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Last active May 14, 2020 01:29
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module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.List.Types (List(..), (:))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (logShow)
fold1 :: forall a b. b -> (a -> b -> b) -> List a -> b
fold1 z _ Nil = z
fold1 z f (Cons a as) = f a $ fold1 z f as
-- fold1 1 (*) (1 : 5 : Nil)
fold2 :: forall a b. (Maybe (Tuple a b) -> b) -> List a -> b
fold2 f Nil = f Nothing
fold2 f (Cons a as) = f $ Just $ Tuple a (fold2 f as)
-- fold2 prodF (1: 5: 10: Nil)
prodF :: Maybe (Tuple Int Int) -> Int
prodF Nothing = 1
prodF (Just (Tuple a b )) = a * b
fold3 :: forall a b. (Maybe (Tuple a b) -> b) -> List a -> b
fold3 f = f <<< step2 <<< step1
step1 :: List a -> Maybe (Tuple a (List a))
step1 Nil = Nothing
step1 (Cons a as) = Just $ Tuple a as
step2 :: Maybe (Tuple a (List a)) -> Maybe (Tuple a b)
step2 Nothing = Nothing
step2 (Just (Tuple a as)) = Just $ Tuple a $ fold3 f as
-- fold3 prodF (1: 5: 10: Nil)
newtype ListF a b = ListF (Maybe (Tuple a b))
-- derive newtype instance functorListF :: Functor (ListF a)
instance functorListFA :: Functor (ListF c) where
map f (ListF Nothing) = ListF Nothing
map f (ListF (Just (Tuple c a))) = ListF $ Just $ Tuple c $ f a
projectList :: forall a. List a -> ListF a (List a)
projectList Nil = ListF Nothing
projectList (Cons a as) = ListF $ Just $ Tuple a as
prodListF :: ListF Int Int -> Int
prodListF (ListF Nothing) = 1
prodListF (ListF (Just (Tuple a b ))) = a * b
embedList :: forall a. ListF a (List a) -> List a
embedList (ListF Nothing) = Nil
embedList (ListF (Just (Tuple a as))) = a : as
range :: Int -> ListF Int Int
range n | n <= 0 = ListF Nothing
| otherwise = ListF (Just (Tuple n (n-1)))
:: forall f s b. Functor f
=> (f b -> b)
-> (s -> f s)
-> s -> b
fold' op project init =
op $ fold' op project <$> project init
-- fold' prodListF projectList (1: 5: 10: Nil)
:: forall f s a. Functor f
=> (a -> f a)
-> (f s -> s)
-> a -> s
unfold' op embed init =
embed $ unfold' op embed <$> op init
-- unfold' range embedList 10
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
type Coalgebra f a = a -> f a
:: forall f s b. Functor f
=> Algebra f b
-> Coalgebra f s
-> s -> b
cata alg proj init =
alg $ go <$> proj init
where go = cata alg proj
:: forall f s a. Functor f
=> Coalgebra f a
-> Algebra f s
-> a -> s
ana coalg embed init =
embed $ go <$> coalg init
where go = ana coalg embed
:: forall f a b. Functor f
=> Algebra f b
-> Coalgebra f a
-> a -> b
hylo alg coalg init =
alg $ go <$> coalg init
where go = hylo alg coalg
productOpA :: Algebra (ListF Int) Int
productOpA (ListF Nothing) = 1
productOpA (ListF (Just (Tuple a b))) = a * b
rangeOpC :: Coalgebra (ListF Int) Int
rangeOpC n | n <= 0 = ListF Nothing
| otherwise = ListF (Just (Tuple n (n-1)))
projectListC :: forall a. Coalgebra (ListF a) (List a)
projectListC Nil = ListF Nothing
projectListC (Cons a as) = ListF (Just (Tuple a as))
embedListA :: forall a. Algebra (ListF a) (List a)
embedListA (ListF Nothing) = Nil
embedListA (ListF (Just (Tuple a as))) = a : as
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
logShow $ cata productOpA projectListC (1 : 5 : 10 : Nil)
logShow $ ana rangeOpC embedListA 10
logShow $ factorial' 5
logShow $ factorial 5
prodList = cata productOpA projectListC
rangeList = ana rangeOpC embedListA
factorial' = prodList <<< rangeList
factorial = hylo productOpA rangeOpC
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