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Created May 11, 2016 18:30
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Migrating from SVProgressHUD to MBProgressHUD. We needed to expose `hasFinished` from MBProgressHUD's implementation and have added tests to make sure we remember about it when we upgrade MBProgressHUD. We didn't use Swift's default values and instead have added multiple `showStatus...` because we need to use it from Objective-C.
// MBProgressHUD+Additions.h
// Caremobile
// Created by Victor Ilyukevich on 4/13/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Care Zone Inc. All rights reserved.
@interface MBProgressHUD (Additions)
- (BOOL)hasFinished;
// MBProgressHUD+Additions.swift
// Caremobile
// Created by Victor Ilyukevich on 4/11/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Care Zone Inc. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import BlocksKit
extension MBProgressHUD {
static func isVisible() -> Bool {
if let _ = MBProgressHUD(forView: firstWindow) {
return true
return false
static func show() -> MBProgressHUD {
return showStatus(nil)
static func showStatus(text: String?) -> MBProgressHUD {
return showStatus(text, dimBackground: false, cancelBlock: nil)
static func showStatus(text: String?, cancelBlock: (UIButton -> ())?) -> MBProgressHUD {
return showStatus(text, dimBackground: false, cancelBlock: cancelBlock)
static func showStatus(text: String?, dimBackground: Bool) -> MBProgressHUD {
return showStatus(text, dimBackground: dimBackground, cancelBlock: nil)
static func showStatus(text: String?, dimBackground: Bool, cancelBlock: (UIButton -> ())?) -> MBProgressHUD {
let hud = findOrCreateHUD()
hud.mode = .Indeterminate
hud.label.text = text
hud.userInteractionEnabled = true
if dimBackground {
hud.backgroundView.color = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.5)
if let handler = cancelBlock {
hud.button.setTitle(t("Cancel"), forState: .Normal)
hud.button.bk_addEventHandler({ sender in
handler(sender as! UIButton)
}, forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
return hud
static func showSuccessAndDismiss(text: String?) -> MBProgressHUD {
return showAwesomeIconAndDismiss("\u{f00c}", text: text)
static func showErrorAndDismiss(text: String?) -> MBProgressHUD {
return showAwesomeIconAndDismiss("\u{f057}", text: text)
static func dismiss() {
hideHUDForView(firstWindow, animated: true)
static func setProgress(progress: Float) {
if let hud = MBProgressHUD(forView: firstWindow) {
hud.progress = progress
// MARK: Internal
private static func findOrCreateHUD() -> MBProgressHUD {
if let hud = MBProgressHUD(forView: firstWindow) where hud.hasFinished() == false {
hud.showAnimated(true) // cancel pending timer to hide, if any
return hud
return showHUDAddedTo(firstWindow, animated: true)
private static var firstWindow: UIView {
// There is also `UIApplication#keyWindow` but it might be wrong window.
// For example if and alert is presented, then `keyWindow` will have a reference to it.
return UIApplication.sharedApplication().windows.first!
private static func showAwesomeIconAndDismiss(icon: String, text: String?) -> MBProgressHUD {
let hud = findOrCreateHUD()
hud.label.text = text
hud.customView = makeAwesomeLabel(icon)
hud.mode = .CustomView
hud.userInteractionEnabled = false
hud.hideAnimated(true, afterDelay: 1)
return hud
private func hideButton() {
button.removeTarget(nil, action: nil, forControlEvents: .AllEvents)
button.setTitle(nil, forState: .Normal)
private func makeAwesomeLabel(text: String) -> UILabel {
let view = UILabel()
view.font = UIFont(name: "FontAwesome", size: 30)
view.text = text
return view
// MBProgressHUDAdditionsSpec.m
// Caremobile
// Created by Victor Ilyukevich on 4/13/16.
// Copyright 2016 Care Zone Inc. All rights reserved.
@import Kiwi;
#import "MBProgressHUD+Additions.h"
describe(@"MBProgressHUD+Additions", ^{
__block MBProgressHUD *hud;
hud = [MBProgressHUD showHUDAddedTo:[UIView new] animated:NO];
it(@"responds to `hasFinished`", ^{
[[hud should] respondToSelector:@selector(hasFinished)];
it(@"is finished after hide call", ^{
[[theValue(hud.hasFinished) should] beFalse];
[hud hideAnimated:NO];
[[theValue(hud.hasFinished) should] beTrue];
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