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Last active May 15, 2017 04:14
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import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
import com.twitter.finagle.Stack.Params
import com.twitter.finagle.mux.{Request, Response}
import com.twitter.finagle.{Filter, Path, Service}
import com.twitter.util.Future
import io.buoyant.linkerd.protocol.ThriftServerConfig
import io.buoyant.linkerd.{ClientConfig, ProtocolInitializer, RouterConfig}
import io.buoyant.linkerd._
import io.buoyant.router.Thrift
class Thrift2MuxUpgradeInitializer extends ProtocolInitializer {
val name = "thrift2mux"
type Bytes = Array[Byte]
protected type RouterReq = Request
protected type RouterRsp = Response
protected type ServerReq = Bytes
protected type ServerRsp = Bytes
protected val defaultRouter = io.buoyant.router.Mux.router
protected val defaultServer = io.buoyant.router.Thrift.server
val defaultServerPort: Int = 4114
val configClass = classOf[Thrift2MuxConfig]
protected val adapter = new Filter[Bytes, Bytes, Request, Response] {
// ??? ClientId should be automatically propagated ???
override def apply(request: Bytes, service: Service[Request, Response]): Future[Bytes] = {
val req = Request(Path.empty, Buf.ByteArray.Owned(request))
service(req).map(rep => Buf.ByteArray.Owned.extract(rep.body))
object Thrift2MuxUpgradeInitializer extends Thrift2MuxUpgradeInitializer
case class Thrift2MuxConfig(
thriftMethodInDst: Option[Boolean]
) extends RouterConfig {
var servers: Seq[ThriftServerConfig] = Nil
var client: Option[ClientConfig] = None
override def protocol = Thrift2MuxUpgradeInitializer
override def routerParams: Params = super.routerParams
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