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Created January 1, 2022 14:48
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Find shortest path in an unweighted undirected graph using BFS
# Simple bfs implementation to explore a graph.
# An undirected graph as an adjancency representation.
from collections import deque
G = {0: (1, 2), 1: (0, 6), 6: (1, 3), 3: (2, 4, 6), 5: (2, ), 2: (5, 0, 3), 4: (3, )}
source = 6
end = 2
def bfs_shortest_path(start, end, G):
queue = deque([(start, [start])])
# list of visited nodes
visited = [start]
# while there is something to explore, we look for the children
# and append these to the queue and mark them as visited.
if start == end:
print("Start is the end, so no path needed!")
while queue:
node, path = queue.popleft()
if node == end:
print(f"Shortest path from start {start} to end {end}", path)
return path
for child in G[node]:
if child not in visited:
queue.append((child, path + [child]))
# No path was found.
print("No path is found")
print("Order of visit", visited)
return None
shortest_path = bfs_shortest_path(source, end, G)
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