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Last active April 30, 2024 10:34
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CLI Drills
curl -o "harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt"
#to take the url of file given and storing as text file using curl -o
head -n 3 harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt
#to get first lines of code we use head command
head -n 5
tail -n 10 harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt
#this means last 10lines of code we use tail for it
cat harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt|grep -c Harry
cat harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt|grep Harry
#this one displays the text highlighting the given name here given harry
cat harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt|grep -c Ron
cat harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt|grep -c Hermione
cat harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt|grep -c Dumbledore
sed -n '100,200p' harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt -- to get 100 to 200 lines
tr -sc '[:alpha:]' '[\n*]' <harrypotter-gobletoffire.txt | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'|sort|uniq|wc -l
#to count unique characters first we are taking words in it and converting uppercase to lower case and removing duplicates and giving count
Processes and Ports
# to get pids
ps -j
# to get ppids
ps -eo %cpu--sort=-%cpu | head -n 4
#first 3 cpus in sorting order
ps -eo %mem--sort=-%mem | head -n 4
#first 3 mem in sorting order
python3 -m http.server 8000
s#tarted server on 8000
python3 -m http.server 90
#Started server 90
netstat -tuln
#to know tcp and udp ports
netstat -tuln | grep 5432
#to know on 5432
#Managing software
sudo apt install htop
sudo apt install nginx
sudo apt install vim
sudo apt remove nginx --- it is to remove nginx
#local ip address
#ip address of
#to check if Internet is working using CLI
#Node can also be used in a terminal window as a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop, or REPL. This functionality allows you execute JavaScript commands from the command line.
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