Starting profile...
12-02 15:09:41.217 8975 - I bt_bluedroid get_profile_interface health
12-02 15:09:41.218 8975 - I BluetoothPanServiceJni classInitNative(L105): succeeds
12-02 15:09:41.218 8975 - D BluetoothAdapterService getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:41.219 8943 - D BluetoothPan BluetoothPAN Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.219 8975 - D PanService Received start request. Starting profile...
12-02 15:09:41.219 8975 - D BluetoothPanServiceJni initializeNative(L110): pan
12-02 15:09:41.219 8975 - I bt_bluedroid get_profile_interface pan
12-02 15:09:41.220 8975 8993 D BluetoothPanServiceJni control_state_callback(L61): state:0, local_role:3, ifname:bt-pan
12-02 15:09:41.219 8943 - D PanProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.228 8975 - D BluetoothAdapterService getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:41.229 8943 - D BluetoothMap Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.230 8943 - D MapProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.230 8975 - D BluetoothMapService Received start request. Starting profile...
12-02 15:09:41.230 8975 - D BluetoothMapService start()
12-02 15:09:41.230 8943 - D BluetoothMap getConnectedDevices()
12-02 15:09:41.231 8943 - D BluetoothMap Bluetooth is Not enabled
12-02 15:09:41.232 8975 - D BluetoothMapAccountLoader Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_PROVIDER
12-02 15:09:41.233 8975 - D BluetoothMapAccountLoader Found 0 application(s) with intent android.bluetooth.action.BLUETOOTH_MAP_IM_PROVIDER
12-02 15:09:41.233 8975 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver createReceiver()
12-02 15:09:41.234 8975 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver initObservers()
12-02 15:09:41.234 8975 - D BluetoothMapAppObserver getEnabledAccountItems()
12-02 15:09:41.240 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.240 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=true
12-02 15:09:41.240 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:41.240 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.241 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=true
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 9008 D HeadsetPhoneState sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=0 mSignal=0 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=5
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=true
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=true
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:41.242 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=true
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isTurningOn()=true
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOn()=false
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 - V BluetoothAdapterState isBleTurningOff()=false
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterState Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 2
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterProperties ScanMode = 20
12-02 15:09:41.243 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterProperties State = 11
12-02 15:09:41.244 8975 8989 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Setting state to 12
12-02 15:09:41.244 8975 8989 I BluetoothAdapterState Bluetooth adapter state changed: 11-> 12
12-02 15:09:41.245 8975 8993 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Scan Mode:21
12-02 15:09:41.245 8943 8957 D BluetoothMap onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.245 8975 8989 I BluetoothAdapterState Entering OnState
12-02 15:09:41.245 8975 8993 D BluetoothAdapterProperties Discoverable Timeout:120
12-02 15:09:41.246 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.246 8943 8959 D BluetoothPbap onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.247 8943 8957 D BluetoothInputDevice onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.247 1701 1898 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.248 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.248 1365 1383 D BluetoothPan onBluetoothStateChange on: true
12-02 15:09:41.249 1365 - D BluetoothPan BluetoothPAN Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.249 1365 - D PanProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.250 1365 1811 D BluetoothInputDevice onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.251 1365 - D BluetoothInputDevice Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.251 1365 - D HidProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.252 8943 8959 D BluetoothPan onBluetoothStateChange on: true
12-02 15:09:41.256 1365 1377 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.256 1365 1383 D BluetoothMap onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.258 1365 - D BluetoothMap Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.258 1365 - D MapProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.258 1365 - D BluetoothMap getConnectedDevices()
12-02 15:09:41.258 1365 1811 D BluetoothPbap onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.259 1365 1377 D BluetoothA2dp onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.260 8975 - D BluetoothMapMasInstance0 Map Service startRfcommSocketListener
12-02 15:09:41.260 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothA2dp onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.260 8975 - D ObexServerSockets create(rfcomm = -2, l2capPsm = -2)
12-02 15:09:41.260 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothHeadset onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
12-02 15:09:41.261 8975 - W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:41.262 system_server 867 - I Telecom BluetoothPhoneService: queryPhoneState
12-02 15:09:41.265 8975 - W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:41.266 8975 - D ObexServerSockets Succeed to create listening sockets
12-02 15:09:41.266 8975 - D ObexServerSockets0 startAccept()
12-02 15:09:41.266 8975 - D ObexServerSockets0 prepareForNewConnect()
12-02 15:09:41.268 8975 - D BluetoothSdpJni sdpCreateMapMasRecordNative:
12-02 15:09:41.268 8975 - D BluetoothSdpJni SDP Create record success - handle: 0
12-02 15:09:41.269 system_server 867 - D BluetoothA2dp Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.269 8975 - D BluetoothMapService onReceive
12-02 15:09:41.269 8975 - D BluetoothMapService onReceive: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
12-02 15:09:41.269 8975 - D BluetoothMapService STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:41.270 8975 9023 D ObexServerSockets0 Accepting socket connection...
12-02 15:09:41.270 8975 9024 D ObexServerSockets0 Accepting socket connection...
12-02 15:09:41.269 8943 - D LocalBluetoothProfileManager Adding local A2DP profile
12-02 15:09:41.272 1365 - D BluetoothA2dp Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.290 8975 - D BluetoothMapMasInstance0 Map Service startRfcommSocketListener
12-02 15:09:41.290 8975 - D ObexServerSockets0 prepareForNewConnect()
12-02 15:09:41.291 8943 - D LocalBluetoothProfileManager Adding local HEADSET profile
12-02 15:09:41.293 1899 - I BeaconBle Building BLE scanner compat: 'L/M' hardware access layer is not available: Valid, but not requested.
12-02 15:09:41.293 1899 - I BeaconBle BLE 'JB+' software access layer enabled
12-02 15:09:41.300 8943 - W ContextImpl Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:581
12-02 15:09:41.302 1899 9032 D BluetoothAdapter startLeScan(): null
12-02 15:09:41.303 8943 - D BluetoothA2dp Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.304 1899 9032 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:41.306 8975 9021 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=ebaaf871-6182-42de-b5bf-ed44ec98b076
12-02 15:09:41.306 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=ebaaf871-6182-42de-b5bf-ed44ec98b076, clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:41.307 1899 1916 D BluetoothLeScanner onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:41.307 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService start scan with filters
12-02 15:09:41.308 8943 - D DockEventReceiver finishStartingService: stopping service
12-02 15:09:41.310 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager handling starting scan
12-02 15:09:41.311 8975 8996 D BluetoothAdapterService getAdapterService() - returning
12-02 15:09:41.312 1365 - D BluetoothPbap Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.312 1365 - D PbapServerProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.312 8943 - D BluetoothPbap Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.312 8943 - D PbapServerProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.313 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1
12-02 15:09:41.313 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:41.313 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0
12-02 15:09:41.315 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15
12-02 15:09:41.315 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:41.315 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1
12-02 15:09:41.315 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=-2147483648
12-02 15:09:41.315 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = 8000configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = 8000
12-02 15:09:41.315 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0
12-02 15:09:41.322 8975 9036 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:41.339 8975 9040 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:41.340 8975 9040 I BtOppRfcommListener Accept thread started.
12-02 15:09:41.347 system_server 867 - D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.347 system_server 867 - D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.347 1701 1985 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.347 system_server 867 - D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.348 1365 8192 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.348 1365 - D HeadsetProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.349 1701 1719 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.349 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.357 1365 1377 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.357 1365 - D HeadsetProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.361 system_server 867 884 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.398 8943 8957 D BluetoothHeadset Proxy object connected
12-02 15:09:41.398 8943 - D HeadsetProfile Bluetooth service connected
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: State changed:
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi Direct supported: true
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth LE multiple advertisement supported: SUPPORTED
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi enabled: true
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth enabled: true
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is connected/connecting to active network: true
12-02 15:09:41.606 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - active network type is Wi-Fi: true
12-02 15:09:41.620 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension notifyNetworkChanged: BLE: ON, Bluetooth: ON, Wi-Fi: ON, cellular: DO_NOT_CARE, BSSID name: e4:f4:c6:05:32:14, SSID name: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"
12-02 15:09:41.632 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitorTest Starting test: testIsWifiEnabled
12-02 15:09:41.636 system_server 867 1610 D WifiService setWifiEnabled: false pid=8838, uid=10000
12-02 15:09:41.636 system_server 867 1610 E WifiService Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
12-02 15:09:41.642 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: No relevant state changes
12-02 15:09:41.658 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant 1329 - I wpa_supplicant wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=e4:f4:c6:05:32:14 reason=3 locally_generated=1
12-02 15:09:41.662 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine WifiStateMachine: Leaving Connected state
12-02 15:09:41.662 system_server 867 1303 D IpReachabilityMonitor clear: iface{wlan0/5}, v{4}, ntable=[]
12-02 15:09:41.662 system_server 867 1303 D WifiNative-HAL stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
12-02 15:09:41.662 system_server 867 1303 E WifiConfigStore saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"WPA_PSK to any
12-02 15:09:41.677 system_server 867 1812 D DhcpClient Clearing IP address
12-02 15:09:41.677 /system/bin/netd 371 865 D CommandListener Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
12-02 15:09:41.684 /system/bin/netd 371 865 D CommandListener Setting iface cfg
12-02 15:09:41.685 1899 8412 V NativeCrypto Read error: ssl=0x958a2100: I/O error during system call, Connection timed out
12-02 15:09:41.687 1899 8412 V NativeCrypto SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x958a2100: I/O error during system call, Broken pipe
12-02 15:09:41.688 1899 8412 E GCM Wifi connection closed with errorCode 20
12-02 15:09:41.689 system_server 867 8393 D DhcpClient Receive thread stopped
12-02 15:09:41.689 system_server 867 1755 D ConnectivityService reportNetworkConnectivity(103, false) by 10011
12-02 15:09:41.691 system_server 867 8391 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] Forcing reevaluation for UID 10011
12-02 15:09:41.693 system_server 867 8391 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] Probably not a portal: exception Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
12-02 15:09:41.694 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] validation failed
12-02 15:09:41.694 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
12-02 15:09:41.700 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService sendStickyBroadcast:
12-02 15:09:41.707 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED
12-02 15:09:41.707 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 6
12-02 15:09:41.709 com.test.thalitest 8838 8848 I art Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 101154(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 19(3MB) LOS objects, 31% free, 28MB/41MB, paused 895us total 102.236ms
12-02 15:09:41.714 /system/bin/cnd 403 - E Parcel Reading a NULL string not supported here.
12-02 15:09:41.715 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine Start Disconnecting Watchdog 4
12-02 15:09:41.716 system_server 867 1303 D WifiNative-HAL stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
12-02 15:09:41.719 /system/bin/netd 371 865 D CommandListener Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
12-02 15:09:41.726 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-02 15:09:41.726 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService notifyType LOST for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103]
12-02 15:09:41.727 1899 2317 W Settings Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
12-02 15:09:41.730 system_server 867 1303 D WifiNetworkAgent NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
12-02 15:09:41.751 com.example.ThaliTestApp 7018 - E JX-Cordova JXcore wasn't initialized yet
12-02 15:09:41.759 1899 3866 W ContentTaskController Invalid newTask was provided to startTracking.
12-02 15:09:41.764 /system/bin/netd 371 865 V IdletimerController runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -D idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
12-02 15:09:41.784 /system/bin/netd 371 865 V IdletimerController runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -D idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
12-02 15:09:41.785 system_server 867 1305 D CSLegacyTypeTracker Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] isDefaultNetwork=true
12-02 15:09:41.785 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService sendStickyBroadcast:
12-02 15:09:41.788 system_server 867 884 D Tethering MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
12-02 15:09:41.797 2994 - D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect Network connectivity changed, type is: 6
12-02 15:09:41.800 3638 3661 D RcsStack a: processConnectivityIntent(): mNetworkInfo=[type: WIFI[], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true] isConnected=false mState=DISCONNECTED
12-02 15:09:41.837 system_server 867 1663 I ActivityManager Start proc for broadcast
12-02 15:09:41.848 /system/bin/netd 371 865 E Netd netlink response contains error (No such file or directory)
12-02 15:09:41.848 system_server 867 1305 E ConnectivityService EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED from unknown NetworkAgent
12-02 15:09:41.848 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService setProvNotificationVisibleIntent null visible=false networkType=MOBILE extraInfo=null highPriority=false
12-02 15:09:41.871 2194 4437 W Herrevad Invalid mccmnc
12-02 15:09:41.872 2194 4437 W Herrevad Invalid mccmnc
12-02 15:09:41.872 9052 - W ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/SprintDM/lib/arm
12-02 15:09:41.877 9052 - D Received intent:
12-02 15:09:41.883 9052 - D simOperator:
12-02 15:09:41.884 9052 - D Not Sprint UICC, don't do anything.
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: State changed:
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi Direct supported: true
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth LE multiple advertisement supported: SUPPORTED
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi enabled: false
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth enabled: true
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - BSSID name: null
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - SSID name: null
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is connected/connecting to active network: false
12-02 15:09:42.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - active network type is Wi-Fi: false
12-02 15:09:42.160 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension notifyNetworkChanged: BLE: ON, Bluetooth: ON, Wi-Fi: OFF, cellular: DO_NOT_CARE, BSSID name: null, SSID name: null
12-02 15:09:42.162 system_server 867 3323 D WifiService setWifiEnabled: true pid=8838, uid=10000
12-02 15:09:42.162 system_server 867 3323 E WifiService Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
12-02 15:09:42.166 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Loading config and enabling all networks
12-02 15:09:42.166 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: No relevant state changes
12-02 15:09:42.180 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore loaded 0 passpoint configs
12-02 15:09:42.181 system_server 867 1303 W WifiConfigStore Upgrading network 1 to android.uid.system:1000
12-02 15:09:42.188 system_server 867 1303 W WifiConfigStore Upgrading network 0 to android.uid.system:1000
12-02 15:09:42.189 system_server 867 1303 E WifiConfigStore readAutoJoinStatus: Error parsing /data/misc/wifi/autojoinconfig.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
12-02 15:09:42.189 system_server 867 1303 E WifiConfigStore buildPnoList sortedWifiConfigurations size 2
12-02 15:09:42.190 system_server 867 1303 E WifiConfigStore found sortedWifiConfigurations : ""NONE
12-02 15:09:42.190 system_server 867 1303 E WifiConfigStore found sortedWifiConfigurations : "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"WPA_PSK
12-02 15:09:42.208 /system/bin/netd 371 865 W CommandListener Failed to retrieve HW addr for p2p0 (No such device)
12-02 15:09:42.209 /system/bin/netd 371 865 D CommandListener Setting iface cfg
12-02 15:09:42.210 system_server 867 1302 E WifiP2pService Unable to change interface settings: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '202 interface setcfg p2p0 0 up' failed with '400 202 Failed to set address (No such device)'
12-02 15:09:42.210 system_server 867 1302 D WifiMonitor startMonitoring(p2p0) with mConnected = true
12-02 15:09:42.217 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-02 15:09:42.217 system_server 867 1302 D WifiNative-HAL p2pGetDeviceAddress
12-02 15:09:42.217 system_server 867 1302 D WifiNative-HAL p2pGetDeviceAddress returning 46:80:eb:1d:5c:5b
12-02 15:09:42.219 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor updateConnectivityInfo: State changed:
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi Direct supported: true
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth LE multiple advertisement supported: SUPPORTED
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Wi-Fi enabled: true
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is Bluetooth enabled: true
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - BSSID name: null
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - SSID name: null
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - is connected/connecting to active network: false
12-02 15:09:42.677 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor - active network type is Wi-Fi: false
12-02 15:09:42.684 com.test.thalitest 8838 8941 D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension notifyNetworkChanged: BLE: ON, Bluetooth: ON, Wi-Fi: ON, cellular: DO_NOT_CARE, BSSID name: null, SSID name: null
12-02 15:09:42.689 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter enable(): BT is already enabled..!
12-02 15:09:42.690 system_server 867 1755 D WifiService setWifiEnabled: true pid=8838, uid=10000
12-02 15:09:42.690 system_server 867 1755 E WifiService Invoking mWifiStateMachine.setWifiEnabled
12-02 15:09:42.691 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager dispose
12-02 15:09:42.692 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: false
12-02 15:09:42.692 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector shutdown: Shutting down...
12-02 15:09:42.692 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings removeListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@8855b23 removed from the list
12-02 15:09:42.693 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager dispose
12-02 15:09:42.693 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings removeListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@29ea820 removed from the list
12-02 15:09:42.693 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor stop
12-02 15:09:42.698 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.IncomingSocketThreadTest Starting test: testSetTcpPortNumber
12-02 15:09:42.701 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.IncomingSocketThreadTest Starting test: testGetTcpPortNumber
12-02 15:09:42.704 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.IncomingSocketThreadTest Starting test: testGetLocalHostPort
12-02 15:09:42.707 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.IncomingSocketThreadTest Starting test: testConstructor
12-02 15:09:42.708 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: testOnActivityCreated
12-02 15:09:42.709 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityCreated: Bundle[{}]
12-02 15:09:42.709 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: testOnActivityResumed
12-02 15:09:42.710 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityResumed
12-02 15:09:42.710 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: constructor
12-02 15:09:42.712 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: testOnActivitySaveInstanceState
12-02 15:09:42.712 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivitySaveInstanceState: com.test.thalitest.MainActivity@d40286b Bundle[{}]
12-02 15:09:42.713 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: testStartStop
12-02 15:09:42.713 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor start: OK
12-02 15:09:42.713 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor stop: OK
12-02 15:09:42.714 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: testOnActivityStarted
12-02 15:09:42.714 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityStarted
12-02 15:09:42.715 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: testOnActivityStopped
12-02 15:09:42.715 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityStopped
12-02 15:09:42.715 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: testOnActivityDestroyed
12-02 15:09:42.716 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityDestroyed
12-02 15:09:42.716 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitorTest Starting test: testOnActivityPaused
12-02 15:09:42.717 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityPaused
12-02 15:09:42.718 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ListenerOrIncomingConnectionTest Starting test: testToString
12-02 15:09:42.719 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ListenerOrIncomingConnectionTest Starting test: testToJsonObject
12-02 15:09:42.720 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ListenerOrIncomingConnectionTest Starting test: testConstructorWithParameters
12-02 15:09:42.721 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ListenerOrIncomingConnectionTest Starting test: testSetListeningOnPortNumber
12-02 15:09:42.722 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ListenerOrIncomingConnectionTest Starting test: testGetListeningOnPortNumber
12-02 15:09:42.723 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.ListenerOrIncomingConnectionTest Starting test: testDefaultConstructor
12-02 15:09:42.724 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.OutgoingSocketThreadTest Starting test: testClose
12-02 15:09:42.726 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.OutgoingSocketThreadTest Starting test: testNoAvailablePorts
12-02 15:09:43.071 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine shouldSwitchNetwork txSuccessRate=688.62 rxSuccessRate=2723.19 delta 1000 -> 1
12-02 15:09:43.080 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine CMD_AUTO_CONNECT sup state ScanState my state DisconnectedState nid=1 roam=3
12-02 15:09:43.080 system_server 867 1303 E WifiConfigStore saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"WPA_PSK to any
12-02 15:09:43.104 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine CMD_AUTO_CONNECT will save config -> "Sheepynet (5 GHz)" nid=1
12-02 15:09:43.173 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine CMD_AUTO_CONNECT did save config -> nid=1
12-02 15:09:43.175 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant 1329 - I wpa_supplicant wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'Sheepynet (5 GHz)'
12-02 15:09:43.326 1899 9032 D BluetoothAdapter stopLeScan()
12-02 15:09:43.331 1899 9032 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:43.335 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService stopScan() - queue size =1
12-02 15:09:43.337 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager stop scan
12-02 15:09:43.337 8975 9021 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:43.382 system_server 867 3323 I ActivityManager Killing (adj 15): empty #17
12-02 15:09:43.464 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: SAHARA_HELLO: hw_info = 0x01030610, pwrup_reason = 0x00004000
12-02 15:09:43.464 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock
12-02 15:09:43.476 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16
12-02 15:09:43.476 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:43.477 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0
12-02 15:09:43.477 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=2
12-02 15:09:43.477 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped
12-02 15:09:43.495 /system/bin/ks 970 - E kickstart ERROR: function: open_file:195 filename = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs2
12-02 15:09:43.495 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Opening file '/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs2' for writing
12-02 15:09:43.507 1899 9032 D BluetoothAdapter startLeScan(): null
12-02 15:09:43.510 1899 9032 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:43.513 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=f01fdc41-a1c7-40e5-bbe5-c28eb58cff24
12-02 15:09:43.513 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=f01fdc41-a1c7-40e5-bbe5-c28eb58cff24, clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:43.514 1899 2235 D BluetoothLeScanner onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:43.514 8975 8986 D BtGatt.GattService start scan with filters
12-02 15:09:43.522 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager handling starting scan
12-02 15:09:43.541 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1
12-02 15:09:43.541 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:43.541 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0
12-02 15:09:43.553 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15
12-02 15:09:43.553 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:43.554 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1
12-02 15:09:43.554 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=-2147483648
12-02 15:09:43.554 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = 8000configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = 8000
12-02 15:09:43.557 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0
12-02 15:09:43.581 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant 1329 - I wpa_supplicant wlan0: Associated with e4:f4:c6:05:32:14
12-02 15:09:43.610 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant 1329 - I wpa_supplicant wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with e4:f4:c6:05:32:14 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
12-02 15:09:43.610 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant 1329 - I wpa_supplicant wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to e4:f4:c6:05:32:14 completed [id=1 id_str=]
12-02 15:09:43.617 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-02 15:09:43.623 system_server 867 1303 D ConnectivityService registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{104} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]} Score{20} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
12-02 15:09:43.623 system_server 867 1303 E WifiConfigStore saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"WPA_PSK to any
12-02 15:09:43.624 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
12-02 15:09:43.640 system_server 867 1303 E WifiConfigStore saveWifiConfigBSSID Setting BSSID for "Sheepynet (5 GHz)"WPA_PSK to any
12-02 15:09:43.651 /system/bin/netd 371 865 D CommandListener Setting iface cfg
12-02 15:09:43.652 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine Start Dhcp Watchdog 5
12-02 15:09:43.666 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104] to 60
12-02 15:09:43.669 system_server 867 1303 D IpReachabilityMonitor watch: iface{wlan0/5}, v{1}, ntable=[]
12-02 15:09:43.682 system_server 867 9075 D DhcpClient Receive thread started
12-02 15:09:43.730 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.OutgoingSocketThreadTest Starting test: testGetListeningOnPortNumber
12-02 15:09:43.733 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.OutgoingSocketThreadTest Starting test: testConstructor
12-02 15:09:43.738 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBaseTest Starting test: testGetListener
12-02 15:09:43.741 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBaseTest Starting test: testSetPeerProperties
12-02 15:09:43.744 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBaseTest Starting test: testClose
12-02 15:09:43.744 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBase close: Complete (thread ID: 723)
12-02 15:09:43.747 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBaseTest Starting test: testCloseLocalSocketAndStreams
12-02 15:09:43.747 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBase close: Closing the localhost socket...
12-02 15:09:43.747 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBase close: Complete (thread ID: 724)
12-02 15:09:43.748 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBaseTest Starting test: testGetPeerProperties
12-02 15:09:43.749 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBaseTest Starting test: testEquals
12-02 15:09:43.750 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.SocketThreadBaseTest Starting test: testGetLocalHostAddressAsString
12-02 15:09:43.750 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings load: Already loaded
12-02 15:09:43.751 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@c524b9e added. We now have 3 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:43.752 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.AbstractBluetoothConnectivityAgent verifyIdentityString: One or more of the following values are invalid: Peer name: "<no peer name>", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:43.753 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector BluetoothConnector: Bluetooth name: Thali_Bluetooth, service record UUID: fa87c0d0-afac-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66
12-02 15:09:43.753 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector setIdentityString:
12-02 15:09:43.753 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings load: Already loaded
12-02 15:09:43.753 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings addListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@c48867f added. We now have 3 listener(s)
12-02 15:09:43.753 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.utils.PeerModel addListener: New listener added - the number of listeners is now 1
12-02 15:09:43.754 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setDiscoveryMode: Discovery mode BLE is supported
12-02 15:09:43.761 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandlerTest Starting test: testCancelCurrentOperation
12-02 15:09:43.761 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandlerTest Starting test: testExecuteStopOperation
12-02 15:09:43.762 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler updateBeaconAdExtraInformation: New value: 45
12-02 15:09:43.762 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setBeaconAdExtraInformation: 44 -> 45
12-02 15:09:43.764 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.764 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.765 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.765 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:43.765 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:43.766 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:43.766 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:43.766 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager initialize: My bluetooth address is 44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:43.768 system_server 867 1303 E native do suspend false
12-02 15:09:43.774 9009 - W Binder_3 type=1400 audit(0.0:329): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[55438]" dev="sockfs" ino=55438 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:43.777 9009 - W Binder_3 type=1400 audit(0.0:330): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[55438]" dev="sockfs" ino=55438 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:43.771 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector startListeningForIncomingConnections: Starting...
12-02 15:09:43.772 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: true
12-02 15:09:43.772 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : true, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:43.772 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: NOT_STARTED -> RUNNING
12-02 15:09:43.772 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections: OK
12-02 15:09:43.772 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: true
12-02 15:09:43.772 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:43.772 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:43.773 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: RUNNING
12-02 15:09:43.774 com.test.thalitest 8838 9076 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Entering thread
12-02 15:09:43.776 com.test.thalitest 8838 9076 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:43.779 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer
12-02 15:09:43.779 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Received a request for permission "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", but we are expecting that all the required permissions have already been granted
12-02 15:09:43.779 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager getBlePeerDiscovererInstanceAndCheckBluetoothMacAddress: Constructing...
12-02 15:09:43.781 com.test.thalitest 8838 9076 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Waiting for incoming connections...
12-02 15:09:43.785 system_server 867 1812 D DhcpClient Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
12-02 15:09:43.789 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.789 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings: Mode: 2, Tx power level: 3, timeout: 0, is connectable: false
12-02 15:09:43.790 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner applyAdditionalMarshmallowSettings
12-02 15:09:43.790 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setScanSettings: Mode: 2, report delay in milliseconds: 500, scan result type: 0
12-02 15:09:43.790 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer beacon extra : 45
12-02 15:09:43.793 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.794 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.794 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Starting...
12-02 15:09:43.794 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: createAdvertiseDataToServiceData
12-02 15:09:43.794 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service UUID: "b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:43.794 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service data (length is 7 bytes): 2D 44 80 EB 1D 5C 5A
12-02 15:09:43.794 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Created: AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[45, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:43.795 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: created AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[45, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:43.795 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.795 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: was started = false
12-02 15:09:43.795 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: advertiseData = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[45, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:43.795 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData finished: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.795 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: state = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.795 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Starting... adv data = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[45, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.796 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:43.800 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=0e297177-2bd3-4cce-9f25-47ab68340c0d
12-02 15:09:43.801 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=0e297177-2bd3-4cce-9f25-47ab68340c0d, clientIf=6
12-02 15:09:43.801 com.test.thalitest 8838 8849 D BluetoothLeAdvertiser onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=6
12-02 15:09:43.804 8975 8995 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 0
12-02 15:09:43.813 8975 8995 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager starting multi advertising
12-02 15:09:43.832 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceEnabled() - clientIf=6, status=0
12-02 15:09:43.838 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseDataSet() - clientIf=6, status=0
12-02 15:09:43.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Started advertisment Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = NOT_STARTED, new = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from NOT_STARTED to STARTING
12-02 15:09:43.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged default (no call to listener). Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: return, state = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.839 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start returned: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.840 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser started = true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.840 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer: OK
12-02 15:09:43.841 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: OK
12-02 15:09:43.841 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.842 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.843 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.843 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:43.843 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:43.843 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser onStartSuccess : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.843 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = STARTING, new = RUNNINGCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.843 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from STARTING to RUNNING
12-02 15:09:43.843 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = true. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: trueCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [NOT_STARTED] to [ADVERTISING]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [NOT_STARTED] -> [ADVERTISING] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.844 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.847 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.847 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:43.848 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.848 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:43.848 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:44.328 1899 9032 D BluetoothAdapter stopLeScan()
12-02 15:09:44.335 1899 9032 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:44.337 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService stopScan() - queue size =1
12-02 15:09:44.340 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager stop scan
12-02 15:09:44.340 8975 8986 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:44.342 1899 9032 I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:09:44.349 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: false, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:44.350 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:44.350 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler processCurrentOperationStatus: Operation successfully executed
12-02 15:09:44.393 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16
12-02 15:09:44.393 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:44.393 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0
12-02 15:09:44.394 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=2
12-02 15:09:44.394 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped
12-02 15:09:44.464 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Received file 'm9kefs2'
12-02 15:09:44.464 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: 950272 bytes transferred in 0.968696 seconds
12-02 15:09:44.465 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Successfully downloaded files from target
12-02 15:09:44.466 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock
12-02 15:09:44.468 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Sahara protocol completed
12-02 15:09:44.626 system_server 867 9075 D DhcpClient Received packet: 44:80:eb:1d:5c:5b OFFER, ip /, mask /, DNS servers: / , gateways [/] lease time 85773, domain null
12-02 15:09:44.627 system_server 867 1812 D DhcpClient Got pending lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 85773 seconds
12-02 15:09:44.633 system_server 867 1812 D DhcpClient Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid=
12-02 15:09:44.707 system_server 867 9075 D DhcpClient Received packet: 44:80:eb:1d:5c:5b ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 86400
12-02 15:09:44.708 system_server 867 1812 D DhcpClient Confirmed lease: IP address Gateway DNS servers: [ ] Domains DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 86400 seconds
12-02 15:09:44.715 /system/bin/netd 371 865 D CommandListener Setting iface cfg
12-02 15:09:44.729 system_server 867 1812 D DhcpClient Scheduling renewal in 43199s
12-02 15:09:44.730 system_server 867 1303 D IpReachabilityMonitor watch: iface{wlan0/5}, v{2}, ntable=[]
12-02 15:09:44.746 system_server 867 1303 D IpReachabilityMonitor watch: iface{wlan0/5}, v{3}, ntable=[]
12-02 15:09:44.751 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore No blacklist allowed without epno enabled
12-02 15:09:44.751 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104]
12-02 15:09:44.752 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
12-02 15:09:44.754 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService Adding iface wlan0 to network 104
12-02 15:09:44.757 system_server 867 1303 E WifiStateMachine Did not find remoteAddress {} in /proc/net/arp
12-02 15:09:44.810 system_server 867 1305 E ConnectivityService Unexpected mtu value: 0, wlan0
12-02 15:09:44.810 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService Adding Route [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0] to network 104
12-02 15:09:44.812 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 104
12-02 15:09:44.813 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService Adding Route [ -> wlan0] to network 104
12-02 15:09:44.815 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService Setting Dns servers for network 104 to [/]
12-02 15:09:44.827 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService notifyType IP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104]
12-02 15:09:44.832 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService scheduleUnvalidatedPrompt 104
12-02 15:09:44.833 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService updateSignalStrengthThresholds: CONNECT, sending [] to NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104]
12-02 15:09:44.833 system_server 867 1303 D WifiNetworkAgent NetworkAgent: Received signal strength thresholds: []
12-02 15:09:44.833 system_server 867 1303 D WifiNative-HAL stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
12-02 15:09:44.833 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService rematch for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104]
12-02 15:09:44.833 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService accepting network in place of null
12-02 15:09:44.835 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true]} network{104} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::4680:ebff:fe1d:5c5b/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -36]} Score{20} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
12-02 15:09:44.843 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5863086,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
12-02 15:09:44.856 system_server 867 9073 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104] Checking on "Sheepynet (5 GHz)",,2607:f8b0:400a:807::200e
12-02 15:09:44.867 /system/bin/netd 371 865 V IdletimerController runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
12-02 15:09:44.871 system_server 867 9073 D NetworkMonitor/NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104] isCaptivePortal: ret=204 headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Content-Length=[0], Date=[Fri, 02 Dec 2016 23:09:44 GMT], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1480720184869], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1480720184864]}
12-02 15:09:44.899 /system/bin/netd 371 865 V IdletimerController runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -A idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
12-02 15:09:44.902 system_server 867 1305 D CSLegacyTypeTracker Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104] isDefaultNetwork=true
12-02 15:09:44.902 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService sendStickyBroadcast:
12-02 15:09:44.905 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService notifyType PRECHECK for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104]
12-02 15:09:44.907 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService setProvNotificationVisibleIntent null visible=false networkType=MOBILE extraInfo=null highPriority=false
12-02 15:09:44.907 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104] validation passed
12-02 15:09:44.908 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104]
12-02 15:09:44.909 system_server 867 884 D Tethering MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3
12-02 15:09:44.922 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService sendStickyBroadcast:
12-02 15:09:44.936 3638 3661 D RcsStack a: processConnectivityIntent(): mNetworkInfo=[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Sheepynet (5 GHz)", roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true] isConnected=true mState=CONNECTED
12-02 15:09:44.937 3638 - D RcsService Never provisioned and consent not granted, skipped config update request
12-02 15:09:44.938 2994 - D NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect Network connectivity changed, type is: 2
12-02 15:09:44.939 9052 - D SprintDMReceiver Received intent:
12-02 15:09:44.958 9052 - D SprintDMHelper simOperator:
12-02 15:09:44.958 9052 - D SprintDMReceiver Not Sprint UICC, don't do anything.
12-02 15:09:45.000 com.example.ThaliTestApp 7018 - E JX-Cordova JXcore wasn't initialized yet
12-02 15:09:45.032 1899 - W ContentTaskController Invalid task was provided to stopTracking.
12-02 15:09:45.048 2194 8628 W Herrevad Invalid mccmnc
12-02 15:09:45.053 2194 8628 W Herrevad Invalid mccmnc
12-02 15:09:45.116 system_server 867 880 I ActivityManager Start proc for broadcast
12-02 15:09:45.563 9099 - I TeleModule.onApplicationCreate
12-02 15:09:45.573 9099 9119 I MmsConfig: mnc/mcc: 310/0
12-02 15:09:45.573 9099 9119 I MmsConfig.loadMmsSettings
12-02 15:09:45.580 9099 9119 I MmsConfig.loadDeviceMmsSettings from API: mUserAgent=nexus6, mUaProfUrl=
12-02 15:09:45.580 9099 9119 I MmsConfig.loadFromDatabase
12-02 15:09:45.610 9099 9119 E canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc
12-02 15:09:45.610 9099 9119 I MmsConfig.loadFromResources
12-02 15:09:45.616 9099 9119 E canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc nullnull
12-02 15:09:45.617 9099 9119 I MmsConfig.loadMmsSettings: mUserAgent=nexus6, mUaProfUrl=
12-02 15:09:45.619 9099 - I wrapCrashReportingIntoUncaughtExceptionHandler
12-02 15:09:45.622 9099 - I Startup - clean
12-02 15:09:45.636 9099 9124 I isMemoryEnabled=false
12-02 15:09:45.636 9099 9124 I isTimerEnabled=false
12-02 15:09:45.637 9099 9124 I isCrashCounterEnabled=true
12-02 15:09:45.641 9099 9124 I primesPackageConfigurationsProvider=false
12-02 15:09:45.720 9099 - I startMemoryMonitor
12-02 15:09:45.733 system_server 867 3323 I ActivityManager Killing (adj 15): empty #17
12-02 15:09:45.798 system_server 867 1744 D CryptdConnector SND -> {42 cryptfs cryptocomplete}
12-02 15:09:45.799 /system/bin/vold 254 269 I Ext4Crypt ext4 crypto complete called on /data
12-02 15:09:45.800 /system/bin/vold 254 269 I Ext4Crypt No master key, so not ext4enc
12-02 15:09:45.804 system_server 867 1293 D CryptdConnector RCV <- {200 42 0}
12-02 15:09:45.805 system_server 867 1744 D CryptdConnector SND -> {43 cryptfs getpwtype}
12-02 15:09:45.806 /system/bin/vold 254 269 D VoldCryptCmdListener cryptfs getpwtype
12-02 15:09:45.806 /system/bin/vold 254 269 I Ext4Crypt ext4 crypto complete called on /data
12-02 15:09:45.807 /system/bin/vold 254 269 I Ext4Crypt No master key, so not ext4enc
12-02 15:09:45.835 system_server 867 1293 D CryptdConnector RCV <- {213 43 default}
12-02 15:09:45.903 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService NetTransition Wakelock (NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 103] cleared because we found a replacement network
12-02 15:09:46.692 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 104]
12-02 15:09:47.346 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true - Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:47.347 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:47.347 1899 9031 I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:09:47.347 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager stopListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:47.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector stopListeningForIncomingConnections: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:47.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread shutdown
12-02 15:09:47.349 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: 1 listener(s) left
12-02 15:09:47.349 com.test.thalitest 8838 9076 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread closeBluetoothServerSocket: Bluetooth server socket closed
12-02 15:09:47.349 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:47.350 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: RUNNING -> NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:47.350 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager cancelAllConnectionAttempts
12-02 15:09:47.350 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stop: Stopping peer discovery...
12-02 15:09:47.351 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.351 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart. RUNNING_BLE
12-02 15:09:47.352 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.BluetoothMacAddressResolutionHelper stopProvideBluetoothMacAddressMode
12-02 15:09:47.352 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:47.352 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScannerAndAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.353 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.350 com.test.thalitest 8838 9076 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Exiting thread
12-02 15:09:47.353 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScanner: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.354 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.353 com.test.thalitest 8838 9076 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector onServerStopped: Was explicitly stopped: true
12-02 15:09:47.356 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:47.357 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: scan results are flushed
12-02 15:09:47.359 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:47.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothLeScanner could not find callback wrapper
12-02 15:09:47.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:47.361 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner set state: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.361 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop finished, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.362 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser:Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.362 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:47.363 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.371 8975 8995 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 1
12-02 15:09:47.372 8975 8995 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager stop advertise for client 6
12-02 15:09:47.380 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceDisabled() - clientIf=6, status=0
12-02 15:09:47.381 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService Client app is not null!
12-02 15:09:47.381 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=6
12-02 15:09:47.382 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:47.382 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = RUNNING, new = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.382 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from RUNNING to NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:47.383 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = false. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.383 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.383 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop finished. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.383 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopBlePeerDiscoverer: Stopped
12-02 15:09:47.383 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:47.384 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:47.384 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.386 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.386 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:47.386 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.386 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.387 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:47.387 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler processCurrentOperationStatus: Operation successfully executed
12-02 15:09:47.387 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:47.387 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:47.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: false
12-02 15:09:47.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: false
12-02 15:09:47.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: falseCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:47.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:47.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [ADVERTISING] to [NOT_STARTED]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.389 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.389 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:47.389 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [ADVERTISING] -> [NOT_STARTED] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.389 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.390 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandlerTest Starting test: testCheckCurrentOperationStatus
12-02 15:09:47.390 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should affect listening to advertisements only
12-02 15:09:47.391 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should affect listening to advertisements only
12-02 15:09:47.391 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Start operation: Should affect listening to advertisements only
12-02 15:09:47.394 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.394 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.394 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.394 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: true, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:47.394 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:47.394 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager initialize: My bluetooth address is 44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A
12-02 15:09:47.396 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:47.399 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer
12-02 15:09:47.399 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Received a request for permission "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", but we are expecting that all the required permissions have already been granted
12-02 15:09:47.399 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager getBlePeerDiscovererInstanceAndCheckBluetoothMacAddress: Constructing...
12-02 15:09:47.403 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.403 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings: Mode: 2, Tx power level: 3, timeout: 0, is connectable: false
12-02 15:09:47.404 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner applyAdditionalMarshmallowSettings
12-02 15:09:47.404 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setScanSettings: Mode: 2, report delay in milliseconds: 500, scan result type: 0
12-02 15:09:47.404 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer beacon extra : 45
12-02 15:09:47.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startScanner: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.408 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startScanner: Starting...
12-02 15:09:47.409 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoveryUtils createScanFilter: No service UUID, use manufacturer ID: true
12-02 15:09:47.409 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoveryUtils manufacturer ID: 7413
12-02 15:09:47.409 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoveryUtils createScanFilter: BluetoothLeScanFilter [mDeviceName=null, mDeviceAddress=null, mUuid=null, mUuidMask=null, mServiceDataUuid=null, mServiceData=null, mServiceDataMask=null, mManufacturerId=7413, mManufacturerData=null, mManufacturerDataMask=null]
12-02 15:09:47.410 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner start: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.410 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:47.413 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=86d84b71-de17-4767-9341-0f967144a2a6
12-02 15:09:47.413 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=86d84b71-de17-4767-9341-0f967144a2a6, clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:47.414 com.test.thalitest 8838 8852 D BluetoothLeScanner onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:47.414 8975 8986 D BtGatt.GattService start scan with filters
12-02 15:09:47.416 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner start: scan started
12-02 15:09:47.416 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager handling starting scan
12-02 15:09:47.417 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner set state: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.417 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setState: State changed from NOT_STARTED to RUNNING
12-02 15:09:47.417 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner notifyScannerStateChanged: started = true. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.418 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsScannerStartedChanged: trueCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.420 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer: OK
12-02 15:09:47.421 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.421 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [SCANNING]
12-02 15:09:47.421 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:47.421 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.421 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [NOT_STARTED] to [SCANNING]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.421 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.421 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [NOT_STARTED] -> [SCANNING] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.422 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: OK
12-02 15:09:47.422 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.423 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1
12-02 15:09:47.423 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:47.424 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureFilterParamter 1500 10000 4 0
12-02 15:09:47.424 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.424 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:47.424 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.424 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:47.425 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.427 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.428 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.428 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:47.428 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:47.429 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15
12-02 15:09:47.429 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:47.430 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager Starting BLE batch scan
12-02 15:09:47.430 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configuring batch scan storage, appIf 5
12-02 15:09:47.440 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanStorageConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:47.440 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:47.446 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanStartStopped() - clientIf=5, status=0, startStopAction=1
12-02 15:09:47.446 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:47.929 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: true, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:47.929 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should affect listening to advertisements only
12-02 15:09:47.930 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler processCurrentOperationStatus: Operation successfully executed
12-02 15:09:48.524 2194 2201 W SQLiteConnectionPool A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/0/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed.
12-02 15:09:48.524 2194 2201 W SQLiteConnectionPool A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/0/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed.
12-02 15:09:48.524 2194 2201 W SQLiteConnectionPool A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/0/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed.
12-02 15:09:48.954 8975 - D BtGatt.ScanManager awakened up at time 5867197
12-02 15:09:48.961 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager flushPendingBatchResults - clientIf = 5
12-02 15:09:48.986 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanReports() - clientIf=5, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=1
12-02 15:09:48.986 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:48.987 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService current time is 5867229870377
12-02 15:09:48.987 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService Batch record : [2, -9, 3, 126, 79, -48, 0, -128, -106, 1, 0, 15, 2, 1, 26, 11, -1, 76, 0, 9, 6, 3, 1, -64, -88, 0, 10, 0]
12-02 15:09:48.988 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService ScanRecord : [2, 1, 26, 11, -1, 76, 0, 9, 6, 3, 1, -64, -88, 0, 10]
12-02 15:09:48.992 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner onBatchScanResults: results count = 1. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:48.992 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner onBatchScanResults. scan = ScanResult{mDevice=D0:4F:7E:03:F7:02, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=26, mServiceUuids=null, mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[9, 6, 3, 1, -64, -88, 0, 10]}, mServiceData={}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=null], mRssi=-106, mTimestampNanos=5867180244179}
12-02 15:09:48.993 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer checkScanResult: ScanResult{mDevice=D0:4F:7E:03:F7:02, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=26, mServiceUuids=null, mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[9, 6, 3, 1, -64, -88, 0, 10]}, mServiceData={}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=null], mRssi=-106, mTimestampNanos=5867180244179}
12-02 15:09:50.428 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandlerTest Starting test: testExecuteStartOperation
12-02 15:09:50.429 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler updateBeaconAdExtraInformation: New value: 46
12-02 15:09:50.429 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings setBeaconAdExtraInformation: 45 -> 46
12-02 15:09:50.430 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.431 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.431 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onAdvertiseScanSettingsChanged: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings:
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Manufacturer ID: 7413
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Beacon ad length and type: 533
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Beacon ad extra information: 46
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Advertisement data type: DO_NOT_CARE
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Advertise mode: 2
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Advertise TX power level: 3
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Scan mode: 2
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Scan report delay in milliseconds: 500
12-02 15:09:50.432 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer - Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.435 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer beacon extra : 46
12-02 15:09:50.435 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: advertiserWasStarted false Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.436 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.436 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseSettings: Mode: 2, Tx power level: 3, timeout: 0, is connectable: false
12-02 15:09:50.437 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner applyAdditionalMarshmallowSettings
12-02 15:09:50.439 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: scannerWasStarted true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.441 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: stop scanner Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.442 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.444 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:50.446 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService flushPendingBatchResults - clientIf=5, isServer=false
12-02 15:09:50.447 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: scan results are flushed
12-02 15:09:50.449 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:50.454 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager flushPendingBatchResults - clientIf = 5
12-02 15:09:50.455 8975 9021 D BtGatt.GattService stopScan() - queue size =1
12-02 15:09:50.456 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:50.457 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:50.457 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner set state: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.457 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setState: State changed from RUNNING to NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:50.458 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop finished, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.458 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setScanSettings: Mode: 2, report delay in milliseconds: 500, scan result type: 0
12-02 15:09:50.458 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: start scanner Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.458 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startScanner: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.458 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startScanner: Starting...
12-02 15:09:50.458 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoveryUtils createScanFilter: No service UUID, use manufacturer ID: true
12-02 15:09:50.458 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoveryUtils manufacturer ID: 7413
12-02 15:09:50.458 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoveryUtils createScanFilter: BluetoothLeScanFilter [mDeviceName=null, mDeviceAddress=null, mUuid=null, mUuidMask=null, mServiceDataUuid=null, mServiceData=null, mServiceDataMask=null, mManufacturerId=7413, mManufacturerData=null, mManufacturerDataMask=null]
12-02 15:09:50.459 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner start: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.459 8975 - D BtGatt.ScanManager awakened up at time 5868702
12-02 15:09:50.461 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:50.465 8975 8986 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=c82ed204-64a1-445f-a876-0d5e77351936
12-02 15:09:50.466 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=c82ed204-64a1-445f-a876-0d5e77351936, clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:50.468 com.test.thalitest 8838 8852 D BluetoothLeScanner onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:50.477 8985 - W Binder_1 type=1400 audit(0.0:331): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54618]" dev="sockfs" ino=54618 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:50.469 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService start scan with filters
12-02 15:09:50.469 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanReports() - clientIf=5, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
12-02 15:09:50.470 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:50.472 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner start: scan started
12-02 15:09:50.472 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner set state: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.473 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setState: State changed from NOT_STARTED to RUNNING
12-02 15:09:50.473 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner notifyScannerStateChanged: started = true. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.473 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner onBatchScanResults: results count = 0. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.473 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer applySettings: start scanner started = true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.473 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:50.473 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler executeCurrentOperation: Executing: Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:50.473 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsScannerStartedChanged: trueCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.474 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:50.474 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager bind: Binding a new listener
12-02 15:09:50.474 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.474 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [SCANNING]
12-02 15:09:50.475 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector startListeningForIncomingConnections: Starting...
12-02 15:09:50.475 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [SCANNING]
12-02 15:09:50.475 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.475 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: true
12-02 15:09:50.475 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : true, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:50.476 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: NOT_STARTED -> RUNNING
12-02 15:09:50.475 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.476 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager startListeningForIncomingConnections: OK
12-02 15:09:50.476 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: true, start advertiser: true
12-02 15:09:50.476 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: RUNNING
12-02 15:09:50.477 com.test.thalitest 8838 9136 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Entering thread
12-02 15:09:50.478 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer
12-02 15:09:50.478 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Received a request for permission "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION", but we are expecting that all the required permissions have already been granted
12-02 15:09:50.478 com.test.thalitest 8838 9136 W BluetoothAdapter getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
12-02 15:09:50.480 com.test.thalitest 8838 9136 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Waiting for incoming connections...
12-02 15:09:50.481 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16
12-02 15:09:50.481 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:50.481 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager stopping BLe Batch
12-02 15:09:50.487 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startScannerAndAdvertiser : Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.487 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.487 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.487 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser: Starting...
12-02 15:09:50.487 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: createAdvertiseDataToServiceData
12-02 15:09:50.487 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service UUID: "b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51", Bluetooth MAC address: "44:80:EB:1D:5C:5A"
12-02 15:09:50.487 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Service data (length is 7 bytes): 2E 44 80 EB 1D 5C 5A
12-02 15:09:50.488 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.PeerAdvertisementFactory createAdvertiseDataToServiceData: Created: AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[46, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:50.488 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer createAdvertiseData: created AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[46, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:50.488 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.488 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: was started = false
12-02 15:09:50.488 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData: advertiseData = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[46, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]
12-02 15:09:50.488 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setAdvertiseData finished: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.488 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: state = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.489 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Starting... adv data = AdvertiseData [mServiceUuids=[b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51], mManufacturerSpecificData={}, mServiceData={b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51=[46, 68, -128, -21, 29, 92, 90]}, mIncludeTxPowerLevel=false, mIncludeDeviceName=false]Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.477 8985 - W Binder_1 type=1400 audit(0.0:332): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54618]" dev="sockfs" ino=54618 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:09:50.490 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanStartStopped() - clientIf=5, status=0, startStopAction=0
12-02 15:09:50.490 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:50.490 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager flushPendingBatchResults - clientIf = 5
12-02 15:09:50.491 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=83484006-b963-40e6-8b83-3fa72f20d0ae
12-02 15:09:50.492 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=83484006-b963-40e6-8b83-3fa72f20d0ae, clientIf=6
12-02 15:09:50.492 com.test.thalitest 8838 8849 D BluetoothLeAdvertiser onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=6
12-02 15:09:50.493 8975 8995 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 0
12-02 15:09:50.497 8975 8995 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager starting multi advertising
12-02 15:09:50.502 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanReports() - clientIf=5, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
12-02 15:09:50.502 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:50.507 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager handling starting scan
12-02 15:09:50.517 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceEnabled() - clientIf=6, status=0
12-02 15:09:50.526 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1
12-02 15:09:50.526 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:50.526 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureFilterParamter 1500 10000 4 0
12-02 15:09:50.531 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseDataSet() - clientIf=6, status=0
12-02 15:09:50.532 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: Started advertisment Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.533 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = NOT_STARTED, new = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.533 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from NOT_STARTED to STARTING
12-02 15:09:50.533 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged default (no call to listener). Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.534 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.534 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start: return, state = STARTINGCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.535 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser start returned: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.535 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startAdvertiser started = true Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.536 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15
12-02 15:09:50.536 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:50.536 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startScannerAndAdvertiser: advertiser is started. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.536 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startScanner: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.536 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager Starting BLE batch scan
12-02 15:09:50.536 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configuring batch scan storage, appIf 5
12-02 15:09:50.536 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner start: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.537 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner start: Already running
12-02 15:09:50.537 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer startScannerAndAdvertiser: adv = true, disc = true
12-02 15:09:50.537 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager startBlePeerDiscoverer: OK
12-02 15:09:50.544 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: OK
12-02 15:09:50.544 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.550 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanStorageConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0
12-02 15:09:50.550 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:50.557 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanStartStopped() - clientIf=5, status=0, startStopAction=1
12-02 15:09:50.557 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:50.558 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.558 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.558 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:50.558 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:50.558 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser onStartSuccess : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.559 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = STARTING, new = RUNNINGCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.559 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from STARTING to RUNNING
12-02 15:09:50.559 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = true. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.559 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.560 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: trueCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.560 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.560 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [SCANNING, ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:50.560 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [SCANNING]
12-02 15:09:50.561 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.561 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [SCANNING] to [SCANNING, ADVERTISING]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.561 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.561 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [SCANNING] -> [SCANNING, ADVERTISING] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.562 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.567 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.567 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:50.567 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.568 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:50.568 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:51.069 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: true, is advertising: true
12-02 15:09:51.070 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: true - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:51.070 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandler processCurrentOperationStatus: Operation successfully executed
12-02 15:09:52.066 8975 - D BtGatt.ScanManager awakened up at time 5870308
12-02 15:09:52.068 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager flushPendingBatchResults - clientIf = 5
12-02 15:09:52.096 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanReports() - clientIf=5, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=1
12-02 15:09:52.097 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:52.097 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService current time is 5870340181282
12-02 15:09:52.097 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService Batch record : [2, -9, 3, 126, 79, -48, 0, -128, -105, 30, 0, 15, 2, 1, 26, 11, -1, 76, 0, 9, 6, 3, 1, -64, -88, 0, 10, 0]
12-02 15:09:52.097 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService ScanRecord : [2, 1, 26, 11, -1, 76, 0, 9, 6, 3, 1, -64, -88, 0, 10]
12-02 15:09:52.098 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner onBatchScanResults: results count = 1. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:52.099 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner onBatchScanResults. scan = ScanResult{mDevice=D0:4F:7E:03:F7:02, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=26, mServiceUuids=null, mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[9, 6, 3, 1, -64, -88, 0, 10]}, mServiceData={}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=null], mRssi=-105, mTimestampNanos=5868840422376}
12-02 15:09:52.099 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer checkScanResult: ScanResult{mDevice=D0:4F:7E:03:F7:02, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=26, mServiceUuids=null, mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[9, 6, 3, 1, -64, -88, 0, 10]}, mServiceData={}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=null], mRssi=-105, mTimestampNanos=5868840422376}
12-02 15:09:52.369 1899 - I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:09:52.839 system_server 867 1305 D ConnectivityService handlePromptUnvalidated 104
12-02 15:09:53.563 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationHandlerTest Starting test: testConstructor
12-02 15:09:53.564 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager dispose
12-02 15:09:53.565 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager stopListeningForIncomingConnections
12-02 15:09:53.565 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector stopListeningForIncomingConnections: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:53.565 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread shutdown
12-02 15:09:53.567 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: 1 listener(s) left
12-02 15:09:53.567 com.test.thalitest 8838 9136 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread closeBluetoothServerSocket: Bluetooth server socket closed
12-02 15:09:53.567 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: true
12-02 15:09:53.568 com.test.thalitest 8838 9136 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothServerThread Exiting thread
12-02 15:09:53.568 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager setState: RUNNING -> NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:53.568 com.test.thalitest 8838 9136 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector onServerStopped: Was explicitly stopped: true
12-02 15:09:53.568 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothConnector shutdown: Shutting down...
12-02 15:09:53.568 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onConnectionManagerStateChanged: NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:53.569 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManagerSettings removeListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager@c524b9e removed from the list
12-02 15:09:53.569 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager onIsServerStartedChanged: false
12-02 15:09:53.569 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager dispose
12-02 15:09:53.569 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stop: Stopping peer discovery...
12-02 15:09:53.569 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.ConnectionManager updateState: mShouldBeStarted : false, mIsServerStarted: false
12-02 15:09:53.570 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.570 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopForRestart. RUNNING_BLE
12-02 15:09:53.571 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.BluetoothMacAddressResolutionHelper stopProvideBluetoothMacAddressMode
12-02 15:09:53.571 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScannerAndAdvertiser: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.572 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopPeerAddressHelperAdvertiser Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.572 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScanner: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.573 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopScanner: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:53.573 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.576 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:53.577 8975 9021 D BtGatt.GattService flushPendingBatchResults - clientIf=5, isServer=false
12-02 15:09:53.578 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: scan results are flushed
12-02 15:09:53.579 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager flushPendingBatchResults - clientIf = 5
12-02 15:09:53.581 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:09:53.581 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService stopScan() - queue size =1
12-02 15:09:53.582 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:09:53.582 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:53.583 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner set state: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.583 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner setState: State changed from RUNNING to NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:53.583 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner notifyScannerStateChanged: started = false. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.583 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleScanner stop finished, Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.583 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser:Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.583 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer stopAdvertiser: Stopping...
12-02 15:09:53.583 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.584 8975 8995 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager message : 1
12-02 15:09:53.585 8975 8995 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager stop advertise for client 6
12-02 15:09:53.586 8975 - D BtGatt.ScanManager awakened up at time 5871829
12-02 15:09:53.594 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanReports() - clientIf=5, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
12-02 15:09:53.594 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:53.595 8975 8993 E BtGatt.ContextMap Context not found for ID 5
12-02 15:09:53.606 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onAdvertiseInstanceDisabled() - clientIf=6, status=0
12-02 15:09:53.606 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService Client app is not null!
12-02 15:09:53.607 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=6
12-02 15:09:53.607 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop: Stopped
12-02 15:09:53.607 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: current = RUNNING, new = NOT_STARTEDCurrent thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: State changed from RUNNING to NOT_STARTED
12-02 15:09:53.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser notifyAdvertiserStateChanged: started = false. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser setState: finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BleAdvertiser stop finished. Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager stopBlePeerDiscoverer: Stopped
12-02 15:09:53.608 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.wifi.WifiDirectManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:53.609 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.BluetoothManager release: No more listeners, de-initializing...
12-02 15:09:53.609 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:53.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[Thread-608,7,main], id: 608
12-02 15:09:53.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:53.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager start: Discovery mode: BLE, start discovery: false, start advertiser: false
12-02 15:09:53.611 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsScannerStartedChanged: falseCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:53.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [SCANNING, ADVERTISING]
12-02 15:09:53.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: State changed from [SCANNING, ADVERTISING] to [NOT_STARTED]Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer onIsAdvertiserStartedChanged: falseCurrent thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState : Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: deducedStateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:53.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer updateState: stateSet: [NOT_STARTED]
12-02 15:09:53.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.internal.bluetooth.le.BlePeerDiscoverer update state finished. Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper onDiscoveryManagerStateChanged: State: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:53.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager onBlePeerDiscovererStateChanged: [SCANNING, ADVERTISING] -> [NOT_STARTED] Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.613 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState: Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.614 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManagerSettings removeListener: Listener org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager@c48867f removed from the list
12-02 15:09:53.614 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 D io.jxcore.node.ConnectivityMonitor stop
12-02 15:09:53.616 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testIsTargetState
12-02 15:09:53.616 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: NOT_STARTED, is discovering: true, is advertising: true - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:53.617 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: NOT_STARTED, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: true - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:53.617 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:53.617 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: false, is advertising: false - Start operation: Should affect listening to advertisements only
12-02 15:09:53.617 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: false - Stop operation: Should affect listening to advertisements only
12-02 15:09:53.617 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperation isTargetState: Connectivity: RUNNING, discovery: RUNNING_BLE, is discovering: true, is advertising: false - Stop operation: Should start/stop everything
12-02 15:09:53.618 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testCreateStartOperation
12-02 15:09:53.618 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16
12-02 15:09:53.619 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:53.619 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager stopping BLe Batch
12-02 15:09:53.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateStateInternal finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D org.thaliproject.p2p.btconnectorlib.DiscoveryManager updateState finished Current thread: Thread[main,5,main], id: 1
12-02 15:09:53.619 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testGetShouldStartOrStopListeningToAdvertisementsOnly
12-02 15:09:53.620 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testIsStartOperation
12-02 15:09:53.621 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testToString
12-02 15:09:53.622 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testCreateStopOperation
12-02 15:09:53.623 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testSetOperationExecutedTime
12-02 15:09:53.624 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testGetOperationExecutedTime
12-02 15:09:53.624 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StartStopOperationTest Starting test: testGetCallback
12-02 15:09:53.631 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanStartStopped() - clientIf=5, status=0, startStopAction=0
12-02 15:09:53.631 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:53.631 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager flushPendingBatchResults - clientIf = 5
12-02 15:09:53.637 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onBatchScanReports() - clientIf=5, status=0, reportType=2, numRecords=0
12-02 15:09:53.638 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:09:54.114 com.test.thalitest 8838 - V io.jxcore.node.ConnectionHelper Notifying discovery manager state change: is discovering: false, is advertising: false
12-02 15:09:55.267 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5873509,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:09:55.631 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I StreamCopyingThreadTest Starting test: testCopyDataAndCloseConnection
12-02 15:09:55.742 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Entering thread (ID: 737, name: testCopyDataAndCloseConnection thread). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:09:55.742 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:09:55.760 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:09:57.251 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine L2Connected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 50, 51 -> obsolete
12-02 15:09:58.433 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 W !! call onHalfStreamCopied
12-02 15:09:58.433 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 I testCopyDataAndClose closing input stream
12-02 15:10:00.587 9099 9114 W Babel bas TOOK TOO LONG! (15041ms > 10000ms)
12-02 15:10:00.589 9099 9118 W Babel bas TOOK TOO LONG! (15014ms > 10000ms)
12-02 15:10:00.676 system_server 867 1743 I Telecom PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null
12-02 15:10:00.683 9099 - I Babel_telephony TeleModule.updateConnectionManagerRegistration, registration preference changed from false to false
12-02 15:10:00.703 9099 - W Babel BAM#gBA: invalid account id: -1
12-02 15:10:00.703 9099 - W Babel BAM#gBA: invalid account id: -1
12-02 15:10:00.704 9099 - I Babel_telephony TeleModule.updateIncomingCallRegistration, preferred account for incoming calls changed from: null to null
12-02 15:10:00.718 system_server 867 877 I Telecom PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null
12-02 15:10:00.732 9099 - I Babel_ConcService Binding ConcurrentService
12-02 15:10:00.792 9099 9126 W Babel bas TOOK TOO LONG! (15043ms > 10000ms)
12-02 15:10:00.816 9099 9146 I Babel_ConcService Acquired partial wake lock to keep ConcurrentService alive
12-02 15:10:00.816 9099 9146 I Babel_ConcService Released partial wake lock as ConcurrentService became idle
12-02 15:10:00.830 1899 3866 W ContentTaskController Invalid newTask was provided to startTracking.
12-02 15:10:00.836 9099 9148 I Babel_ConcService Acquired partial wake lock to keep ConcurrentService alive
12-02 15:10:00.838 9099 9148 I Babel_ConcService Released partial wake lock as ConcurrentService became idle
12-02 15:10:00.850 1899 3866 W ContentTaskController Invalid newTask was provided to startTracking.
12-02 15:10:00.891 9099 9147 W linker /data/app/ unused DT entry: type 0x7ffffffd arg 0x79f
12-02 15:10:00.913 9099 9147 W linker /data/app/ unused DT entry: type 0x1d arg 0xe0
12-02 15:10:00.913 9099 9147 W linker /data/app/ unused DT entry: type 0x7ffffffd arg 0x1cb
12-02 15:10:00.919 9099 9147 V JNIHelp Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 239 native methods...
12-02 15:10:00.935 9099 9147 I art Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
12-02 15:10:00.936 9099 9147 I art Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<>
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread The end of the input stream has been reached (thread ID: 737, thread name: testCopyDataAndCloseConnection thread). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Flushing
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Closing
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Closed
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread number of bytes read = -1
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread onStreamCopyingThreadDone
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Exiting thread (ID: 737, name: testCopyDataAndCloseConnection thread). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:00.949 com.test.thalitest 8838 9140 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false .During the lifetime of the thread the total number of bytes read was 20971520 and the total number of bytes written 20971520
12-02 15:10:00.969 9099 9147 I ProviderInstaller Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
12-02 15:10:01.037 9099 9147 I Babel connection state changed from UNKNOWN to CONNECTED
12-02 15:10:02.926 system_server 867 887 I PowerManagerService Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)...
12-02 15:10:02.947 3327 - W Binder_10 type=1400 audit(0.0:333): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52675]" dev="sockfs" ino=52675 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:10:02.947 3327 - W Binder_10 type=1400 audit(0.0:334): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52675]" dev="sockfs" ino=52675 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:10:03.403 2994 - I GrammarCompilationSvcCt #startService for null, APP_NAMES.
12-02 15:10:03.465 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityPaused
12-02 15:10:03.465 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension onActivityLifeCycleEvent: PAUSED
12-02 15:10:03.465 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaActivity Paused the activity.
12-02 15:10:03.477 system_server 867 887 V KeyguardServiceDelegate onScreenTurnedOff()
12-02 15:10:03.478 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivitySaveInstanceState: com.test.thalitest.MainActivity@d40286b Bundle[{plugin=Bundle[{}], android:viewHierarchyState=Bundle[{android:views={100=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@135313, 16908290=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@135313}, android:focusedViewId=100}]}]
12-02 15:10:03.478 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension onActivityLifeCycleEvent: SAVE_INSTANCE_STATE
12-02 15:10:03.479 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityStopped
12-02 15:10:03.479 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension onActivityLifeCycleEvent: STOPPED
12-02 15:10:03.479 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaActivity Stopped the activity.
12-02 15:10:03.497 system_server 867 885 I DisplayManagerService Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
12-02 15:10:03.498 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D SurfaceFlinger Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0xb6ae4000
12-02 15:10:03.500 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0
12-02 15:10:03.511 2994 9155 I ContextCompilationHandl Compiling grammar for: en-US, type=APP_NAMES
12-02 15:10:03.545 2194 8828 I Icing Query from package restrict start 0 num 1000
12-02 15:10:03.568 2194 9156 W IcingInternalCorpora getNumBytesRead when not calculated.
12-02 15:10:03.605 2194 8628 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload true
12-02 15:10:03.610 2194 8628 I Icing Usage reports 0 indexed 0 rejected 0 imm upload true
12-02 15:10:03.617 2994 9155 I ContextCompilationHandl Recognition context unchanged for APP_NAMES en-US
12-02 15:10:03.713 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 343 I qdhwcomposer handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0
12-02 15:10:03.714 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0
12-02 15:10:03.715 system_server 867 1331 D SurfaceControl Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 217ms
12-02 15:10:03.716 system_server 867 887 I DreamManagerService Entering dreamland.
12-02 15:10:03.716 system_server 867 887 I PowerManagerService Dozing...
12-02 15:10:03.716 system_server 867 882 I DreamController Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
12-02 15:10:03.744 3323 - W Binder_D type=1400 audit(0.0:335): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54663]" dev="sockfs" ino=54663 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:10:03.744 3323 - W Binder_D type=1400 audit(0.0:336): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54663]" dev="sockfs" ino=54663 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:10:03.772 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-02 15:10:03.775 system_server 867 1303 E native do suspend true
12-02 15:10:03.894 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1312 D audio_hw_primary adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=off
12-02 15:10:03.895 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1312 D mot_vr_audio_hw adev_set_parameters: screen_state=off
12-02 15:10:04.007 1614 - I GoogleInputMethod onReceive() : Action = android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
12-02 15:10:04.024 1730 - W Binder_7 type=1400 audit(0.0:337): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53644]" dev="sockfs" ino=53644 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:10:04.024 1730 - W Binder_7 type=1400 audit(0.0:338): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53644]" dev="sockfs" ino=53644 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:10:04.037 3323 - W Binder_D type=1400 audit(0.0:339): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54667]" dev="sockfs" ino=54667 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:10:04.037 3323 - W Binder_D type=1400 audit(0.0:340): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54667]" dev="sockfs" ino=54667 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:10:04.812 system_server 867 1303 D WifiStateMachine L2Connected CMD_START_SCAN source -2 51, 52 -> obsolete
12-02 15:10:05.847 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5884089,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
12-02 15:10:06.902 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:10:07.975 1365 - D PhoneStatusBar disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
12-02 15:10:08.058 1365 - D PhoneStatusBar disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
12-02 15:10:08.077 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:10:08.077 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:10:10.980 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5889222,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:10:11.551 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I StreamCopyingThreadTest Starting test: testCopyBigData
12-02 15:10:11.634 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Entering thread (ID: 740, name: testCopyBigData thread). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:11.634 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread The end of the input stream has been reached (thread ID: 740, thread name: testCopyBigData thread). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Flushing
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Closing
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Closed
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread number of bytes read = -1
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread onStreamCopyingThreadDone
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Exiting thread (ID: 740, name: testCopyBigData thread). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:14.483 com.test.thalitest 8838 9168 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false .During the lifetime of the thread the total number of bytes read was 20971520 and the total number of bytes written 20971520
12-02 15:10:22.335 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I StreamCopyingThreadTest Starting test: testRunNotify
12-02 15:10:22.338 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Entering thread (ID: 742, name: My test thread name). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:22.338 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:22.339 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread The end of the input stream has been reached (thread ID: 742, thread name: My test thread name). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:22.339 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:22.339 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:22.339 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:22.339 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Flushing
12-02 15:10:22.340 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Closing
12-02 15:10:22.340 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread closeOutputStream. Closed
12-02 15:10:22.340 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread number of bytes read = -1
12-02 15:10:22.340 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread onStreamCopyingThreadDone
12-02 15:10:22.340 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Exiting thread (ID: 742, name: My test thread name). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:22.340 com.test.thalitest 8838 9170 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false .During the lifetime of the thread the total number of bytes read was 22 and the total number of bytes written 22
12-02 15:10:22.342 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I StreamCopyingThreadTest Starting test: testSetBufferSize
12-02 15:10:22.342 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread setBufferSize: Setting buffer size to 4096 bytes
12-02 15:10:22.343 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I StreamCopyingThreadTest Starting test: testRunWithException
12-02 15:10:22.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 9171 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Entering thread (ID: 746, name: My test thread name). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:22.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 9171 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false
12-02 15:10:22.344 com.test.thalitest 8838 9171 E io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Failed to write to the output stream (thread ID: 746, thread name: My test thread name): Test exception.
12-02 15:10:22.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 9171 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread onStreamCopyError (ID: 746, name: My test thread name). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:22.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 9171 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false .During the lifetime of the thread the total number of bytes read was 22 and the total number of bytes written 0
12-02 15:10:22.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 9171 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread number of bytes read = 22
12-02 15:10:22.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 9171 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Exiting thread (ID: 746, name: My test thread name). Connection data: Peer properties: [null null].
12-02 15:10:22.345 com.test.thalitest 8838 9171 D io.jxcore.node.StreamCopyingThread Is incomming connection: false .During the lifetime of the thread the total number of bytes read was 22 and the total number of bytes written 0
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG UnitTest_app: 'Running unit tests'
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log *Native tests were executed*
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log Total number of executed tests: 81
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log Number of passed tests: 79
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log Number of failed tests: 0
12-02 15:10:22.348 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.349 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log Number of ignored tests: 2
12-02 15:10:22.349 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.349 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log Total duration: 51392
12-02 15:10:22.349 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.352 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG UnitTest_app: 'Unit Test app is loaded'
12-02 15:10:22.352 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.357 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'networkChanged: {"bluetoothLowEnergy":"on","bluetooth":"on","wifi":"on","cellular":"doNotCare","bssidName":"e4:f4:c6:05:32:14","ssidName":"\"Sheepynet (5 GHz)\""}'
12-02 15:10:22.357 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.358 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out networkChangedNonTCP (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.358 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'networkChanged: {"bluetoothLowEnergy":"on","bluetooth":"on","wifi":"on","cellular":"doNotCare","bssidName":"e4:f4:c6:05:32:14","ssidName":"\"Sheepynet (5 GHz)\""}'
12-02 15:10:22.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out networkChangedNonTCP (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.360 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.362 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":true}'
12-02 15:10:22.362 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.363 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Received state ({"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":true}) did not match with target ({"started":false,"listening":false,"advertising":false,"networkType":"BOTH"})'
12-02 15:10:22.363 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.363 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.363 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.364 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":true}'
12-02 15:10:22.364 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Received state ({"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":true}) did not match with target ({"started":false,"listening":false,"advertising":false,"networkType":"BOTH"})'
12-02 15:10:22.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":true}'
12-02 15:10:22.365 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Received state ({"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":true}) did not match with target ({"started":false,"listening":false,"advertising":false,"networkType":"BOTH"})'
12-02 15:10:22.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.366 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.367 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":false}'
12-02 15:10:22.367 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'networkChanged: {"bluetoothLowEnergy":"on","bluetooth":"on","wifi":"on","cellular":"doNotCare","bssidName":"e4:f4:c6:05:32:14","ssidName":"\"Sheepynet (5 GHz)\""}'
12-02 15:10:22.368 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.369 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out networkChangedNonTCP (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.369 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.369 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":false}'
12-02 15:10:22.369 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.369 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.369 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.370 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'networkChanged: {"bluetoothLowEnergy":"off","bluetooth":"off","wifi":"on","cellular":"doNotCare","bssidName":"e4:f4:c6:05:32:14","ssidName":"\"Sheepynet (5 GHz)\""}'
12-02 15:10:22.370 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.370 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out networkChangedNonTCP (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.370 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'networkChanged: {"bluetoothLowEnergy":"on","bluetooth":"on","wifi":"on","cellular":"doNotCare","bssidName":"e4:f4:c6:05:32:14","ssidName":"\"Sheepynet (5 GHz)\""}'
12-02 15:10:22.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out networkChangedNonTCP (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.371 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.372 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'networkChanged: {"bluetoothLowEnergy":"on","bluetooth":"on","wifi":"off","cellular":"doNotCare"}'
12-02 15:10:22.372 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.372 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out networkChangedNonTCP (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.372 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.373 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'networkChanged: {"bluetoothLowEnergy":"on","bluetooth":"on","wifi":"on","cellular":"doNotCare"}'
12-02 15:10:22.373 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.373 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out networkChangedNonTCP (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.373 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.374 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D SystemWebChromeClient file:///android_asset/www/js/thali_main.js: Line 68 : UIApp is all set and ready!
12-02 15:10:22.374 com.test.thalitest 8838 - I chromium [INFO:CONSOLE(68)] "UIApp is all set and ready!", source: file:///android_asset/www/js/thali_main.js (68)
12-02 15:10:22.374 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":true}'
12-02 15:10:22.374 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.375 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Received state ({"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":true}) did not match with target ({"started":false,"listening":false,"advertising":false,"networkType":"BOTH"})'
12-02 15:10:22.375 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.377 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.377 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":true,"advertisingActive":false}'
12-02 15:10:22.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Received state ({"discoveryActive":true,"advertisingActive":false}) did not match with target ({"started":false,"listening":false,"advertising":false,"networkType":"BOTH"})'
12-02 15:10:22.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.378 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":true,"advertisingActive":true}'
12-02 15:10:22.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Received state ({"discoveryActive":true,"advertisingActive":true}) did not match with target ({"started":false,"listening":false,"advertising":false,"networkType":"BOTH"})'
12-02 15:10:22.379 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.380 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.380 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.380 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG thaliMobileNativeWrapper: 'discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdateNonTCP: {"discoveryActive":false,"advertisingActive":false}'
12-02 15:10:22.380 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.380 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - INFO thaliMobile: 'Filtered out discoveryAdvertisingStateUpdate (was in stopped state).'
12-02 15:10:22.380 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:22.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:22 - DEBUG UnitTest_app: 'My device name is: motorola-Nexus 6'
12-02 15:10:22.388 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:25.065 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:25 - INFO runTests: 'Starting tests. Network type: WIFI. Platform: android'
12-02 15:10:25.065 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:25.068 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:25 - INFO runTests: 'Test runner loading file: /data/data/com.test.thalitest/files/www/jxcore/bv_tests/testThaliManagerCoordinated.js'
12-02 15:10:25.068 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:25.629 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 V io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension isBleMultipleAdvertisementSupported: SUPPORTED
12-02 15:10:25.630 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:25 - INFO testUtils: 'BLE multiple advertisement supported'
12-02 15:10:25.630 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:25.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:25 - INFO CoordinatedClient: 'Connecting to coordination server on'
12-02 15:10:25.640 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:25.721 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:25 - DEBUG CoordinatedClient: 'connected to the test server'
12-02 15:10:25.721 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:25.784 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log TAP version 13
12-02 15:10:25.784 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:25.787 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log # setup
12-02 15:10:25.787 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:26.414 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log # test write
12-02 15:10:26.414 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:27.796 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log ok 1 About to start thali manager
12-02 15:10:27.796 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:27.845 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:27 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'creating ThaliSendNotificationBasedOnReplication instance'
12-02 15:10:27.845 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:27.851 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:27 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'creating ThaliPullReplicationFromNotification instance'
12-02 15:10:27.851 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:27.853 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:27 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'creating express pouchdb instance'
12-02 15:10:27.853 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:28.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:28 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'starting thaliPullReplicationFromNotification'
12-02 15:10:28.612 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:28.614 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:28 - DEBUG thaliPullReplicationFromNotification: 'starting thaliPeerPoolInterface'
12-02 15:10:28.614 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:28.614 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:28 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'starting ThaliMobile'
12-02 15:10:28.614 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:28.620 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:28 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'start listening for advertisements'
12-02 15:10:28.620 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:28.653 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:28 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'start update advertising and listening'
12-02 15:10:28.653 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:28.719 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:28 - DEBUG thaliWifiInfrastructure: 'listening 47275'
12-02 15:10:28.719 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:28.725 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:28 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'starting thaliSendNotificationBasedOnReplication'
12-02 15:10:28.725 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:28.974 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log ok 2 About to waitForRemoteDocs
12-02 15:10:28.974 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity Beacon Please for path /NotificationBeacons'
12-02 15:10:31.158 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.316 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/'
12-02 15:10:31.316 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.454 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/_changes'
12-02 15:10:31.454 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.601 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/_changes'
12-02 15:10:31.601 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.664 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/_all_docs'
12-02 15:10:31.664 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.713 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/'
12-02 15:10:31.713 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.783 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/_changes'
12-02 15:10:31.783 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.824 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/_local/thali_BIDSt-R2rE5GIIUm6OdBvg11e_yMc0OVG5USrT4uxhWvi_cblUjzrLcfhMNeeZwYLv990vAE2hfAadwQXFgSOF4'
12-02 15:10:31.824 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:31.922 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:31 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/_local/zD9R5yBD12geo21MC7ri1Q%3D%3D'
12-02 15:10:31.922 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:32.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:32 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/_bulk_docs'
12-02 15:10:32.003 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:32.024 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:10:32 - DEBUG thaliManager: 'connected pskIdentity SY4pxP9dW5ujctGlvF9HbbD7Et5BcgQjIbgnscA1JCk for path /db/ThaliManagerCoordinated/_bulk_docs'
12-02 15:10:32.024 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:10:38.768 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5917010,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
12-02 15:10:48.687 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=5926929,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:10:55.948 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:11:06.907 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:11:19.466 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: SAHARA_HELLO: hw_info = 0x01030610, pwrup_reason = 0x00004000
12-02 15:11:19.467 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock
12-02 15:11:19.496 /system/bin/ks 970 - E kickstart ERROR: function: open_file:195 filename = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs1
12-02 15:11:19.497 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Opening file '/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs1' for writing
12-02 15:11:20.652 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Received file 'm9kefs1'
12-02 15:11:20.653 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: 950272 bytes transferred in 1.155356 seconds
12-02 15:11:20.653 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Successfully downloaded files from target
12-02 15:11:20.653 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock
12-02 15:11:20.791 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Sahara protocol completed
12-02 15:11:56.110 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:12:06.913 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:12:07.621 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6005863,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
12-02 15:12:17.541 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6015783,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:12:52.923 system_server 867 1282 E qti_sensors_hal waitForResponse: pthread_cond_timedwait() rc=110 (cond: 0)
12-02 15:12:52.924 system_server 867 1282 E qti_sensors_hal deactivateDpc: ERROR: No response from the request
12-02 15:12:52.927 1610 - W Binder_4 type=1400 audit(0.0:341): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53674]" dev="sockfs" ino=53674 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:12:52.927 1610 - W Binder_4 type=1400 audit(0.0:342): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53674]" dev="sockfs" ino=53674 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:12:53.484 1723 - W Binder_6 type=1400 audit(0.0:343): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53052]" dev="sockfs" ino=53052 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:12:53.484 1723 - W Binder_6 type=1400 audit(0.0:344): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53052]" dev="sockfs" ino=53052 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:12:53.507 system_server 867 887 I DisplayPowerController Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
12-02 15:12:53.508 system_server 867 887 V KeyguardServiceDelegate onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$2@2401f85)
12-02 15:12:53.510 system_server 867 885 I DisplayManagerService Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE
12-02 15:12:53.510 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D SurfaceFlinger Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0xb6ae4000
12-02 15:12:53.511 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 1 on display: 0
12-02 15:12:53.517 system_server 867 3323 V KeyguardServiceDelegate **** SHOWN CALLED ****
12-02 15:12:53.595 system_server 867 887 I DisplayPowerController Unblocked screen on after 87 ms
12-02 15:12:53.597 system_server 867 887 V KeyguardServiceDelegate onScreenTurnedOn()
12-02 15:12:53.773 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 343 I qdhwcomposer handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 2
12-02 15:12:53.776 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 1 on display 0
12-02 15:12:53.780 system_server 867 1331 D SurfaceControl Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 270ms
12-02 15:12:53.822 system_server 867 1289 I PowerManagerService Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)...
12-02 15:12:53.826 system_server 867 885 I DisplayManagerService Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
12-02 15:12:53.842 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D SurfaceFlinger Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6ae4000
12-02 15:12:53.842 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
12-02 15:12:53.842 system_server 867 - V KeyguardServiceDelegate onStartedWakingUp()
12-02 15:12:53.844 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 343 I qdhwcomposer handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1
12-02 15:12:53.844 system_server 867 887 I DreamManagerService Gently waking up from dream.
12-02 15:12:53.844 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
12-02 15:12:53.856 system_server 867 1743 I DreamManagerService Leaving dreamland.
12-02 15:12:53.856 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1311 D audio_hw_primary adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=on
12-02 15:12:53.856 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1311 D mot_vr_audio_hw adev_set_parameters: screen_state=on
12-02 15:12:53.856 system_server 867 882 I DreamController Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
12-02 15:12:53.875 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-02 15:12:53.889 system_server 867 1303 E native do suspend false
12-02 15:12:53.909 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore No blacklist allowed without epno enabled
12-02 15:12:53.934 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:53.934 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:53.950 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:53.950 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:53.967 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:53.967 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:53.985 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:53.985 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.001 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.001 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.019 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.019 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.035 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.035 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.052 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.052 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.069 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.069 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.087 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.087 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.103 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.103 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.121 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.121 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.136 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.136 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.154 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.154 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.170 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.170 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.178 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
12-02 15:12:54.178 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
12-02 15:12:54.178 1684 2743 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::commitRouting
12-02 15:12:54.180 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
12-02 15:12:54.188 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.188 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.223 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.223 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.239 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.239 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.242 1899 - I BeaconBle Building BLE scanner compat: 'L/M' hardware access layer is not available: Valid, but not requested.
12-02 15:12:54.242 1899 - I BeaconBle BLE 'JB+' software access layer enabled
12-02 15:12:54.256 1899 9217 D BluetoothAdapter startLeScan(): null
12-02 15:12:54.258 1899 9217 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:12:54.260 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=58774310-85f7-4b87-9789-182cd8fb91e0
12-02 15:12:54.261 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=58774310-85f7-4b87-9789-182cd8fb91e0, clientIf=5
12-02 15:12:54.261 1899 2236 D BluetoothLeScanner onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:12:54.262 8975 9021 D BtGatt.GattService start scan with filters
12-02 15:12:54.264 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager handling starting scan
12-02 15:12:54.273 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.273 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.273 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1
12-02 15:12:54.273 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:12:54.273 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0
12-02 15:12:54.280 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15
12-02 15:12:54.280 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:12:54.280 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1
12-02 15:12:54.280 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=-2147483648
12-02 15:12:54.280 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = 8000configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = 8000
12-02 15:12:54.281 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0
12-02 15:12:54.290 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.290 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.322 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.322 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.357 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.357 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.407 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.407 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.475 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.475 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.627 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
12-02 15:12:54.627 1365 - W PathParser Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
12-02 15:12:54.882 1365 - D PhoneStatusBar disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
12-02 15:12:54.891 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityStarted
12-02 15:12:54.892 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension onActivityLifeCycleEvent: STARTED
12-02 15:12:54.892 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaActivity Started the activity.
12-02 15:12:54.894 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityResumed
12-02 15:12:54.894 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension onActivityLifeCycleEvent: RESUMED
12-02 15:12:54.894 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaActivity Resumed the activity.
12-02 15:12:54.901 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
12-02 15:12:54.902 1365 - D PhoneStatusBar disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
12-02 15:12:54.913 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: none)
12-02 15:12:54.913 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D msm8974_platform platform_send_audio_calibration: sending audio calibration for snd_device(2) acdb_id(15)
12-02 15:12:54.913 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
12-02 15:12:54.915 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary enable_audio_route: apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
12-02 15:12:54.927 3323 - W Binder_D type=1400 audit(0.0:345): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52675]" dev="sockfs" ino=52675 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:12:54.927 3323 - W Binder_D type=1400 audit(0.0:346): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52675]" dev="sockfs" ino=52675 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:12:54.932 system_server 867 3323 W InputMethodManagerService Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@2fc1552 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@3404023, token = android.os.BinderProxy@880329a
12-02 15:12:54.939 2194 9220 I CryptAuthSync [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do
12-02 15:12:54.951 1365 - D PhoneStatusBar disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
12-02 15:12:54.954 1684 1809 E BrcmNfcJni nfaConnectionCallback: unknown event ????
12-02 15:12:54.955 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
12-02 15:12:54.956 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
12-02 15:12:54.956 1684 5185 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::commitRouting
12-02 15:12:54.957 1684 1809 D BrcmNfcJni RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
12-02 15:12:56.231 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:12:56.274 1899 9217 D BluetoothAdapter stopLeScan()
12-02 15:12:56.275 1899 9217 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:12:56.275 8975 9021 D BtGatt.GattService stopScan() - queue size =1
12-02 15:12:56.277 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager stop scan
12-02 15:12:56.277 8975 8986 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:12:56.290 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16
12-02 15:12:56.290 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:12:56.290 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0
12-02 15:12:56.290 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=2
12-02 15:12:56.290 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped
12-02 15:12:56.445 1899 9217 D BluetoothAdapter startLeScan(): null
12-02 15:12:56.447 1899 9217 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:12:56.450 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService registerClient() - UUID=616f4c30-ba6a-4ef3-bb01-c3ac0c94b20f
12-02 15:12:56.450 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onClientRegistered() - UUID=616f4c30-ba6a-4ef3-bb01-c3ac0c94b20f, clientIf=5
12-02 15:12:56.450 1899 2219 D BluetoothLeScanner onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
12-02 15:12:56.451 8975 8985 D BtGatt.GattService start scan with filters
12-02 15:12:56.453 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager handling starting scan
12-02 15:12:56.461 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterEnableDisabled() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1
12-02 15:12:56.462 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:12:56.462 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureFilterParamter 500 10000 1 0
12-02 15:12:56.469 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=0, availableSpace=15
12-02 15:12:56.469 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:12:56.469 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=1
12-02 15:12:56.469 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=2 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=-2147483648
12-02 15:12:56.469 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = 8000configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = 8000
12-02 15:12:56.470 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanParamSetupCompleted : 0
12-02 15:12:57.256 1899 9217 D BluetoothAdapter stopLeScan()
12-02 15:12:57.257 1899 9217 D BluetoothAdapter STATE_ON
12-02 15:12:57.257 8975 8986 D BtGatt.GattService stopScan() - queue size =1
12-02 15:12:57.258 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager stop scan
12-02 15:12:57.258 8975 9009 D BtGatt.GattService unregisterClient() - clientIf=5
12-02 15:12:57.259 1899 9217 I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:12:57.273 8975 8993 D BtGatt.GattService onScanFilterParamsConfigured() - clientIf=5, status=0, action=1, availableSpace=16
12-02 15:12:57.273 8975 8993 D BtGatt.ScanManager callback done for clientIf - 5 status - 0
12-02 15:12:57.274 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue=0
12-02 15:12:57.274 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=-2147483648 mLastConfiguredScanSetting=2
12-02 15:12:57.274 8975 8996 D BtGatt.ScanManager configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped
12-02 15:12:58.383 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback speaker
12-02 15:12:58.385 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 1260 D audio_hw_primary disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
12-02 15:12:59.305 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: SAHARA_HELLO: hw_info = 0x01030610, pwrup_reason = 0x00004000
12-02 15:12:59.306 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock
12-02 15:12:59.335 /system/bin/ks 970 - E kickstart ERROR: function: open_file:195 filename = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs2
12-02 15:12:59.335 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Opening file '/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs2' for writing
12-02 15:12:59.927 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6058169,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
12-02 15:13:00.295 1899 9216 I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:13:00.310 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Received file 'm9kefs2'
12-02 15:13:00.310 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: 950272 bytes transferred in 0.974210 seconds
12-02 15:13:00.310 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Successfully downloaded files from target
12-02 15:13:00.311 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock
12-02 15:13:00.314 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Sahara protocol completed
12-02 15:13:02.774 1899 8725 V NativeCrypto SSL shutdown failed: ssl=0x97cfa800: I/O error during system call, Connection timed out
12-02 15:13:05.314 1899 - I BeaconBle Scan : No clients left, canceling alarm.
12-02 15:13:06.909 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:13:17.407 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6075650,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:13:27.304 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log 2016-12-02 23:13:27 - DEBUG CoordinatedClient: 'all tests completed'
12-02 15:13:27.304 com.test.thalitest 8838 8900 I jxcore-log
12-02 15:13:49.954 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6108196,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
12-02 15:13:59.114 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6117356,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:14:02.452 system_server 867 1739 D WifiService acquireWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@b7b909b}
12-02 15:14:02.461 system_server 867 1324 D wifi Initialized common fields 10000, 25, 100, 10
12-02 15:14:02.461 system_server 867 1324 D wifi bucket[0] = 2:3:10000:2
12-02 15:14:03.664 system_server 867 1610 D WifiService releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NlpWifiLock type=2 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@b7b909b}
12-02 15:14:03.671 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:03.671 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:03.732 system_server 867 1642 E LocSvc_IzatApiV02 E/virtual int izat_core::IzatApiV02::injectLocation(GpsExtLocation):857]: error! inject position failed
12-02 15:14:06.087 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6124330,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
12-02 15:14:06.913 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:14:08.710 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:08.711 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:13.730 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:13.731 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:15.247 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6133490,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}
12-02 15:14:18.755 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:18.757 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:23.775 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:23.776 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:28.796 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:28.799 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:33.812 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:33.812 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:36.589 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: SAHARA_HELLO: hw_info = 0x01030610, pwrup_reason = 0x00004000
12-02 15:14:36.590 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_lock
12-02 15:14:36.620 /system/bin/ks 970 - E kickstart ERROR: function: open_file:195 filename = /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs1
12-02 15:14:36.621 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Opening file '/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm1m9kefs1' for writing
12-02 15:14:37.779 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Received file 'm9kefs1'
12-02 15:14:37.780 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: 950272 bytes transferred in 1.158515 seconds
12-02 15:14:37.780 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Successfully downloaded files from target
12-02 15:14:37.780 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Wrote to /sys/power/wake_unlock
12-02 15:14:37.913 /system/bin/ks 970 - I kickstart STATUS: Sahara protocol completed
12-02 15:14:38.836 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:38.836 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:43.845 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:43.845 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:48.881 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:48.881 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:49.887 system_server 867 9074 D NetlinkSocketObserver NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=6168130,, [E4F4C6053215], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
12-02 15:14:53.895 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [ContextSpecificAclFactory]LocationConsent failed, ULR opt-in status is: false, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:53.896 1899 2218 W ctxmgr [AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-1729826834#,, vrsn=9877000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null). Was: 2 for 1, account#-1729826834#
12-02 15:14:55.655 system_server 867 887 I PowerManagerService Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)...
12-02 15:14:55.664 3327 - W Binder_10 type=1400 audit(0.0:347): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52675]" dev="sockfs" ino=52675 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:14:55.664 3327 - W Binder_10 type=1400 audit(0.0:348): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[52675]" dev="sockfs" ino=52675 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:14:56.213 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityPaused
12-02 15:14:56.214 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension onActivityLifeCycleEvent: PAUSED
12-02 15:14:56.214 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaActivity Paused the activity.
12-02 15:14:56.257 system_server 867 887 V KeyguardServiceDelegate onScreenTurnedOff()
12-02 15:14:56.258 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivitySaveInstanceState: com.test.thalitest.MainActivity@d40286b Bundle[{plugin=Bundle[{}], android:viewHierarchyState=Bundle[{android:views={100=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@135313, 16908290=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@135313}, android:focusedViewId=100}]}]
12-02 15:14:56.259 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension onActivityLifeCycleEvent: SAVE_INSTANCE_STATE
12-02 15:14:56.260 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.LifeCycleMonitor onActivityStopped
12-02 15:14:56.260 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D io.jxcore.node.JXcoreExtension onActivityLifeCycleEvent: STOPPED
12-02 15:14:56.260 com.test.thalitest 8838 - D CordovaActivity Stopped the activity.
12-02 15:14:56.265 system_server 867 885 I DisplayManagerService Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
12-02 15:14:56.265 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D SurfaceFlinger Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0xb6ae4000
12-02 15:14:56.266 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0
12-02 15:14:56.492 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 343 I qdhwcomposer handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0
12-02 15:14:56.498 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 281 - D qdhwcomposer hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0
12-02 15:14:56.500 system_server 867 1331 D SurfaceControl Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 234ms
12-02 15:14:56.500 system_server 867 887 I DreamManagerService Entering dreamland.
12-02 15:14:56.500 system_server 867 887 I PowerManagerService Dozing...
12-02 15:14:56.501 system_server 867 882 I DreamController Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
12-02 15:14:56.527 1730 - W Binder_7 type=1400 audit(0.0:349): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53094]" dev="sockfs" ino=53094 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:14:56.527 1730 - W Binder_7 type=1400 audit(0.0:350): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[53094]" dev="sockfs" ino=53094 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:14:56.556 system_server 867 1303 D WifiConfigStore Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
12-02 15:14:56.559 system_server 867 1303 E native do suspend true
12-02 15:14:56.681 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 - D audio_hw_primary adev_set_parameters: enter: screen_state=off
12-02 15:14:56.682 /system/bin/mediaserver 375 - D mot_vr_audio_hw adev_set_parameters: screen_state=off
12-02 15:14:56.688 1614 - I DownloadManagerWrapper onReceive() : Charging = true
12-02 15:14:56.717 1614 - I GoogleInputMethod onReceive() : Action = android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
12-02 15:14:56.727 1755 - W Binder_B type=1400 audit(0.0:351): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54717]" dev="sockfs" ino=54717 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:14:56.730 1755 - W Binder_B type=1400 audit(0.0:352): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54717]" dev="sockfs" ino=54717 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:14:56.754 3323 - W Binder_D type=1400 audit(0.0:353): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54719]" dev="sockfs" ino=54719 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:14:56.754 3323 - W Binder_D type=1400 audit(0.0:354): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="socket:[54719]" dev="sockfs" ino=54719 ioctlcmd=7704 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tclass=unix_stream_socket permissive=0
12-02 15:14:57.275 LogRabbit --- --- I --- Disconnected. ZX1G323ZQN
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