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Last active October 16, 2018 16:10
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rhinopython script to convert curves to a geojson
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino.Geometry.Point3d as Point
import json
# creates network from curves
# curves that are not ```Line```s will be divided
# points that are separted less then this value will
# be treated as one point
# bbox = rs.GetRectangle(1)
# minx = 100000
# maxx = -100000
# miny = 100000
# maxy = -100000
# for p in bbox:
# minx = min(minx, p.X)
# maxx = max(maxx, p.X)
# miny = min(miny, p.Y)
# maxy = max(maxy, p.Y)
minx = 0
maxx = 2128
miny = 0
maxy = 1330
l = rs.GetLayer()
isoneway = rs.GetBoolean("is it?", ("Oneway", "no", "yes"), (False)
crvs = list(filter(lambda x: rs.IsCurve(x), rs.ObjectsByLayer(l)))
points = []
# returns the index of the point,
# addes the point to the array if it's unique
def appendIfUnique(pts, p):
for testP in pts:
if testP.DistanceTo(p) < TOLERANCE:
return (pts, testP)
return (pts, p)
def normalizePoint(p, minx=minx, maxx=maxx, miny=miny, maxy=maxy):
nx = (p.X - minx) / (maxx - minx)
ny = (p.Y - miny) / (maxy - miny)
return Point(nx, ny, 0.0)
geojson = {}
geojson["type"] = "Feature Collection"
geojson["features"] = []
for c in crvs :
jsonobj = {}
jsonobj["type"] = "Feature"
jsonobj["properties"] = {}
jsonobj["properties"]["length"] = rs.CurveLength(c)
jsonobj["geometry"] = {}
jsonobj["geometry"]["type"] = "LineString"
if isoneway :
jsonobj["properties"]["oneway"] = True
else :
jsonobj["properties"]["oneway"] = False
if rs.IsLine(c):
points, st = appendIfUnique(points, rs.CurveStartPoint(c))
points, en = appendIfUnique(points, rs.CurveEndPoint(c))
st, en = [normalizePoint(e) for e in [st, en]]
jsonobj["geometry"]["coordinates"] = [
[st.X, st.Y],
[en.X, en.Y]
# it is not a line curve object
curvepoints = rs.DivideCurve(c, CURVE_DIVISION)
jsonobj["geometry"]["coordinates"] = []
for p in curvepoints:
points, p = appendIfUnique(points, p)
p = normalizePoint(p)
jsonobj["geometry"]["coordinates"].append([p.X, p.Y])
jsonstr = json.dumps(geojson, indent = 4)
f = open("{}.geojson".format(l), "w")
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