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Created January 28, 2013 23:50
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XInput2.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
int working = 1;
void signal_callback_handler(int signum) {
working = 0;
int main() {
/* Connect to the X server */
signal(SIGINT, signal_callback_handler);
signal(SIGTSTP, signal_callback_handler);
signal(SIGTERM, signal_callback_handler);
Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
/* XInput Extension available? */
int opcode, event, error;
if (!XQueryExtension(dpy, "XInputExtension", &opcode, &event, &error)) {
printf("X Input extension not available.\n");
return -1;
/* Which version of XI2? We support 2.0 */
int major = 2, minor = 0;
if (XIQueryVersion(dpy, &major, &minor) == BadRequest) {
printf("XI2 not available. Server supports %d.%d\n", major, minor);
return -1;
XIEventMask eventmask;
unsigned char mask[1] = { 0 }; /* the actual mask */
eventmask.deviceid = XIAllDevices;
eventmask.mask_len = sizeof(mask); /* always in bytes */
eventmask.mask = mask;
/* now set the mask */
XISetMask(mask, XI_RawButtonPress);
/* select on the window */
XISelectEvents(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), &eventmask, 1);
while(working) {
XEvent ev;
XNextEvent(dpy, &ev);
if (ev.xcookie.type == GenericEvent &&
ev.xcookie.extension == opcode &&
XGetEventData(dpy, &ev.xcookie))
case XI_RawButtonPress:
XFreeEventData(dpy, &ev.xcookie);
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X Error of failed request: XI_BadDevice (invalid Device parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 131 (XInputExtension)
Minor opcode of failed request: 46 ()
Device id in failed request: 0xad
Serial number of failed request: 15
Current serial number in output stream: 15

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