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Created August 7, 2021 15:15
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Drawing Rect handles in Unity (similar to built-in Rect tool)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
public class CustomRectHandles : ScriptableObject
public class Rect3D
public Vector3 center;
public Quaternion rotation;
public Vector2 size;
public Rect3D( Vector3 center, Vector2 size, Quaternion rotation )
{ = center;
this.rotation = rotation;
this.size = size;
public bool SurfaceRaycast( Ray ray, out float enter )
Plane plane = new Plane( rotation * Vector3.back, center );
if( !plane.Raycast( ray, out enter ) )
return false;
Vector3 hitLocalPoint = Matrix4x4.TRS( center, rotation, new Vector3( size.x, size.y, 1f ) ).inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4( ray.GetPoint( enter ) );
return Mathf.Abs( hitLocalPoint.x ) <= 0.5f && Mathf.Abs( hitLocalPoint.y ) <= 0.5f;
public void GetSurfaceWorldCorners( Vector3[] fillArray )
Vector3 upDirection = rotation * new Vector3( 0f, size.y * 0.5f, 0f );
Vector3 rightDirection = rotation * new Vector3( size.x * 0.5f, 0f, 0f );
fillArray[0] = center - upDirection - rightDirection; // Bottom left
fillArray[1] = center + upDirection - rightDirection; // Top left
fillArray[2] = center + upDirection + rightDirection; // Top right
fillArray[3] = center - upDirection + rightDirection; // Bottom right
private static CustomRectHandles instance = null;
private readonly List<Rect3D> snapshotRects = new List<Rect3D>( 16 );
private bool isPointerDown;
private int activeRect3DIndex = -1;
private Vector3 previousHandlePosition;
private Material outlineMaterial, fillMaterial;
private readonly Rect3D[] singleRect3DArray = new Rect3D[1];
private readonly Color[] singleOutlineColorArray = new Color[1];
private readonly Color[] singleFillColorArray = new Color[1];
private readonly Vector3[] rectWorldCorners = new Vector3[4];
private readonly object[] resizeHandleParameters = new object[4];
private readonly object[] otherHandleParameters = new object[3];
private readonly Quaternion[] refAlignments = new Quaternion[]
Quaternion.LookRotation( Vector3.right, Vector3.up ),
Quaternion.LookRotation( Vector3.right, Vector3.forward ),
Quaternion.LookRotation( Vector3.up, Vector3.forward ),
Quaternion.LookRotation( Vector3.up, Vector3.right ),
Quaternion.LookRotation( Vector3.forward, Vector3.right ),
Quaternion.LookRotation( Vector3.forward, Vector3.up )
#region Reflection Variables
private readonly MethodInfo moveHandlesGUI = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.RectTool" ).GetMethod( "MoveHandlesGUI", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private readonly MethodInfo rotationHandlesGUI = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.RectTool" ).GetMethod( "RotationHandlesGUI", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private readonly MethodInfo resizeHandlesGUI = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.RectTool" ).GetMethod( "ResizeHandlesGUI", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private readonly FieldInfo s_Moving = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.RectTool" ).GetField( "s_Moving", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private readonly PropertyInfo minDragDifference = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.ManipulationToolUtility" ).GetProperty( "minDragDifference", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
private readonly PropertyInfo incrementalSnapActive = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.EditorSnapSettings" ).GetProperty( "incrementalSnapActive", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private readonly PropertyInfo gridSnapActive = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.EditorSnapSettings" ).GetProperty( "gridSnapActive", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private readonly PropertyInfo vertexSnapActive = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.EditorSnapSettings" ).GetProperty( "vertexSnapActive", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private void OnEnable()
fillMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( "Hidden/Internal-Colored" ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave };
fillMaterial.SetInt( "_SrcBlend", (int) BlendMode.SrcAlpha );
fillMaterial.SetInt( "_DstBlend", (int) BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha );
fillMaterial.SetInt( "_Cull", (int) CullMode.Off );
fillMaterial.SetFloat( "_ZBias", -1f );
outlineMaterial = new Material( Shader.Find( "Hidden/Internal-Colored" ) ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave };
outlineMaterial.SetInt( "_SrcBlend", (int) BlendMode.SrcAlpha );
outlineMaterial.SetInt( "_DstBlend", (int) BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha );
outlineMaterial.SetInt( "_Cull", (int) CullMode.Off );
outlineMaterial.SetInt( "_ZTest", (int) CompareFunction.Always );
private void OnDisable()
if( fillMaterial )
DestroyImmediate( fillMaterial );
fillMaterial = null;
if( outlineMaterial )
DestroyImmediate( outlineMaterial );
outlineMaterial = null;
public static void Draw( Rect3D rect, Color outlineColor, Color fillColor )
if( !instance )
instance = CreateInstance<CustomRectHandles>();
instance.singleRect3DArray[0] = rect;
instance.singleOutlineColorArray[0] = outlineColor;
instance.singleFillColorArray[0] = fillColor;
instance.DrawInternal( instance.singleRect3DArray, instance.singleOutlineColorArray, instance.singleFillColorArray );
public static void Draw( IList<Rect3D> rects, Color outlineColor, Color fillColor )
if( !instance )
instance = CreateInstance<CustomRectHandles>();
instance.singleOutlineColorArray[0] = outlineColor;
instance.singleFillColorArray[0] = fillColor;
instance.DrawInternal( rects, instance.singleOutlineColorArray, instance.singleFillColorArray );
public static void Draw( IList<Rect3D> rects, IList<Color> outlineColors, IList<Color> fillColors )
if( !instance )
instance = CreateInstance<CustomRectHandles>();
instance.DrawInternal( rects, outlineColors, fillColors );
public void DrawInternal( IList<Rect3D> rects, IList<Color> outlineColors, IList<Color> fillColors )
while( snapshotRects.Count < rects.Count )
snapshotRects.Add( new Rect3D(,, Quaternion.identity ) );
Event ev = Event.current;
if( ev.type == EventType.MouseDown && ev.button == 0 && !ev.alt )
isPointerDown = true;
activeRect3DIndex = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++ )
snapshotRects[i].center = rects[i].center;
snapshotRects[i].size = rects[i].size;
snapshotRects[i].rotation = rects[i].rotation;
else if( ev.type == EventType.MouseUp && ev.button == 0 )
isPointerDown = false;
if( activeRect3DIndex >= 0 )
// RectTool's moveHandlesGUI function changes selection on mouse click (i.e. when mouse doesn't move after press: 's_Moving == false')
// We don't want that if user clicked on a Rect
// Source:
s_Moving.SetValue( null, true );
// Draw outlines and surfaces
if( ev.type == EventType.Repaint )
// Draw outlines
outlineMaterial.SetPass( 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++ )
Color outlineColor = outlineColors[Mathf.Min( i, outlineColors.Count - 1 )];
if( outlineColor.a > 0f )
rects[i].GetSurfaceWorldCorners( rectWorldCorners );
GL.Begin( GL.LINES );
GL.Color( outlineColor );
for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
GL.Vertex( rectWorldCorners[j] );
GL.Vertex( rectWorldCorners[( j + 1 ) % 4] );
// Draw surfaces
fillMaterial.SetPass( 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++ )
Color fillColor = fillColors[Mathf.Min( i, fillColors.Count - 1 )];
if( fillColor.a > 0f )
rects[i].GetSurfaceWorldCorners( rectWorldCorners );
GL.Color( fillColor );
for( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
GL.Vertex( rectWorldCorners[j * 2 + 0] );
GL.Vertex( rectWorldCorners[j * 2 + 1] );
GL.Vertex( rectWorldCorners[( j * 2 + 2 ) % 4] );
// Draw rect handles
// Credit:
// Credit:
Color handlesColor = Handles.color;
int controlID = GUIUtility.hotControl;
bool isPaintEvent = ( !isPointerDown || ev.type == EventType.Repaint );
// Rect resize handles
for( int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++ )
object[] parameters = GetParametersForRectToolHandles( rects[i], snapshotRects[i], true, isPaintEvent );
Vector3 newScale = (Vector3) resizeHandlesGUI.Invoke( null, parameters );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && isPointerDown && ( activeRect3DIndex < 0 || activeRect3DIndex == i ) )
Quaternion rectRotation = (Quaternion) parameters[2];
Vector3 scalePivot = (Vector3) parameters[3];
SetScaleDelta( rects[i], snapshotRects[i], newScale, scalePivot, rectRotation );
if( GUIUtility.hotControl != controlID && activeRect3DIndex < 0 )
activeRect3DIndex = i;
// Rect rotate handles
for( int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++ )
object[] parameters = GetParametersForRectToolHandles( rects[i], snapshotRects[i], false, isPaintEvent );
Quaternion newRotation = (Quaternion) rotationHandlesGUI.Invoke( null, parameters );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && isPointerDown && ( activeRect3DIndex < 0 || activeRect3DIndex == i ) )
// I have no idea what's going on here
Quaternion rectRotation = (Quaternion) parameters[2];
Quaternion delta = Quaternion.Inverse( rectRotation ) * newRotation;
delta.ToAngleAxis( out float angle, out Vector3 axis );
axis = rectRotation * axis;
rects[i].rotation *= Quaternion.Inverse( snapshotRects[i].rotation ) * Quaternion.AngleAxis( angle, axis ) * snapshotRects[i].rotation;
rects[i].rotation = rects[i].rotation.normalized; // Without this, rotation eventually fails
if( GUIUtility.hotControl != controlID && activeRect3DIndex < 0 )
activeRect3DIndex = i;
if( ev.type == EventType.MouseDown && activeRect3DIndex < 0 )
// Neither resize handles nor rotate handles have captured the input; only move handles are left
// Move handles should pick the Rect3D that is closest to the camera. So we raycast against
// all Rect3Ds and consider the closest one the active Rect3D
Ray ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay( ev.mousePosition );
float minDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;
for( int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++ )
float enter;
if( rects[i].SurfaceRaycast( ray, out enter ) && enter < minDistance )
activeRect3DIndex = i;
minDistance = enter;
// Rect move handles
for( int i = 0; i < rects.Count; i++ )
if( activeRect3DIndex == i )
Vector3 newPosition = (Vector3) moveHandlesGUI.Invoke( null, GetParametersForRectToolHandles( rects[i], snapshotRects[i], false, isPaintEvent ) );
if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && isPointerDown && ( activeRect3DIndex < 0 || activeRect3DIndex == i ) && newPosition != previousHandlePosition )
previousHandlePosition = newPosition;
SetPositionDelta( rects[i], snapshotRects[i], newPosition - snapshotRects[i].center );
// moveHandlesGUI modifies Handles.color and doesn't automatically reset it
Handles.color = handlesColor;
#region Rect Tool Helper Functions
private object[] GetParametersForRectToolHandles( Rect3D rect3D, Rect3D snapshotRect3D, bool isResizeHandle, bool isPaintEvent )
object[] result = isResizeHandle ? resizeHandleParameters : otherHandleParameters;
result[0] = new Rect( rect3D.size * -0.5f, rect3D.size );
result[1] = isPaintEvent ? :;
result[2] = rect3D.rotation;
return result;
// Credit:
private void SetScaleDelta( Rect3D rect3D, Rect3D snapshotRect3D, Vector3 scaleDelta, Vector3 scalePivot, Quaternion scaleRotation )
SetPositionDelta( rect3D, snapshotRect3D, scaleRotation * Vector3.Scale( Quaternion.Inverse( scaleRotation ) * ( - scalePivot ), scaleDelta ) + scalePivot - );
float biggestDot = Mathf.NegativeInfinity;
Quaternion refAlignment = Quaternion.identity;
for( int i = 0; i < refAlignments.Length; i++ )
float dot = Mathf.Min(
Mathf.Abs( Vector3.Dot( scaleRotation * Vector3.right, snapshotRect3D.rotation * refAlignments[i] * Vector3.right ) ),
Mathf.Abs( Vector3.Dot( scaleRotation * Vector3.up, snapshotRect3D.rotation * refAlignments[i] * Vector3.up ) ),
Mathf.Abs( Vector3.Dot( scaleRotation * Vector3.forward, snapshotRect3D.rotation * refAlignments[i] * Vector3.forward ) )
if( dot > biggestDot )
biggestDot = dot;
refAlignment = refAlignments[i];
scaleDelta = refAlignment * scaleDelta;
scaleDelta = Vector3.Scale( scaleDelta, refAlignment * );
Vector3 scale = Vector3.Scale( snapshotRect3D.size, scaleDelta );
rect3D.size = scale;
// Credit:
private void SetPositionDelta( Rect3D rect3D, Rect3D snapshotRect3D, Vector3 positionDelta )
Vector3 newPosition = + positionDelta;
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
if( !( (bool) incrementalSnapActive.GetValue( null, null ) || (bool) gridSnapActive.GetValue( null, null ) || (bool) vertexSnapActive.GetValue( null, null ) ) )
Vector3 minDifference = (Vector3) minDragDifference.GetValue( null, null );
newPosition.x = Mathf.Approximately( positionDelta.x, 0f ) ? : RoundBasedOnMinimumDifference( newPosition.x, minDifference.x );
newPosition.y = Mathf.Approximately( positionDelta.y, 0f ) ? : RoundBasedOnMinimumDifference( newPosition.y, minDifference.y );
newPosition.z = Mathf.Approximately( positionDelta.z, 0f ) ? : RoundBasedOnMinimumDifference( newPosition.z, minDifference.z );
} = newPosition;
// Credit:
private float RoundBasedOnMinimumDifference( float valueToRound, float minDifference )
if( minDifference == 0 )
int decimals = Mathf.Clamp( (int) ( 5 - Mathf.Log10( Mathf.Abs( valueToRound ) ) ), 0, 15 );
return (float) System.Math.Round( valueToRound, decimals, System.MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero );
return (float) System.Math.Round( valueToRound, Mathf.Clamp( -Mathf.FloorToInt( Mathf.Log10( Mathf.Abs( minDifference ) ) ), 0, 15 ), System.MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero );
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How To


Simply create a folder called Editor inside your Project window and add this script inside it. Then, you can draw rect handles using one of these functions:

// Draw a single rect handle
CustomRectHandles.Draw( Rect3D rect, Color outlineColor, Color fillColor );
// Draw multiple rect handles with the same colors
CustomRectHandles.Draw( IList<Rect3D> rects, Color outlineColor, Color fillColor );
// Draw multiple rect handles with different colors
CustomRectHandles.Draw( IList<Rect3D> rects, IList<Color> outlineColors, IList<Color> fillColors );

Rect3D is a class that holds the rect handle's transformation values in 3D space. It has Vector3 center, Vector2 size and Quaternion rotation variables. In Quaternion.identity rotation, the rect is aligned with the XY plane. If you rotate it by 90 degrees in X axis (Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f)), then it will be aligned with the XZ plane.

When drawing multiple rect handles, use the CustomRectHandles.Draw variants that accept an IList parameter. If you instead call CustomRectHandles.Draw for each rect handle one by one and these rect handles overlap in Scene window, you may not be able to interact with the rect handles in the correct order.

It is recommended to use a translucent or transparent fill color because when opaque fill color is used, the filled surface may obstruct Scene gizmos like Directional Light.

Example Code

// Center point:
// Size (width, height): (10.0, 5.0)
// Rotation (by default, rect is aligned with XY plane): (90, 0, 0) -> which means rect is aligned with XZ plane
CustomRectHandles.Rect3D rect = new CustomRectHandles.Rect3D(, new Vector2( 10f, 5f ), Quaternion.Euler( 90f, 0f, 0f ) );

// Same position and size, aligned with XY plane (Quaternion.identity)
CustomRectHandles.Rect3D rect2 = new CustomRectHandles.Rect3D(, new Vector2( 10f, 5f ), Quaternion.identity );

void OnSceneGUI()

void DrawSingleRectHandle()
	// Outline color: White
	// Fill color: Translucent green
	CustomRectHandles.Draw( rect, Color.white, new Color( 0f, 1f, 0f, 0.1f ) );

	Vector3 newCenter =;
	Vector2 newSize = rect.size;
	Quaternion newRotation = rect.rotation;

void DrawMultipleRectHandles()
	CustomRectHandles.Rect3D[] rects = new CustomRectHandles.Rect3D[2] { rect, rect2 };
	Color[] outlineColors = new Color[2] { Color.white, Color.white };
	Color[] fillColors = new Color[2] { new Color( 0f, 1f, 0f, 0.1f ), new Color( 1f, 0f, 0f, 0.1f ) };
	CustomRectHandles.Draw( rects, outlineColors, fillColors );

	Vector3 newCenter1 = rects[0].center;
	Vector2 newSize1 = rects[0].size;
	Quaternion newRotation1 = rects[0].rotation;
	Vector3 newCenter2 = rects[1].center;
	Vector2 newSize2 = rects[1].size;
	Quaternion newRotation2 = rects[1].rotation;

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ErnSur commented Aug 27, 2021

Thank you and Good job 👍

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That's awesome, thanks!

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