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Last active June 24, 2024 10:05
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Find duplicate assets in Unity
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
// How it works
// For Textures: texture is downsampled to 32x32 pixels and then its pixels are used to calculate a hash value
// For other assets: the file's MD5 hash is calculated
// Assets that have the same hash value are considered to be the same. Since the algorithm is only hash-based, there might be rare false positives
public class DuplicateAssetDetector : EditorWindow, IHasCustomMenu
private class DuplicateAssets
public class Comparer : IComparer<DuplicateAssets>
public bool sortByExtension;
public int Compare( DuplicateAssets x, DuplicateAssets y )
if( sortByExtension )
string extension1 = Path.GetExtension( x.paths[0] ) ?? "";
string extension2 = Path.GetExtension( y.paths[0] ) ?? "";
int comparison = extension1.CompareTo( extension2 );
if( comparison != 0 )
return comparison;
return x.paths[0].CompareTo( y.paths[0] );
public List<string> paths = new List<string>();
private class SaveData
public List<DuplicateAssets> duplicates = new List<DuplicateAssets>();
private const string DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH = "Assets/zzy_dummyy_texturee.png";
private const string SAVE_FILE_PATH = "Library/DuplicateAssetDetector.json";
private const float BUTTON_DRAG_THRESHOLD_SQR = 600f;
private readonly MethodInfo instanceIDFromGUID = typeof( AssetDatabase ).GetMethod( "GetInstanceIDFromGUID", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private List<DuplicateAssets> duplicates = new List<DuplicateAssets>(); // This is not readonly so that it can be serialized
private SearchField searchField;
private string searchTerm;
private readonly List<DuplicateAssets> searchResults = new List<DuplicateAssets>();
private bool drawThumbnails = true;
private double lastClickTime;
private string lastClickedPath;
private readonly GUIContent buttonGUIContent = new GUIContent();
private Vector2 buttonPressPosition;
private Vector2 scrollPos;
[MenuItem( "Window/Duplicate Asset Detector" )]
private static void Init()
DuplicateAssetDetector window = GetWindow<DuplicateAssetDetector>();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent( "Duplicate Assets" );
window.minSize = new Vector2( 200f, 150f );
private void Awake()
LoadSession( null );
private void OnEnable()
searchField = new SearchField();
// Show additional options in the window's context menu
public void AddItemsToMenu( GenericMenu menu )
if( duplicates.Count > 0 )
menu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Save To Clipboard" ), false, () => GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = JsonUtility.ToJson( new SaveData() { duplicates = duplicates }, true ) );
menu.AddDisabledItem( new GUIContent( "Save To Clipboard" ) );
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer ) )
menu.AddDisabledItem( new GUIContent( "Load From Clipboard" ) );
menu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Load From Clipboard" ), false, () =>
string json = GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer;
LoadSession( json );
SaveSession( json ); // If load succeeds, overwrite the saved session
} );
menu.AddSeparator( "" );
menu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Draw Thumbnails" ), drawThumbnails, () => drawThumbnails = !drawThumbnails );
private void OnGUI()
Event ev = Event.current;
scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( scrollPos );
// Calculate duplicate assets
if( GUILayout.Button( "Refresh" ) )
double startTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
SaveSession( null );
Debug.Log( "Refreshed in " + ( EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - startTime ) + " seconds." );
catch( Exception e )
Debug.LogException( e );
if( File.Exists( DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH ) )
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset( DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH );
// Draw found duplicate assets
if( duplicates.Count > 0 )
Color guiColor = GUI.color;
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "- Assets' import settings are ignored, you must check them manually\n- Double click a path to select the asset\n- Click a thumbnail to select all duplicates in that group\n- Right/middle click a path or thumbnail to hide it from the list", MessageType.Info );
string _searchTerm = searchField.OnToolbarGUI( searchTerm );
if( _searchTerm != searchTerm )
searchTerm = _searchTerm;
List<DuplicateAssets> duplicateAssets = string.IsNullOrEmpty( searchTerm ) ? duplicates : searchResults;
for( int i = 0; i < duplicateAssets.Count; i++ )
List<string> paths = duplicateAssets[i].paths;
if( !drawThumbnails )
GUILayout.Label( "----------" );
Texture icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon( paths[0] );
Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect( 24f, 24f );
GUI.DrawTexture( rect, icon ? icon : Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit );
GUI.color = Color.clear;
if( GUI.Button( rect, GUIContent.none ) )
if( ev.button == 0 )
// Select all duplicate assets in this group
List<Object> allDuplicates = new List<Object>( paths.Count );
for( int j = 0; j < paths.Count; j++ )
if( File.Exists( paths[j] ) )
allDuplicates.Add( AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( paths[j] ) );
if( !ev.control && !ev.command && !ev.shift )
Selection.objects = allDuplicates.ToArray();
// While holding CTRL, either add all duplicate assets to current selection or remove them all from current selection
List<Object> selection = new List<Object>( Selection.objects );
bool allDuplicatesAreInSelection = true;
for( int j = 0; j < allDuplicates.Count; j++ )
if( !selection.Contains( allDuplicates[j] ) )
selection.Add( allDuplicates[j] );
allDuplicatesAreInSelection = false;
if( allDuplicatesAreInSelection )
for( int j = 0; j < allDuplicates.Count; j++ )
selection.Remove( allDuplicates[j] );
Selection.objects = selection.ToArray();
else if( ev.button == 1 )
// Show an option to hide these duplicate assets from the list
int _i = duplicates.IndexOf( duplicateAssets[i] );
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Hide" ), false, () => HideDuplicateAssetGroup( _i ) );
HideDuplicateAssetGroup( duplicates.IndexOf( duplicateAssets[i] ) );
GUI.color = guiColor;
for( int j = 0; j < paths.Count; j++ )
// Buttons must support 1) click and 2) drag & drop. The most reliable way is to simulate GUILayout.Button from scratch
buttonGUIContent.text = paths[j];
Rect buttonRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect( buttonGUIContent, EditorStyles.textArea );
int buttonControlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID( FocusType.Passive );
switch( ev.GetTypeForControl( buttonControlID ) )
case EventType.MouseDown:
if( buttonRect.Contains( ev.mousePosition ) )
GUIUtility.hotControl = buttonControlID;
buttonPressPosition = ev.mousePosition;
case EventType.MouseDrag:
if( GUIUtility.hotControl == buttonControlID && ev.button == 0 && ( ev.mousePosition - buttonPressPosition ).sqrMagnitude >= BUTTON_DRAG_THRESHOLD_SQR )
GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
Object asset = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( paths[j] );
if( asset )
// Credit:
DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[] { asset };
DragAndDrop.StartDrag( "DuplicateAssetDetector" );
case EventType.MouseUp:
if( GUIUtility.hotControl == buttonControlID )
GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
if( buttonRect.Contains( ev.mousePosition ) )
if( ev.button == 0 && File.Exists( paths[j] ) )
// Ping clicked duplicate asset
double clickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
if( clickTime - lastClickTime < 0.5f && lastClickedPath == paths[j] )
if( !ev.control && !ev.command && !ev.shift )
Selection.objects = new Object[] { AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( paths[j] ) };
// While holding CTRL, either add clicked asset to current selection or remove it from current selection
Object asset = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( paths[j] );
List<Object> selection = new List<Object>( Selection.objects );
if( !selection.Remove( asset ) )
selection.Add( asset );
Selection.objects = selection.ToArray();
else if( instanceIDFromGUID != null )
EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( (int) instanceIDFromGUID.Invoke( null, new object[] { AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID( paths[j] ) } ) );
EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( paths[j] ) );
lastClickTime = clickTime;
lastClickedPath = paths[j];
else if( ev.button == 1 )
// Show an option to hide that duplicate asset from the list
int _i = duplicates.IndexOf( duplicateAssets[i] ), _j = j;
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem( new GUIContent( "Hide" ), false, () => HideDuplicateAsset( _i, _j ) );
else if( ev.button == 2 )
HideDuplicateAsset( duplicates.IndexOf( duplicateAssets[i] ), j );
case EventType.Repaint:
EditorStyles.textArea.Draw( buttonRect, buttonGUIContent, buttonControlID );
if( ev.isMouse && GUIUtility.hotControl == buttonControlID )
if( drawThumbnails )
GUILayout.Space( EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight );
private void CalculateDuplicateAssets()
// Dummy Texture is used while calculating Textures' hashes
// Key: hash value
// Value: all assets that are sharing that hash
Dictionary<string, List<string>> texturesHashLookup = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>( 512 );
Dictionary<string, List<string>> genericHashLookup = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>( 2048 );
string[] paths = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths();
string pathsLengthStr = paths.Length.ToString();
float progressMultiplier = 1f / paths.Length;
for( int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++ )
if( i % 30 == 0 && EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar( "Please wait...", string.Concat( "Searching: ", ( i + 1 ).ToString(), "/", pathsLengthStr ), ( i + 1 ) * progressMultiplier ) )
throw new Exception( "Search aborted" );
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( paths[i] ) || !paths[i].StartsWith( "Assets/" ) || paths[i] == DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH )
if( Directory.Exists( paths[i] ) )
string hash;
Dictionary<string, List<string>> hashLookup;
Type assetType = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath( paths[i] );
if( typeof( Texture ).IsAssignableFrom( assetType ) )
long? textureHash = CalculateTextureHash( paths[i] );
if( textureHash == null )
hash = textureHash.Value.ToString();
hashLookup = texturesHashLookup;
//else if( typeof( GameObject ).IsAssignableFrom( assetType ) && !paths[i].EndsWith( ".prefab" ) && AssetImporter.GetAtPath( paths[i] ) as ModelImporter )
// hash = CalculateModelHash( paths[i] ).ToString();
// hashLookup = modelsHashLookup;
hash = CalculateFileHash( paths[i] );
hashLookup = genericHashLookup;
List<string> hashMatch;
if( !hashLookup.TryGetValue( hash, out hashMatch ) )
hashMatch = new List<string>( 1 );
hashLookup[hash] = hashMatch;
hashMatch.Add( paths[i] );
FindDuplicatesInLookup( texturesHashLookup, false );
FindDuplicatesInLookup( genericHashLookup, true );
// Finds entries in the lookup table that have multiple paths (i.e. duplicates)
private void FindDuplicatesInLookup( Dictionary<string, List<string>> lookup, bool sortByExtension )
int duplicatesPrevCount = duplicates.Count;
foreach( var kvPair in lookup )
List<string> paths = kvPair.Value;
if( paths.Count > 1 )
duplicates.Add( new DuplicateAssets() { paths = paths } );
// Sort each lookup results amongst themselves
int count = duplicates.Count - duplicatesPrevCount;
if( count > 1 )
duplicates.Sort( duplicatesPrevCount, count, new DuplicateAssets.Comparer() { sortByExtension = sortByExtension } );
// Creates dummy Texture asset that will be used to generate Textures' hashes
private void CreateDummyTexture()
if( !File.Exists( DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH ) )
File.WriteAllBytes( DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH, new Texture2D( 2, 2 ).EncodeToPNG() );
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate );
TextureImporter textureImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath( DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH ) as TextureImporter;
textureImporter.maxTextureSize = 32;
textureImporter.isReadable = true;
textureImporter.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
textureImporter.mipmapEnabled = false;
textureImporter.alphaSource = TextureImporterAlphaSource.FromInput;
textureImporter.alphaIsTransparency = true;
textureImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed;
// Refreshes search results
private void RefreshSearch()
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( searchTerm ) )
CompareInfo ci = new CultureInfo( "en-US" ).CompareInfo;
for( int i = 0; i < duplicates.Count; i++ )
List<string> paths = duplicates[i].paths;
for( int j = 0; j < paths.Count; j++ )
// Case insensitive search (credit:
if( ci.IndexOf( paths[j], searchTerm, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace ) != -1 )
searchResults.Add( duplicates[i] );
// Calculates file's MD5 hash
private string CalculateFileHash( string assetPath )
using( MD5 md5 = MD5.Create() )
using( FileStream stream = File.OpenRead( assetPath ) )
return BitConverter.ToString( md5.ComputeHash( stream ) );
// Calculates downsized Texture's pixels' hash
private long? CalculateTextureHash( string texturePath )
File.Copy( texturePath, DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH, true );
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset( DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate );
Texture2D texture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>( DUMMY_TEXTURE_PATH );
if( !texture ) // RenderTextures, for example, are also Textures but not Texture2Ds
return null;
Color32[] colors = texture.GetPixels32();
long hash = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++ )
long pixelValue = colors[i].r * 256 * 256 * 256 + colors[i].g * 256 * 256 + colors[i].b * 256 + colors[i].a;
hash = ( hash << 5 ) + hash ^ pixelValue;
return hash;
// Calculates model's vertices hash
// Not used because multiple FBX files may have shared vertices but different animation clips
private long CalculateModelHash( string modelPath )
long hash = 17;
Object[] subAssets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath( modelPath );
for( int i = 0; i < subAssets.Length; i++ )
Mesh mesh = subAssets[i] as Mesh;
if( !mesh )
Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;
for( int j = 0; j < vertices.Length; j++ )
hash = hash * 23 + vertices[j].x.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + vertices[j].y.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + vertices[j].z.GetHashCode();
return hash;
// Hides the duplicate asset at the specified index
private void HideDuplicateAsset( int groupIndex, int assetIndex )
if( duplicates[groupIndex].paths.Count <= 2 )
int searchGroupIndex = searchResults.IndexOf( duplicates[groupIndex] );
if( searchGroupIndex >= 0 )
searchResults.RemoveAt( searchGroupIndex );
duplicates.RemoveAt( groupIndex );
duplicates[groupIndex].paths.RemoveAt( assetIndex );
SaveSession( null );
// Hides all duplicate assets in the specified group
private void HideDuplicateAssetGroup( int groupIndex )
int searchGroupIndex = searchResults.IndexOf( duplicates[groupIndex] );
if( searchGroupIndex >= 0 )
searchResults.RemoveAt( searchGroupIndex );
duplicates.RemoveAt( groupIndex );
SaveSession( null );
// Saves current session to file
private void SaveSession( string json )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( json ) )
json = JsonUtility.ToJson( new SaveData() { duplicates = duplicates }, false );
File.WriteAllText( SAVE_FILE_PATH, json );
// Restores previous session
private void LoadSession( string json )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( json ) )
if( !File.Exists( SAVE_FILE_PATH ) )
json = File.ReadAllText( SAVE_FILE_PATH );
SaveData saveData = JsonUtility.FromJson<SaveData>( json );
// Remove non-existent duplicates
for( int i = saveData.duplicates.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
List<string> paths = saveData.duplicates[i].paths;
for( int j = paths.Count - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
if( !File.Exists( paths[j] ) )
paths.RemoveAt( j );
if( paths.Count <= 1 )
saveData.duplicates.RemoveAt( i );
duplicates = saveData.duplicates;
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SPGB commented Jul 25, 2023

Hi, I'm interested in using DuplicateAssetDetector.cs but couldn't find a license. Is it available under an MIT license?

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Yes, feel free to use it under MIT license 😊

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This is really useful! thanks a lot!!!

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