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Forked from steinbring/pagination.cfm
Created April 1, 2021 11:14
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How to do pagination within ColdFusion This is an example of how to handle pagination in ColdFusion. This simple example can be manipulated by changing the values of the four variables at the top of the file.
<!--- How many pages should you link to at any one time? --->
<cfset intPagesToLinkTo = 5>
<!--- How many items are you displaying per page? --->
<cfset intItemsPerPage = 10>
<!--- How many items do you need to display, across all pages. --->
<cfset intNumberOfTotalItems = 100>
<!--- What is the current page you are on? --->
<cfif isdefined("")>
<cfset intCurrentPage = val(>
<cfset intCurrentPage = 1>
<!--- Find the closest numbers to intCurrentPage that is divisible by intPagesToLinkTo --->
<cfset intMaxLinkToShow = ceiling(variables.intCurrentPage/intPagesToLinkTo)*intPagesToLinkTo>
<cfset intMinLinkToShow = (int(variables.intCurrentPage/intPagesToLinkTo)*intPagesToLinkTo)+1>
<!--- Is intMaxLinkToShow equal to the unadjusted intMinLinkToShow value? If so, reset intMinLinkToShow to be where it should be. --->
<cfif intMaxLinkToShow eq (int(variables.intCurrentPage/intPagesToLinkTo)*intPagesToLinkTo)>
<cfset intMinLinkToShow = intMaxLinkToShow - (intPagesToLinkTo - 1)>
<!--- Is intMaxLinkToShow bigger than we need to shouw intNumberOfTotalItems? If so, reset it. Use ceiling() to round it up. --->
<cfif intMaxLinkToShow gt intNumberOfTotalItems / intItemsPerPage>
<cfset intMaxLinkToShow = ceiling(intNumberOfTotalItems / intItemsPerPage)>
<!--- Should I show the back button? --->
<cfif intMaxLinkToShow - intPagesToLinkTo LTE 0>
<cfset boolShowBackButton = 0>
<cfset boolShowBackButton = 1>
<!--- Should I show the forward button? --->
<cfif ceiling(intNumberOfTotalItems / intItemsPerPage) lte intMaxLinkToShow>
<cfset boolShowForwardButton = 0>
<cfset boolShowForwardButton = 1>
<!--- What items should I show on the page? --->
<cfset intMinItemsToShow = (intItemsPerPage * (intCurrentPage - 1))+ 1>
<cfset intMaxItemsToShow = intMinItemsToShow + intItemsPerPage - 1>
<!--- Have you reached the maximum number of items to show? --->
<cfif intMaxItemsToShow gt intNumberOfTotalItems>
<cfset intMaxItemsToShow = intNumberOfTotalItems>
<!--- Display the results --->
<cfloop from="#variables.intMinItemsToShow#" to="#variables.intMaxItemsToShow#" index="i">
<div style="float:left;font-weight:bold;margin:10px;padding:20px;border:1px solid black;">
<!--- Display the pagination buttons --->
<div style="clear:both; margin-top:10px;">
<!--- Show a "back button" that link to the smallest number page - 1 --->
<cfif variables.boolShowBackButton>
<div style="float:left;font-weight:bold;margin:5px;padding:5px;border:1px solid black;">
<a href="?page=<cfoutput>#intMinLinkToShow-1#</cfoutput>">&lt;</a>
<!--- Loop through and create links to intPagesToLinkTo pages --->
<cfloop from="#variables.intMinLinkToShow#" to="#variables.intMaxLinkToShow#" index="i">
<div style="float:left;font-weight:bold;margin:5px;padding:5px;border:1px solid black;">
<cfif intCurrentPage eq i>
<a href="?page=#i#">#i#</a>
<!--- Show a "forward button" that links to the largest number page + 1 --->
<cfif variables.boolShowForwardButton>
<div style="float:left;font-weight:bold;margin:5px;padding:5px;border:1px solid black;">
<a href="?page=<cfoutput>#intMaxLinkToShow+1#</cfoutput>">&gt;</a>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
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