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Last active August 7, 2021 03:06
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Installing OpenSTF in Ubuntu 14.04

How to install OpenSTF in Ubuntu 14.04

  1. Add Add RethinkDB key

     source /etc/lsb-release && echo "deb $DISTRIB_CODENAME main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rethinkdb.list
     wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Install packages

     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y git nodejs nodejs-legacy npm rethinkdb android-tools-adb python autoconf automake libtool build-essential ninja-build libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev git graphicsmagick yasm stow
  3. Install additional packages via npm

     sudo npm install -g bower karma gulp
  4. Install ZeroMQ

     cd ~/Downloads && wget && tar -zxvf zeromq-4.1.2.tar.gz && cd zeromq-4.1.2 && ./configure --without-libsodium --prefix=/usr/local/stow/zeromq-4.1.2
     make && sudo make install && cd /usr/local/stow && sudo stow -vv zeromq-4.1.2
  5. Install Google protobuf

     cd ~/Downloads && git clone && cd protobuf && ./ && ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/protobuf-`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
     make && sudo make install && cd /usr/local/stow && sudo stow -vv protobuf-*
  6. Update library path

     sudo ldconfig
  7. Install npm

     sudo npm install -g stf

Run OpenSTF

  1. Start required services

     rethinkdb &
     adb start-server
  2. Start OpenSTF

     stf local


    stf local --public-ip <ip address>
  1. View in actions

    Go to htttp://<your_ip_address>:7100


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ilanbenb commented Sep 8, 2016

I used your guide but it had a small problem. The version of node.js provided with apt on my ubuntu 14-04 was below 0.12.
I used n to update node with this stackoverflow answer:
This guide is also a good option:
Thank you for the guide !

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fsengil commented Nov 11, 2016

Before installing protobuf, unzip package should also be installed via apt-get. (aka sudo apt-get install unzip)

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roseantony commented Nov 23, 2016

I was able to install STF using the commands you have mentioned. But it is not listing the devices in the browser.Could you please help. I ran 'adb devices' and could see my device in the list. Installed STF on ubuntu 14.04. Have I missed something?

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trix0 commented Jan 16, 2018

You should avoid installing node and npm with sudo

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Hi, i have followed the steps.
but while running i am getting error.

-h, --help Show help. [boolean]
-V, --version Show version. [boolean]
--bind-dealer, -d The address to bind the ZeroMQ DEALER endpoint to.
[string] [default: "tcp://:7112"]
--bind-pub, -u The address to bind the ZeroMQ PUB endpoint to.
[string] [default: "tcp://
--bind-pull, -p The address to bind the ZeroMQ PULL endpoint to.
[string] [default: "tcp://*:7113"]
--name An easily identifiable name for log output.
[string] [default: "ip-172-31-20-158"]

Each option can be be overwritten with an environment variable by converting the
option to uppercase, replacing dashes with underscores and prefixing it with

Could not locate the bindings file. Tried:
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/Debug/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/Release/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/out/Debug/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/Debug/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/out/Release/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/Release/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/default/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/compiled/10.15.3/linux/x64/zmq.node

could you please help?

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Hi, i have followed the steps.
but while running i am getting error.

-h, --help Show help. [boolean]
-V, --version Show version. [boolean]
--bind-dealer, -d The address to bind the ZeroMQ DEALER endpoint to.
[string] [default: "tcp://:7112"] --bind-pub, -u The address to bind the ZeroMQ PUB endpoint to. [string] [default: "tcp://:7111"]
--bind-pull, -p The address to bind the ZeroMQ PULL endpoint to.
[string] [default: "tcp://*:7113"]
--name An easily identifiable name for log output.
[string] [default: "ip-172-31-20-158"]

Each option can be be overwritten with an environment variable by converting the
option to uppercase, replacing dashes with underscores and prefixing it with

Could not locate the bindings file. Tried:
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/Debug/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/Release/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/out/Debug/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/Debug/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/out/Release/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/Release/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/build/default/zmq.node
→ /home/ubuntu/stf/node_modules/zmq/compiled/10.15.3/linux/x64/zmq.node

could you please help?

Try this!

bower install --allow-root bower.json && gulp webpack:build

It will fix those dependencies!


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