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Created October 4, 2019 05:49
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#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -o nounset # Exit, with error message, when attempting to use an undefined variable.
set -o errexit # Abort script at first error, when a command exits with non-zero status.
set -o pipefail # Returns exit status of the last command in the pipe that returned a non-zero return value.
IFS=$'\n\t' # Defines how Bash splits words and iterates arrays. This defines newlines and tabs as delimiters.
export INSTALL_COMMAND="apt-get -q -y"
# Set the machine's timezone
# Arguments:
# tz data timezone
function setTimezone() {
local timezone=${1}
echo "${1}" | sudo tee /etc/timezone
sudo ln -fs "/usr/share/zoneinfo/${timezone}" /etc/localtime #
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
# Gets the amount of physical memory in GB (rounded up) installed on the machine
function getPhysicalMemory() {
local phymem
phymem="$(free -g|awk '/^Mem:/{print $2}')"
if [[ ${phymem} == '0' ]]; then
echo 1
echo "${phymem}"
function setupTimezone() {
echo -ne "Enter the timezone for the server (Default is 'Asia/Kolkata'):\n" >&3
read -r timezone
if [ -z "${timezone}" ]; then
setTimezone "${timezone}"
echo "Timezone is set to $(cat /etc/timezone)" >&3
function installPackages() {
# Initialization
# Build Tools
$INSTALL_COMMAND install build-essential # Essential for compiling source (includes GCC compiler, etc).
$INSTALL_COMMAND install libreadline6 libreadline6-dev # CLI.
$INSTALL_COMMAND install zlib1g zlib1g-dev # Compression.
$INSTALL_COMMAND install libssl-dev # SSL.
$INSTALL_COMMAND install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev # Regular Expressions.
$INSTALL_COMMAND install libyaml-dev # YAML.
$INSTALL_COMMAND install libxml2-dev # XML.
$INSTALL_COMMAND install libxslt-dev # XSLT.
# Package Management
$INSTALL_COMMAND install python-software-properties # Provides the "add-apt-repository" command.
# Git
$INSTALL_COMMAND install git-core
# Java
$INSTALL_COMMAND install default-jdk default-jre
# Docker
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
$INSTALL_COMMAND install docker-ce docker-compose
usermod -aG docker ${USER}
function main() {
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