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ejabberd Development Guide

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
    1. Goals
    2. Requirements
    3. Version
  2. Coding style convention
  3. Start-up procedure
  4. Core
    1. Network Layer
    2. XMPP Stream Layer
      1. ejabberd_c2s, ejabberd_s2s_in and ejabberd_service
    3. Routing Layer
      1. ejabberd_router
      2. ejabberd_local
      3. ejabberd_sm
      4. ejabberd_s2s and ejabberd_s2s_out
      5. route-registered processes
  5. Adding new functionality
    1. IQ Handlers
      1. IQ discipline
    2. Hooks
  6. Modules
    1. gen_mod behaviour
    2. Stateful modules
    3. gen_mod module
  7. Configuration
    1. Validation
    2. Fetching options
  8. Using XMPP library
    1. xmpp module
      1. XMPP codec
      2. Getting sub-elements
      3. Setting and removing sub-elements
      4. from and to
      5. Metadata
      6. Text elements
      7. Generating errors
      8. Namespaces
    2. jid module



This guide is a brief explanation of ejabberd internals. It is not intended to be a comprehensive ejabberd's internal API documentation. You still need to read and understand ejabberd's source code. However, the guide is believed to help you understanding ejabberd's code faster: it provides entry points from where to start reading relevant parts of the code and ignore irrelevant ones. Note that there is absolutely no need to know every line of code of ejabberd, but some parts are crucial to understand.


In order to read and undestand the guide you must be pretty fluent with Erlang programming language and understand basics of the XMPP protocol: there is no detailed explanation of Erlang syntax and/or features and it's assumed that you're familar with such terms as xml stream, stanza, c2s, s2s and so on. If you see these words for the first time in your life you're unlikely to understand the guide.


The guide describes ejabberd 17.03. Previous and next versions can differ drastically from the one described herein.

Coding style convention

NOTE: this section is only relevant for ejabberd contributors. If you're hacking ejabberd for internal needs, you are free to choose whatever coding style you like.

ejabberd follows Erlang Coding Standards & Guidelines or at least tries to do so: there is still a lot of poorly written legacy code (which is being leisurely rewritten), but the new code should be written with keeping these rules in mind. In some cases the rules can be bypassed, but the reason doing so should be really weighty. The rules shouldn't be ignored just because a contributor doesn't like them.

The typical coding style rules found violated in contributors' code are:

It's worth noting that the code itself should be indented using Emacs indentation style (that is the standard indentation style for Erlang programs). If you're not using Emacs for ejabberd development, indent the code using it first before making a PR/commit.

Start-up procedure

ejabberd is written as a standard OTP application, so the startup module can be found in src/ or, if ejabberd is compiled, in ebin/ file: that is, ejabberd_app.erl module from where start/2 function is called by Erlang application controller. This function makes some initialization (such as logger, mnesia, configuration file, etc.) and ends up by starting the main ejabberd supervisor - ejabberd_sup. Thus, for further startup order refer to ejabberd_sup.erl module (this is a simple list-like module with supervisor childspecs).

WARNING: only "core stuff" should be attached to ejabberd_sup. For attaching modules use gen_mod's supervisor (via gen_mod:start_child/3,4 functions), for attaching database backend modules use ejabberd_backend_sup supervisor, etc.

Once ejabberd_sup is started, ejabberd application is considered to be started.


The ejabberd core is not well-defined. Moreover, the described core layers are pure abstraction grouping several modules together by some criteria for better understanding of ejabberd internal processing rules.

Network Layer

Once ejabberd is started, some external events should obviously make it doing something. Besides explicit administrative commands, the most relevant such events are incoming connections. Incoming connections are handled inside Network Layer. The layer implemented by ejabberd_listener.erl, ejabberd_receiver.erl and ejabberd_socket.erl modules.

NOTE: ejabberd_listner.erl is able to handle raw TCP and UDP connections, however only XMPP connections are described here.

Once a connection is accepted by ejabberd_listener.erl, an instance (a process) of ejabberd_receiver.erl is started and it becomes the socket owner, where it performs the following operations:

  • Throttles a connection using shapers from shaper.erl module
  • Performs TLS decoding using fast_tls library
  • Performs stream decompression using ezlib library
  • Parses incoming raw XML data into #xmlel{} packets using fast_xml library

ejabberd_socket.erl does the same but in a reverse order, i.e. it performs stream compression and/or TLS encoding, serializes #xmlel{} packets into raw XML data and puts them into a socket (note that shapers do not apply for outgoing data).

Once xmlel{} packet is constructed by ejabberd_receiver.erl it's passed to XMPP Stream Layer.

XMPP Stream Layer

XMPP Stream Layer is represented by xmpp_stream_in.erl and xmpp_stream_out.erl modules. An instance (i.e. a process) of xmpp_stream_in.erl is started along with an instance of ejabberd_receiver.erl and all incoming #xmlel{} packets are passed from the latter to the former. xmpp_stream_in.erl module does the following:

  • Encodes/decodes #xmlel{} packets using xmpp library from/to internal structures (records) defined in xmpp_codec.hrl.
  • Performs negotiation of inbound XMPP streams
  • Performs STARTTLS negotiation (if needed)
  • Performs compression negotiation (if needed)
  • Performs SASL authentication

NOTE: XMPP Stream Layer was only introduced in ejabberd 17.03. Prior to this XMPP stream negotiation was handled inside ejabberd_c2s.erl, ejabberd_s2s_in.erl, ejabberd_service.erl and ejabberd_s2s_out.erl. This has lead to unmaintainable monolithic spaghetti code with a lot of code duplication between these modules. It's believed introducing xmpp_stream_in.erl and xmpp_stream_out.erl modules now solves this problem.

During these procedures xmpp_stream_in.erl calls functions from its callback modules, i.e. the modules of xmpp_stream_in behaviour: ejabberd_c2s.erl, ejabberd_s2s_in.erl or ejabberd_service.erl, depending on the stream namespace.

xmpp_stream_out.erl does the same but for outbound XMPP streams. The only its callback module is ejabberd_s2s_out.erl.

NOTE: xmpp_stream_in.erl shares the same process and state with its callback modules, i.e. functions from xmpp_stream_in.erl and functions from ejabberd_c2s/s2s_in/service.erl modules are evaluated inside the same process. This is also true for xmpp_stream_out.erl and ejabberd_s2s_out.erl. The state is represented by a map() in both cases.

ejabberd_c2s, ejabberd_s2s_in and ejabberd_service

These are modules of xmpp_stream_in behaviour. The only purpose of these modules is to provide callback functions for xmpp_stream_in.erl module. Examples of such callback functions are:

  • tls_enabled/1: tells whether or not TLS is enabled in the configuration
  • check_password_fun/1: provides a function for SASL authentication
  • handle_authenticated_packet/2: what to do with packets after authentication is completed

Roughly, they represent an intermediate (or "glue") code between XMPP Stream Layer and Routing Layer for inbound XMPP streams.

ejabberd_s2s_out.erl is described elsewhere

Routing Layer


ejabberd_router.erl module is the main dispatcher of XMPP stanzas.

It's pretty small and straightforward module whose the only task is to find the "route" for a stanza. ejabberd_router.erl only operates with #message{}, #presence{} and #iq{} packets (defined in xmpp_codec.hrl), so please note, that it is not possible to route arbitrary #xmlel{} packets or any other Erlang terms through ejabberd_router.

The only valid routes are:

  • local route: stanzas of this route type are destined to the local server itself, i.e. stanzas with to attribute in the form of or, where is a virtual host serviced by ejabberd. ejabberd_router passes such stanzas to ejabberd_local.erl module via ejabberd_local:route/1 function call.
  • session manager route: stanzas of this route type are destined to local users, i.e. stanzas with to attribute in the form of or where is a virtual host serviced by ejabberd. ejabberd_router passes such stanzas to ejabberd_sm.erl module via ejabberd_sm:route/1 function call.
  • registered route: if a stanza is not destined to local virtual host, ejabberd first checks if there is a "registered" route for the stanza, i.e. a domain registered via ejabberd_router:register_route/2 function. For doing this it looks up the routing table and if there is a process Pid registered on this domain, ejabberd routes the stanza as Pid ! {route, Stanza}. The routing table is backend-dependent and is implemented in the corresponding backend module such as ejabberd_router_mnesia.erl.
  • s2s route: if a stanza is neither destined to local virtual host nor to registered route, ejabberd_router passes it to ejabberd_s2s.erl module via ejabberd_s2s:route/1 function call.

Mentioned modules are explained in more details in the following sections. You're encouraged to inspect exported functions of ejabberd_router.erl, because most likely you will use some of them.


ejabberd_local.erl handles stanzas destined to the local server itself. For #message{} and #presence{} it only calls hooks, while for #iq{} it finds the corresponding "IQ handler" by looking up its internal table to find a correspondence between a namespace of IQ's child element and the handler. Once the handler (an erlang function) is found, it passes further IQ processing to gen_iq_handler.erl via gen_iq_handler:handle/5 call.

ejabberd_local.erl is also able to send IQ requests and to process responses for them. This is implemented in ejabberd_local:route_iq/2,3 functions. This is also the most notable function of the module. Calling to other functions is not recommended.


ejabberd_sm.erl handles stanzas destined to local users. For #message{}, #presence{} and full-JID #iq{} it looks up its internal table (aka session table) for the corresponding ejabberd_c2s process and, if the process is found, it routes the stanza to this process via ejabberd_c2s:route/2 call.

Bare-JID #iq{} stanzas are processed in a similar way as in ejabberd_local.erl. The internal session table is backend-dependent and is implemented in the corresponding backend module: ejabberd_sm_mnesia.erl, ejabberd_sm_redis.erl and so on.

The most notable functions of the module are:

  • get_user_resources/2
  • dirty_get_sessions_list/0
  • dirty_get_my_sessions_list/0
  • get_vh_session_list/1
  • get_vh_session_number/1
  • get_vh_by_backend/1
  • get_session_pid/3
  • get_user_info/2
  • get_user_info/3
  • get_user_ip/3
  • is_existing_resource/3

route-registered processes

Any process can register a route to itself. It's done by calling to ejabberd_router:route/2 function. Note that a route should be unregistered via ejabberd_router:unregister_route/1 function if the registering process terminates or the route is no longer needed. Once a route is registered to a process, this process will receive Erlang messages in the form of {route, Stanza}.

NOTE: from and to fields are always set in the Stanza, so it's safe to assume that xmpp:get_from(Stanza) and xmpp:get_to(Stanza) always return #jid{} and never undefined.

Refer to the code of mod_muc.erl or ejabberd_service.erl for an example of a route-registered process.

ejabberd_s2s and ejabberd_s2s_out

If a stanza is destined neither to local virtual host not to a route-registered process, it's passed to ejabberd_s2s.erl module via ejabberd_s2s:route/1 function call. ejabberd_s2s in its turn will look up the internal table (currently it's s2s Mnesia table) for the ejabberd_s2s_out process and, if found, passes the stanza to this process or, otherwise, will start new ejabberd_s2s_out process.

ejabberd_s2s_out.erl handles outbound XMPP S2S streams. This is the only callback module of xmpp_stream_out behaviour.

Adding new functionality

There are two common ways to add new functionality to ejabberd:

Here is a rule of thumb on which way to choose:

  • if you want to handle newly introduced IQs (that is, to generate replies for them), use IQ handlers
  • if you want to modify ejabberd behaviour along the way of a stanza passing through all layers or want to "listen" for some internal events (like ejabberd configuration change), use hooks.

IQ Handlers

An IQ Handler is a function processing an IQ stanza (internally represented as #iq{} record). There are two types of IQ handlers: local and sm.

  • local IQ handler is a function processing IQs coming from ejabberd_local, that is, an IQ destined to the local server itself as described in ejabberd_local.
  • sm IQ handler is a function processing IQs coming from ejabberd_sm, that is, a bare-JID IQ destined to a local user as described in ejabberd_sm.

An IQ handler is registered as:

gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(Type :: ejabberd_local | ejabberd_sm,
                              Host :: binary(),
                              Namespace :: binary(),
                              Module :: module(),
                              Function :: atom(),
                              IQDisc :: gen_iq_handler:type()) -> ok


  • Type is ejabberd_local for local handlers or ejabberd_sm for sm handlers
  • Host is a virtual host for which the IQ is to be processed
  • Namespace is an XML namespace of IQ's child element
  • IQDisc is an IQ discipline

Once registered, matching IQ stanzas are handled by calling Module:Function(IQ). The result should be in the form of #iq{} or ignore. When #iq{} is returned, it's treated as a reply and routed back to the IQ originator, otherwise, if ignore is returned, the further processing stops.

NOTE: from and to fields are always set in the IQ, so it's safe to assume that xmpp:get_from(IQ) and xmpp:get_to(IQ) always return #jid{} and never undefined.

If a handler is no longer needed it should be unregistered as:

gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(Type :: ejabberd_local | ejabberd_sm,
                                 Host :: binary(),
                                 Namespace :: binary()) -> ok

with the same meaning of the arguments.

IQ discipline

An IQ discipline defines how an IQ handler (a function) will be executed. There are the following disciplines:

  • no_queue: all IQs matching the handler are executed sequentially inside the calling process. This is a fast method to execute a handler, however, the drawback is that it blocks the caller.
  • one_queue: a process is created for the handler and all matching IQs are relayed to this process. The drawback is that the created process' message queue can be overloaded if it doesn't process incoming IQs fast enough, which, in the worst case may crash emulator due to OOM (out-of-memory).
  • N :: integer(): N parallel processes are created for the handler and all matching IQs are relayed to one of these processes. The processes are picked up randomly. This solves the "message queue overflow" problem of one_queue discipline. However, the drawback is that the order of IQs is not maintained, i.e. matching IQs can be re-ordered (because one process can be slower than another) and this might be a problem in some cases. Care should be taken on choosing too large value for N because picking up a process from the pool has O(N) complexity. Anyway, in practice, seems like there is no much benefit to set N larger than 50.
  • parallel: for every matching IQ a process is created to execute the handler. The descipline is not recommended because uncontrolled processes creation is in general a bad idea.


When ejabberd is processing an arbitrary event (incoming IQ, outgoing presence, configuration change, etc), it is convenient to consider some of them notable. In order for someone to be notified of such events, ejabberd executes "hooks". A hook is represented by a unique name. All functions associated with the hook's name will be called in some specified order.

NOTE: The conception of hooking is not ejabberd specific, see Hooking Wikipedia page for a general description.

For example, when a packet is received on a client connection, ejabberd runs user_send_packet hook. Several modules need to listen for an event represented by this hook (that is, a packet and a C2S state), so they associate their internal functions with it: mod_ping.erl associates user_send/1 function, mod_privacy.erl associates user_send_packet/1 function and so on. The event is passed as an argument to the "hooked" functions, thus, the function from mod_ping.erl will be called as mod_ping:user_send({Stanza, C2SState}), the function from mod_privacy.erl will be called as mod_privacy:user_send_packet({Stanza, C2SState}) and so on.

There are two types of hooks: with an accumlator and without an accumulator.

  • a hook with an accumulator, as its name suggests, accumulates some state during execution of a list of associated functions: the first argument of the hooked function will always be an accumulator and the function must return the new value for the accumulator (whether it's modifed or not) in the form of NewAcc or {stop, NewAcc}. If {stop, NewAcc} is returned, a hook is considered evaluated and next functions in its associated list are not called. Otherwise, the new value NewAcc is passed to the next function in the associated list. An example of hooks with accumulator are: disco_info, filter_packet, muc_process_iq and so on.
  • a hook without accumulator doesn't accumulate anything during execution of a list of associated functions: the returning values of such functions are simply ignored unless stop is returned. In the latter case, evaluation of next functions in the associated list is not performed. An example of hooks without accumulator are: config_reloaded, component_init and so on.

Both types of hooks have local or global scope.

  • a hook with local scope is associated with particular virtual host and is run only when an event is matching this host. Most of the hooks have local scope.
  • a hook with global scope is not associated with any virtual host and is run for an event matching any hosts. A very few hooks have global scope.

A function gets associated with a local hook as follows (the type of a hook doesn't matter):

ejabberd_hooks:add(Hook :: atom(),
                   Host :: binary(),
                   Module :: module(),
                   Function :: atom(),
                   Seq :: integer() -> ok


  • Hook is a hook name
  • Host is a virtual host
  • Seq is a sequence number. This number defines position of the function in the list to maintain execution order. Functions with lower sequence number are executed before those with bigger sequence number. For functions with the same sequence number the order is unspecified. A function associated with an accumulating hook is called as Module:Function(Acc, Arg1, Arg2, ...) where Acc is an accumulator value, Arg1, Arg2, ... - arguments of the hook. Recall that such function must return a new accumulator value (whether it's modified or not) in the form of NewAcc or {stop, NewAcc} where NewAcc is the new accumulator value. A function associated with a hook without an accumulator is called as Module:Function(Arg1, Arg2, ...). All returning values except stop are ignored.

WARNING: a Function with the corresponding arity should be exported by a Module

A function for a global hook gets associated as follows (the type of a hook doesn't matter):

ejabberd_hooks:add(Hook :: atom(),
                   Module :: module(),
                   Function :: atom(),
                   Seq :: integer()) -> ok

with the same meaning of the arguments. Note that Host argument is omitted in this case.

For any types of hooks, if an association is no longer needed, it can be deleted by calling ejabberd_hooks:delete/5,6 functions with exactly the same arguments used to create an association.

In some cases a new hook should be introduced. There is no need to explicitly register the new hook, one only needs to run a hook in the required place. The following functions can be used for this:

  • for local hooks with accumulator: ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(Hook, Host, Acc, Args). The function returns a new accumulator value.
  • for local hooks without accumulator: ejabberd_hooks:run(Hook, Host, Args). The function always returns ok.
  • for global hooks with accumulator: ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(Hook, Acc, Args). The function returns a new accumulator value.
  • for global hooks without accumulator: ejabbed_hooks:run(Hook, Args). The function always returns ok.

where Args is a list of arguments (other variables have the same meaning as above).

There is a helper script in tools/ You can use it to check hook correctness and find mishooked functions. The script also generates a module src/hooks_type_test.erl from where you can learn about existing hooks and check execution order. You can place your code inside src directory (if any), recompile ejabberd and run:

$ tools/ src


gen_mod behaviour

As you might know, ejabberd is a modular software. The best method to add new functionality to it is to write a new module. For doing this one should create an Erlang module of gen_mod behaviour:

%% file mod_foo.erl

Several callbacks should be defined in the module:

  • Module:start(Host, Opts) where Host is a virtual host where the module is about to start and Opts is an option list (typically defined in the modules section of ejabberd.yml). The function is executed when a module is being started. It is intended to initialize a module. This is a good place to register hooks and IQ handlers, as well as to create an inital state of a module (if needed). The function should return either ok or {ok, pid()}.
  • Module:stop(Host) where Host is a virtual host. The function is executed when a module is being stopped. It is intended to make some module cleanup: most likely unregistering hooks and IQ handlers. The returning value is ignored
  • Module:reload(Host, NewOpts, OldOpts) where NewOpts and OldOpts is the new and old options list respectively. The function is called every time a module is being reloaded. This is the only optional callback, thus, if undefined, the module will be reloaded by calling sequentially Module:stop/1 and Module:start/2.
  • Module:depends(Host, Opts) where the meaning of the arguments is the same. The function is called to build modules dependencies on startup. The function must return a list of type [{module(), DependencyType}], where DependencyType is one of hard or soft. The hard dependency means the module is non-functional if the other module is not loaded. The soft dependency means the module has suboptimal functionality if the other module is not loaded.
  • Module:mod_opt_type(Option). The function is used to process configuration options of Module. The function has the same meaning as Module:opt_type/1 callback described in Configuration validation section.

Stateful modules

While some modules don't need to maintain an internal state ("stateless" modules), others are required to do this ("stateful" modules). The common practice is to implement a stateful module as a gen_server process. There is a couple of helpers to deal with such modules:

  • gen_mod:start_child(Module, Host, Opts) where Module is a name of a stateful module. This function should be called as the last function inside of Module:start/2. It will create a gen_server process with a registered name and will attach it to ejabberd_gen_mod_sup supervisor.
  • gen_mod:stop_child(Module, Host) should be used inside of Module:stop/1 function and will terminate the corresponding registered gen_server process.
  • gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, Module) can be used to obtain a registered name of a stateful module (i.e. its gen_server's name).

WARNING: don't forget to set process_flag(trap_exit, true) inside Module:init/1 callback function, otherwise, Module:terminate/2 callback will never be called when a module is being stopped.

WARNING: keeping module's configuration options in an internal state is not recommended. Use gen_mod:get_module_opt/4,5 functions to retrieve the options: in this case you don't need to re-initialize options in the state inside Module:reload/3 callback.

If a stateful module is intended to maintain a state in the form of a table, ETS can be used for this. In this case there is no need to implement it as a gen_server process. But make sure you're not calling ets:new/2 several times for several virtual hosts (badarg will be raised in this case). E.g., the following code is incorrect:

start(Host, Opts) ->
    ets:new(some_table, named_table, ...]),

There is a plenty of examples of modules: pick up any file starting with mod_ inside src directory.

gen_mod module

Module gen_mod.erl has various useful functions to work with modules, the most notable are:

  • is_loaded/2: whether or not the module in question is loaded at a given virtual host
  • get_opt/3,4: gets a value of an option from module's options list (see description of ejabberd_config:get_option/3 function from Fetching configuration options for details)
  • get_module_opt/4,5: the same as above, but an option is referenced by a virtual host and a module.


ejabberd has quite powerful configuration processor - ejabberd_config.erl. It performs configuration file parsing and validation.


In order to validate options it has to install feedback with the rest of the code. For doing this, it provides ejabberd_config behaviour with a single callback function: Module:opt_type/1. The callback accepts an option name as an atom() and must return either validating function if an option is known for the Module or a list of available options (as a list of atoms). A validating function is a fun() of a single argument - the value of the option. The validating function must return any new value for the option (whether it's modified or not) or should crash if the value doesn't match expected format. Here is an example:

%% file: some.erl
opt_type(max_connections_number) ->
    %% max_connections_number should be non-negative integer
    %% if the condition is satisfied, return this integer
    %% fail with function_clause otherwise
    fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>=0 -> I end;
opt_type(_) ->
    %% only max_connections_number is known

NOTE: gen_mod behaviour defines a very similar callback - Module:mod_opt_type/1 with the same meaning of arguments and returning values, except the callback is called to validate the Module's specific options (i.e. options defined in the corresponding subsection of the modules section of a configuration file).

Fetching options

The most notable function of the module is:

get_option(Option :: atom() | {atom(), binary() | global},
           ValidatingFun :: fun(),
           Default :: term()) -> Value :: term().

The function is used to get a value Value of a configuration option Option. The ValidatingFun is a validating function described in the previous section and Default is the default value if the option is not defined in the config.

Using XMPP library

xmpp module

Prior to version 16.12, ejabberd used to operate with #xmlel{} packets directly: fast_xml API functions have been used for manipulating with #xmlel{} packets (such as fast_xml:get_subtag/2, fast_xml:get_attr_s/2, fast_xml:get_path_s/2 and so on) as well as some functions from jlib.erl module.

This is now deprecated and actually not possible. Instead, the new API functions are used from brand new xmpp library.

NOTE: although direct calling of fast_xml API is deprecated, there are still two useful functions: fxml_stream:parse_element/1 and fxml:element_to_binary/1. You can use these functions for (de)serialization of data stored on disc or in a database.

The library is built on top of XMPP Codec: a number of decoding/encoding modules automatically generated by Fast XML generator from the specification file xmpp_codec.spec. The goal is to avoid manual processing of XML trees and, instead, using well-typed auto-generated structures defined in xmpp_codec.hrl. Every particular XML packet within some namespace has to have a specification defined in xmpp_codec.spec. The advantage of such approach is that you tell the generator what to parse instead of telling XML library how to parse.

NOTE: describing how to write XMPP codec specification is out of scope of this guide

WARNING: you should never use functions from xmpp_codec.erl module directly: use functions from xmpp.erl module. The same is true for header files: do NOT include xmpp_codec.hrl -- include xmpp.hrl instead

XMPP codec

Once a raw XML packet is parsed by ejabberd_receiver.erl into #xmlel{} record, it's passed to xmpp_stream_in.erl module, where decoding of #xmlel{} into xmpp_element() format (i.e. into well-known record type defined in xmpp_codec.hrl) is performed (refer to XMPP Stream Layer section for details). At that level "lazy" decoding is applied: only top-level element is decoded. For example, an xmlel() packet

#xmlel{name = <<"message">>,
       attrs = [{<<"type">>,<<"chat">>}],
       children = [#xmlel{name = <<"composing">>,
                          attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
                          children = []}]}

is decoded into the following xmpp_element():

#message{id = <<>>,type = chat,lang = <<>>,from = undefined,
         to = undefined,subject = [],body = [],thread = undefined,
         sub_els = [#xmlel{name = <<"composing">>,
                           attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>,
                           children = []}],
         meta = #{}}

Note that the sub-element is still in xmlel() format. This "semi-decoded" packet is then passed upstream (at the Routing Layer). Thus, a programmer should explicitly decode sub-elements if needed. To accomplish this one can use the following function:

xmpp:decode(El :: xmlel(), Namespace :: binary(), [Option]) -> xmpp_element()`

where the only supported Option is ignore_els: with this option lazy decoding is performed. By default, full decoding is applied, i.e. all known sub-elements get decoded. Namespace is a "top-level" namespace: it should be provided only if <<"xmlns">> attribute is omitted in El.

There is also xmpp:decode(El :: xmlel()) -> xmpp_element() function, which is a short-hand for xmpp:decode(El, ?NS_CLIENT, []) (where ?NS_CLIENT is a predefined namespace for <<"jabber:client">>, see Namespaces section).

Both functions might fail with {xmpp_codec, Why} exception. The value of Why can be used to format the failure reason into human readable description using xmpp:format_error/1 function, e.g.:

try xmpp:decode(El) of
    Packet -> process_packet(Packet)
catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
    Text = xmpp:format_error(Why),
    ?ERROR_MSG("failed to decode element: ~s", [Txt])

To apply reverse operation use xmpp:encode/2 functions:

xmpp:encode(Pkt :: xmpp_element(), Namespace :: binary()) -> El :: xmlel()

There is also xmpp:encode(Pkt :: xmpp_element()) -> El :: xmlel() function which is a short-hand for xmpp:encode(Pkt, <<>>).

Namespace is a "top-level" namespace: it is used to tell the codec whether to include <<"xmlns">> attribute into resulting #xmlel{} element or not -- if the Pkt is within the same namespace, <<"xmlns">> attribute will be omitted in the result.

Note that xmpp:encode/1,2 functions never fail as long as the provided xmpp_element() is a valid record with valid values of its fields. Use dialyzer checks of your code for validation.

NOTE: there is no need to explicitly decode a sub-element of an IQ passed into an IQ handler because decoding is performed inside gen_iq_handler.erl module and a handler actually will never receive malformed sub-elements.

Luckily, there is a helper function for sub-elements decoding, described in the next section and in a lot of cases it's more convenient to use it.

Getting sub-elements

Once a programmer gets a stanza in xmpp_element() format, (s)he might want to get its subelement. To accomplish this the following function can be used:

xmpp:get_subtag(Stanza :: stanza(), Tag :: xmpp_element()) -> Pkt :: xmpp_element() | false

This function finds a Tag by its well-known record inside sub-elements of the Stanza. It automatically performs decoding (if needed) and returns either found xmpp_element() or false if no elements have matched. Note that the function doesn't fail if some of sub-elements are invalid.

Setting and removing sub-elements

In order to inject a sub-element into or delete one from arbitrary stanza() one can use xmpp:set_subtag/2 and xmpp:remove_subtag/2 respectively.

from and to

Every stanza() element has from and to record fields. In order to get/set them one can manipulate with these record fields directly, e.g. via Msg#message.from or expressions, or, use xmpp:get_from/1, xmpp:get_to/1, xmpp:set_from/2, xmpp:set_to/2 and xmpp:set_from_to/3 functions, depending on which approach is more convenient in the current situation.

NOTE: although in general from and to fields may have undefined values, these fields are always filled with correct #jid{} records at XMPP Stream Layer, thus, it is safe to assume that the fields always possess valid #jid{} values.


Every stanza() element has meta field represented as a map(). It's useful when there is a need to attach some metadata to the stanza before routing it further. A programmer can manipulate with this field directly using maps module, or use xmpp:get_meta/1,2,3, xmpp:set_meta/2, xmpp:put_meta/3, xmpp:update_meta/3 and xmpp:del_meta/2 functions, which is almost always more convenient (except pattern matching).

Text elements

Some xmpp_element()s has fields defined in [#text{}] format. The example is #message.body and #presence.status fields. To avoid writting a lot of extracting code the following functions can be used: xmpp:mk_text/1,2 to convert some binary text written in some language into [#text{}] term, or xmpp:get_text/1,2 to extract binary text from the [#text{}] element by a language.

Generating errors

In order to generate stanza errors or stream errors xmpp:err_/0,2 or xmpp:serr_*/0,2 can be used respectively, such as xmpp:err_service_unavailable() or xmpp:serr_not_authorized(). If a stanza should be bounced back with an error, xmpp:make_error/2 function can be used


There are many predefined XML namespaces in ns.hrl. However, this file must NOT be included, as it's already included in xmpp.hrl.

jid module

jid.erl module provides functions to work with XMPP addresses (aka "JIDs"). There are two common types of internal representation of JIDs:

  • jid(): a JID is represented by a record #jid{} defined in jid.hrl
  • ljid(): a JID is represented by a tuple {User, Server, Resource} where User, Server and Resource are stringprepped version of a nodepart, namepart and resourcepart of a JID respectively. This representation is useful to use for JIDs comparison and when a JID should be used as a key (in a Mnesia database, ETS table, etc.)

The most notable functions in this module are:

  • decode(Input :: binary()) -> jid(): decodes binary data into jid(). Fails with {bad_jid, Input} otherwise.
  • encode(JID :: jid() | ljid()) -> binary(): encodes JID into binary data
  • remove_resource(JID :: jid() | ljid()) -> jid() | ljid(): removes resource part of a JID
  • replace_resource(JID :: jid() | ljid(), Resource :: binary()) -> jid() | ljid(): replaces resource part of a JID
  • tolower(JID :: jid() | ljid()) -> ljid(): transforms JID into ljid() representation
  • make(LJID :: ljid() | jid()) -> jid(): transforms LJID into jid() representation

Inspect exported functions of jid.erl for more details.

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