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Created May 12, 2017 12:43
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haskell implementation of simpath: CounterMap
module Simpath.CounterMap where
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Function
import qualified Simpath.Frontier as F
import Simpath.Frontier (Frontier)
import Simpath.Border (Border)
type CounterMap = Map Frontier Integer
merge :: Integer -> CounterMap -> Frontier -> CounterMap
merge cnt cm fr = Map.insertWith (+) fr cnt cm
proceedAll :: Border -> CounterMap -> CounterMap
proceedAll b = Foldable.foldl f Map.empty . Map.toList
where f cm (fr, cnt) = on (.) recount lo hi cm
where (hi, lo) = F.proceed b fr
recount = flip $ Foldable.foldl $ merge cnt
countPaths :: [Border] -> Integer
countPaths = headCount . foldl (flip proceedAll) initialMap
where initialMap = Map.singleton F.initial 1
headCount = head . Map.elems
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