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Created May 21, 2022 12:57
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Library System in Go (ZTM Course)
// Create a program to manage lending of library books.
//* The library must have books and members, and must include:
// - Which books have been checked out
// - What time the books were checked out
// - What time the books were returned
//* Perform the following:
// - Add at least 4 books and at least 3 members to the library
// - Check out a book
// - Check in a book
// - Print out initial library information, and after each change
//* There must only ever be one copy of the library in memory at any time
//* Use the `time` package from the standard library for check in/out times
//* Liberal use of type aliases, structs, and maps will help organize this project
package main
import (
//* The library must have books and members, and must include:
// - Which books have been checked out
// - What time the books were checked out
// - What time the books were returned
type Book struct {
title string
type Member struct {
name string
libraryId uint64
type LendingRecord struct {
book *Book
issueTime time.Time
returnTime time.Time
type Library struct {
books map[*Book]uint64
lendingRecords map[*Member]LendingRecord
func checkOutBook(book *Book, member *Member, library *Library) {
noOfBooks, hasBook := library.books[book]
_, hasIssued := library.lendingRecords[member]
if !hasBook || noOfBooks == 0 {
fmt.Println("Book is out of stock")
} else if hasIssued {
fmt.Println("You already have a book issued, please return it before issuing a new book")
} else {
library.books[book] -= 1
lendToMember := LendingRecord{
book: book,
issueTime: time.Now(),
library.lendingRecords[member] = lendToMember
fmt.Println("Book ", library.lendingRecords[member].book.title, " has been issued to ",
func checkInBook(book *Book, member *Member, library *Library) {
_, hasIssued := library.lendingRecords[member]
if !hasIssued {
fmt.Println("Dear",, ",you have no book to return")
} else {
library.books[book] += 1
library.lendingRecords[member] = LendingRecord{
book: library.lendingRecords[member].book,
issueTime: library.lendingRecords[member].issueTime,
returnTime: time.Now(),
fmt.Println("Book ", library.lendingRecords[member].book.title, " has been retruned")
func printLendingRecord(lendingRecord *LendingRecord) {
fmt.Println(, ":", lendingRecord.issueTime, ",", lendingRecord.returnTime)
func printLibrary(library *Library) {
fmt.Println("============Library: Start=============")
for book, count := range library.books {
fmt.Println(book.title, ":", count)
for member, lendingRecord := range library.lendingRecords {
fmt.Println(, ":")
fmt.Println("============Library: End=============")
//* Perform the following:
// - Add at least 4 books and at least 3 members to the library
// - Check out a book
// - Check in a book
// - Print out initial library information, and after each change
//* There must only ever be one copy of the library in memory at any time
func main() {
harryPotter1 := Book{
title: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone",
harryPotter2 := Book{
title: "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets",
harryPotter3 := Book{
title: "Harry Potter and the prisoner of askaban",
harryPotter4 := Book{
title: "Harry Potter and the goblet of fire",
memeber1 := Member{
name: "Yash Tibrewal",
libraryId: 1,
memeber2 := Member{
name: "Kushagra Tibrewal",
libraryId: 2,
memeber3 := Member{
name: "Nikhil Tibrewal",
libraryId: 3,
library := Library{
books: make(map[*Book]uint64),
lendingRecords: make(map[*Member]LendingRecord),
fmt.Println("===========Initializing =================================")
library.books[&harryPotter1] = 10
library.books[&harryPotter2] = 4
library.books[&harryPotter3] = 7
library.books[&harryPotter4] = 0
fmt.Println("===========Books Stocked=================================")
checkOutBook(&harryPotter4, &memeber1, &library)
checkOutBook(&harryPotter1, &memeber2, &library)
checkOutBook(&harryPotter1, &memeber3, &library)
fmt.Println("===========After Books Issued=================================")
checkInBook(&harryPotter4, &memeber1, &library)
checkInBook(&harryPotter1, &memeber3, &library)
fmt.Println("===========After Books Returned=================================")
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