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Tasj course lesson 5-2 - Implementing Precondition-helpers - Hints. Wait for JS on page load - notes_
*** Given impl hints
JS example:
localStorage.setItem("todos-troopjs", "[{\"completed\":true, \"title\":\"new\"}]")
givenAllActive("a", "b", "c")
givenAllCompleted("a", "b", "c")
given(true, "a", "b", "c")
given(false, "a", "b", "c")
given("active", "a", "b", "c") (transform "active" to false via if or ternar operator)
given(active, "a", "b", "c") (~ as variable)
given(ACTIVE, "a", "b", "c") (~ as final "constant")
given(TaskType.ACTIVE, "a", "b", "c") (~ as value of ENUM type)
given(new Task("a", TaskType.ACTIVE), new Task("b", TaskType.COMPLETED))
given(new Task("a", ACTIVE), new Task("b", COMPLETED))
given(aTask("a", ACTIVE), aTask("b", COMPLETED))
aTask("a", ACTIVE),
aTask("b", COMPLETED))
String operations
concatenation "Hello, " + name + "!";
String.format String.format("Hellow, %s!", name);
StringBuilder new StringBuilder("Hellow, ").add(name).add("!");
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("Hellow, ");
return result;
BackSlashes "\n" -> new line
"\\n" -> \n
User for and ifs when needed
It's not a test logic implementation => You are free to use ifs and loops if needed.
Smart open with if
if (not $("...").is(visible)) => open page
Method Overloading
aTask("a", ACTIVE),
aTask("b", ACTIVE))
given("a", "b")
Wait for JS loading
fixed version of todomvc:
proper code change:
example of good frontend implementation:
with disabled UI while loading JS
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