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Created September 6, 2019 08:41
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// A O(n^2) time and O(1) space program to find the longest palindromic substring
// A utility function to print a substring str[low..high]
function printSubStr($str, $low, $high)
for( $i = $low; $i <= $high; ++$i )
echo $str[$i];
// This function prints the longest palindrome substring (LPS)
// of str[]. It also returns the length of the longest palindrome
function longestPalSubstr($str)
$maxLength = 1; // The result (length of LPS)
$start = 0;
$len = strlen($str);
// One by one consider every character as center point of
// even and length palindromes
for ($i = 1; $i < $len; ++$i)
// Find the longest even length palindrome with center points
// as i-1 and i.
$low = $i - 1;
$high = $i;
while ($low >= 0 && $high < $len && $str[$low] == $str[$high])
if ($high - $low + 1 > $maxLength)
$start = $low;
$maxLength = $high - $low + 1;
// Find the longest odd length palindrome with center
// point as i
$low = $i - 1;
$high = $i + 1;
while ($low >= 0 && $high < $len && $str[$low] == $str[$high])
if ($high - $low + 1 > $maxLength)
$start = $low;
$maxLength = $high - $low + 1;
echo "Longest palindrome substring is: ";
printSubStr($str, $start, $start + $maxLength - 1);
return $maxLength;
// Driver program to test above functions
$str = "forgeeksskeegfor";
echo "\nLength is: ". longestPalSubstr( $str ) ;
return 0;
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