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Last active February 24, 2024 06:33
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Code snippet to create partial views for the work — iNVS : Repurposing Diffusion Inpainters for Novel View Synthesis, SIGGRAPH 2023
import numpy as np
import torch
import time
import imageio
import cv2
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch.nn.functional as Fu
from import get_rgbd_point_cloud
from pytorch3d.renderer import (AlphaCompositor, MultinomialRaysampler,
PointsRasterizationSettings, PointsRasterizer,
from pytorch3d.renderer.cameras import CamerasBase, get_ndc_to_screen_transform
from pytorch3d.structures import Pointclouds
from pytorch3d.vis.plotly_vis import plot_scene
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from splatting import splatting_function
from functools import lru_cache
from skimage.draw import line, polygon, polygon2mask
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
def draw_line(s1,s2,e1,e2):
# draw 2D line from start (s) to end (e)
return line(s1,s2,e1,e2)
def adjust_scale_center(pts_world_fg, pts_world_fg_filter=None):
# remove outliers
if pts_world_fg_filter is None:
from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor
pts_world_fg_filter = LocalOutlierFactor(n_neighbors=20, contamination=0.3).fit_predict(pts_world_fg)
pts_world_fg_filtered = pts_world_fg[pts_world_fg_filter == 1]
# find bounds
min_bound, max_bound = pts_world_fg_filtered.min(dim=0)[0], pts_world_fg_filtered.max(dim=0)[0]
world_scale = (max_bound - min_bound).max()
world_center = (max_bound + min_bound) / 2
return world_scale, world_center, pts_world_fg_filter
def render_forward_splat_co3d(src_frame, tgt_frame, rgb_key="image_rgb", depth_key="depth_map", filter_depth=False, splat_depth=False, return_angles=False, filter_bg=False, epi_bg=False, max_rays=2000, black_bg=False, splat_params=False, adjust_mono=False):
src_frame: source frame containing rgb image, depth, and camera
tgt_frame: target frame containing camera
rgb_key: key for rgb image in src_frame
depth_key: key for depth image in src_frame
filter_depth: if True, replaces 0 depth values with max non-zero depth value
splat_depth: if True, returns splatted depth
return_angles: if True, returns ray angles between source and target rays
filter_bg: if True, sets weights of background points to -inf during softmax (splatting)
epi_bg: if True, draws epipolar rays from source to target image
max_rays: maximum number of rays to draw for epi_bg
black_bg: if True, sets background to black instead of white
splat_params: if True, returns flow and weights used for splatting
adjust_mono: if True, adjusts mono depth to fit in [-1, 1] (range used during rendering objaverse assets)
start_time = time.time()
# unproject to world
imh, imw = getattr(src_frame, rgb_key).shape[-2:]
src_rgb, src_depth = getattr(src_frame, rgb_key), getattr(src_frame, depth_key)
if filter_depth:
src_depth[src_depth == 0] = src_depth.unique()[-1] # replace 0 with max non-zero depth
# generates raybundle using camera intrinsics and extrinsics
src_ray_bundle = NDCMultinomialRaysampler(
# get points in world space
pts_world = ray_bundle_to_ray_points(
src_ray_bundle._replace(lengths=src_depth[:, 0, ..., None])
rays_time = time.time()
bg_mask = torch.logical_or(src_depth <= 0, src_depth >= 10)
if adjust_mono:
# ignore background points
pts_world_fg = pts_world[~bg_mask.squeeze(1), :]
# find adjust params
world_scale, world_center, pts_filter = adjust_scale_center(pts_world_fg)
# scale and translate points b/w [-1, 1]
pts_world = 2.0 * (pts_world - world_center) / world_scale
# new_bounds = pts_world[~bg_mask.squeeze(1), :].reshape(-1,3).min(dim=0)[0], pts_world[~bg_mask.squeeze(1), :].reshape(-1,3).max(dim=0)[0]
# print(f"readjusted mono depth, new bounds: {new_bounds}")
# get rays from source and target camera to world points
src_rays = pts_world -
src_rays = src_rays / src_rays.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
target_rays = pts_world -
target_rays = target_rays / target_rays.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
# print min and max pts_world
# print(f"min: {pts_world.reshape(-1,3).min(0).values.cpu().tolist()}, max: {pts_world.reshape(-1,3).max(0).values.cpu().tolist()}")
# compute angle between rays
angle = torch.acos((src_rays * target_rays).sum(dim=-1))
# replace nans with 0
angle[angle != angle] = 0
# convert to degrees
ray_angles = angle * 180 / np.pi
# move to source screen space (pixel indices)
src_pts_screen =, image_size=(imh, imw))
# move to screen camera view space (debug)
# src_pts_cam =
# move to target screen space
tgt_pts_screen =, image_size=(imh, imw))
# move to target camera view space
tgt_pts_cam =
# depths in camera view space
new_z = tgt_pts_cam[None, :,:,2:3].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
# flow of points in screen space
flow = tgt_pts_screen[None, :,:, :2] - src_pts_screen[None, :,:, :2]
flow = flow.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
flow_time = time.time()
# calculate importance weights
importance = 1. / (new_z)
importance_min = importance.amin((1, 2, 3), keepdim=True)
importance_max = importance.amax((1, 2, 3), keepdim=True)
weights = (importance - importance_min) / (importance_max - importance_min + 1e-6) * 20 - 10
# make weights of background points -inf
if filter_bg:
new_bg_mask = torch.logical_or(new_z <= -10, new_z >= 10)
weights[new_bg_mask] = -1e10
# run splatting
num_channels = src_rgb.shape[1]
src_mask_ = torch.ones_like(new_z)
input_data =[src_rgb, (1. / (new_z)), src_mask_, ray_angles.unsqueeze(1), src_depth], dim=1)
if "diffuse_image" in src_frame:
input_data =[input_data, src_frame.diffuse_image.unsqueeze(0)], dim=1)
if "normal_image" in src_frame:
input_data =[input_data, src_frame.normal_image.unsqueeze(0)], dim=1)
if "gloss_image" in src_frame:
input_data =[input_data, src_frame.gloss_image.unsqueeze(0)], dim=1)
output_data = splatting_function('softmax', input_data, flow.float(), weights.detach())
splat_time = time.time()
# process splat output
warp_feature = output_data[:, 0:num_channels, Ellipsis]
warp_disp = output_data[:, num_channels:num_channels + 1, Ellipsis]
warp_mask = output_data[:, num_channels + 1:num_channels + 2, Ellipsis]
warp_ray_angles = output_data[:, num_channels + 2:num_channels + 3, Ellipsis]
warp_depth = output_data[:, num_channels + 3:num_channels + 4, Ellipsis]
warp_diffuse, warp_normal, warp_gloss = None, None, None
if "diffuse_image" in src_frame:
warp_diffuse = output_data[:, num_channels + 4:num_channels + 7, Ellipsis]
if "normal_image" in src_frame:
warp_normal = output_data[:, num_channels + 7:num_channels + 10, Ellipsis]
if "gloss_image" in src_frame:
warp_gloss = output_data[:, num_channels + 10:num_channels + 13, Ellipsis]
# print(f"Time taken, rays: {rays_time - start_time:.3f}, flow: {flow_time - rays_time:.3f}, splat: {splat_time - flow_time:.3f}")
if epi_bg and not torch.eq(,
epi_time = time.time()
nudge = 0.01
pts_world_nudged = ray_bundle_to_ray_points(src_ray_bundle._replace(lengths=src_depth[:, 0, ..., None] + nudge)).squeeze(-2)
if adjust_mono:
# ignore background points
# pts_world_nudged_fg = pts_world_nudged[~bg_mask.squeeze(1), :]
# # find adjust params using same filter as mono depth
# world_scale, world_center, _ = adjust_scale_center(pts_world_nudged_fg, pts_filter)
# scale and translate points b/w [-1, 1]
pts_world_nudged = 2.0 * (pts_world_nudged - world_center) / world_scale
tgt_pts_screen_nudged =, image_size=(imh, imw))
tgt_pts_screen_flow = tgt_pts_screen_nudged[:,:, :2] - tgt_pts_screen[:,:, :2]
# normalize flow
tgt_pts_screen_flow = tgt_pts_screen_flow / tgt_pts_screen_flow.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
# get slope and intercept of rays
slope = tgt_pts_screen_flow[:,:,0:1] / tgt_pts_screen_flow[:,:,1:2]
intercept = tgt_pts_screen_nudged[:,:, 0:1] - slope * tgt_pts_screen_nudged[:,:, 1:2]
# find intersection of rays with tgt screen (x = 0, x = imw, y = 0, y = imh)
left = slope * 0 + intercept
left =[left, torch.zeros_like(left)], dim=-1)
right = slope * imw + intercept
right =[right, torch.ones_like(right) * imw - 1], dim=-1)
top = (0 - intercept) / slope
top =[torch.zeros_like(top), top], dim=-1)
bottom = (imh - intercept) / slope
bottom =[torch.ones_like(bottom) * imh - 1, bottom], dim=-1)
# based on sign of slope, find intersection with left/right or top/bottom
lr_intersect = torch.where(tgt_pts_screen_flow[:,:,1:2] < 0, left, right)
tb_intersect = torch.where(tgt_pts_screen_flow[:,:,0:1] < 0, top, bottom)
# based on distance to intersection, find which one is closer from tgt_pts_screen
dist_lr_intersect = (tgt_pts_screen[:,:,:2] - lr_intersect).norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
dist_tb_intersect = (tgt_pts_screen[:,:,:2] - tb_intersect).norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
ray_intersect = torch.where(dist_lr_intersect < dist_tb_intersect, lr_intersect, tb_intersect)
# draw rays where interesections arent nan, and starts are in image bounds
nan_indices = (
.logical_and(tgt_pts_screen[...,0] < imh)
.logical_and(tgt_pts_screen[...,0] > 0)
.logical_and(tgt_pts_screen[:,:,1] < imw)
.logical_and(tgt_pts_screen[:,:,1] > 0)
ray_start = tgt_pts_screen[nan_indices][:,:2].long()
ray_end = ray_intersect[nan_indices][:,:2].long()
# assert bounds
ray_end[:, 0][ray_end[:,0] >= imh] = imh - 1
ray_end[:, 1][ray_end[:,1] >= imw] = imw - 1
# sample evenly placed rays
if ray_start.shape[0] > max_rays:
ray_start = ray_start[::round(ray_start.shape[0] / max_rays)]
ray_end = ray_end[::round(ray_end.shape[0] / max_rays)]
if len(ray_start) > 0:
# reshape for editing
warp_feature = warp_feature.squeeze().permute(1, 2, 0)
# set all background to white
if not black_bg:
warp_feature = torch.where(warp_feature.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) == 0, torch.tensor([255, 255, 255], dtype=warp_feature.dtype), warp_feature)
warp_feature = torch.where(warp_feature.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) == 0, torch.tensor([0, 0, 0], dtype=warp_feature.dtype), warp_feature)
# draw lines
rrs, ccs = [], []
for rs, re in tqdm(zip(ray_start, ray_end), total=len(ray_start), desc="Drawing rays", disable=True):
rr, cc = draw_line(int(rs[1]), int(rs[0]), int(re[1]), int(re[0]))
# find unique pixels
rrs, ccs = np.concatenate(rrs), np.concatenate(ccs)
# apply mask
if not black_bg:
warp_feature[rrs, ccs] = torch.where(warp_feature[rrs, ccs].mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) == 255, torch.tensor([0, 0, 0], dtype=warp_feature.dtype), warp_feature[rrs, ccs])
warp_feature[rrs, ccs] = torch.where(warp_feature[rrs, ccs].mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) == 0, torch.tensor([-1, -1, -1], dtype=warp_feature.dtype), warp_feature[rrs, ccs])
warp_feature = warp_feature.permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception: {e}, src_viewpoint: {src_frame.viewpoint.T}, tgt_viewpoint: {tgt_frame.viewpoint.T}, diff: {src_frame.viewpoint.T - tgt_frame.viewpoint.T}")
# print(f"epi taken: {time.time() - epi_time:.3f}, no of rays: {ray_start.shape[0]}")
# print(f"time taken: {time.time() - start_time:.3f}")
output = [warp_feature, warp_disp, warp_mask]
if return_angles:
if splat_depth:
if splat_params:
output.extend([flow, weights])
if warp_diffuse is not None:
if warp_normal is not None:
if warp_gloss is not None:
return output
def main():
# source viewpoint (sR is rotation, sT is translation, sP is intrinsic)
# imh and imw are image height and width
src_viewpoint = cameras_from_opencv_projection(sR, sT, sP, torch.tensor([imh, imw]).float().unsqueeze(0))
# target viewpoint (tR is rotation, tT is translation, tP is intrinsic)
# imh and imw are image height and width
tgt_viewpoint = cameras_from_opencv_projection(tR, tT, tP, torch.tensor([imh, imw]).float().unsqueeze(0))
# read RGB image and depth image in CHW format
image = torch.tensor(imageio.imread("image.png")).float() / 255.0
depth = torch.tensor(imageio.imread("depth.png")).float()
# unsqueeze batch dim
image = image.unsqueeze(0); depth = depth.unsqueeze(0)
# set background depth to -1.0, so that it is not splatted
bg_depth_mask = None
depth[bg_depth_mask] = -1.0
# create source frame which contains rgb image, mono depth, and camera
src_frame = edict({
"camera": src_viewpoint,
"image_rgb": image,
"depth_map": depth,
# create target frame which contains only camera
tgt_frame = edict({
"camera": tcamera,
# run softmax-splatting (reproject source image to target image)
splat_outputs = render_forward_splat_co3d(src_frame, tgt_frame, filter_depth=False, return_angles=False, filter_bg=True, epi_bg=False, max_rays=-1, black_bg=False, splat_depth=False, splat_params=False, adjust_mono=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
NOTE: this code was a part of larger codebase, and the main function is just a placeholder to show how to use the splatting function. it is not runnable as is and may require some minor modifications.
# ensure pytorch and other dependencies are installed
# install softmax-splatting
cd ~ && git clone
cd splatting && pip install -e .
# install pytorch3d
pip uninstall -y pytorch3d
apt install clang
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.14 CC=clang CXX=clang++ pip install "git+"
# easydict
pip install easydict
- ideally, test on a renders of a synthetic scene (e.g. blender) with known camera poses and ground truth depth.
- your splatted / reprojected image should blend perfectly with the target image; if not, consider debugging the following:
- camera conversion from opencv to pytorch3d (most likely culprit)
- camera intrinsics / extrinsics
- print bounds of unprojected points in world space
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