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Created October 28, 2013 15:06
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from os.path import join
from functools import partial
import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(sys.getrecursionlimit() * 2)
def previous(maxx, maxy, currentx, currenty):
x = currentx - 1
y = currenty
if x < 0:
x = maxx -1 # 0 index
y -= 1
if y < 0:
raise StopIteration
return x,y
def coorditer(maxx, maxxy, currentx, currenty):
yield currentx, currenty
x = currentx+1
y = currenty
while True:
if x >= maxx:
x = 0
if y >= maxx:
raise StopIteration
yield x,y
def nextcoord(maxx, maxxy, currentx, currenty):
x = currentx+1
y = currenty
if x >= maxx:
x = 0
if y >= maxx:
raise StopIteration
return x,y
def selectionsort(surfarray, maxx, maxy, currentx, currenty):
def minreduce(acc, coords):
if sum(surfarray[coords]) < (surfarray[acc]):
return coords
return acc
swapcoord = (currentx, currenty)
minbright = sum(surfarray[currentx, currenty])
_sum = sum
for i in coorditer(maxx, maxy, currentx, currenty):
currbright = _sum(surfarray[i])
if currbright < minbright:
minbright = currbright
swapcoord = i
surfarray[currentx, currenty], surfarray[swapcoord] = surfarray[swapcoord], surfarray[currentx, currenty]
return nextcoord(maxx, maxy, currentx, currenty)
def coordbigger(coord1,coord2):
x1, y1 = coord1
x2, y2 = coord2
if y1 > y2:
return True
if y1 == y2 and x1 > x2:
return True
return False
def count(n):
i = 0
while i < n:
yield i
raise StopIteration
def quicksort(array):
# print(depth)
# print("quick called with {} elements".format(len(array)))
if len(array) < 2:
yield array
raise StopIteration
pivot = array[0].reshape((1,3))
pivotbright = pivot.sum()
array = np.delete(array,0,0)
sums = array.sum(axis=1)
idx = sums > pivotbright
greater = array[idx]
less = array[~idx]
#print(len(greater) + len(less))
#raise StopIteration
yield np.concatenate((less, pivot, greater))
for left in quicksort(less):
yield np.concatenate((left, pivot, greater))
for right in quicksort(greater):
yield np.concatenate((left, pivot, right))
raise StopIteration
def mergesort(surfarray, maxx, maxy, step):
"This works with np array instead of pixel access because it is much much faster"
arrlen = maxx * maxy
surfarray = surfarray.reshape((arrlen, 3))
while True:
for i in range(0,arrlen-step, step):
end = i+step
idx = surfarray[i:end].sum(axis=1).argsort()
surfarray[i:end] = surfarray[i:end][idx]
yield surfarray.reshape((maxx, maxy,3)), step
# do remainder
idx = surfarray[i:].sum(axis=1).argsort()
surfarray[i:] = surfarray[i:][idx]
yield surfarray.reshape((maxx, maxy,3)), step
if step >= arrlen:
raise StopIteration
step = step * 2
def bubblesort(surfarray, maxx, maxy, step):
prevx, prevy = 0,0
_sum = sum
for i in coorditer(maxx, maxy, 1,0):
if i == step:
if _sum(surfarray[i]) < _sum(surfarray[prevx, prevy]):
surfarray[i], surfarray[prevx, prevy] = surfarray[prevx, prevy], surfarray[i]
prevx, prevy = i
return previous(maxx, maxy, *step)
def insertionsort(surfarray, maxx, maxy, currentx, currenty):
# print("insertion sort called for {}x{}".format(currentx, currenty))
x = currentx
y = currenty
while True:
prevx, prevy = previous(maxx, maxy, x,y)
if prevy < 0:
# print("compare {}x{} to {}x{}".format(x,y,prevx,prevy))
if sum(surfarray[x,y]) < sum(surfarray[prevx, prevy]):
temp = surfarray[x,y]
surfarray[x, y] = surfarray[prevx, prevy]
surfarray[prevx, prevy] = temp
# print("later {}".format(surfarray[15:17][0]))
x,y = prevx, prevy
currentx += 1
if currentx == maxx:
currentx = 0
currenty += 1
if currenty == maxy:
return -1,-1
return currentx, currenty
img ="cat.jpg")
array = np.array(img)
sizex, sizey = img.size
counter = 0
frame = 1"output/quick/{}.png".format(frame))
frame += 1
counter = 0
array = array.reshape((sizex*sizey,3))
for arr in quicksort(array):
# print(arr)
# break
if counter > 100:
img = Image.fromarray(arr.reshape((sizex, sizey, 3)))"output/quick/{}.png".format(frame))
counter = 0
img = Image.fromarray(arr.reshape((sizex, sizey, 3)))"output/quick/{}.png".format(frame))
print("finished {}".format(counter))
sizex,sizey = img.size
currentx = 1
currenty = 0
import profile"mergesort(array, sizex,sizey, 2048)")
counter = 0
frame = 1"output/merge/{}.png".format(frame))
frame += 1
step = 2
while True:
step = mergesort(array, sizex,sizey, step)"output/merge/{}.png".format(frame))
#if counter > 50:
# frame+=1
# counter = 0
#counter += 1
except StopIteration:
# print("{}x{}th color ordered".format(currentx, currenty))"""
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