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Created July 26, 2014 23:53
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Python lync API bot
import base64, copy, sys
import requests
import json
from urlparse import urlparse
sip_domain = ""
username = ""
password = "somepassword"
def extractAuthURL(str):
start = str.find('MsRtcOAuth');
q1 = str.find('"',start);
q2 = str.find('"',q1+1);
if q1 == -1 or q2 == -1:
raise Exception("cannot find auth string")
return str[q1+1:q2]
# Lookup discoverry URL to determine user/auth url, hardcoded to internal. change to lyncdiscover for external users
discover_url = "https://lyncdiscover.{0}/".format(sip_domain)
print "--1. GET: {0}".format(discover_url);
r1 = requests.get(discover_url)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r1.status_code)
j = r1.json();
user_url = j['_links']['user']['href']
# ping the user url, expect a 401/address of oath server
print "--2. GET: {0}".format(user_url);
r2 = requests.get(user_url);
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r2.status_code)
auth_url = extractAuthURL(r2.headers['www-authenticate'])
# send auth request, expect 200/authentication token
r3_data = {'grant_type':'password', 'username':username,'password':password}
print "--3. POST: {0}".format(auth_url)
r3 =,data=r3_data)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r3.status_code)
access_token = r3.json()
# resend user request w/ oath headers, look for applications url
auth_headers = {'Authorization':"{0} {1}".format(access_token['token_type'],access_token['access_token'])}
print "--4. GET: {0}".format(user_url)
r4 = requests.get(user_url,headers=auth_headers)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r4.status_code)
headers = copy.copy(auth_headers)
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
# create an application endpoint, takes a json query w/ app identifier and appropriate content type
application_data = {'culture':'en-us','endpointId':'1235637','userAgent':'lyncApp/1.4 (MacOSX)'}
print "--5. GET: {0}".format(applications_url)
r5_headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
r5 =,headers=r5_headers,data=json.dumps(application_data))
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r5.status_code)
apps = r5.json()
# print json.dumps(r5.json(),indent=4)
up = urlparse(applications_url)
application_base = "{0}://{1}".format(up.scheme,up.netloc)
if 'makeMeAvailable' in apps['_embedded']['me']['_links']:
# Put me online
r6_url = application_base + apps['_embedded']['me']['_links']['makeMeAvailable']['href']
print "--6. POST: {0}".format(r6_url)
r6 =,headers=headers, data=json.dumps({"SupportedModalities": ["Messaging"], "signInAs": "Online"}))
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r6.status_code)
# else:
# # Put me offline
# r7_url = application_base + apps['_links']['self']['href']
# print "--7. DELETE: {0}".format(r7_url)
# r7 = requests.delete(r7_url,headers=headers)
# print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r7.status_code)
# sys.exit(0)
# events url
def get_events(seq):
NEXT_EVENTS_URL = application_base + apps['_links']['events']['href']
print "--{0}. GET: {1}".format(seq, NEXT_EVENTS_URL)
events_response = requests.get(NEXT_EVENTS_URL,headers=headers)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(events_response.status_code)
if 'resync' in events_response.json()['_links']:
NEXT_EVENTS_URL = application_base + events_response.json()['_links']['resync']['href']
NEXT_EVENTS_URL = application_base + events_response.json()['_links']['next']['href']
return events_response
# parse events for messagingInvitation event
def parse_messagingInvitation_event(response_data):
for sender_data in response_data['sender']:
# sender rel can be commmunication (messageInvitation) or communication
if sender_data['rel'] in ['communication', 'conversation']:
for event_data in sender_data['events']:
if event_data['type'] not in ['deleted', 'added']:
for event_type, event_value in event_data['_embedded'].items():
if event_type in ['messagingInvitation', 'message']:
return event_value
return {}
# Receive messages
def receive_message():
# invoke a plain GET to the myContacts url we found above.
r7_url = application_base + apps['_embedded']['people']['_links']['myContacts']['href']
print "--7. GET: {0}".format(r7_url)
r7 = requests.get(r7_url,headers=auth_headers)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r7.status_code)
for contact in r7.json()['_embedded']['contact']:
print "Name " + contact['name']
while True:
r8 = get_events(8)
event_value = parse_messagingInvitation_event(r8.json())
if event_value and event_value['direction'] == 'Incoming':
if 'accept' in event_value['_links']:
r16_url = application_base + event_value['_links']['accept']['href']
print "--16. POST: {0}".format(r16_url)
r16 =,headers=headers)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r16.status_code)
if 'message' in event_value['_links']:
raw_message = event_value['_links']['message']['href']
elif 'plainMessage' in event_value['_links']:
raw_message = event_value['_links']['plainMessage']['href']
content_type, charset_data = raw_message.split(';')
charset, data = charset_data.split(',')
print '-----------------------------------------'
print 'RECEIVED : %s' % data
print '-----------------------------------------'
# send message
def send_message():
r9_url = application_base + apps['_embedded']['communication']['_links']['startMessaging']['href']
print "--9. POST: {0}".format(r9_url)
r9 =,headers=headers, data=json.dumps({
"subject":"Task Sample",
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r9.status_code)
r10 = get_events(10)
conversation_url = None
event_value = parse_messagingInvitation_event(r10.json())
if event_value:
conversation_url = event_value['_links']['conversation']['href']
if conversation_url:
r12_url = application_base + conversation_url
print "--12. GET: {0}".format(r12_url)
r12 = requests.get(r12_url,headers=headers)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r12.status_code)
r13_url = application_base + r12.json()['_links']['messaging']['href'] + '/messages'
print "--13. GET: {0}".format(r13_url)
send_headers = copy.copy(headers)
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
r13 =,headers=headers, data="Whats up")
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r13.status_code)
r14 = get_events(14)
# terminate the conversation
r15_url = application_base + event_value['_links']['messaging']['href'] + '/terminate'
print "--15. POST: {0}".format(r15_url)
r15 =,headers=headers)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r15.status_code)
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you set send_headers but don't use them. Is this code working? I am curious as I want to do something similar.

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I can't get it to work, I get an 'unsupported_grant_type' in stage 3.

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toyg commented Jun 15, 2015

This doesn't work anymore. It looks like you now need to be a registered consumer app to do any authentication, passing secret and key in r3_data.

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I get a 404 in response to r4. Not sure why, but still an interesting concept! (Way more informative than a lot of the other posts I've seen about Lync bots.)

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